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Determination of the Antimethanogenic Properties of Sumac Leaves (Rhus coriaria L.) Subsitution at Different Ratios İnstead of Corn Silage in Sheep Rations by in Vitro Gas Production Method
Ali Kaya | Atilla Başer | Adem Kaya | Bilal Selçuk | Tuğba Cengiz
This study was carried out to determine the effects of different doses (10, 20 and 30%) of sumac shrub leaf substitution instead of corn silage in sheep rations on in vitro gas and methane production, metabolic energy (ME), net energy lactation (NEL) and organic matter digestion degree. Sheep ration consisting of corn silage (20%), alfalfa straw (22.5%), dry meadow grass (20%), and commercial feed (37.5%) constituted the control group. The experimental groups were formed by substituting 10 (S1), 20 (S2) and 30 (S3) percent sumac shrub leaves for corn silage in the control (C) group formed the experimental groups. The effect of sumac shrub leaf substitution on in vitro gas and methane production, metabolic energy, net energy lactation, and organic matter digestion degree was found to be significant. The 24-hour in vitro gas production values of rations ranged between 43.11- 46.77 ml/200 mg DM, methane production values 6.8-7.48 ml, metabolic energy values 8.91-9.41 MJ/kg DM, net energy lactation, 5.59-5.95 MJ/kg DM and organic matter digestion degree values found between 64.25 and 67.61%. As a result, it was determined that increasing doses of sumac shrub leaf substitute reduced gas and methane production. In addition, it was concluded that the data obtained should be supported by determining the microorganism counts, feed consumption amounts, and feed efficiency coefficients with in vivo studies.
Show more [+] Less [-]Tissue Culture Studies in Olive Plants on the World and Turkey
Zeliha Çiftçi | Mizgin Ay | Ebru Sakar
Known as the world’s most healthy and natural source of vegetable oil, the history of olives dates back to 10,000 years ago. The homeland of olives, a member of the Oleacea family, is Upper Mesopotamia and Southern Asia, including Southeastern Anatolia and Syria. Olives, BC It started to be cultivated on the eastern shores of the Mediterranean in the year 3000 and is one of the first fruit species cultivated in the Mediterranean region. In this respect, olive has an important place in the economy, nutrition and culture of Mediterranean countries. Currently, in most olive growing countries, olive, leafy stem or cuttings are rooted or by propagating stem shoots from seed or clonal stem. However, the so-called table olives are very difficult or completely impossible to root. The olives, which are very difficult to root, should be supported with biotechnological approaches such as micropropagation method in order to increase the product productivity. So far, many fruit species have been propagated in vitro using tissue culture methods and at the same time, some olive varieties have been successfully propagated by micro-propagation method. It made in tissue culture in the world and Turkey Olives have been compiled resources to work for the researchers in this study.
Show more [+] Less [-]In vitro Multiple Shoot Regeneration from Petunia hybrida
Rebaz Rasul Habas | Musa Turker | Fethi Ahmet Ozdemir
An efficient plant regeneration protocol was developed from in vitro germinated seeds of Petunia hybrida an ornamentally important plant in the family Solanaceae. Shoot tip and node explants of Petunia hybrida were cultured on MS basal medium supplemented with different concentrations and combinations of Benzyl amino purine (BAP), 1-Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) and Gibberellic acid (GA3). The highest shoot length was obtained from MS medium supplemented with 1 mg/l BAP + 1 mg/l NAA. The highest shoot number (3 shoots/explant) were obtained from MS medium supplemented with 0.6 mg/l BAP + 0.5 mg/l IBA. The isolated shoots were transferred to MS basal medium supplemented with different concentrations of GA3 ranging from 0.05, 0.2, 0.5 and 1 mg/l for shoot elongation. The highest shoot length (5.75 cm) was recorded from the MS medium supplemented with 0.2 mg/l GA3 +0.2 mg/l BAP. Rooting of regenerated shoots were achieved on MS medium supplemented with 0.1-1 mg/1 IBA and NAA. The regenerated shoots with well developed roots were successfully acclimatized and established in pots containing sterilized peat moss and grown under laboratory conditions with 70% survival rates.
Show more [+] Less [-]Evaluation of Micro Tuberization Performances of Different Genotypes
Ayten Kübra Türkmen | Caner Yavuz | Sarbesh Das Dangol | Cehibe Tarım | Ufuk Demirel | Mehmet Emin Çalışkan
Certified potato seed tuber usage is one of the most important steps for production of high yield and quality potatoes. For this reason different seed tuber production methods have been developed. Among these methods, mini tuber production is the most popular one. In order to produce mini tubers, firstly potato plants are produced in vitro, and these plants are transferred to an environmentally-controlled greenhouse. Thus, disease- and virus-free mini tubers are produced as seed tubers. However, in vitro section of mini tuber production creates problems like storage and transfer of in vitro plants, and adaptation period of the plants to greenhouse conditions. In vitro micro tuber (MT) formation has been selected as a solution of these problems. The aim of the study was to produce micro tubers from 15 different genotypes and evaluate their micro tuberization performances to determine the genotype effect on MT formation. 3 varieties, 3 breeding lines and 9 different genotypes from International Potato Center (CIP) were selected for the study. For this purpose, micro tubers are produced in vitro by using Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 8% sucrose and 0.1 mg/L thidiazuron (TDZ). All experiments were conducted under dark conditions and 22/16 °C (8/16 h) temperature cycle. The micro tuberization performances were evaluated according to MT number per plant, MT formation rate (%), MT weight per plant (g), mean MT weight (g), mean MT diameter (mm). Differences between micro tuber production performances of different genotypes were determined and CIP395017.229 was identified as the most promising genotype to produce micro tubers.
Show more [+] Less [-]In Vitroda Yetiştirilen Bazı Kiraz Anaçlarının Kireç Stresine Gösterdiği Tepkiler
Muzaffer İpek | Şeyma Arıkan | Lütfi Pırlak | Ahmet Eşitken | Murat Şahin
Topraktaki yüksek kireç içeriği bitkilerin verimini ve yaşamını sınırlandıran önemli abiyotik stres faktörlerindendir. Kireçli topraklar dünyadaki karaların %30’dan fazlasını kaplarken, ülkemizde ise Karadeniz Bölgesi hariç hemen hemen tüm bölgelerimizin topraklarının kireç içeriği oldukça yüksektir. Kiraz da dâhil olmakla birlikte meyve türleri genel olarak yüksek kireç içeriğine oldukça duyarlıdır. Bu bağlamda meyve yetiştiriciliğinde topraktaki yüksek kireç içeriğine dayanıklılık sağlayan anaçların varlığı ve mevcut anaçların kirece dayanımlarının belirlenmesi önem arz etmektedir. Bu amaçla, in vitro koşullarda çoğaltılan Kuş kirazı, Mahlep, MaxMa 14, CAP-6P ve PHL-C anaçlarının farklı kireç seviyelerinde (Kontrol, %1,0, %3,0 ve %5,0 CaCO3) morfolojik ve biyokimyasal tepkilerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Stres altındaki bitkilerde, bitki ve kök gelişimi gibi morfolojik özellikleri ile membran geçirgenliği ve yaprak oransal su içeriği gibi fizyolojik özelliklerinin yanında, peroksidaz, süperoksidaz dismutaz, hidrojen peroksit, prolin ve protein miktarı gibi biyokimyasal özellikler ve demir aktiviteleri (bitkilerde demir içeriği, aktif demir içeriği, bitkilerde demir şelat redüktaz aktivitesi ve köklerde demir şelat aktivitesi) belirlenmiştir. Denemede ortamda CaCO3 seviyesi arttıkça anaçların dayanımının azaldığı belirlenmiştir. Ancak denemenin 15. gününde yapılan ölçümlerde MaxMa-14 kiraz anacının diğer kiraz anaçlarına göre daha iyi bir gelişim gösterdiği tespit edilmiştir.
Show more [+] Less [-]The Effect of Different Applications on In vitro Bulb Development of an Endemic Hyacinth Plant (Hyacinthus orientalis L. subsp. chionophyllus Wendelbo) Grown in Turkey
Selay Doğan | Gülat Çağlar | Esra Bulunuz Palaz
In this study the effects of different sucrose concentrations, and the combinations of jasmonic acid (JA) with auxins (IAA or NAA) or with cytokinin (2iP) on the bulb induction and rooting of in vitro plantlets of Hyacinthus orientalis subsp. chionophyllus Wendelbo, which is endemic in Turkey, were investigated. The effect of four different sucrose concentrations (30, 45, 60 and 90 g L-1) on bulb formation in tissue culture was investigated. These plantlets were cultured on MS medium supplemented with several concentrations and combinations of JA (0.0, 1.0, 2.0 mg L-1) and 2iP (0.0, 0.25 and 0.50 mg L-1), IAA or NAA (0.5, 1.0 mg L-1). In JA- 2iP treatment, the highest number of bulblets (13.7 number/explant) was obtained by the combinations of JA 1.0 mg L-1 + 2iP 0.25 mg L-1. Also, the largest bulblets with the mean diameter of 7.9 mm were found on MS medium supplemented with JA 2.0 mg L-1. In JA – Auxin treatment, the mean root number per bulblet was highest (17.9 number/explant) and root formation rate was maximum (81.14%) on MS medium supplemented with IAA 1.0 mg L-1 + JA 2.0 mg L-1.
Show more [+] Less [-]Molecular Diversity Analysis of in vitro and Irradiated Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) Grew Under Salt Stress Expressed by SCoT and ISSR Markers
Eman Fahmy | Ahmed Abo Doma | Mohamed Adly | Gamal El-Metabteb | Osama Helmy | Ayman El-Fiki
Tomato buds of cv. Idkawy were cultured in vitro on solid MS medium with 0.2 mg-l BAP. The plantlets that were produced were exposed to different doses of gamma radiation, ranging from 100 to 200 Gy. Afterward, single pieces of nodes were cut and moved to a fresh MS medium with 0.2 mg-l of BAP. The gamma radiation caused a mortality rate of 18.75% to 52.5% among the explants. The surviving plantlets were then cut into single node pieces and transferred to an MS medium containing 0.2 mg-l of BAP, with added NaCl concentrations of either 50 or 100 mM. There was increased mortality of the vegetative buds on the explants with increased salt concentrations. It was shown that the all gamma radiation doses caused reduced the percentage of survival at saline levels. The genetic diversity was assessment by using ten primers for each SCoT and ISSR markers to six irradiated treatments grew under salt stress (100 Gy x 50 mM, 150 Gy x 50 mM, 200 Gy x 50 mM, 100 Gy x 100 mM, 150 Gy x 100 mM, 200 Gy x 100 mM). It was showed that the polymorphism percentage mean of SCoT marker (29.56%) is higher than the ISSR marker (26.78%). The average of PIC values for both markers SCoT and ISSR were 0.197 and 0.288 (PIC ˂0.5), as well as, MI values were 0.077 and 0.081, respectively. In contrast, when considering the number of alleles (Ne), Nei's genetic diversity (H), and Shannon's information index (I) parameters, it was observed that the greatest genetic variation was caused by the combined treatment of 200 Gy x 50 mM NaCl using the SCoT marker. On the other hand, with the ISSR marker, the highest induced genetic variation was seen with the combined treatment of 150 Gy x 50 mM NaCl. The obtained results demonstrate that SCoT marker was more accurate and efficient than ISSR marker for distinguishing and genetic variation analysis of irradiated tomato plantlets grew under salt stress. The relationships within treatments were estimated through cluster analysis (UPGMA) based on SCoT and ISSR analysis.
Show more [+] Less [-]In Vitro Shoot Bioassay of Salt Tolerant International Potato Center Bred Potato Genotypes for Assessing Their Salinity Tolerance
Md. Habibur Rahman | Deen Mohammad Deepo | Md Mazahul Islam | Md. Abul Bashar | Kamrun Nahar Sheuly | Khalid Syfullah | Md. Ekramul Hoque | Md Moshrraf Hossain Molla
The aim of the experiment is to study in vitro regeneration efficiency of international potato center (CIP)-bred salt tolerant potato genotypes under salt stress condition and to identify effective potato genotype(s) for saline belt areas of Bangladesh. An in vitro shoot bioassay of eight CIP-bred potato genotypes viz. CIP 102, CIP 106, CIP 111, CIP 117, CIP 124, BARI Alu 72 (CIP 139), and BARI Alu 73 (CIP 127) and CIP 136 were used. In this study, single node of these genotypes was cultured in MS media supplemented with 0, 80, 100, 120, 140 and 160 mM NaCl. Among the eight genotypes, BARI Alu 72 (CIP 139) showed the highest tolerance against salinity up to 160 mM NaCl (14.61 dS/m) for all studied parameters (except shoot and root initiation) with the highest plant height (9.67 cm), leaves number (13.60), nodes number (9.50), root length (6.50 cm), roots number (7.80), fresh weight of shoot (536.1 mg) and root (205.60 mg). On the other hand, CIP 106 was found the most susceptible genotype against salinity showing its highest salinity tolerance up to 120 mM NaCl (10.96 dS/m) with maximum plant height (7.17 cm), leaves number (12.50), nodes number (6.50), root length (7.50 cm), roots number (9.7), fresh weight of shoot (572.3 mg) and root (250 mg). The experiment's findings corroborated CIP's findings that they were salt tolerant, as well as recommended for their cultivation suitability in saline-affected area in Bangladesh.
Show more [+] Less [-]Determining The Feed Value, Feed Quality, and in Vitro Fermentation Properties of Italian Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.) Harvested in Different Periods
Esra Gürsoy | Gürkan Sezmiş | Ali Kaya
The purpose of this study was to determine the chemical content, in vitro gas and methane production, relative feed value (RFV), relative feed quality (RFQ), in vitro digestibility parameters, and microbial protein production of the Italian ryegrass plants harvested in different periods of the 2020 production season in Erzincan. In this study an ANKOM Daisy Incubator was used to determine the in vitro digestibility parameters. In vitro gas production technique was used todetermine gas production and predicted parameters. It was found that there were significant differences between the Italian ryegrass plants harvested in different periods in terms of composition, RFV, RFQ, and in vitro digestibility and fermentation parameters. The RFV, metabolizable energy (ME), net energy (NE), true NDF digestibility (TNDFD), organic matter digestibility degree (OMDD), total digestible nutrient (TDN), dry matter intake (DMI), and RFQ values of the Italian ryegrass plants were found to be 247.32, 9.13, 5.68, 62.26%, 54.15%, 55.35%, 4.82%, and 215.81, respectively. On the other hand, after 24 hours of incubation it’s in vitro gas (GP), and methane production (ml and %), true dry matter digestibility (TDMD) values, partitioning factor (PF), microbial protein (MP), microbial protein synthesis efficiency (MPSE), and true digestibility (TD) were found to be 105.41, 17.35, 16.42, 281.72, 2.68, 57.68, 20.32, and 59.82, respectively. In conclusion, determining the digestibility of plants via the measurement of RFV, RFQ, digestion parameters, and gas production in different harvest periods provided insights into the potential of Italian ryegrass as a feed material.
Show more [+] Less [-]In vitro Propagation of Banana (Musa paradisiaca L.) Plant Using Shoot Tip Explant
Girmay Mekonen | Meseret Chimdessa Egigu | Manikandan Muthsuwamy
Banana is a fruit crop which has high demand in Ethiopia, but its production is constrained by lack of disease free planting material with conventional propagation methods. For shoot initiation, shoot tip explants were cultured on MS medium supplemented with 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 mg/L BAP. Similarly, MS medium supplemented with BAP at 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 mg/L in combination with IBA at 0.25 and 0.50 mg/L were used for shoot multiplication. Half- strength MS medium augmented with IBA at 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 mg/l were used for root induction. MS medium without PGRs were used as controls. Finally, hardening of the in vitro derived plantlets was carried out in green house both in the primary and secondary acclimatization stages. Results showed that the highest shoot initiation percent (93.40%), highest mean number of shoots per explant (4.67) and lesser day for shoot induction (11.00) were observed in explant cultured on MS + 1.0 mg/L BAP. With shoot multiplication, highest shooting percent (92.60%), maximum number of shoots (7.67) and highest shoot length (5.27 cm) were recorded on MS + 1.5 mg/L BAP + 0.5 mg/L IBA. The highest rooting percent (93.40%), maximum root number per shoot (7.67) and highest root length (11.00 cm) were found on a half strength MS medium + 2.0 mg/L IBA. The survival rate of plantlets were 96.00% in coco peat substrate in primary acclimatization and 97.92% in forest soil, sand and manure substrates mixed at 3:2:1 ratio in secondary acclimatization. Overall, the result showed that the PGRs type, concentrations and combinations used are effective for mass propagation of banana variety studied in this experiment.
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