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An Examination of the Effect of Land Use Changes on the Temporal-Spatial Models of Land Surface Temperature Using Remote Sensing and GIS Data (Case Study: Ilam City)
Sheikhi, Hojat | Malekmohamadi, Reza
Due to the vast changes it brings about in the land use and land cover, the rapid expansion of cities has had many negative effects on the environmental quality at global level. Examples include air quality, increased temperature, changes in perspective, and the alteration of agricultural lands into barren lands that leads to the loss of biodiversity. Since land use changes happen at extensively, remote sensing technology is a necessary, efficient, and valuable means to monitor changes. In this study, the effect of land use changes on the temporal-spatial patterns of land surface temperature in the urban lands of Ilam city in a 30-year period (1990-2020) was examined using Landsat satellite images and simulation of changes using fuzzy ARTMAP neural network model. Landsat satellite sensors (TM, OLI, ETM) were used to investigate the longitudinal and spatial changes (LST) in Ilam city. To provide the land use map, the pixel-based classification for all periods (1990-1995-2000-2005-2010-2015-2020) was applied using ENVI and Ecognitio software packs and then estimations were made using NDVI and LST models. The results showed that Ilam city ecosystem has moderate levels of NDVI. The average temperature of residential land use level in June is 35.8 degrees centigrade, and the temperatures of three land uses of horticulture, agriculture, and other uses (uncovered lands) were 32.22, 37.25, and 38.46, respectively, with the main lands with the minimum temperature being green highlands. In city, existence of high rise buildings and building shading, use of materials with less heat absorption such as Isogam, urban green space and furniture, and air pollution lead to lesser absorption of energy. On the other hand, the spatial distribution of NDVI was aligned with LSP values. The results regarding land use areas using fuzzy-neural network show that residential land uses has risen from 19.18 percent in 1990 to 39.35 percent in 2020, which shows the city expansion and development. On the other hand, the horticultural land use has declined from 8.64 in 1990 to 3.49 in 2020, which can be attributed to the development of urban space.
Show more [+] Less [-]Land Use and Landscape Analysis of Gel Sefid Village in Terms of Environment Using RS and GIS
scandari, saeede | Moradi, Ayoub | Oladi, Jafar
Gel Sefid village is in Mashayekh village in central part of Ardal city of Chahar Mahal and Bakhtiari province. In the research, QuickBird satellite image in Google Earth software was used to introduce the landscape of this village and to recognize the whole human uses and natural spots in the study area. Then the resulting map was transferred to ArcGIS 3.1 software and the area land use map was prepared after necessary processes in the software. In addition to the primary harvested polygons for providing the training samples area, field visit once again was accomplished and all the harvested complications were controlled to estimate the accuracy of the harvested complications. Therefore, all the layers were transferred to GPS and all the harvested complications were controlled by referring to the field. In the next step, to analyze the landscape of the study area, Frag Stats software and NP, CA, PERIM, MNN and SHAPE metrics were used. Results showed that local people have created the different uses in the region during consecutive years. The natural bed of area has been forest that the existence of human-made patches such as village, mining, sand workshops, roads and petrochemical pipes have caused the marginal area to face the critical level of danger and have caused the loss of biodiversity in this region. Therefore, the area preservation with the participation of local people should be the priority of programs to prevent the further damages to the area.
Show more [+] Less [-]The Evaluation of Geomorphologic Landforms for the Development of Human Settlements: A Case Study of Southeast Cities of Razavi Khorasan Province
Mohamadkhan, Shirin | Namjooyan, Reza | Barzkar, Mohsen | Abbasi, Mosa
The habitat development and establishment are directly related to the natural bedrock and geomorphologic complications. Due to topographical and geological conditions, the area under study has certain limitations in locating and developing human settlements. In order to reduce the hazards in the southeast of Khorasan Razavi province and modify plans for the development and establishment of human settlements, the feasibility of the area under study for residential development was investigated. After conducting library and field studies and selecting appropriate criteria, the fuzzy logic model was applied using the GIS software to identify areas for habitat development and establishment. In this study, to identify the potential areas for habitat development and establishment based on geomorphologic landforms, eleven parameters – including slope, slope direction, elevation, soil, land use, elevation, distance from fault, distance from river, distance from road, distance from settlement, and geomorphology – were used as independent variables in identifying geomorphological abilities and bottlenecks in the area. The results of zoning based on the fuzzy model showed that about 61% of the study area is located in very inappropriate and inappropriate classes, which means that geomorphological conditions in this part of the study area are unfavorable for the development and establishment of human settlements. About 14.58% of the study area has moderate conditions and about 24% of the study area shows favorable geomorphological conditions for construction activities and creation of new habitat areas. Alluvial fan units and alluvial plains are the most suitable sites for habitat development and establishment.
Show more [+] Less [-]The Examination of the Landscape Metrics Changes Using Urban-Rural Gradiant Analysis Method: The Case Study of Tehran Metropolis
Radyn Majd, Golazin | Jozi, Seyed Ali | Hejazi, Rokhshad | Amiri, Mohammad Javad | Ghaffarzadeh, Hamidreza
The detection of urban landscape changes in urban areas is of utmost importance for the maintenance of the safety of environment and the promotion of sustainable development. To this end, the consideration of the spatial metrics capabilities to describe the landscape structure can be a valuable move to identify the growth models in metropolises. The purpose of this study was to provide the urban-rural gradient analysis of the landscape metrics in Tehran metropolis in the year 2018 as well as the analysis of their change trend in order to investigate the spatial-chronological changes in the landscape. In order to analyze the metrics, the moving window method was used at landscape and class levels. To this end, Landsat 8 satellite images were used, and the landcover was divided into human-made, open, vegetation, and water lands in a supervised manner. As with the gradient analysis, transects with 4km*4km dimensions at four directions – namely center-northeast, center-southeast, center-northwest, and center-southwest were directed from District 12 of Tehran Municipality in GIS 10.2 software. The results showed that at the landscape level, the closer we go to the business center of Tehran Metropolis, the number and density of patches increase, while the closer we go to rural areas the average index of landscape shape has relatively uniform changes. At the class level, the more distant we get from the business center of Tehran metropolis, the percentage of human-made patches and open lands increases and that of the vegetation patches decreases. Then, it might be concluded that urban development has brought about an increase in the density of patches in landscape, such that in the central transect, the continuity of landscape is reduced, and the fragmentation of the structural elements of landscape is increased. The land use changes have led to the expansion of the city toward the country and have negatively affected the vegetation and water resources.
Show more [+] Less [-]Spatial Analysis of the Factors Effective on Flood Occurrence in Ilam City
Tahmasebi, Qobad | Mohammadi, Alireza | Bouchani, Mohammad Hossein
The topic of climate change and the dangers that lie ahead is part of the debate in land management. The dynamics of global change and the sovereign approach of global governments have opened new perspectives on land management issues. One of the hidden challenges in this regard is the increasing risk of the occurrence of floods. The purpose of this study was to undertake metric or measurement model as a spatial basis unit to predict flood occurrence. In the present article, in line with using MikeUrban 2019 software, a wide range of tools and quantitative processing steps were used in accordance with the research objectives. In order to predict floods, the past incident factors were studied, namely a review of the principles and operational indicators related to each parcel using the OLI sensor images of Landsat 8 satellite in the year 2020 through the integrated interpretation method and an examination of the basic map of Ilam city in wet seasons (autumn, winter, and spring). Then, the city coverage map was prepared in two uses, i.e., False Color (Urban) and Land / Water. Next, Google Earth images were used to determine the accuracy and precision of the coverage maps. By combining four selected measures with the highest spatial correlation in 50 random points of the city, hexagonal measures with optimal areas were selected and spatial patterns were analyzed. According to the results, in the actual event (1), eight spatial measures with an area of 68 hectares and coverage of 1.5% of the entire city are at risk of flood. In events 0.8 and 0.9, 19 measures with an area of 170 hectares, 3.6% of the land use coverage of the area, are at potential risk. While there is a high correlation between flood event and type of measure, amount and direction of slope, as well as density and width of road network on one side and drainage network on the other side, in high events (1-8), 28 measures in the residential uses in the detailed design scale with an area of 76.5 hectares, barren and enclosed uses with an area of 70.55 hectares, roads network with an area of 29.75 hectares, and parks and green spaces with 17 hectares were identified as the uses targeted by the flood danger. Among all risky user groups, 29.5% were identified in the newly built group, 44.5% in the maintainable group, and 18% in the decayed urban environment group.
Show more [+] Less [-]The Ecologic Capability Evaluation of Golestan Province Lands Through a Land Use Approach to Develop Agricultural Uses
Faraji, Amin | Sahneh, Fariba
The ecologic capability evaluation determines which human activities can be performed on which area of land and conversely, which activities are impossible, economically unviable, or detrimental to environmental sustainability. This study set out to evaluate the land ecologic capability in Golestan province of Iran to develop agriculture (cultivating wheat) through land use planning and to investigate the factors effective on the agriculture ecologic capability. The study was exploratory in terms of method and applied library research method for data collection purposes. The identified factors include climate, precipitation, temperature, evaporation, topography (altitude), slope, slope direction, land use, water resources, flood zones, land types, erosion, and soil. Then, the optimal location of land for wheat cultivation was done in four stages using ARC GIS software and its tests in order to zone the lands appropriate for what cultivation. To this end, the raw data of the intended layers was extracted and examined, and the areas appropriate for cultivation were determined and classified. The appropriate values were assigned to the aforementioned layers so as to generate the final layer map to zone the lands appropriate for wheat cultivation. Finally, via overlaying the wheat-cultivated lands on the intended layers, the ecologic capability map of the area was made. These were then classified into three categories, namely lands with appropriate and high capability (about 13%), lands with medium capability (over 80%), and lands with low or no capability (about 5%). The intermediate territory of the province has the most fertile lands with semi-humid, temperate Mediterranean climate (Alborz highland plains). As a result, the best cultivation areas of this province are located in its intermediary and southern parts that have deep, high quality agricultural soil and adequate rainfall.
Show more [+] Less [-]The Analysis of Structural Landscape Changes in Tabriz City Using Landscape Ecology Principles with an Emphasis on the Connectivity Concept
Mahmoudzadeh, Hassan | Masoudi, Hassan
Urban societies are complex landscapes that face unbalanced and exogenous growth and are rapidly changing as a result of population growth and urbanization. That is to say, non-urban, large swaths of land are consumed by cities and urban settlements, and over time they are fragmented into smaller pieces. Therefore, the present study was designed to detect and evaluate changes in the landscape structure of Tabriz metropolitan area and to evaluate the performance of landscape metrics in analyzing changes. To this end, first the land use maps for 1984, 2000 and 2018 were prepared using Landsat satellite imagery. Then, in order to analyze the changes, a combination of Landscape metrics including NP, CA, PLAND, LPI, ED, MPS, LSI, and COHESION was computed at two levels of land class and landscape using Fragstats4.2 software. The results showed that the lands used for urban settlement during this period have had the most changes and growth, in contrast to agricultural farms, gardens and green-space which have had a downward trend and have been converted to other uses. Also, the number and density of patches have increased over time, leading to the fragmentation of the landscape. On the other hand, the average size of patches belonging to constructed lands and agricultural and horticultural lands respectively increased and decreased, and caused more distortion and complexity of Tabriz city landscape through an increase in the landscape shape index. In general, the analysis of land use maps and landscape metrics clearly reveals the effects of human activities and urbanization on the surrounding environment, and the results indicate that the landscape of Tabriz has got more granular, more complex and geometrically more irregular. Then, with this decreasing connectivity, it has become more fragmented.
Show more [+] Less [-]Evaluating Ecological Networks of Urban Landscape (Case Study: Karaj Metropolis)
Mohammadyari, Fatemeh | Mirsanjari, Mir Mehrdad | Zarandian, Ardovan
Landscape fragmentation is the most important challenge in urban development. This challenge prevents the flow of materials and energy in the region. These changes affect ecological characteristics. In this regard, ecological networks are considered as tools for conservation planning. Therefore, satellite images were used in the years 2006, 2011 and 2017 to evaluate the ecological networks of Karaj Metropolis. The Classification and preparation of land map conducted based on land cover and with the support vector machine algorithm. Landmarks were also used to assess the status quo and the process of changing heterogeneity, continuity, and communication-isolation networks in previous years. The results showed that the trend of criteria changing in the study area is not desirable. The inappropriate process of changing of Space landscape heterogeneity criteria, the conjunction of the same spots across the land, and the optimal communication reduce the ecological function and the consequence is a decline in the sustainability of ecological networks. Also, due to the decreasing trend of metrics in green spots, especially human green, and the increasing trend of metrics in construction and open spots, in sum, it can be concluded that the ecological function and the ecological network characteristics of the landscape are following a descending trend.
Show more [+] Less [-]The Strategies of the land use in Border Regions Based on the SWOT-AHP and SWOT-ANP Models Case Study (Sistan and Baluchistan) AboollFazl Ghanbari 1*, Ayoub Sardari2, Arash
Ghanbari, AboollFazl | Sardari, Ayoub | Zand karimi, Arash | Zand karimi, Sheyda
The aim of the present study is to represent the strategies and approaches to develop the border areas of Sistan and Baluchistan Province. The research method was descriptive-analytic. Furthermore, the study was an applied research, documentary and field studies were the methods of data collection, and the research was performed in the form of questionnaire. The validity of it was reviewed and confirmed by 20 experts (experts in urban and rural planning, and land use). The model used in this research was a hybrid model of SWOT-ANP and SWOT- AHP. Thus, the capabilities and limitations of the land use of border areas were measured. In terms of development, has been made. To reach this goal, by using the technique of SWOT, the strengths and weaknesses (internal factors), and the opportunities and threats (external factors) were identified. By the use of ANP and AHP models, the external and internal factors were examined to adopt the best strategy (SO, WO, ST, and WT). The findings indicated that in the SWOT-ANP model, the SO strategy with the score weight of 0.28152, and the ST strategy with the score weight of 0.26573 were chosen as the most important strategy, and as the alternative strategy, respectively. Moreover, in the SWOT- AHP model, the ST strategy with the score weight of 0.705, and WO strategy with the score weight of 0.601 were chosen as the most important strategy, and as the alternative strategy, respectively.
Show more [+] Less [-]An Investigation of Changes in land Use According to the Analysis of Landscape Ecology Metrics by Using Remote Sensing and GIS in Arid and Semi-arid Region of Dehloran
Fathizad, Hasan | Nohegar, Ahmad | Faramarzi, Marzban | Tazeh, Mahdi
Many human activities due to the lack of consideration in environmental restrictions on the landscape ecology are influential and have severe environmental effects on natural ecosystems. This study was conducted to investigate the trend of changes in landscape ecology in Dehloran, Ilam. For developing maps of Land cover, and analyzing the changes, we used, respectively, the satellite images of (1985) TM and (2007) ETM + were applied and landscape metrics of class area, density of patches, number of patches, mean of patches size, edge density and mean of shape index Various class-level landscape pattern metrics were calculated using FRAGTATS, in order to analyze landscape fragmentation. The analysis of landscape metrics revealed that the extensive replacement of fair rangelands by agricultural lands, rangelands, residential areas and barren lands. The results showed that increase in the number of patches and decrease in the mean of the area size was an important indicator of significant index of degradation, and the process of degradation and destruction of landscape ecology was in an increase mood. Therefore the results necessitated paying attention to the quality of land use and cover in the region for to exploit natural resources appropriately and sustainably.
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