AGRIS - International System for Agricultural Science and Technology

[ Published in: Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology ]
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Determination of Thermal Efficiency and Fuel Consumption Rate of a Pressure Cooker Fueled with Blends of Waste Vegetable Oil and Kerosene


Oluwafemi Emmanuel Ogundahunsi | Isaac Olatunde Olaoye | Precious Akintobi Fabunmi

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Design and Manufacture of a Dryer for Corn Grains, Ears and Cobs


Humberto Rodríguez-Fuentes | Juan Arredondo-Valdez | Wilgince Apollon | Urbano Luna-Maldonado | Héctor Flores-Breceda | Uziel Francisco Grajeda-González | Alejandro Isabel Luna Maldonado

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden