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Determination of Yield and Quality Characteristics of Lavandula Cultivars in the Kahramanmaras Region
Serkan Aras | Muhammet Ali Gündeşli | Kerim Karataş | Erdem Ertürk | Güven Borzan
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in herbal remedies for therapeutic purposes. Aromatic plants have become a significant source of raw materials for the fragrance, food, and cosmetics industries. Additionally, the emergence of new applications and the trend towards natural nutrition and alternative healing methods, often referred to as "going natural," have increased the interest in medicinal and aromatic plants in our country, as well as in other countries around the world. In this study were investigated to determine yield and quality characteristics of seven different lavender (Lavandula intermedia Emeric ex Loisel. = L. hybrida L.) (Grasso, Süper-A, Seguret, Dutch, Abrial, Akmeşe, English) cultivars under dry and irrigated cultivation in Kahramanmaraş conditions between 2019 and 2020. The research was carried out in a randomized block design with 4 replications. Fresh stem flower yield was the highest variety Grasso(672.81kg/da). The lowest fresh stem flower yield was found in Seguret variety with 611.33kg/da The highest dry stemless flower yield was determined in Grasso variety with 59,66 kg/da. There were significant differences determined between cultivars the end of 2 years. The highest average fresh stem flower yield (693.067 kg/da) and the highest average dry branched flower yield (252.588 kg/ha) were measured in GRASSO variety.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effect of Ethephon Application on Seed Yield and Yield Components of Two Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.) Cultivars
Aybegün Ton
The aim of present study was to determine the effects of different ethephon doses on grain yield and yield components of two faba bean cultivars. The experiment was established in 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 cropping season at Research Area of Field Crops Department, Agriculture of Faculty, Cukurova University Adana, Turkey. The field experiment was laid out in randomized complete blocks design (RCBD) with three replications on the basis split plot design with cultivars (Luz de Otono and Histal) in main plots and ethephon doses (0, 500, 1000, 1500 g ha-1) in sub plots. Plant height (cm), branches per plant, pods per plant, seeds per plant, seed yield per plant (g), 100 grain weight (g), seed yield (kg ha-1) were investigated. Differences among the cultivars and ethephon applications were significant for seed yield and it varied from 1782 to 3388 kg ha-1 in the mean of the years. Seed yield also decreased with increasing ethephon doses. Seed yield was higher in 2019/2020 (3355 kg ha) than 2020/2021 (1841 kg ha-1) where low rainfed and high temperature. The present results suggested that ethephon applications at inititation of flowering were not useful for seed production of faba bean.
Show more [+] Less [-]A New Approach to Determine Time and Temperature Combination for Electrical Conductivity Test in Sorghum
Mehmet Demir Kaya | Onur İleri
This study was conducted to determine a suitable time and temperature combination for the electrical conductivity test to be used in sorghum seeds. Fifty seeds known initial seed moisture content and weight of fresh and dead seeds (105°C for 6h) of seven sorghum cultivars were used as material. The electrical conductivities of soaking water were measured using an EC meter in 20, 25 and 30°C for 4, 8, 12 and 24 h using 50 mL deionized water. The experimental design was three factor factorial (7 × 3 × 4) arranged in a completely randomized design; with four replications and 50 seeds per replicate. The results showed that increased time and temperature caused a remarkable increase in EC values of all of the cultivars. Temperature significantly affected the electrical conductivity values and the best results were obtained at 25°C. The cultivars with the lower germination percentage gave the higher electrical conductivity value. Dead seeds always gave higher electrical conductivity at 25°C for all periods. It was concluded that the temperature of 25°C and 24 h was the optimum combination for the electrical conductivity test in sorghum.
Show more [+] Less [-]A Comprehensive Study on the Agronomic and Technological Responses of Different Chamomile (Matricaria recutita L.) Varieties at Diverse Sowing Times
Uğur Tan | Olcay Arabacı
In this study, it was aimed to determine the effects of different sowing times and different varieties of German chamomilla (Matricaria recutita L.) on agronomic and technological characteristics. The study was conducted in experimental fields of the Department of Field Crops, Faculty of Agriculture in Adnan Menderes University. Two different tetraploid Matricaria recutita L. (Bodegold and Zloty Lan) cultivars were used for this study. Zloty Lan was provided by Germany and Bodegold was provided from Atatürk Central Horticultural Research Institute. The trial was conducted according to a split plot experimental design with 4 block. Factors consist of 5 sowing times as main plots (1 October, 15 October, 1 November, 15 November, 1 December) and 2 genotypes as subplots (Bodegold and Zloty Lan). The effect of sowing times and genotypes was found statistically significant on fresh flower yield. The highest flower yield was found 61.61 kg da-1 . The average values for plant height ranged from 45.43 to 55.20 cm, flower diameter ranged from 25.24 to 27.53 mm, biomass ranged from 130 to 332.3 kg da-1, fresh flower yield ranged from 19.74 to 61.61 kg da-1 , drug herb ranged from 35.5 to 73.5 kg da-1 , drug flower ranged from 7.4 to 13.3 kg da-1 , essential oil content ranged from 0.025% to 0.083% and essential oil yield ranged from 0.020 to 0.090 l da-1. The primary constituents of essential oil have been discovered as bisabolol oxide a and bisabolene oxide.
Show more [+] Less [-]The Use of Germination Indices for Salinity Tolerance Classification of Pepper Cultivars
Gamze Kaya
The study aimed to evaluate the use of germination indices as a screening tool for salinity tolerance during germination and early seedling growth of pepper cultivars, and to distinguish the potential for genetic responses to salt tolerance. In the study, the seeds of seven pepper cultivars were germinated at increasing NaCl levels of 5, 10, 15 and 20 dS/m and distilled water as the control treatment for 14 days. Germination percentage (GP), mean germination time (MGT), germination index (GI), germination stress tolerance index (GSTI), seedling length (SL), seedling fresh weight (SFW) and vigor index (VI) were investigated. Results showed that germination percentage decreased with increasing NaCl levels while the highest germination percentage at 20 dS/m was 92% in BT Burdem with no significant reduction. Seedling growth of pepper cultivars was severely inhibited by increasing salinity stress. SFW was depressed depending on reduction in SL due to increasing NaCl. BT-Burli and BT İnce Sivri were the most tolerant cultivars to NaCl and they were used for genetic resources towards salinity. Seedling growth was much more sensitive to salinity than germination because of the highest percent reduction in seedling growth parameters. Among the parameters, GSTI gave the highest significant correlation coefficient with SL and SFW; indicating that it would be useful for estimating seedling growth. It was concluded that genotypic variation was observed among pepper cultivars for salinity tolerance and GSTI could be used for a predictor for salinity tolerance.
Show more [+] Less [-]Comparison of Grain Yield and Some Characteristics of Hulled, Durum and Bread Wheat Genotypes Varieties
Bekir Atar | Burhan Kara
In spite of the low grain yield they produce, the hulled wheat have become even more important in recent years because of their resistance to negative environmental conditions and healthy nutritional content. The research was carry out in order to comparison the yield and yield characteristics of durum (Kiziltan-91 and C-1252), hulled (Einkorn and Emmer) and bread wheat (Tir) varieties in Isparta ecological conditions in 2013-14 and 2014-15 vegetation periods. In both years, the highest grain yield was obtained in Kiziltan-91 variety (3992 and 3758 kg ha-1 respectively). The grain yield of hulled wheats in the first year (Einkorn 1269 kg ha-1, Emmer 2125 kg ha-1) was around Turkey averages. However, grain yield decreased of commercial wheat varieties due to the negative effect of high amount of rainfall in June in the second year, but considerably increased in (Einkorn 2150 kg ha-1, Emmer 2533 kg ha-1). N uptake was found to be lower in the than durum wheats. In terms of grain protein content, the highest values were obtained in Emmer variety (16.4%-15.3%).
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