AGRIS - International System for Agricultural Science and Technology

[ Published in: Research for Rural Development ]
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Non-genetic factors affecting early growth traits and survival in Horro sheep


Abegaz, Solomon | Duguma, G. | Gelmesa, U. | Terefe, F. | Negussie, E. | Rege, J.E.O.

International Livestock Research Institute - Kenya

Conceptual, methodological and institutional issues in participatory livestock production research


Morton, J. | Adolph, Barbara | Ashley, S. | Romney, Dannie L.

International Livestock Research Institute - Kenya

Productivity and Natural Disease Resistance Potential of Free-ranging Local Chicken Ecotypes in Tanzania


Msoffe, P.L.M. | Mtambo, M.M.A. | Minga, U.M. | Gwakisa, P.S. | Mdegela, R.H. | Olsen, J.E.

International Livestock Research Institute - Kenya

Production performance of backyard chicken under the care of women in Charsadda, Pakistan


Farooq, M. | Gul, N. | Chand, N. | Durrani, F.R. | Khurshid, A. | Ahmed, J. | Asghar, A. | Zahir-ud-Din.

International Livestock Research Institute - Kenya

Genetic evaluation of growth traits in a crossbreeding experiment involving two local strains of chickens using multi-trait animal model


Iraqui, M.M. | Hanafi, M.S. | Khalil, M.H. | El-Labban, A.F. | Ell-Sisy, M.

International Livestock Research Institute - Kenya

Globalization and the Developing Countries: Emerging Strategies for Rural Development and Poverty Alleviation


Bigman, David

International Livestock Research Institute - Kenya

Comparison of different methods in the determination of cholesterol


Sterna, V. (Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Sigulda (Latvia). Research Centre "Sigra")

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Changes of biology of the potato late blight pathogen Phytophthora infestans in last years. Review


Bimsteine, G. (Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia))

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Factors affecting milk calcium and phosphorus content


Kuebarsepp, I. | Henno, M. | Kaert, O. (Estonian Agricultural Univ., Tartu (Estonia))

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia