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Promising European Union supported initiatives within private forest sector in Latvia
Nikolajeva, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
The aim of this paper is to evaluate all kinds of experiences with attractive EU funding for Latvia's private forest sector in the past and to generate new proposals for effective acquisition in near future. Latvian institution may learn from these experiences in order to improve their (acquisition) role in project proposals for the private forest sector. Consequently, the relatively underdeveloped Latvian private forest sector will get its highly needed support for better performance, and progress towards other, leading EU forest sectors. The possibilities for attractive financial EU support are reviewed through both historic experiences with the EU's 'Rural Development Program for 2007 – 2013' and the EU grants, designated for forestry projects. An extensive round of interviews is held with state forest owners and experts involved in forest management programmes and other dedicated EU forest funding initiatives. Following the expert interviews, two key indicators are developed to evaluate the support from the EU. Contacts with the EU countries (the Netherlands, Belgium, Finland and Poland) where similar forestry activities have been done as in Latvia were made. Research done in this work is unique as according to the author's information these countries do not have similar research related to the EU funds efficiency and Rural Development Program for 2007 – 2013. The successfulness of Latvian applications for the EU funding is one major indicator for further fund raising. The EU supported investments generally have higher economic results in comparison with their non EU funded counterparts.
Show more [+] Less [-]Decision making on the use of cultural heritage in rural tourism development in Latvia
Jeroscenkova, L., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Rivza, B., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Rivza, P., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
The preservation of cultural heritage has become an important component of government policies of the EU and, of course, Latvia. Along with the preservation of cultural heritage, the use of it is also important. The aim of the research is to choose the best scenario for the use of cultural heritage in developing rural tourism in Latvia. The paper focuses on the problem of use of cultural heritage in the rural tourism development. The paper defined three scenarios for the use of cultural heritage in developing rural tourism: the initiative of entrepreneurs, public organisations and residents; the programme funded by national and regional institutions; the EU fund for the preservation of cultural heritage. A decision on the choice of the most appropriate scenario was made based on an expert decision-making method – the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Out of the three scenarios seven experts: rural craftsmen, a municipality vice leader, a civil servant from the Latvia Ministry of Finance, representatives from rural tourism organisations and the Association of Rural Female organisations, chose the third scenario – the EU fund for the preservation of cultural heritage.
Show more [+] Less [-]Smart specialisation strategy assessment in Baltic States
Gemma, S., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Bulderberga, Z., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
Smart specialisation strategy (RIS3) is topical for each European Union member state – including the Baltic States. It is a smart tool for the European Union (EU) Structural Funds absorption from 2014 to 2020. Each EU member state has set their own priorities based on the country specialisation and economy strengths and weaknesses. For RIS3 development evaluation, there is RIS3 Assessment Wheel developed – a tool for assessing the RIS3 in a chosen region and positioning it between other regions. The aim of research is to find main differences between RIS3 development in the Baltic States. The tasks of research are 1) to compare existing RIS3 Assessment Wheel of Latvia and create authors version of RIS3 Assessment Wheel of Latvia; 2) to create RIS3 Assessment Wheel of Lithuania and Estonia; 3) to make comparisons between created RIS3 Assessment Wheels. The research performed is mainly based on the desk research by using content analysis and the monographic method. In all three Baltic States, there is a lack of information available about revision of priorities in connection with RIS3 development. In order to achieve the aims set in RIS3, it is essential to finish work on RIS3 legislation in Latvia, and introduce the systematic approach to RIS3 target evaluation in all Baltic States.
Show more [+] Less [-]Role of the European Fishery Fund support in the development of the Latvian costal areas
Puzulis, A., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Priekuli, Priekuli Parish, Priekuli Municipality (Latvia). Inst. of Agricultural Resources and Economics | Veveris, A., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Priekuli, Priekuli Parish, Priekuli Municipality (Latvia). Inst. of Agricultural Resources and Economics
Purpose of the paper is to assess contribution of the European Fishery Fund (EFF) and European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) in the development of coastal areas. The article reviews particulars of implementation of the Fishery Funds in various planning periods, in more detail analysing the implementation impact in the period of 2014−2020, based on analysis of the needs, goals and projects of the current period. Even though the European Fishery Fund (EFF) in Latvia is being implemented since 2007, there is a lack of scientific publications on its impact on the coastal development. EMFF for the period 2013−2020 has a dual role in the development of coastal areas – as a development tool of the fishery sector and as a development tool of communities in the fishery areas. It is implemented by using communityled local development (CLLD/LEADER) approach. In case of Latvia, a multi-fund approach – EFF/EMFF and European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) is already being used for two planning periods. We conclude that the impact of EFF/EMFF on the development of coastal areas is more directed at development of infrastructure of the coastal communities but is less engaged in the fishery development matters - accordingly increasing other activities and preserving historic and cultural heritage for development of tourism and place of residence in the coastal area in interaction and in addition to EAFRD rural development measures of the coastal areas.
Show more [+] Less [-]Support to the Latvian fishery sector through the EU financial instruments
Biuksane, I., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Priekuli, Priekuli parish, Priekuli Municipality (Latvia). Inst. of Agricultural Resources and Economics
Latvia, just like many other EU member states, receives multiannual financial support through the EU financial instruments for implementation of the common policies by the EU. The support is aimed at the priorities set at the level of the EU and is adapted to the peculiarities of each member state’s sphere. The aim of the study is to evaluate the importance of the support, provided by the EU financial instruments, for the development of Latvian fishery sector. The analysis was made on the basis of the available data and their quality. As a result of the study, the author found out that in the planning periods of 2004 – 2006, 2007 – 2013 and 2014 – 2020, for the development of fishery sector in Latvia the support of several EU financial instruments was available. Development of fishery sector is significantly impacted by the availability of the financial support through the EU financial instruments and use thereof. Considering the dependence of the fishery sector on the sustainability principles coordinated at the level of EU, corresponding fishery possibilities, and considering the increase of global competitiveness in the world’s markets, the strengthening of fishery’s competitiveness plays a significant role in the facilitation of the Latvian economy.
Show more [+] Less [-]Absorption of EU funds and the development of rural areas in Latvia and Poland
Stawicki, M., Warsaw Univ. of Life Sciences (Poland)
The article presents the findings of research aiming to discover the links between absorption of European funds and the development of rural areas in Latvia and Poland. Based on statistical data and Latvian territorial development index at local level, the value of index for Polish local communities was calculated showing a slightly bigger difference in local development in Poland. Absorption of EU funds was rather concentrated in both countries and its highest level was connected with major infrastructural projects as construction of roads, motorways, etc. The use of EU funds under Cohesion Policy is not correlated with the level of development, neither in Latvia nor in Poland. The only significant negative correlation can be observed between the development and the use of funds under Common Agricultural Policy and Fisheries Policy in Latvia.
Show more [+] Less [-]The role of EU funds in diversification of rural economy in Latvia
Ozolins, J., Corporate Management Experts Bureau, Riga Latvia | Veveris, A., Latvian State Inst. of Agrarian Economics, Riga (Latvia) | Benga, E., Latvian State Inst. of Agrarian Economics, Riga (Latvia)
Promotion of non-agricultural activities in Latvian rural areas is highly important for diversification of rural economy due to decrease in agricultural and forestry employment. So far too little attention has been paid to this aspect. Although EAFRD is the only EU fund directly supporting rural development, only 14% of its public financing for projects in 2007-2013 was invested in non-agricultural entrepreneurship, half of this in financially demanding energy production projects. By total eligible accepted project expenses, approximately 60% of rural entrepreneurship projects were financed by EAFRD. ERDF was also important in which a smaller number of higher value investment projects was implemented. Although EU funds have some importance in activating rural entrepreneurship, so far the direct impact on creation of jobs and value added has been small. The impact could be increased by setting forth specific job creation requirements for the beneficiaries. It is also suggested to avoid supporting expensive projects which do not create a substantial number of jobs. In view of rural entrepreneurs improvements in entrepreneurial environment, including taxing policy are more important than direct support. It especially concerns operation of small companies. Development of small companies in rural areas is of high importance because in many territories there is no capacity and rationale to develop large projects.
Show more [+] Less [-]The International Fund for Agricultural Development's 2021 Rural Development Report cites A4NH evidence in its analysis of opportunities for transforming food systems
CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health
The 2021 report draws on research funded by A4NH on food system transformation and promising consumer- and food-environment- oriented policy options to include in the food systems transformation agenda in low- and middle income countries. It provides analysis to inform policies, programs and investments to promote inclusive food system transformation.
Show more [+] Less [-]Private pension funds in Latvia: Investment strategies and performance of pension plans
Mazure, Gunita
Private pension plans envisage a voluntary choice of a person to make additional savings for the retirement by joining a private pension plan and making contributions. In 2023, six open private pension funds offered twenty pension plans. Private pension funds provide three types of investment strategies: conservative, balanced and active ones. The research aim is to assess the performance of the private pension plans in Latvia. The research is based on the analysis of the statistical data on the return of assets and other performance indicators of private pension plans as well as it employs the correlation and regression analyses. The data analysis shows a steady increase (annually 6.24% on average) in the population participation in private pension plans. Active plan participants account for 51.42% on average, while the proportion of deferred participants is also large, i.e. 30.40% on average. Short-term returns of private pension plans are very fluctuating with expressive increases and decreases where the active pension plans demonstrated the most unstable return trends. The sharpest return decline was observed in 2022, when the arithmetic total average return of all private pension plans was – 14.63%. The basic reasons mentioned are the changes in investment portfolio, global downturn of stock markets and sharp growth of inflation. Long-term returns show a positive growth through the entire period analysed, i.e. 4.16% on average. This means that a short-term decline of returns does not signal of future decrease in the amount of pension, since contributions to pension plans are considered to be a long-term investment.
Show more [+] Less [-]State funded pension schemes in the Baltic States: Assets and return analysis
Mazure, Gunita
The Baltic States have a three-tier pension system. Pillar II is the state funded pension scheme in which contributions are made automatically from an employee’s gross salary as part of social contributions. The contributions to Pillar II state funded pension schemes may be invested in several pension plans with different risk ratios of which three types are the most common: active, balanced and conservative ones. The accumulation of funds and consequently a partial amount of an old-age pension depends on the chosen pension plan and the manager of funds. The research aim is to assess the operation efficiency of the state funded pension schemes in the Baltic States. The research mainly employs and provides the analysis on the statistical data on the value and return of assets and number of Pillar II scheme participants. Theoretical discussion is built upon the use of scientific publications by means of monographic descriptive method, correlation and regression analyses as well as the methods of analysis and synthesis. In Latvia, 25.62% on average of all state funded pension plans participants have chosen conservative strategy, while only 8.36% on average have chosen this strategy in Lithuania. In Estonia (75.49%) and Lithuania (69.13%), the majority of assets are accumulated in the balanced strategy pension plans. The research results show that pension plans have positive return in long-term; though, sharp fluctuations and negative return might be demonstrated in short-term. Both in Lithuania and Latvia exists a negative correlation between Pillar II pension schemes and inflation, i.e. the return of a pension scheme decreases with the increase of inflation meaning that inflation alongside with other economic and political factors might be considered as a factor affecting the return of pension schemes.
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