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Development of effective extension methods to motivate farmers for the adoption of improved water management practices
Ali, A. | Saleem, M.
Principles of extension for sustainability: people-centered agricultural development
Bunch, R. (COSECHA Apartado 3586, Tegucigalpa, Honduras (Central America))
Participatory on-farm experimentation and evaluation
Coe, R. | Verbist, B.
Comparative study on model farmers and training and visit system of agricultural extension [in Bangladesh]
Ilah, S.M. | Sharifullah, A.K. | Ahsan, K.
Environmental and sustainable development themes in agricultural extension programmes: a review of FAO case-studies
Van Crowder, L.
Population education through agricultural extension service in Malawi
Muyaya, S.J. (Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development, Lilongwe (Malawi). Development Div.)
Gender and environment: some methods for extension specialists
Spring, A. (Florida Univ., Gainsville (USA))
Group-based extension programmes in Java to strengthen natural resource conservation activities
Martaamidjaja, A.S. | Rikhana, M. (Ministry of Agriculture, Bogor (Indonesia))
Further education for rural development
Laitane, M. (Latvia Agricultural Advisory and Training Centre, Ozolnieki, Jelgava reg. (Latvia))
The article describes present situation in further education of agricultural advisers and agronomists. There are three major challenges in rural and agricultural development today - coverage, sustainability and relevance. Changes in further education and information technologies play the most important role for agricultural advisers. Farmers want to study and get a certificate of agricultural education in order to be able to participate in different projects and acquire the EU structural funds. The article deals with the problem of using the EU structural funds for rural development. Agiculturists need professional advice from agricultural advisers.
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