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The cycles of phosphorus in crop rotations differing in fertilization
Guzys, S., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania)
The investigations were carried out during the period 2006-2011 in the land of the Water resources management institute of ASU, in the village of Lipliūnai on Endocalcari Endohypogleyic Cambisol (CMg-n-w-can). The base of investigations is 3 drainage systems, which contain cereals differing in fertilization and grass crop rotations. The aim of investigations is to determine the crop rotations differing in fertilization and these relations with cycles of phosphorus in agroecosystem. Higher productive was perennial grass crop rotation. In the conditions of cereal crop rotations this productive was 3-46% lesser. The highest concentration of P-PO4 3- in drainage water was received in the conditions of higher fertilization cereals crop rotation while highest concentration of total P was in the conditions of grass crop rotation. The concentration of P-PO4 3- in drainage water essentially depends on amount of mobile P2 O5 in soil, fertilization, productivity of field crops, drainage runoff as well as cumulative balance of P. The highest leaching of P-PO4 3- and total P by drainage was received under the conditions of higher fertilization cereals crop rotation. The leaching of P-PO4 3- essentially depends on fertilization, drainage runoff as well as cumulative and yearly balance of P. The application of all crop rotations was distinguished by positive P balance.
Show more [+] Less [-]Perennial grasses for bioenergy production: characterization of the experimental site
Rancane, S., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Karklins, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Lazdina, D., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia)
To promote the future of abandoned lands management and the reduction of fossil energy consumption in Latvia, the establishment of energy crops plantation facilities, including perennial grasses, was investigated. The objective – suitability of several perennial grasses for bio-energy production under condition of Latvia. The aim of the current research to evaluate the experimental field conditions for the cultivation of perennial grasses. The perennial grasses are modest in terms of soil conditions, they are environmentally friendly, as well as provide high yields of biomass with adequate quality for bio-energy production without large investments. With increasing amounts of bio-energy production the amounts of various by-products which are profitable to utilize as energy crops fertiliser will also increase. It is essential that plant nutrients return back into circulation by creating a complete cycle. In order to test in practice the possibility of creating this complete cycle of growing perennial grasses, an experimental field was chosen at the Research Institute of Agriculture in Skriveri. In the summer of 2011, before trials establishment, the conditions of soil were examined at four depths: 0 – 20 cm; 20 – 40 cm; 40 – 60 cm and 60 – 80 cm. The analyses showed that the experimental field conditions were appropriate for growing of perennial grasses. The results of the soil agrochemical analysis will be a base for future studies of usage efficiency of different fertiliser types on perennial grass productivity and nutrient recycling opportunities in energy crop plantations.
Show more [+] Less [-]Potassium removal with grass in an apple orchard under influence of mulch and irrigation
Surikova, V., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Karklins, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
Potassium (K) is one of the most important nutrients necessary for many life functions of plants, like shoot growth, fruit and flower bud set, and fruit size. The aim of this study was to determine the content of potassium in orchard lawn for reduction of potassium fertilizer application and to include the potassium from mown grass into K balance and turnover calculation. The investigation was done at the Latvia State Institute of Fruit-Growing in Dobele in 2009, on the basis of an established field experiment planted in 1997 with apple (Mains domestica Borh.) cultivar 'Melba' (rootstock B9), trees spaced at 1.5 x 4 m distances. Three different treatments of soil moisture management were compared: control, sawdust mulch, and fertigation. Soil of the experimental plot was Pisocalcic Cutanic Luvisol (Hypereutric, Hyposkeletic); loam. Organic matter - 25 g kgE-1, soil reaction pH - 6.5. Plant-available P was 130.9, K - 157.7, and Mg - 102.2 mg kgE-1. Inter-row strips were covered with grass vegetation (Lolium perenne L. and Poa pratensis L.). Grass samples were collected during cutting, 3 times per season of 2009: May 19, June 20, and August 11. The uptake and removal of potassium was calculated as kilograms per hectare area. The concentration of potassium in the lawn and the height of grass growth were significantly influenced by the mowing time and the soil moisture treatment. These results can be a base for further studies of potassium turnover in an orchard, as well as for fertilizer planning and management.
Show more [+] Less [-]Fertilisation effect on biomass formation of perennial grass used as energy crop
Rancane, S., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Karklins, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Lazdina, D., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia)
Bioenergy production growth rates in the recent years are leading to waste – digestate and wood ash amount increases, which are essential to be managed in the most efficient and safe way. In the formation of plant nutrient recycling these waste products are useful to be included in the energy crop fertilisation plan. In order to study the waste products application options for energy crops – reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea L.) and festulolium (×Festulolium pabulare) fertilisation trials were arranged in 2012 at the Skriveri Latvian University of Agriculture (LLU) Research Institute of Agriculture. In all fertiliser treatments: wood ash; digestate one time per season; digestate two times per season and mineral fertilisers the same doses of the main plant nutrients (N, P, K) were provided, the missing quantities of elements compensating with mineral fertilisers. To obtain the grass biomass, two cutting regimes were used – two-cut and one-cut harvest system. This article summarizes the findings on the productivity of the 1st year of use grassland swards and sward structure data. The productivity of perennial grass biomass was dependent on the type of applied fertilisers, grass species and cutting regime. In the first production year the highest average dry matter yield (7.30 t haE-1) was produced by reed canary grass. The highest DM yields in average for both grass species were obtained by mowing once per season – in autumn at crop senescence (7.01 t haE-1) and in fertilisation treatments of wood ash (WA) – 8.06 t haE-1 and mineral fertilisers (MF) – 7.24 t haE-1.
Show more [+] Less [-]The efficiency of biogas digestate on grassland compared to mineral fertilizer and cattle slurry
Tampere, M., Estonian Univ. of Life Sciences, Tartu (Estonia) | Viiralt, R., Estonian Univ. of Life Sciences, Tartu (Estonia)
Biogas production from organic wastes is gaining popularity, especially in agriculture, which produces high quantities of organic wastes suitable for anaerobic digestion. Digestate is the valuable by-product of the biogas production that is considered as a valuable fertilizer. The objectives of the experiment conducted from 2012 to 2013 at the Estonian University of Life Sciences were to compare the impact of biogas digestate, undigested (raw) cattle slurry, and inorganic nitrogen fertilizer on grass yield and to assess the fertilizer value of digestate produced from different feedstock. Fertilizers were applied to the grassland rich in low grasses by broadcasting in quantities according to the nitrogen rate of 180 kg haE-1 in three split applications. The application rate of organic fertilizers was calculated based on NH4 -N content. Grassland yield was determined on four treatments: (i) control (no fertilizer was applied), (ii) mineral N-fertilizer (NH4 NO3), (iii) cattle slurry and (iv) cattle slurry digestate. Grass yield was measured three times during the growing period. Our research showed that digestate when applied based on its NH4 -N content is effective fertilizer in grassland. It could be used as a substitute for mineral-N fertilizer, but its efficiency is slightly lower when compared to cattle slurry, due to its lower application amount resulting in lower nutrient and organic matter amount applied to the grassland. Co-digestion of cattle slurry with solid manure, hay and silage does not decrease digestate fertilizer value in grassland, because the addition of other substrate increases digestate DM content.
Show more [+] Less [-]Agriculture systems in the north mountain regions of Vietnam
Tuan, H.D. | Tham, D.H. | Husson, O.
Epidemiology of barley yellow dwarf disease
Bisnieks, M. (Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia). Faculty of Agriculture. Dept. of Plant Biology and Protection)
The epidemiology of barley yellow dwarf disease is highly complex, involving numerous interactions between the abiotic environment and the crop, virus and vector - components of the disease. Barley yellow dwarf is the most economically damaging virus disease of grass and cereal crops worldwide. The disease identified as BYD has been reported in all countries in Europe causing losses on barley and oats, wheat and maize; losses on grasses are recognized but more difficult to quantify. There are five different strains of viruses causing BYD disease and all of them induce similar symptoms of chlorosis and stunting in graminaceous hosts. This report represents an overview of system components and their interactions in the epidemiology of barley yellow dwarf disease. As the main components considered here are aphids - (the only vectors of these viruses), host plants and viruses causing BYD disease. Some aspects of interactions between these components are also discussed.
Show more [+] Less [-]Kura clover agrobiological and nutritional characteristics
Selge, A. | Keres, I. (Estonian Agricultural Univ., Tartu (Estonia))
Experiments were performed to test the agronomic potential of kura clover in the seed mixtures with diminished seeding rates. During the seeding year a very slow establishment of kura clover (sown with perennial ryegrass) was observed: kura clover gave up to 7% of the total DM yield. The kura clover plants survived winter 2000/2001 well, but the distribution in the sward was not observed in the second year. The established grass sward density was rather high in the seeding year (around 10 000 tillers per square m) in 2000. In 2001, the white clover content increased to 80% of the DM yield but at the same time the grass sward density was decreased to 2900 tillers per square m. The kura clover plants are characterised by high proportion of leaves to stem and high nutritional characteristics with protein concentrations ranging between 19 and 23% as well as the neutral detergent fibre (NDF) concentrations between 24 and 38%. The experiments showed that the strains of Rhizobium bacteria required for kura clover do not naturally occur in Estonian soils and proper inoculation of kura clover seeds before planting is critical to get well-nodulated and persistent plants.
Show more [+] Less [-]Nutritive status of soils, biodiversity and yielding ability of leys in Estonian conventional and organic farms
Geherman, V. | Ellermaee, O. (Estonian Agricultural Univ., Tartu (Estonia))
The paper gives a brief overview and describes the main results of comparison research in grassland management of conventional and organic farms. The aim of this study was to assess yielding ability and biodiversity of leys depending on the nutritive status of soil. The investigation based on field experiments that were carried out in several regions of Estonia: Laeaene (West), Harju (North) and Voru (South-East) county in 2001. In the research on the productivity of grass-clover leys of the first harvest year was measured the DM yield and content, the botanical composition of the sward and the concentration of crude protein on grass. The soil pHKCL and content of organic matter were measured, also the content in soil of soluble plant nutrients P, K, Ca and Mg was estimated by AL- (ammonium acetate extraction) method. The soil profiles were described and soils were classified. The dominant soil types in farms of West-Estonia were Calcic Cambisols and in North-Estonian farms Calcic Gleysols, in South-East Haplic Podzols types prevailed.
Show more [+] Less [-]Studies on the digestibility of feeds in the ruminants and different methods for measuring it
Kaldmaee, H. | Kirsel, R. | Kaert, O. | Vadi, M. (Estonian Agricultural Univ., Tartu (Estonia))
To study the organic matter digestibility of feeds 22 in vivo and in vitro digestion experiments were carried out by using DAISY II filter bags system in the Eerika Experimental Farm of the Estonian Agricultural University in 1997-2001. In the in vivo experiments 4 rams and special boxes were used. The in vitro experiments were carried out and the chemical composition of feeds was determined in the laboratory of the Department of Animal Nutrition in the Institute of Animal Science by methods generally recognized in the EU. The objective of the study was the comparison of organic matter digestibility of feeds measured by in vivo methods, by DAISY II filter bags method and of that calculated by acid detergent fibre or neutral detergent fibre.
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