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Characterization of naturally afforested farmlands in Latvia
Lazdins, A., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia) | Lazdina, D., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia) | Liepa, I., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
Reduction of agricultural production has led to abandonment of farmlands in Latvia. According to the Central Statistical Bureau, 1.4 million ha of lands, including 0.6 million ha of farmlands were set aside in 2008. Most of them transform into forests; however, information about the afforestation has been limited until recent years. The first field measurement based evaluation of forest stands on abandoned farmlands was implemented within the scope of the National statistical forest inventory (NSFI). The NSFI covers forests, farmlands, settlements, wetlands and other lands, providing valuable information about the land use and forest resources. According to the NSFI, total area of naturally afforested farmlands is 257,850 ± 3,606 ha with growing stock of 2,870.364 ± 239,088 m³. Naturally afforested lands occupy 4% of the total country area. The highest share of naturally afforested lands is in Ludza (11% of the total area) and Krāslava districts (9% of the total area). Birch (Betula pendula Roth) and grey alder (Alnus incana (L.) Moench) are the most common dominant tree species in naturally afforested areas (77,092 ± 1,861 ha and 40,285 ± 1,395 ha, respectively). In relation to the Kyoto protocol it is important to separate lands afforested before and after 1990. The total area of lands afforested after 1990 in Latvia is 170,890 ± 2,862 ha with total growing stock of 1,367.427 ± 125,482 m³ and annual increment of timber volume – 122,530 ± 10,513 m³.
Show more [+] Less [-]Estimation of forest parameters using the non-parametric techniques and satellite images at compartment level
Jonikavicius, D., Lithuanian Univ. of Agriculture, Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania) | Mozgeris, G., Lithuanian Univ. of Agriculture, Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania)
This paper discusses the use of medium resolution Landsat TM satellite images to support conventional approaches of Lithuanian forest inventory practices. Estimation accuracies achieved using just field measured sample plots, Landsat TM satellite images and two non-parametric k-nearest neighbour and most similar neighbour estimators were studied at a level of compartments. 19 mature forest areas, prepared for final felling with GPS measured borders and all trees callipered, were used for validation. Notably higher estimation accuracies were achieved using field sample plots distributed through the whole forest area studied than just ones located on mature forest stands. The root mean square deviations in estimating compartment-wise volume of growing stock per 1 ha was around 27-28% if the best variant of estimation approach was used. Possible influence of the accuracy in locating the borders of validation areas on the estimations is discussed in the paper, too.
Show more [+] Less [-]Testing the simultaneous use of laser scanning and aerial image data for estimation of tree crown density
Bikuviene, I., Lithuanian Univ. of Agriculture, Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania) | Mozgeris, G., Lithuanian Univ. of Agriculture, Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania)
This paper introduces the first test results to use laser scanning and high resolution digital colour infrared aerial image data to estimate average tree crown density at a sample plot level. General methodological framework based on two-phase sampling schemes, non-parametric estimators and satellite images as the auxiliary data sets was adopted for the use with airborne data sources. More than 400 circular sample plots were established and measured in a special research forest area near Kaunas, the central part of Lithuania. The tree crown density was visually estimated for every coniferous tree belonging to the 500 square m plot together with other conventional forest parameters. Two variants of digital colour infrared aerial images (ground sampling density 15 and 40 cm), LiDAR point clouds, based on 1 point/square m scanning density and two phase sampling approach with non-parametric k-nearest neighbour and most similar neighbour estimators were used to test the accuracies of tree crown density estimation at a sample plot level. Reliable estimates were found to be possible on pure coniferous stands only. Average tree crown density was estimated with the root mean square error around 17.5-18% at a sample plot level, bearing in mind average crown density around 64% for the whole study area. The estimates were unbiased. Integration of laser scanning based variables with the ones available from digital aerial images resulted in lowest estimation root mean square errors. Laser scanning based variables used as the auxiliary data set independently resulted in better estimation errors than the variables available from digital colour infrared images.
Show more [+] Less [-]Impact of amelioration system renovation on the growth of mature forest stands
Zalitis, T., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia) | Libiete-Zalite, Z., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia)
Both forestry theory and practice have proved that amelioration favours the growth of forest stands significantly. The growing stock increases even 10 times, if the amelioration system is well-functioning. Joint Stock Company Latvia State Forests that is managing half of forests in Latvia has started renovation of old amelioration systems aiming to improve the productivity of state owned forests in Latvia. In order to evaluate the impact of the renovation of the old amelioration systems, a tree ring width in 7 pine stands, 5 spruce stands and 3 birch stands was analysed. This study shows that the renovation itself has not affected the productivity of mature pine, spruce and birch significantly 3-4 years after the renovation. Authors have come to a conclusion that the reason for that could be too short observation period or particularities of a stand structure and age.
Show more [+] Less [-]Research on genetic aspects of Scots pine resistance to root rot
Skipars, V., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia) | Baumanis, I., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia) | Rungis, D., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia)
Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) is Latvia's most economically important tree species. It accounts for 38% of the total forest area of Latvia. One of diseases affecting P. sylvestris is root rot caused by the fungus Heterobasidion annosum, which causes large economic losses. There is some evidence of Scots pine trees with higher levels of resistance but no absolutely resistant tree clones have been described so far. Many genes encoding peptides and proteins with direct or indirect antifungal activity have been described in various plant species, but only few of them have been studied in conifers. In our study we have utilised various approaches to research genetic aspects of Scots pine resistance to H. annosum. Here we present our initial results. Initially, H. annosum infection was determined in 300 trees and in a subset of twenty seven trees representing fifteen families (progeny of one mother tree) infection levels were quantitatively characterised. Candidate-genes were selected based on previously published research. Gene copy number variation (CNV) analyses were performed on selected samples. Copy number variation polymorphism was detected for a gene encoding a thaumatinlike protein analogues of which are described as potent antifungal proteins in other plants. As increased gene copy number can lead to increased gene product amounts in cells it is possible that an increased copy number of thaumatin-like protein is beneficial to the pine tree in respect to resistance against H. annosum and other pathogens. Further experiments need to be performed to investigate this in more detail.
Show more [+] Less [-]Territorial organisation of game management in Latvia
Baumanis, J., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Ozolins, J., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia)
The number of the most important game animals of artiodactyla species (moose, red deer, roe deer, wild boar) has been increasing in Latvia during the last 10 years. At the same time, the number of hunting districts where the census of these game animals is taken is also increasing, whereas the average area of the districts is diminishing. The studies show that at present the area of many hunting districts is notably smaller than the individual territory inhabited by these species. This particular study aims at establishing whether there is a relationship between the area of a hunting district on which a census is taken and the number of animals counted, as well as whether the number of animals is really increasing or the increase in the number is attributed to an increase in the census unit number. It was established that in respect of the four species there is a significant correlation between the area of the hunting district and the density of animals in the district. The number of moose and red deer may be assessed more objectively in the districts with an area exceeding 5,000 hectares. The census of roe deer and wild boars is notably influenced by the area of the territory where the census is taken, but the analysis does not explicitly show whether the number of roe deer and wild boars is under-assessed in large districts or over-assessed in the small ones.
Show more [+] Less [-]Marketing system, socio economic role and intra household dynamics of indigenous chicken in Gomma Wereda, Jimma Zone, Ethiopia
Meseret, M. | Solomon, D. | Tadelle, D.
A survey of marketing system, socio economic role and intra household dynamics of indigenous chicken was conducted in Gomma Wereda located at 390 km southwest of Addis Ababa. Six Kebeles of the Wereda were randomly identified and 30 households (hh) randomly selected from each kebele were used to collect data on the profile of the respondents, chicken population and flock structure, marketing system, socio economic role and intra household dynamics of the indigenous chicken using questionnaire, regular visit and target group discussions. The results obtained showed that the mean flock size/hh of the study area (6.23 chickens) was greater than that of the national average (4.1) and strangely dominated by hens of > 5 months of age. Informal and open markets of live birds and eggs are common throughout the Wereda. There is variation in market price of chickens and eggs attributed to the physical condition of the birds, disease outbreak, time of incubation, and holidays and festivals. Both eggs and chickens pass through different individuals before reaching consumers and about 52.2% of the market chickens and eggs are collected and transported by retailers to terminal markets contributing to disease spread and quality deterioration. About 96.7% of the ownership of chicken was held by women and with the exception of poultry house construction all the other activities including marketing are done by women indicating that village chickens are source of self-reliance for women. There are no taboos connected to consumption of poultry. And yet, chickens and eggs are not among staple food items in the Gomma Wereda. The results obtained also showed that lack of access to credit and high prevalence of disease conditions and predators are the major constraints to improve household poultry in the study area.
Show more [+] Less [-]Comapison of carcass characteristics of Boran and Arsi-Bale goats under different durations of feedlot management
Hailu D. | Tatek W. | Tesfaye L.
The objective of this study was to assess the carcass characteristics of two goat breed types under different durations of feedlot management. Forty eight yearling intact male Borana (n=24) and Arsi-Bale (n=24) goats were used in a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement, the factors being breed-type (Borana and Arsi-bale) and feeding days (90, 120 and 150). The goats were slaughtered after 18 hours fasting to evaluate the various carcass traits. The carcasses were separated into leg, lion, rack, shoulder and neck and breast and shank primal cuts. The Borana goats possessed heavier live weight, empty body weight, carcass weight and length than the Arsi-Bale goats in the feedlot environment. Dressing percentage varied from 41.0 to 45.9% for both goat breed types. Borana had greater rib eye area than Arsi-Bale goats for 120 (42.9±3.99) and 150 (47.3±1.28) feeding days. Back fat thickness was higher for both breed-types for 150 days feedlot feeding. The highest bone proportion was 30.9% for Arsi-Bale goats while the lowest was 25.7% for Borana goats. The percentage of rack fat of Borana was higher than for the Arsi-Bale goats.
Show more [+] Less [-]Economic values of Begait cattle breeding-objective traits under low and medium input production systems in northern Ethiopia
Mezgebe, Gebretnsae | Gizaw, Solomon | Urge, Mengistu
The study was conducted to estimate the economic values (EV) of Begait cattle breeding-objective traits and their effects on the returns to investment in breeding programs using bio-economic model. Production systems were described according to their level of input and sale age, namely, low input herd management (LIHM) and medium input herd management (MIHM) based on fixed herd size for genetic improvement of multiple traits. Results showed that all considered traits have positive economic values across production systems except pre weaning daily body weight gain (PrDG). However, production systems had significant influence on the magnitude of EV of traits. The MIHM was superior by 100 to 9% to the LIHM system. Regardless of the two production systems, calving interval (CI) had the highest EV followed by dressing percentage (DP) and mature weight (MWT). Although, the overall change of beef trait EV influenced the marginal profit through price and production variable changes at constant MY, the more sensitive change was observed with the changes of MY EV. Traits of milk yield had 1 to 12% increment on profit with 1 to10% improvement in its EV by rising milk price, reduced weaning and reduced culling rates. However, beef traits only made 5.1×10-7 to 2.3×10 -6% raises on profits with 18 to 50% increment in its EV by beef price increment and reduced age at first calving. The higher increments of profit parallel to the EV of milk production trait and mostly simultaneous improvements on CI have a great indication to give priorities on milk yield traits than beef traits in any Begait cattle improvement program. Therefore, improving milk production traits and fecundity traits simultaneously with their market outlet is better to increase the profitability of farmers and sustains the valuable breed in their habitat.
Show more [+] Less [-]Participatory characterization of the Short-eared Somali goat and its production environment around Dire Dawa, Ethiopia
Gebreyesus, G. | Haile, Aynalem | Dessie, Tadelle
Characterization of the Short-eared Somali goat population around Dire Dawa, Ethiopia, was undertaken in a community-based and participatory approach. Range of participatory tools, including Focal Group Discussions, participatory mappings and transect walks, were employed to study the local community's Indigenous knowledge and practices in animal breeding. The breeding objective was defined in a participatory manner through own-flock ranking experiments. Physical description of the goat population was made based on the "key characteristics" concept used by the community to distinguish their goat type among other breeds within their migratory reach. The Issa community maintains a perception of special association towards the Short-eared Somali goat type, claiming a historic role in its development and adaptation. Local myths persistent in the community associate the origin of the Short-eared Somali goat breed with the communal ethno-history. The community generally practices selective pure breeding employing rather complex indigenous knowledge and traditional practices aimed at polishing the gene pool towards the dictates of the environment. Patchy color patterns were generally dominant (59.8%) in the goat population, while 34% of the patched goats had a unique pattern of black spots on the center core of the face and a black stripe across the spine. Goats were kept for multifaceted purposes ranging from products like milk and meat to functions in socio-cultural and financial state of affairs. The production system was characterized with lack of feed supplementation and rangelands provide the only source of feed throughout the year. Although the production environment was characterized with recurrent droughts and high prevalence of goat diseases, goats were found to have significant contributions to the livelihood of the Issa pastoralists in the study area.
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