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Impact of Foliar-Applied Essential Oils on Growth, Yield and Quality of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)
Arif Şanlı | Fatma Zehra Ok
In this study, effects of sage (Salvia officinalis L.), oregano (Origanum onites L.), rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.), dill (Anethum graveolens L.), cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.), fennel (Foeniculum vulgare var. dulce L.) and Turkish pickling herb (Echinophora tenuifolia L. subsp. sibthorpiana (Guss.)) essential oils applied to plant leaves at different doses on potato growth, tuber yield and quality were investigated. Essential oils were applied to the upper parts of the plant by spraying at doses of 300, 600, 900 and 1200 ppm three times at 15-day intervals, starting 15 days after the completion of emergence. The number of tubers and tuber yield per plant, marketable and total tuber yield, chlorophyll content, starch content, reducing and total sugar content parameters were examined. The effects of essential oil applications on tuber yield and quality were found to be statistically significant, and this effect varied according to application doses. Compared to the control, essential oil applications increased the marketable tuber yield by approximately 38% (300 ppm rosemary essential oil) and the total tuber yield by up to 28% (600 ppm rosemary essential oil). However, rosemary and oregano oils caused phytotoxicity and reduced tuber yield when applied in high doses. Except for sage and oregano, other essential oils positively affected chlorophyll synthesis. Essential oil applications reduced the accumulation of reducing sugar, which negatively affects tuber quality, and the lowest reducing sugar contents were detected in tubers to which fennel and oregano essential oils were applied. In the study, it was understood that tuber yield in potatoes could be increased significantly with the applications of 300 and 600 ppm rosemary essential oil and 300 ppm cumin essential oil.
Show more [+] Less [-]Determination of Yield and Quality Characteristics of Lavandula Cultivars in the Kahramanmaras Region
Serkan Aras | Muhammet Ali Gündeşli | Kerim Karataş | Erdem Ertürk | Güven Borzan
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in herbal remedies for therapeutic purposes. Aromatic plants have become a significant source of raw materials for the fragrance, food, and cosmetics industries. Additionally, the emergence of new applications and the trend towards natural nutrition and alternative healing methods, often referred to as "going natural," have increased the interest in medicinal and aromatic plants in our country, as well as in other countries around the world. In this study were investigated to determine yield and quality characteristics of seven different lavender (Lavandula intermedia Emeric ex Loisel. = L. hybrida L.) (Grasso, Süper-A, Seguret, Dutch, Abrial, Akmeşe, English) cultivars under dry and irrigated cultivation in Kahramanmaraş conditions between 2019 and 2020. The research was carried out in a randomized block design with 4 replications. Fresh stem flower yield was the highest variety Grasso(672.81kg/da). The lowest fresh stem flower yield was found in Seguret variety with 611.33kg/da The highest dry stemless flower yield was determined in Grasso variety with 59,66 kg/da. There were significant differences determined between cultivars the end of 2 years. The highest average fresh stem flower yield (693.067 kg/da) and the highest average dry branched flower yield (252.588 kg/ha) were measured in GRASSO variety.
Show more [+] Less [-]The Comparative Analysis of a Developed Swing Beater and Conventional Beater of a Palm Nut Cracking Machine
Oluwatobi Okunola | Olawale John Olukunle | Oluwafemi Adeyemi Adetola | Waleola Akinfiresoye
Based on high dependent of many processing company on palm kernel oil, high quality palm nut cracking machine is not only necessary but also important to revitalize the production of palm kernel in other to meup with ever increasing industrial demand. Different palm kernel beaters; Swing beater (SB) and the conventional type known as rigid beater (RB) of an existing palm kernel cracker were investigated using the moisture content (7, 17, 26% (db)), five different speeds (970, 1200, 1450,1750, 2430rpm) and three different average nut sizes (14.5, 22.15, 29.43mm) of palm kernel nut. Approximately, six thousand palm nuts of Tenera specie were collected, dried, cleaned and sorted to evaluate the machine. Result shows that, the maximum quality efficiency recorded for Swing beater was 89.5% at 17% moisture content (db), 29.4 mm average nut size and 970 rpm machine speed. Similarly, for the performance of rigid beater, the maximum quality efficiency of 71.5% was recorded at 26% moisture content (db), 29.4 mm average nut size and 970 rpm machine speed. The effect of nut size was however not significant on the quality efficiency however it was generally observed that quality efficiency increased with increase in the nuts size. The machine speed has a significant effect on the quality efficiency. Generally, the quality of the kernel recovered decreased as the machine speed decreased. Beater configuration has significant effect on the quality efficiency of the palm nut cracking machine at 5% significant level. Swing beater can be used instead of conventional beater (rigid beater) to crack palm nut for higher quality of whole kernel recovery.
Show more [+] Less [-]Determination of Chemical and Microbiological Quality in Commercial Tahini Samples
Zeynep Kilci | Ramazan Ülkü Çetin
Tahini is a food product that is frequently preferred both directly and as a main ingredient in various ready-to-eat food products and is consumed with interest, especially in the Middle East geography. Its reputation has recently spread across continents to countries like Canada and the United States of America. Tahini was subjected to a number of analyses to ascertain its physicochemical and microbiological quality within the context of the study since it is a highly consumed product with high consumption and demand values. In this context, tahini samples of 10 different brands were collected from producers and commercially sold markets in Balikesir and Bursa. Samples were taken from two different lot numbers for each company. As a result of the analyzes made on the tahini samples, it was determined that the total oil amount of the samples changed between 49.76-58.7%, the salt amount changed between 0.001-0.0027%, the ash amount was between 1.02%-1.28%, and the moisture value was between 1.1-1.5%; as a result of microbiological cultivations in which the presence of yeast and mold were analyzed, an average of 75 CFU/g viability was determined, while Escherichia coli, which was screened as an indicator of fecal contamination, Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella spp, which are pathogenic microorganisms, were not found to be contaminated in all tahini samples. One of the tahini samples was not found in accordance with the Turkish Food Codex Tahini Communiqué (TFC) in terms of the amount of oil. It is concluded that 90% of the samples were manufactured in line with the TFC when the results of the chemical and microbiological analyses were combined.
Show more [+] Less [-]Postharvest Loss Assessment of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) in Fogera, Ethiopia
Fentahun Asrat | Asrat Ayalew | Asfaw Degu
Valuation of postharvest loss and identification of its causes enables to develop proper measures required to reduce losses. The study was conducted at “Fogera” District, South Gondar, Ethiopia between 2017 and 2018 years to assess the extent of postharvest loss of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) and to identify major causes with respective handling system. In this study, a total of 125 farmers and 40 traders (10 wholesalers and 30 retailers) were involved as main respondents. Data collection was done using semi structured interview schedule, key informant interview, focus group discussion and observation. Besides respondents estimation, a sample analysis was conducted to estimate the extent of postharvest loss as per the FAO minimum quality standards. Descriptive statistics such as average, percentage, frequency and standard deviation were used to analyse data and tables, graphs and charts were used to present result. Result revealed that almost half of tomato produced is damaged and puts out of normal use with highest loss at producer level due to different causes which are complex and interrelated across tomato market chain. Marketing situation, insect pest and disease, lack of awareness, low economic status of producers, late harvesting, mechanical damage during harvesting and transportation, poor quality of produce and price fall were some of the reasons identified as major cause of post-harvest loss of tomato. For solving the postharvest loss problems, actors in supply chain has to develop cooperation and effective communication among all the research, extension, and industry personnel involved.
Show more [+] Less [-]Correlation Analyses of Herbage Yield and Quality Components in Certain Sorghum × Sudangrass (Sorghum bicolor L.×Sorghumsudanense Staph.) Hybrid Cultivars
Serap Kızıl Aydemir | Kutalmış Turhal
The purpose of this research study was to evaluate phenotypic correlation between yield, quality and certain yield components, and to determine the direct and indirect effects of 13 different components on yield and quality in sorghum×sudangrass hybrids. The research was conducted in the trial area of the Bilecik Seyh Edebali University Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Sciences in Bilecik, Turkey, in the 2015 crop year. The randomized complete block design with 4 replications was used. In the study, Aneto and Teide sorghum×sudangrass hybrid varieties belonging to Fito Seed Company and Gözde 80, Leoti, Nes, Rox and Early Sumac sorghum×sudangrass hybrid varieties belonging to Mediterranean Agricultural Research Institute were used as the materials. Relationships between ADF (Acid Detergent Fiber) and NDF (Neutral Detergent Fiber) ratios, RFV (Relative Feed Value) and ME (Metabolic Energy) values and characters were investigated in the study, in addition to plant height, panicle height, leaf ratio, stem ratio, panicle ratio, green grass yield, hay yield and crude protein yields of sorghum×sudangrass hybrid varieties. Results show that the Teide variety showed the highest performance in terms of herbage yield, crude protein ratio, ADF, NDF, RFV and ME, while the lowest yields were obtained from Rox and Early Sumac. Crude protein ratio was found to significantly correlate with leaf ratio, ADF, NDF, RFV and ME similarly, leaf ratio correlated with ADF and NDF; ADF with NDF; RFV with leaf ratio, ADF and NDF; and ME with leaf ratio, ADF, NDF and RFV.
Show more [+] Less [-]Genetic Variation for Biofortifying The Maize Grain
Gönül Cömertpay | Faheem Shehzad Baloch | Halil Erdem
The maize germplasm variation is valuable for breeders to develop elite hybrids with increased mineral contents in the maize grain to eliminate mineral malnutrition, which is referred as HIDEN HUNGER. Therefore, we aimed to determine mineral element diversity of maize landraces collected from different geographical regions of Turkey. There was huge diversity for all mineral traits and other quality traits. Turkish maize landraces showed high variation for Zn (17-41.34 mg kg-1), Fe (13.52-29.63 mg kg-1), Cu (0.77-3.34 mg kg-1), Mn (5.68-14.78 mg kg-1), Protein (6.6-11.6%), starch content (73.3-80.0%), oil content (3.15-4.7%) and thousand grain weight (177.0-374.9g). There were significant positive and negative associations among mineral elements and quality traits. The principal component analysis differentiated some maize landraces from the rest, and these diverse landraces could be used in the maize breeding program with biofortification purpose.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effects of Humic Acid Applications along with Reduced Nitrogen Fertilization on Potato Tuber Yield and Quality
Arif Şanlı | Gamze Cansever | Fatma Zehra Ok
This research was conducted in 2020 to determine the effects of leonardite-derived humic acids (Humas-15, Liquid Humus and Humico Maximix-K) with different properties, along with reduced nitrogen fertilization, on tuber yield and quality in potatoes (cv. Van Gogh). In the study, chemical fertilizer applications were made as basic fertilization (20 N 10 P 10 K), reduced fertilization I (15 N 10 P 10 K) and reduced fertilization II (10 N 10 P 10 K). Humic acids were applied twice with irrigation water, at the beginning of the flowering period and 15 days later. Humas-15 and Liquid Humus were applied at 1.0 and 2.0 lt/da doses, and Humico Maximix-K was applied at 400 and 800 g/da doses. A total of seven traits (tuber number per plant, tuber yield per plant, marketable tuber yield, total tuber yield, dry matter content, reducing sugar content and total sugar content) were measured. Reducing nitrogen applications with humic acid applications significantly affected all the traits studied. Humic acid applications combined with reduced nitrogen fertilization increased the number of tubers per plant by up to 13%, marketable tuber yield by up to 18% and total tuber yield by up to 16% compared with the control. Total and reducing sugar contents varied between 1.27-1.58% and 159-389 mg/100g fw, respectively depending on the applications. In the study, the highest tuber yield was obtained from 1.0 and 2.0 L/da Humas-15 and 2.0 L/da Liquid Humus applications applied together with reducing nitrogen applications which have close values to the recommended fertilization applications.
Show more [+] Less [-]Assessment of The Phenolic and Flavonoid Content in Certain Globe Artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) Cultivars Grown in Northern Tunisia
Ilahy Riadh | Imen Tlili | Thouraya R'him | Zouhair Rached | kamel Arfaoui | Zoltàn Pék | Marcello Salvatore Lenucci | Hussein Daood | Lajos Helyes
Artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) is a worldwide popular horticultural crop. Interest in assessing bioactive compounds with potential health benefits in artichoke is increasing. Therefore, in this study, the variability in total phenolic and flavonoid contents of six artichoke cultivars, including five purple namely Brindisie, Opal, Conserto, Romanesco and Rouge de France as well as an ordinary white artichoke variety were investigated. The results showed significant differences in total phenolic and flavonoid contents between artichoke cultivars. Total phenolic content ranged from 17.31 mg GAE/ g DW in the white artichoke variety to 21.31 mg GAE/g DW in Romanesco. Flavonoid content ranged from 4.51 mg RE/g DW in white artichoke to 7.06 mg RE/g DW in Rouge de France. Therefore, the highest total phenolic content was shown by Romanesco. However, the highest flavonoid content was recorded for both Opal and Rouge de France. This study demonstrates the importance of genotypic variability in shaping the levels of total phenolic and flavonoid, emphasizing the need to evaluate artichoke biodiversity in order to improve its nutritional value and to contribute towards increasing the intake of antioxidants.
Show more [+] Less [-]On-Farm Adaptation to Climate Change: Assessment of Effects of Groundwater-Based Deficit and Supplementary Irrigation on Soil Quality Under Semi-Arid Ecosystems
Sani Abubakar Mashi | Amina Ibrahim Inkani | Abdu Yaro
Agriculture is one of the sectors most affected by climate change, especially through the reduction in the number of rainy days in semi-arid areas, which require deficit supplementary irrigation (DSI) to minimise crop failures. Few studies have utilised soil quality indices (SQIs) to evaluate the quality changes of soils under DSI practices in semi-arid agricultural ecosystems. This paper examines the effects of DSI activities on soil quality in the Ingawa area of Nigeria’s semi-arid region. Plots subjected to different years of DSI (3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 14 and 15 years) practices were chosen to serve as the controls. Soil samples were collected from each of the nine sites at depths ranging from 0 cm to 20 cm and 25 cm to 40 cm. The collected samples were analysed for physico-chemical properties. Soil quality change was estimated by computing percentage equivalence values that define the extent to which mean values of soils under DSI vary from those of the control. The results obtained show that the practices have caused significant negative changes in the levels of most of the properties considered, with significant deleterious effects on the selected physical and chemical indicators of soil quality to extents that might preclude sustainable agriculture on the soils. Potassium, organic carbon, organic matter, and some other essential nutrients needed for plant growth and soil stability have dropped a lot in irrigated farms compared to control farms, but salinization hasn't happened much. It was suggested that the right steps be taken to prevent the loss of important nutrients that crops need to grow well.
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