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Optimization of harvesting sites maximal purchase value calculation. 1. Use of forest inventory data
Morozova, I., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
In forest harvesting process, a logging company and a forest landowner who have various goals concerning forest stands purchase value are involved. The logging company wants to maximize the profit on lower price, but forest landowner - to extract maximum income. Calculating the forest stands value prior to harvesting it is possible to achieve mutually acceptable price. This article describes question statement and primary research of prior calculated and harvested volume difference for further study of forest stands purchase value algorithm optimization. Harvested volume from feed-back data and prior calculated forest stands volume were compared to obtain the difference and understand the economical importance for optimization of harvesting sites maximal value calculation algorithm. For primary study, forest stands prior harvesting calculation model from the logging company was used. Results from prior harvesting calculations were compared with data after harvesting to achieve information about the precision of calculation model. Obtained results showed significant difference between prior calculated and harvested volumes, which in financial matter cause losses to the logging company. Compared to total harvested volume, negative cutting difference was 7% from volume, which in financial terms with annual harvesting of 1 million m**3 make loss of ~2.3 million euro.
Show more [+] Less [-]Using of AnyLogic and ExtendSim in modelling of biofuel logistic systems
Dukulis, I., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
Rising oil prices, national security concerns, the desire to increase farm incomes, and a host of new and improved technologies are propelling the European Union to set the directive for the year 2010 – each member state should achieve at least 5.75% biofuel usage of all used transport fuel. The report on the progress made in the use of renewable fuels shows that the average Member State of the EU has achieved only 52% of its target, and biofuels’ share in 2010 will not raise much above 4%. The prices of different biofuels are still not able to compete with oil based fuel prices. One of the possible ways how to solve this problem is to optimize biofuel supply chains using different methods of systems engineering. The aims of this investigation were finding out appropriate simulation tools for biofuel supply chain modelling, development of rapeseed oil supply chains for different production types, and modelling the developed supply chains. As the result of software survey, two packages were chosen – AnyLogic and ExtendSim Suite. Modelling studies showed that rapeseed oil supply chain is very sensitive, because changing just single parameters in a short scale, the actual cost price of 1 litre of oil changes considerably. Comparing the fossil diesel fuel prices with rape oil actual cost from modelling studies, the use of oil as a fuel for farm machinery seems to be profitable. Analysis of costs distribution shows that the greatest part is composed by rapeseed growing expenses.
Show more [+] Less [-]Strategic application principles of energy resources from heat supply merchant view point
Bronka, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Zvirbule-Berzina, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
The study was accomplished in 2010. The applied research methods are based on the analysis of the studies by other authors, industry experts, statistic data and the (unpublished) information provided by the Latvian district heating merchant “xxx”. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient was used for evaluating data regularity. In 2020 the energy produced from renewable sources (Directive 2009/28/EC) in total energy consumption in Latvia has to reach 40%. Such an objective can be achieved by promoting the use of biomass at cogeneration (CHP) plants, the potential of which is the district heat supply system. Wood as an energy resource in its structure accounts for only 25-30%; therefore, the primary condition is the introduction of modern technology which would provide the possibility to diversify energy resources. The calculations confirm that the realised amount of thermal energy indirectly affects profit; directly it is affected by the rate of thermal energy, so the structure of use of energy in heat supply enterprises is associated with lowering the cost of (restrictive) factors - the energy cost, specific production technologies, energy efficiency. Currently, the primary condition of heating companies is to find such energy resource(s) to ensure the approved schedule of temperature and thermal load. The next determining factor is the energy price. In assessing the factors that will affect energy usage in the future, the main strategic principle of energy consumption will be linked to limiting the growth or even reducing heat tariff, by realising optimal efficiency and minimal environmental pollution during energy transmission.
Show more [+] Less [-]Evaluation of resource price preferences and resource utilization efficiency in dairy sector
Krievina, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia);Latvian State Inst. of Agrarian Economics, Riga (Latvia)
The paper deals with the evaluation of resource price preferences and resource utilization efficiency in Latvian dairy sector that shows Latvian relative competitive position both in terms of producing competitive products for the market, as well as ensuring competitive salaries and a general rise in living standard for the employees. The evaluation is carried out through analyzing price levels of the main production resources and the utilization efficiency of these resources, based on the comparison with other EU countries. The efficiency indicators in Latvian primary milk production sector are considerably lower and despite resource price preferences the cost level per production value in Latvia is higher than in other countries. The analyzed resource utilization efficiency is low in Latvia also at the processing industry level, though the current price level of the main production resources helps to ensure competitive positions of Latvian dairy products. But considering large differences in compensation levels for labour force between Latvia and other EU countries, without increase in productivity, the situation is not sustainable in long-term.
Show more [+] Less [-]Bioeconomic aspects of deer farming in Latvia
Proskina, L., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
Carcass quality in deer and purchasing prices in comparison with beef carcass quality and purchasing prices were assessed in the research from the bio-economic aspect. Specific gravity of muscle tissue in deer carcass in comparison with specific gravity of cattle carcass component was 13.2% higher and specific gravity of bone tissue was 2.8% higher, but adipose tissue was 16% less. Venison quality was higher than beef quality. In venison when compared with beef a cholesterol level (45.2 mg %) was 31.8 mg % lower, but crude protein content was 2.9% higher (23.4%). Meat quality index was 26.0, which is 8.9 higher than in beef. These indicators characterise venison as a healthy product of higher quality for consumer food in comparison with beef. Purchasing price (LVL 4.21 per kg) of venison carcass in 2009 was 1.6 times higher in comparison with beef carcass purchasing price. Research results lead to the conclusion that deer farming products on the market can be positioned as a high-quality, nutrient-rich food with higher sales price than one of beef.
Show more [+] Less [-]The wood resource availability influencing factors in private forests in Latvia
Tunkele, S., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Marcins, J., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
The forests and woods are the main resources in Latvia. It is vital to understand the amount of wood resources that is being extracted from private forests now and in future in order to be able to predict the forest sector development and growth. The study objective was to identify the key factors in the wood resource availability and assess their role in private forests. In October 2009, the study was conducted to appraise the private forest owners the operational results and find out the future plans in connection to wood resource extraction. In the study a random sampling method was applied, where in the respondent selection the State Forest Service database information was used. In the study the respondent interviewing method CATI with computerized telephone interviews was used. In the selection of affecting factors the expert's method was applied. The study showed that only 25.40% of all private forest owners claimed that there was wood resources extraction in forests, but 29.50% of all private forest owners claimed that they were planning to perform the wood resource extraction in 2010. If the timber selling prices increased by more than 10 LVL per m3 in 2010, then 38% of all respondents claimed that they would increase the wood resource extraction in forests. The study data show that 30% of all private forest owners admit that there are growing stands in the forests, but they can’t be harvested, because road infrastructure is poorly developed or there are no roads in the forests.
Show more [+] Less [-]Factors influencing choice of veterinary service
Asmenskaite, L., Lithuanian Univ. of Health Sciences, Kaunas (Lithuania) | Astromskiene, A., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania) | Kerziene, S., Lithuanian Univ. of Health Sciences, Kaunas (Lithuania)
Increasing competition among health care service providers for pets and constantly growing requirements for the veterinary service quality, force veterinary service providers to search for some possibilities to remain competitive in the market in order to meet both customer needs and expectations, and animal needs best. The aim of the research is – having identified the choice motives for animal health care service, to enumerate the factors, influencing the choice of veterinary service. In order to find the pet keepers’ approach concerning the factors, influencing the choice of veterinary service, a pilot research was completed. According to the gained primary data results in the research, it was found that the key factors, influencing the choice of veterinary service are as follows: the service quality of health care, the recommendation of the person responsible for animal care and the price for the delivered service.
Show more [+] Less [-]Economic calculation of short rotation willow plantations in Latvia
Makovskis, K., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia);Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia) | Lazdina, D., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia) | Bite, L., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
Short rotation forests (SRF) can be used for biomass production for energy applications in Latvia. Establishment of plantations could be one of possibilities how to reach targets of renewable energy resource (RES) consumption of 40% in 2020. In Latvia’s conditions, one of most suitable species that could be used for SRF is willow (Salix sp.). Abandoned agricultural lands are suitable for establishment of plantations. Productivity of 8 oven- dried tons (ODT) ha-1 year -1 can lead to Rate of Return (IRR) of 17.1% and Net Present Value (NPV) 1099 Latvian Lats (LVL) if the biomass price is 33 LVL ODT-1. Establishment, harvesting and transporting costs account for 88% of the total cost of production. Price of wood chip and fuel plays the most important role in economics of plantation.
Show more [+] Less [-]Low-cost electrical energy monitoring method with wireless ICT
Apse-Apsitis, P., Riga Technical Univ. (Latvia) | Avotins, A., Riga Technical Univ. (Latvia | Ribickis, L., Riga Technical Univ. (Latvia
The electricity consuming end-user profile has changed in latest years, due to development of new electrical devices with increased functionality and complexity. Also increasing number of electricity consuming equipment that is available to end-user, makes very hard to identify real electricity consumption of each device. The existing wall plug digital power meters are too expensive for long-term power metering of each consuming device. The article describes a different approach of power metering system that lowers the costs and price of needed metering equipment. A new concept of low-cost energy monitoring system with wireless communication is developed.
Show more [+] Less [-]Profitability of silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.) breeding in Latvia
Jansons, A., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia) | Gailis, A., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia) | Donis, J., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia)
Economic importance of Silver birch in Latvia has been increasing in last decade, triggering scientific research, dedicated to improvement of this species, including tree breeding. Bulk of progeny trials will reach the evaluation time in next few years; therefore, decisions for further tree breeding activities have to be made. The aim of our study is to evaluate profitability of silver birch breeding, based on current situation in the year 2010 and circumstances in Latvia and assess the factors that might notably influence the result. Analysis considers all available breeding material and links between tree breeding, seed orchards and end product – forest stand, regenerated with improved plants in order to evaluate profitability of different alternatives based on differential approach. Results reveal that differential benefits from forest regeneration with selected birch material in comparison to natural regeneration, in areas with highest site indexes (Ia-II) with 3% interest rate and at least part of the stands managed in order to maximize yield of large diameter trees at age of final felling, are positive. The highest profitability can be reached if selection of best individuals is done based on clonal testing, genetic gain is maximized and combined with proper silvicultural praxis and annual planting area (utilization of seeds from selected trees) are maximized.
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