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Çiftlik Hayvanlarında Karayoluyla Nakil Koşullarının Mortalite ve Karkas Kalitesine Etkisi
Ömer Faruk Güngör | Necmettin Ünal
Son yıllarda gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan ülkelerde kaliteli et üretimi ve et üretim kayıplarını azaltma ile ilgili yapılan bilimsel araştırma sayısında artış olduğu bilinmektedir. Yapılan araştırmalarda nakil koşullarının etin raf ömrünü ve etin görünümünü etkilediği bildirilmiştir. Kara yolu ile nakil koşullarının hayvan refahı kurallarına uygun olmadığı durumlarda mortality, karkas ezikleri meydana gelmekte ve etin normal pH’sı değişmektedir. Bu nedenle nakledilecek havanların özellikleri (ırk, tür, cinsiyet, yaş ve yetiştirme şekli) ve nâkilin etkenleri (bakıcılar, şoförler, yükleme, boşaltma, araç, alan, mevsim, açlık, susuzluk, sosyal grup, yolun mesafesi ve durumu) dikkate alınarak yapılacak iyi bir planlama üretim kayıplarını azaltacak ve et kalitesini artıracaktır. Bu derlemede, hayvanların karayoluyla nakillerinin planlanmasında dikkat edilmesi gereken kriterler hakkında araştırmacılara ve alanda çalışanlara kapsamlı bilgi sunmak amaçlanmıştır.
Show more [+] Less [-]Evaluation of Quality Characteristics of Commercial Fermented Sausages (Sucuk and Heat-Treated Sucuk)
Zeynep Feyza Yılmaz Oral | Selen Sallan
The study aimed to evaluate the pH, water activity (aw), residual nitrite, lactic acid bacteria, Micrococcus/Staphylococcus, Enterobacteriaceae and yeast-mould in fermented sausage samples from different firms. A total of 30 sucuk and 30 heat-treated sucuk samples were taken from 10 different brands with different batch numbers. According to analysis results, all samples, with the exception of some heat-treated sucuk samples from one brand, provided pH values that were within the permitted limit of regulation. For sucuk, mean aw value of only one brand was below 0.90, while aw values for heat-treated sucuk were in the range of 0.928 to 0.957. All samples had residual nitrite levels less than 15 mg/kg (in the range of 7.84-14.80 mg/kg). Yeast-mould and Enterobacteriaceae numbers were often below <2 log cfu/g. The number of Staphylococcus and Micrococcus showed a wide variation in both products which was <2 - 5.96 log cfu/g for sucuk and <2 - 7.85 log cfu/g for heat-treated sucuk. Lactic acid bacteria counts varied between 2-<4.0 log cfu/g in 40% of heat-treated sucuk samples. In sucuk, the number of lactic acid bacteria was <6 log cfu/g in 23.33% of the samples, and 6-<8 log cfu/g in 50% of the samples.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effects of Flaxseed and pH on the Emulsion Properties of Beef by Using a Model System
Şükrü Kurt | Huriye Gözde Ceylan
The effects of ground flaxseed (0-0.5%) and pH (3.88-8.12) on the emulsion properties of beef were studied using a model system. A central composite rotatable design was used to determine the response surface. pH, flaxseed and their interactions had significant effects on the emulsion properties of beef. pH and the interaction between pH and flaxseed increased emulsion capacity (EC). Flaxseed and pH increased emulsion stability (ES) until a critical point, which was reached at a flaxseed level of 0.42% and a pH of 7.02. pH decreased emulsion density (ED) and increased emulsion activity (EA). Moreover, the interaction between pH and flaxseed on EA was found to be significant. pH and flaxseed increased emulsion viscosity (EV), and the increasing rate was higher in basic medium than acidic.
Show more [+] Less [-]Can Biochar Made from Rice Husk Affect Savanna Soils’ pH, Electrical Conductivity, and Soil Respiration?
Ammal Abukari | Prince Cobbinah
Biochar is now gaining awareness as a sustainable tool for soil health improvement, boosting carbon (C) storage and the enhancement of nutrient cycling in agricultural soils. This study assesses the effects of biochar on soil respiration, pH, and electrical conductivity (EC) in savanna soils over a 45-day incubation trail in the laboratory. Four different biochar treatments (0, 2, 4, and 6 t/ha) were used in the study. The treatments were established at 26°C, and after 2, 5, and 10 days, the CO2 levels were recorded. After incubation for 0, 5, 10, and 45 days, the EC and pH were assessed. As the rate of application of biochar increased, the rate of CO2 evolution increased as well. During the first two days of incubation, the CO2 evolution rate rose by a value of 129 at 2 t/ha biochar, 146 at 4 t/ha biochar, and 168 ug CO2/g soil/d at 6 t/ha biochar above the 0 t/ha biochar. Following five days of incubation, the amounts of CO2 evolution that were higher than the control were 99 with 2 t/ha, 116 with 4 t/ha, and 120 ug CO2/g soil/d with 6 t/ha of biochar. The increase in CO2 evolution above the control treatment at 10 days of incubation was 61 with 2 t/ha, 79 with 4 t/ha, and 87 ug CO2/g soil/d with 6 t/ha of biochar. Analogously, rising patterns in CO2 emissions were noted. Throughout the whole incubation period, the biochar treatments' soil EC and pH were greater than those of the control treatment. After applying biochar, there were increases in the evolution of CO2, however after 10 days of incubation, the percentage of C evolved from the addition of biochar decreased as the rates of biochar increased. At two t/ha, four t/ha, and six t/ha, the percentage C developed was 1.74 %, 1.66%, and 0.82% of the applied biochar C, respectively. Although the CO2 evolved ratio to the total amount of biochar C typically reduced with increasing biochar rates, this study shows that the addition of biochar increases soil respiration, EC, and pH.
Show more [+] Less [-]Zenginleştirilmiş Çevre Şartlarının Beç Tavuklarında Performans, Davranış, Kesim, Karkas ve Et Kalite Özelliklerine Etkisi
Murat Karataş | Mehmet Akif Boz
Bu çalışmada beç tavuklarına kapalı yetiştirme şartlarında uygulanan çevresel zenginleştirmenin besi performansı, kesim ve et kalite özellikleri ile bazı davranış özelliklerine etkilerinin ortaya koyulması amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma, Yozgat Bozok Üniversitesi BOZOKTUAM Yerköy Hayvancılık işletmesinde yürütülmüş olup, hayvan materyalini 200 adet günlük yaşta beç tavuğu oluşturmuştur. Bu çalışmada, çevresel zenginleştirme uygulanan ve uygulanmayan iki farklı muamele grubu oluşturulmuştur. Beç tavukları her iki muamele grubunda da 5 tekerrürlü olarak altlıklı yer sisteminde yetiştirilmiştir. Çevresel zenginleştirme grubunda tüneme tahtaları, taş materyalleri ve yeşillik yemliği objeleri yer almıştır. Beç tavukları kuluçkadan çıkıştan sonra muamele gruplarına rastgele dağıtılmış ve 13 haftalık kesim yaşına kadar aynı kümes ortamında büyütülmüştür. Çevresel zenginleştirme uygulanan grupta daha düşük kesim ağırlığı gerçekleşmiş ve yemden yararlanma oranı 10 ve 12 haftalık yaşta kontrol grubunda daha iyi bulunmuştur. Kesim ağırlığı ve sıcak karkas ağırlığı çevresel zenginleştirme uygulanan grupta daha düşük bulunmuştur. Çevresel zenginleştirme uygulanan beç tavuklarında daha yüksek eşinme, koşma, yem yeme ve su içme, kabarma ve kanat çırpma ile tüy temizleme davranışı gözlenmiştir. Tüy gagalama davranışı ve yatma davranışı ise çevresel zenginleştirme uygulanmayan (kontrol grubu) beç tavuklarında daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Bu çalışma kapalı ortamda yetiştirilen beç tavuklarında çevresel zenginleştirme uygulamalarının genel performans, karkas ve et kalite özelliklerinde önemli bir değişime neden olmadan doğal davranışların sergilenme düzeyini artırarak daha yüksek bir refaha katkı sağlayabileceğini ortaya koymuştur.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effect of Heat Treatment, Water and Vinegar Soaking on Protein and Phytic Acid Levels in Hemp Seed Meal
Gülşah Kanbur
Hemp plants are notable for their climate resilience, and hempseed meal (HSM) is a potential high-protein feed for poultry. However, HSM has high levels of the antinutritional factor phytic acid (PA). This study aimed to evaluate the effects of heat and soaking treatments on the protein and PA content of HSM. HSM was obtained through cold pressing of whole hempseed and then subjected to heat treatment at 70°C for 24 hours. Soaking treatments involved water, water-vinegar mix, and vinegar for 1, 7, and 24 hours, followed by drying and analysis of PA and protein content. Results indicated that heating increased PA content without affecting protein levels. Soaking duration did not significantly alter protein content but did affect PA levels, with 24-hour soaking significantly increasing PA compared to 1-hour and 7-hour durations. The soaking material also influenced PA content: water soaking increased PA, while a 1-hour vinegar-water mix and 7-hour vinegar soaking significantly reduced PA. The highest PA concentration occurred with 24-hour water soaking. The protein content was highest with 7-hour vinegar soaking. In conclusion, acidic soaking solutions, particularly vinegar and vinegar-water mix, effectively reduced PA in HSM without protein loss.
Show more [+] Less [-]A Comparative Study on the Effects of Use Hemp Seed Oil Substitute to Soybean Oil in Growing Quail Diets
Rabia Göçmen | Gülşah Kanbur
This study was conducted to investigate the effects of hemp seed oil replaced soybean oil as an energy supply on growth performance parameters, carcass yield, liver weight, breast meat pH, and meat color values in quails. A total of 100 one-day old quail chicks were reared in two treatment groups for 5 weeks. The experimental diets were formulated as to contain 4.4% crude soybean(control) and hemp seed oils. According to the results of the present study, crude hemp seed oil replaced soybean oil in the diet was effective on finishing body weight, feed intake, feed conversion ratio, weight gain and carcass yield. All of these parameters were lower than the soybean oil (control) group. Liver weight, and breast meat color values (L*, a*, and b*) have shown similarities between experimental groups. The breast meat pH value decreased significantly in the hemp seed oil treatment group compared to soybean oil group. Using hemp seed oil instead of soybean oil used in quail diets negatively affects performance parameters (except for feed conversion ratio).
Show more [+] Less [-]Factors Affecting the Stability of Anthocyanins
Buket Aşkın | Erdoğan Küçüköner
Anthocyanins are compounds, which responsible for red, blue, purple colors of fruits and vegetables and they have water soluble properties. One of the natural color pigments are anthocyanins were placed in flavonoids group. This pigment has glycoside form and it has different properties according to the included sugar group and chemical composition. Anthocyanins which known to have positive effects on health bring attractive to the visual features products bring. The limited stability of anthocyanins may cause important problems for process and storage of fruit and vegetables included anthocyanins. The chemical structure and important factors related to the stability of anthocyanins were evaluated within the scope of this review.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effects of Different Drying Methods on Modelling, Energy Consumption and Final Quality of Tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill)
Hakan Polatcı | Yücel Erkmen
Agricultural developments mostly depend on rapidly increasing world population. Tomato is a highly nutritious vegetable. Post-harvest technologies are often applied to prolong the consumption periods of tomato. Drying is one of the oldest methods of conservation. In this study, five different drying methods (oven drying, vacuum oven drying, sensitive drying, shaded-open atmosphere drying and sun drying) was used. Drying processes were carried out with dryers at 55°C, 60°C, 65°C and 70°C temperatures. All drying trials were performed in three replications. Drying performance (drying duration, final moisture content), drying kinetics, colour analysis, energy consumption, chemical analyses were performed for all drying methods. Fresh samples reached to desired moisture contents in 20-300 hours. To define time-dependent changes in moisture contents, Page, Logarithmic and Midilli-Küçük equations were used. Page equation yielded the worst estimations. There were not significant differences in “a” redness values of fresh samples, 65-70C of oven dryer and all temperatures of sensitive dryer. Sensitive dryer yielded the closet pH values to fresh samples. Based on current findings, it was concluded that oven drying, and sensitive drying were suitable for drying Selinus tomato variety.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effect of The Use of Different Whey Proteins on Some Properties of Sahlep Beverage Prepared from Functional Sahlep Powder
Kurban Yaşar | Adnan Bozdogan
Sahlep powder is obtained by drying and grinding after the plant tubers of the Orchidaceae family removed from the soil. Sahlep powder, which is unique to Turkey, is used in Maras ice cream, sahlep beverage and medicine production. There is a growing interest in healthy nutrition in the world. This increasing is increased the demand for functional food. Whey proteins are increasingly used in foods in recent years due to the functional compounds they contain. In this study, it was tried to increase the functional properties of sahlep using Whey proteins. For this purpose, different Sahlep powder was prepared by using Whey protein concentrate (WPC 35%), demineralized whey protein powder, milk powder, sahlep, sugar, starch, cinnamon and ginger. The different Sahlep produced were made into sahlep beverage with water and pH, viscosity and sensory analysis were made. As a result of the analyzes made, the use of Whey proteins statistically affected the viscosity value of the sahlep beverage. It was determined that the use of different whey proteins affected the color, taste and smell values of Sahlep. As a result of the sensory evaluation performed by the panelists, sahlep beverage produced in 25% whey protein concentrate (WPC 35%) + 75% milk powder mixture was preferred. It is may be suggested to produce sahlep powder and sahlep beverage by using 25% whey protein concentrate (WPC 35%) + 75% milk powder mixture.
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