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Harmonious management in public sector
Urmoniene, D., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania)
The article is of a cognitive and application nature. The research objective is to distinguish harmonious management principles applicable to the management of public sector efficiency. Results of the article achieved: 1) The analysis was done of the management principles in social models, as well as between them and harmonious management and its exclusive features. Harmonious management in this article is treated as a continuation of the analysis of the public administration evolution. The extracted specific management principles of conduct can be used for a comparative analysis between the social management models. 2) The analysis was done of harmonious management directions, which may be applied to a public sector organization. 3) The article discusses the process of harmonization and presented stages. Harmonious management process logic diagram integrated exchange organizations into a cohesive process model and principles for promoting efficient activities. 4) The article presents the proposals and conclusions of different options and the need to apply the harmonious management of public sector management to gain efficiency. The aim of the research is to identify the principles of harmonious management applicable to public sector management for the purpose of effectiveness. The paper is based on the scientific literature and document analysis and synthesis, systematization, comparative analysis and case studies. In this article the case study is used by local authorities, which are represented by the public sector. Empirical research is conducted by using the quantitative standardized expert interview method. Visualization method is used, too.
Show more [+] Less [-]The consumer's choice of branded products conformity to national identity: case of Baltic States
Bikernieks, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Eglite, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
The aim of the paper is to show the general trend of consumption in the Baltic countries. The member states of the European Union attach great importance to the well-being, health and the promotion of healthy lifestyle. In order to be able to make decisions on the future plan of action, COBEREN (Consumer Behaviour Erasmus Network) carried out a project with an aim of studying the food consumption habits in the European Union countries. The obtained results show the consumer habits of each participating state, although not on the regional level. This study will look at the consumption habits in the Baltic countries and find out the nature of consumption in those three states. The statistical method – analysis of variance – was used to analyse the COBEREN data. The main conclusion is that consumers of the Baltic countries do not differ greatly in their consumption habits.
Show more [+] Less [-]Describing non-industrial private forest ownership in Estonia: a qualitative approach
Pollumaee, P., Estonian Univ. of Life Sciences, Tartu (Estonia) | Sepp, K., Estonian Univ. of Life Sciences, Tartu (Estonia)
Private forestry and forest owners in Estonia have become more profound research subjects in the last decade. One of the most common research topics has been the identification of private forest owners’ (PFO) values and objectives. However, much of the existing studies rely on quantitative data which usually describes more active owners and owners whose forest property is larger than the average. Thus, the aim of the present study is to identify the management objectives and motives of non-industrial private forest owners using a qualitative approach – something that has been rarely used in forest owners’ research in Estonia. Eight forest owner interviews form the dataset, which is analysed in order to identify PFO forestry objectives and forest use. The results of our qualitative content analysis show, in principle, similar generalized forest owner types of motivations. However, the qualitative approach opens up these generalized types even more. Income motive goes beyond just continuous financial returns and means in many cases a sense of security. Forest ownership is closely linked with “home” interpretations. We conclude that qualitative methods in small-scale forestry research provide new insights to forest ownership and its meanings to private forest owners.
Show more [+] Less [-]Importance of landscape elements in perception of spatial aesthetics in residential areas
Kusmane, A.S., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Ile, U., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
Our previous research was focussed on evaluating spaces in the Soviet period housing estates in Riga according to theoretical model of spatial measurements. This model was based on assumption established ex situ that liking and perception of urban space is closely related to buildings. Namely, to the way walls of the buildings shape a setting in terms of its height, width, length. This current paper sets the goal to analyse the impact of landscape elements such as trees, benches, elevations of earth surface, playgrounds on the perception and preference of open spaces in situ. This is done to verify the hypothesis that landscape elements as well as the method of research play a role in our knowledge on how urban spaces are regarded. Semi-structured interviews in walk-along modus are used to talk to inhabitants about the ways they see and like yards and streets in three residential areas: ‘Agenskalna priedes’, ‘Kengarags’, ‘Zolitude’. The interview materials are analysed discursively. The extracted information is compared to the data previously acquired by using the model of spatial measurements. The results of interviews show that trees are the landscape elements that have the largest impact on how residents perceive the size of a space and how they like a setting. There are also other elements such as benches, playgrounds, elevations that play a role. The interview material displays deviations in preference and perception of the size of space compared to the model of spatial measurements. Yet these deviations can be adapted to the model.
Show more [+] Less [-]The disabled people, a tool for a rural re-development the case of Marvejols (Lozère, France)
Chignier-Riboulon, F., UMR ‘Territoires’, Clermont-Ferrand (France) | Fournier, M., UMR ‘Territoires’, Clermont-Ferrand (France)
Marvejols is a small town located in Lozère (France). Traditionally, the region was poor with an agricultural oriented economy. However, by the 1960s a new type of business was launched: the residential care facilities for disabled people, especially in relation to Jacques Blanc, a key person in the organization and development of this business. This economic activity brought jobs and new attractiveness, counterbalancing decline in traditional sectors. Nevertheless, currently, situation is less favourable, and the local players try to find out a new strategy, particularly in relation to diversification. In this study, our main aim was to understand conditions of starting and growing of this business. Moreover, we would like to understand current fragilities and attempts to adapt the economy of the territory. In this way, our students and we have chosen this area in relation to the economic and historical weight of its activity. The organization of field trips and survey was conducted in a comprehensive approach perspective. Therefore, we took account parameters working in this territory, such as strategies, psychologies (individual and collective), networks and identities. Human dimensions are strong, especially in discourses, and our main result is a better understanding of the local situation, with comparisons to close cases (Corrèze, Creuse). Furthermore, the quality of the geographical analysis provides working relations with the stakeholders.
Show more [+] Less [-]Entrepreneurship education at university: innovative models and current trends
Capiene, A., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania) | Ragauskaite, A., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania)
Entrepreneurship education is a relevant topic in today’s study programs of higher education at two levels: as research object and as development of skills while preparing students. In fact, the latter is one of the most important objectives in Lithuanian universities aiming together with other disciplines at developing students’ entrepreneurial skills. The main aim of the article is to analyse theoretical and practical models of entrepreneurship education applied in universities and introduce development trends. Teaching process involves various methods, internships, consultation and instruction, but usually all activities are not systematically applied. From the behavioural perspective, this study analyses students towards entrepreneurship through the opportunity identification, motivational factors, information source, resources impact and entrepreneurial ability. Hypothetical deductive approach was used through a population sample of 194 students of Aleksandras Stulginskis University Faculty of Economics and management. The research summarized in this paper students attitude toward motives, factors encouraging and preventing entrepreneurship and information sources in the higher education institutions. The gap between teaching methods and student attitude towards at entrepreneurship educations can be reduced supplementing collaboration among stakeholders in the entrepreneurship education. In final part of the article, trends of entrepreneurship education in university enabling to assess dimensions of the development of entrepreneurship education are presented.
Show more [+] Less [-]Financial sector evolution and competencies development in the context of information and communication technologies
Arefjevs, I., BA School of Business and Finance, Riga (Latvia) | Spilbergs, A., BA School of Business and Finance, Riga (Latvia | Natrins, A., BA School of Business and Finance, Riga (Latvia | Verdenhofs, A., Riga Technical Univ. (Latvia) | Mavlutova, I., BA School of Business and Finance, Riga (Latvia | Volkova, T., BA School of Business and Finance, Riga (Latvia
The development of information and communication technologies (ICT) has a significant impact on the business model of companies operating in the financial sector. Digital transformation leads to changing existing business model rapidly, as well as necessity of developing new processes specifically related to the use of ICT in business processes, development of new products and updating existing ones. At present, changes in the demand for ICT related processes in financial sector are observed both through the development of different technologies and their applications core or ancillary processes (e.g. innovations in payment systems including crypto currencies, blockchain-assisted smart contract, credit markets and insurance including peer-to-peer lending). Based on the opportunities offered by ICT, new business models need to be developed in the financial sector to transform these capabilities into new products and services that respond to changing customer demand. The aim of research to investigate the changes taking place in financial sector in the light of developments in ICT for acquisition of necessary competencies. Research methodology includes systematic review of scientific literature, analysis of selected financial sector statistics, semi-structured industry expert interviews and statistics analysis. The empirical study is limited to the financial sector of Latvia. Although due to the global nature of the financial sector the research findings could be applied internationally.
Show more [+] Less [-]The role of cooperation for the needs of bioeconomy development
Atkociuniene, V., Vytautas Magnus Univ. Agriculture Academy, Akademija, Kauno raj. (Lithuania) | Balkibayeva, A., Saken Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical Univ., Nur-Sultan (Kazakhstan)
The concepts of bioeconomy development require the integration of different sectors and economic activities. Bioeconomy helps to achieve the goals of sustainable development. This paper provides an overview of the cooperation for the need of bioeconomy development, examining it from agricultural cooperatives development, theoretical concept and European countries policy and Kazakhstan perspective. The research methods are induction and deduction, monographic, the group interview, statistical data analysis and synthesis, descriptive, matching and comparison and other methods. The cooperation passes through several levels of development – information, consultation, joint action, collective decision-making. The cooperation within farmers (horizontal cooperation) is so far narrow and limited to traditional cooperatives that bring together producers of the same product. New forms of cooperation and more diverse directions in national, regional and local levels are needed to develop the bioeconomy. Partnerships, the interdepartmental and interdisciplinary cooperation based on knowledge and innovation should be established between farmers, agri-food companies and scientific institutions, Kazakhstan and other countries universities. The agricultural and rural development advisory system should be improved, and new measures to promote communication, counselling and cooperation should be introduced.
Show more [+] Less [-]Conflict management models in the context of constructivism in mediation
Portere, V., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia) | Briede, B., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia)
Mediation process promotes conflict solving, contributes to a higher level of positive solutions and decreases the number of litigation cases. The aim of the study is to outline the usage of constructive approach in mediation process, analyse conflict and its solving models and to find out the opinions of secondary school students on dialogue and conflict, as well as parties’ assessments after the mediation process. The theoretical method of the study is the analysis of conflict, conflict resolution, mediation process and long-standing mediator practice. The investigation of constructivist approach, conflict elements and strategies are outlined in the study. Conflict solving models are analysed in the Methodology part of the study. Empirical methods were a structured group interview of secondary school students and questioning of conflicting parties. The results of the study confirm that knowledge on conflict and mediation should be developed at school and mediation models should be improved on the basis of constructive approach.
Show more [+] Less [-]Translation of experience and knowledge in private forest owners’ networks
Felcis, R., University of Latvia, Riga (Latvia)
Fragmentation of private property (142 thousand private forest owners) cause the challenge for governing forests, because forests are part of wider forest ecosystems, but at the same time narrowly assigned by private borders. Land restitution put the new pressures on path dependent management and new possibilities and responsibilities (that were emergent features of private forest governance). This article is part of doctoral thesis about the common governance of private forests with particular aim to focus on describing knowledge and experience exchange in private forest owners’ networks in this paper. The research question for this article is to help to find out how the translation of experience and knowledge manifest itself in private forest owners’ networks? The best theoretical model to fit this situation is the concept of translation from actor-network theory and emergent norm theory. Case study approach was selected to follow actors in forest owners’ networks. The cases are forest owners’ cooperatives, forest owners NGO’s, as well as other forms, in particular, forest extension services and cases where an emergent process can be seen. The empirical material shows that translation of experience and knowledge manifest itself in few important ways, namely, at first, in a negotiation of needs and agreement on private forest owners’ needs; secondly, in stewardship role of multi-functional actors; thirdly, in emerging and evolving legislative norms. A multi-functional actor is a term offered in order to reveal a wide range of mediation forms in multicultural multi nature of forests as governed property and forests as integral part of ecosystems.
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