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Measurement of the Development Level of Iran's Provinces with Factor Analysis Approach
Pourasghar Sangachin, Farzam | Salehi, Esmail | Dinarvandi, Morteza
Today, the redaction of inequality resources and facilities is one of the most important criteria for sustainable development and social challenge in our country. One of the main necessities of the national sustainable development process is attention to regional characteristics by utilizing a collection of economical, social, and environmental indicators in order to optimally designate resources for various regions along with identifying these differences. This research intends to analyze the level of development in provinces of Iran. First, 13 economical, social and environmental indicators have been identified and related data has been gathered for 28 provinces in Iran. In order to provide a composite indicator the method of factor analysis has been utilized and composite indicators for the provinces have been calculated and categorized. According to this categorization Kohkiluye and Buyerahmad , Tehran and Semnan provinces have been ranked first to third, while Kordestan , Sistan and Baluchestan and Hamedan provinces are ranked among the last.
Show more [+] Less [-]An Analysis of the Importance of Sustainable Urban Development Indicators in Iran and its Comparison With Global Indicators
Amoushahi, Solmaz | Salmanmahiny, Abdolrassoul | Moradi, Hossein | Mikaeili Tabrizi, Ali Reza | Galán, Carmen
Today, the expansion of urbanism has led to many problems for various countries in the world, especially developing countries. Iran is one of the developing countries that in recent years has faced numerous damages due to population increase, especially in urban areas. In recent years, countries in the world have tried to overcome the problems deriving from unsustainable urbanism via using sustainable urban development. Accordingly, the authors carried out this study to determine the similarities and differences among sustainability evaluation systems existing in developing and developed counties and explain the needs of developing countries, like Iran, to improve management of urban areas. Therefore, in the study at hand, the global urban sustainability indicators such as BREEAM Community، CASBEE-UD، GBI Township، LEED-ND، IGBC Green Townships، GRIHA-LD، Green Star, and IUSAF were examined and were compared with the intended system in Iran (IUSI). In this process, the similarities and differences of selected evaluation systems were compared with each other in terms of type and importance level of indicators. The obtained result showed that the urbanism challenges in various countries in the world are different based on the development level and environmental, social, economic, and geopolitical conditions. In addition, the most important indicators of urban development measurement in developed countries were identified as energy, resources and social welfare, smartening, and environment, while the prioritized indicators in the developing countries were determined to be planning and developing the society, managing infrastructure resources, transportation, local security and economy, employment, and – mostly importantly – access to healthy water. Moreover, the findings of this study indicate that via localization of the systems and indicators related to sustainability evaluation for every country, region, or province, a more precise evaluation can be attained. This can offer great assistance to future planning to advance the sustainable development goals.
Show more [+] Less [-]Determining the Local Factors Effective on the Achievement of Ecological City: The Case Study of Darcheh City
Barati, Ebrahim | Saberi, Hamid | Khademolhoseiny, Ahmad | Azani, Mehri
Sustainable development has gradually and over time brought about various approaches with different goals. Ecological city is one of these approaches that has a stronger emphasis on environment issue as well as the relationships between city development and nature. The purpose of this study was to determine the local factors effective on the achievement of ecological city in order to sustainably develop Darcheh city. This study was mixed-methods (qualitative-quantitative) in terms of paradigm, and descriptive-analytical and exploratory in terms of nature. Data was collected using document analysis and field study through two means: interviews with experts using the Delphi method and a questionnaire. In the qualitative phase (the Delphi method), 30 experts and specialists were interviewed. In the quantitative phase, the statistical population of the study was comprised of Darcheh citizens aging over 15, who were 37367 individuals in the year 2016. From among these, 375 participants were selected using cluster sampling. The face validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by the urban planning experts, and its reliability was corroborated through Chronbach’s alpha coefficient. The results of the study in both phases (qualitative and quantitative) showed that the environmental and economic dimensions – with the average scores of 4.23 and 4.11 and (beta) regression coefficients of .345 and .349 – best describe the achievement of ecological city, there is a relative homogeneity among various neighborhoods of the city in terms of ecological city indices, and the ecological city development can be attained through a clear model. Moreover, according to Pearson correlation coefficient, the citizens who have had a higher educational level have shown a higher tendency (.585) to help implement the ecological city project.
Show more [+] Less [-]The Evaluation of Urban Land Use Approach to Sustainable Development (Case: Piranshahr City)
kashefidust, diman | Hajinejad, Ali
The topic of land and how to use it have always been the main topic of the urban planning and the space-place assessment and organizing of the efficient and urban performances is one of the most important and most effective axis urban Sustainable Development. The aim of the performance of this reseach is the quality and quantity assessment of the urban land use with constant Sustainable Development in Piranshahr. The manner of this research is analytic descriptive. To this purpose, there indicators of capacity compatibility and social justice have been used to achieve the sustainable development. In the first stage, it is paid to the quantitative assessment of existing uses and capacity index analysis, in the second stage it is paid to the qualitative assessment of use in view point of compatibility by using compatibility matrix and analysis of social justice index with the model of the nearest neighbor and swot model. The results of the quality and quantity analysis show that often efficient face with lack. This lack equals with 175.5 hectar. Also the most extent of Inconsistency is in the Usage Industry, Administrative, Residential and educational. This situation is expressive of the lack of the balance and disharmonious between the efficient that was caused by the urban planners lack enough attention. So it is essential to fit the environmental balance and economic and cultural of the urban Sustainable Development in the planning process.
Show more [+] Less [-]The Evaluation and Revising of urban land use from the Point of View of social justice. (Case Study : Kashan)
Poorahmad, Ahmad | Hataminejad, Hosein | Ziari, Keramatallah | Farajisabokbar, Hasanali | Vafaii, Aboozar
The appropriate locate of uses and the justice of in Spatial distribution is very significant in planning the urban land use. The high increase in physical and population development of city, the shortage of services uses and lack of equity to allocate the sorts of land uses in various areas in Kashan, cause the confusion in urban land use and endanger the city sustainable development. However , recognizing and revising each one of the city uses to achieve the appropriate criteria and the principles of planning in city sustainable development are the most important activities in this field. The method to the research is descriptive -analytic, which has engaged in assessing and evaluating the quality and quantity of urban uses in Kashan, by considering two significant and effective standards in land use (including capacity and social justice)and putting GIS software into operation in the framework of entropy standard model and the average of nearest neighbor and per capita standard. The results of the research indicate that uses do not have appropriate Spatial and locative distribution, so that analyzing them with the capacity indexes and social justice, indicates the quality and quantity commotion in uses of tenfold areas in Kashan.
Show more [+] Less [-]Determination and Assessment the sustainability criteria and indices in Taleghan Catchment- Zeidasht1
Asadi Nilvan, Omid | Nazari Samani, Ali Akbar | Mohseni Sarav, Mohsen | Zahedi Amiri, Ghavam Aldin
Sustained development is achieved an overlapping is created between ecological, economical and social classes. The purpose of this research is to determine and measure the sustainability criteria and indices. An ecological approach has used in order to assess sustainability in watershed of Zeidasht1 to maintain a balance between three economical, social and ecosystem categories. Selected variables were obtained using common assessment and their value. In order to assess sustainability, watershed and range management projects monitoring and evaluation monitoring provided by president strategically supervising planning assistant and range and watershed management, forest organization(watershed management department, coordination and planning department) for Iran. As a whole, in rangeland ecological section, three criteria, nine indices and fourteen variables were evaluated. Final score for ecological one was 45 fall in to in moderate class and final score dedicated to social and economical issues about 32 that number of 2 is obtained in respect to 16 selective variables that also it categorized into moderate class. Eventually using matrices, score estimation and watershed validation table, watershed sustainability is determined. In respect to total Zeidasht watershed score, this watershed is categorized in too poor sustainability class.
Show more [+] Less [-]Sustainable Development Using Optimal Site Selection of Urban Facilities in Landscape Scale The Case of Arid Environment- Shiraz
Kowkabi, Lila | Ghadiri Masum, Mojtaba
Industrialization and Urban sprawl together with population growth and increases in water consumption cause water pollution and destruction of natural resources quality; these are followed by reducing access to available resources such as drinking water. Every year a significant amount of urban waste water is discharged to water resources, while natural treatment is impossible. Cities in each level require different facilities and infrastructure. optimal resource utilization with appropriate site selection for water & wastewater facilities have an important role in water quality in the major cities and can control water pollution, so it has been considered to increase the quality of life in cities, also the neglect of attention to climate condition such as morphology, hydrology and topography cause negative impacts on urban environment. There are different models and methods to select suitable sites for facilities. They are specifically important in arid land where water resources have become increasingly scarce. One of the methods is zoning. In this paper satellite images have been used to locate facilities in a typical arid city in Iran, Shiraz. The large-scaled (landscape scale) land use maps has been prepared for Shiraz-Neiriz water basin, and the distinctive zones were determined base on arid and semi arid geo-hydro morphology. Then each zone were analyzed using large-scale land use, soil and topographic factors to determine adequate potential sites for facilities by regarding sustainable development and considering the cumulative effects of upstream area. At the end, some suggestions were determined to reduce urban environment pollution.
Show more [+] Less [-]The Ecologic Capability Evaluation of Golestan Province Lands Through a Land Use Approach to Develop Agricultural Uses
Faraji, Amin | Sahneh, Fariba
The ecologic capability evaluation determines which human activities can be performed on which area of land and conversely, which activities are impossible, economically unviable, or detrimental to environmental sustainability. This study set out to evaluate the land ecologic capability in Golestan province of Iran to develop agriculture (cultivating wheat) through land use planning and to investigate the factors effective on the agriculture ecologic capability. The study was exploratory in terms of method and applied library research method for data collection purposes. The identified factors include climate, precipitation, temperature, evaporation, topography (altitude), slope, slope direction, land use, water resources, flood zones, land types, erosion, and soil. Then, the optimal location of land for wheat cultivation was done in four stages using ARC GIS software and its tests in order to zone the lands appropriate for what cultivation. To this end, the raw data of the intended layers was extracted and examined, and the areas appropriate for cultivation were determined and classified. The appropriate values were assigned to the aforementioned layers so as to generate the final layer map to zone the lands appropriate for wheat cultivation. Finally, via overlaying the wheat-cultivated lands on the intended layers, the ecologic capability map of the area was made. These were then classified into three categories, namely lands with appropriate and high capability (about 13%), lands with medium capability (over 80%), and lands with low or no capability (about 5%). The intermediate territory of the province has the most fertile lands with semi-humid, temperate Mediterranean climate (Alborz highland plains). As a result, the best cultivation areas of this province are located in its intermediary and southern parts that have deep, high quality agricultural soil and adequate rainfall.
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