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Analysis of the spatial inequalities in distribution of services in neighborhoods of six region of Tehran
Movahed, Ali | Tavallaei, Simin | Kamanroudi, Mousa | Tabei, Nader
Spatial justiceand geographical justiceasfair distributionof services andamenitiesin order toachieveaharmonioussocietyandone of the socialjusticeapproach.Not proper distributionof services,leads toelimination ofthe justice and willincreasedissatisfaction of citizens from their location. The research method is descriptive – analytical. In order to analysis of how the distribution of services in neighborhoods of six region of Tehran, theLQ, standardized coefficient and VIKOR model is used.Then, using theCopelandmodeltocombinethe results ofthese modelsisdiscussed. The results show that an urban service is not distributed fairly in neighborhoods of this region. So that neighborhoods of Arjanteen – saei and MedaneValiasr in the best position and neighborhoods of Fatemi and Ghezelghale, are locatedat the lowest level in having of urban services distribution.Alsofindingsindicatedthat thespatial distribution of populationand servicesis not fair.Thus,considering the structure of coherent andsystematicof city, attention tothe spatialjustice ofdistributionservicein levelneighborhoods of six regionsanddistributionof these servicesaccording tothepopulation, has made itnecessary.
Show more [+] Less [-]Applying a Framework for Ecological Capability Assessment Model of Urban Development Using Analytic Network Process (ANP) (Case Study: Sari Township)
Javadian Koutenaee, Sara | Malmasi, Saeed | Orak, Neda | Morshedi, Jafar
Nowadays as for increasing growth of urban population and then expedite and ungovernable development of cities, many issues and problems have been stand on human societies The assessment of change rate of urban settlements in Sari city in the past half-century shows significant increment of urban lands space over the city. Increment of urban settlements in mentioned area takes place regardless capabilities and restrictions on lands and also ecological capability assessment process of urban development which causes wide range of valuable lands to be destroyed. Ecological capability assessment process of urban development estimates possible utilization of human from land for urban development usage. The present study which is descriptive and analysis and applicable research, is done to achieve designing and using a holistic and flexible model in order to ecological capability assessment of urban development by utilizing ANP. Analysis network process is relatively a modern method in the field of environmental researches that is based on mutual influence of environmental standards and of course wisdom collective judgment. The results of present research led to offering lands zoning map of the under studding area based on Ecological capability assessment of urban development to optimize activities in order to preventing environmental imbalance.
Show more [+] Less [-]Study urban system of new provinces in Iran by spatial planning approach, case study: Qom
Mirehei, Mohammad
Balancing in territories settlements, especially in the urban systems, is important for spatial planning. According to studies carried out in a non-equilibrium state of the urban system and the primacy phenomenon is evident at national and regional levels in Iran. The purpose of this paper is to explore the urban hierarchy of Qom province, especially in the course of time. This study, is descriptive and analytical method and developmental research by purpose. Documentary methods have been used for data collection. In order to analyze the urban system has been used many indicators (primacy, two city, Mehta, Moomaw&Alwosabi, Kinsburg, scattering coefficient, Herfindahl, Shannon entropy, size- rank and improved size-rank). The results show province of Qom has 6 city that all cities don’t have record high urbanization except the city of Qom. Also, all indicators show that the city of Qom has the strongest urban prime rate, concentration and imbalance. Even become the province of Qom and the formation of new urban areas couldn't reduce imbalances.
Show more [+] Less [-]Rural -Urban linkages: periodic markets network and regional development Case Study: Surrounding settlements of Tehran metropolis
Safiisabet, Naser | Esmaailzadeh, Hassan
During last two decades, rural-urban linkages in the form of regional interaction networks have been analyzed particularly in the geographical literature. In respect to economic linkages, periodic markets network could be assumed as one of the most important markets. In the sustainable social- economic conditions, this can result in positive and reciprocal functions. This study aims to determine the role of periodic markets network in regional development around Tehran metropolis. In this descriptive-analytical research, 199 sellers and 384 buyers in 49 periodic markets surrounding Tehran Metropolis were studied. To measure the effective factors in the establishment of periodic markets network and regional development, five indicators such as population size, share of urban wholesalers, share of urban and rural street vendors, share of agricultural and non-agricultural products and share of intra-area and regional transportation network were chosen. Results showed that population size and the convergent role of rural and urban street vendors associated with the development of intra-area transportation network were effective in the establishment and sustainability of rural and urban periodic markets network and regional development. It is proposed to note promoting share of direct supply of rural agricultural and non-agricultural products to these markets for rural- urban balanced development.
Show more [+] Less [-]The analytical study of the effects of Afghan' settlement selection on the socio- economic development of boarder villages of Sistan region
mirlotfi, mahmoudreza | jahantigh, hassanali
Boarder villages of sistan region in Iran are so less developed and their location on the boarder of Afghanistan has fueled this less development. Subsequently, Afghan's settlement in this region has caused some special socio-economic situation in sistan region and has overwhelmed lots of functions of this region's villages. The goal of this article is an analytical study on the effects of Afghan's settlement on the socio-economic development of boarder villages of Sistan. Based on the library study, field studies and questionnaire the method of this article was description- analytical study. The collected information was analyzed by means of Taxonomy method and spearman test inlet in SPSS software. The results of level taxonomy showed that among the 31 studied villages the number of 6 villages were on normal level and 25 others were on middle level or bellow. Also the results of spearman test with a degree of 99 percent certainty shows the correlation between afghan's settlement with economic development ( -0.814) and social development( -0.679) and concluded that the socio-economic situation of the region will improved by afghan withdrawal from Sistan area.
Show more [+] Less [-]An analysis on spatial planning of therapeutic Spaces of Mashhad with emphasis on passive defensive approach
Hoseini, Seyed Hadi | Sedigi, ABbolfazl
Spatial planning concept refers to alignment and arrangement of relationship between people, space and activities at different geographical scales with emphasis on the role of decision-making and decision-taking. Objective of this research is investigating the spatial distribution and localization of therapeutic land use (important hospitals) of Mashhad city with passive defense approach. Although, emphasis is on passive defense approach, however, because it is closely tied to the issue of spatial planning (especially in urban scale), the findings of the study can also be effective in spatial planning and urban planning. Study area is city of Mashhad that with regard to the diversity of therapeutic spaces, major city hospitals were selected for final consideration. Research methodology is descriptive - analysis method. Findings of Research indicate that the main part of important hospitals in Mashhad have been concentrated in the central part of the city. These regions located in areas of high risk in terms of passive defense. Imbalance between density population and spatial distribution of hospitals in urban areas is strongly noticeable. Finally, with attention to investigations and results, some suggestions for reduction hazards of therapeutic spaces in times of crisis offered.
Show more [+] Less [-]Investigating on strategies of decentralization of Iran – Tehran before the revolution so far
Yasouri, Majid | Hatami Nejad, Hossein | Asadzadeh, Hanieh
Decentralization is the strategy which democratizes of the political system and accelerating to achieve sustainable development, which currently has made the executive government circles become a hot issue. Despite the focused concentration of power and decision-making at the center or top-level officials, decentralization make this possibility to deal with low levels issues and problems of they own directly. Thus, this paper uses the method of descriptive - analytic and with a library collection - documents to review tackles decentralization and define the decentralization policy in Iran before and after the revolution program. Evaluation results show that in spite of decentralization policyIn most cases, development programs, unfortunately, these programs have not been successful and convergence has intensified in Tehran. Reality still shows the focus of activities, services and decision-making centers in Tehran. So the solution is to reduce the concentration of political power - administrative and decision-making and management of the local administration and management of provincial to provide the main way to deal with the approach of decentralization and reform of the governance structure and the reduced concentration of Tehran and the development of developing countries, decentralization
Show more [+] Less [-]The Evaluation and Revising of urban land use from the Point of View of social justice. (Case Study : Kashan)
Poorahmad, Ahmad | Hataminejad, Hosein | Ziari, Keramatallah | Farajisabokbar, Hasanali | Vafaii, Aboozar
The appropriate locate of uses and the justice of in Spatial distribution is very significant in planning the urban land use. The high increase in physical and population development of city, the shortage of services uses and lack of equity to allocate the sorts of land uses in various areas in Kashan, cause the confusion in urban land use and endanger the city sustainable development. However , recognizing and revising each one of the city uses to achieve the appropriate criteria and the principles of planning in city sustainable development are the most important activities in this field. The method to the research is descriptive -analytic, which has engaged in assessing and evaluating the quality and quantity of urban uses in Kashan, by considering two significant and effective standards in land use (including capacity and social justice)and putting GIS software into operation in the framework of entropy standard model and the average of nearest neighbor and per capita standard. The results of the research indicate that uses do not have appropriate Spatial and locative distribution, so that analyzing them with the capacity indexes and social justice, indicates the quality and quantity commotion in uses of tenfold areas in Kashan.
Show more [+] Less [-]Modeling unused lands and agricultural lands changes into built areas using CLUE-S model (Case Study: Esfahan 14'th region)
SHAHABIAN, POOYAN | Tarhani, Hossein | Koohi Habibi, Nazanin
These days because of study process changes of land use into urban use, play an important role in long-term decision and planning, predicting process of land use changes and it's modeling with specific methods to manage and control of urban expansion is necessary. In the meantime one of the modeling methods of land use changes is Clue-s model. This model is used recently in urban studies, because of it's dynamic nature, ability to combine with other tools, ability to improve the model and accessibility of essential data. At the first step the articles purpose would be the explanation in ways and amounts of unused and agricultural lands conversion into built areas within the Esfahan 14'th region, and the next step would be future patterns modeling of these changes till 1405s vision with Clue-s. The theoretical principle of this article have been collected with documentary method and quantitative and comparative method have been used to analyses the topic. At first, effective factors of land use changes have been prepared and then to explain the relationship between changeable factors and independent factors, causal analysis Regration Logistic have been used within SPSS. T
Show more [+] Less [-]Geopolitical Analysis of the Demographic Changes Necessary and Spatial Planning Policy Making in the Field of Geographical Distribution in Iran
Pishgahi Fard, Zahra | Yazdan Panah, Kyomars | Rezvani, Mohammad Reza | Rashidi, Mostafa
Iran needs population growth in order to achieve high weight in the region and world as well as to obviate peripheral threats. Iran's area is so vast that it can accommodate more population than the current population. The country having population density of 46 individuals per square kilometer ranks 162 in the world. However, quality and efficacy are necessary for a population to lead high weight. Therefore, it has been attempted in this research to explain necessity of population growth of the country geographically; and to study optimization of indices for these changes and policy making in order to lead the changes in the framework of the land preparation plans. The research questions are: Which indices are considered as priority from the view point of the land preparation, concerning the population growth; and which areas and provinces are more apt to accommodate more population? General purpose of this study is to consider crucial land preparation indices in population growth policy and to prioritize provinces based on the indices. The research method is descriptive-analytical.
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