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Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Fattening of Morkaraman Lambs with Different Dietary Plant Protein Sources
Mazhar Burak Can | Alperen Varalan | Halit İmik
This study investigated the effects of different plant protein sources incorporated into feed concentrates on the live weight gain and feed conversion ratio of Morkaraman lambs by days 28, 42 and 56 of fattening, and presents a cost-benefit analysis. The study animals included 24 male Morkaraman lambs with a mean age of 9 months, which were assigned to 3 study groups. The dietary plant protein sources provided to the animals were soybean meal and safflower meal in Group I, wheat gluten in Group II, and corn gluten in Group III. The total feed intake values (kg) of Group I, Group II and Group III were 40.75±1.08, 39.18±0.88, and 37.67±0.62, respectively, during the period between days 0-28 of fattening; 62.77±1.67, 60.14±0.96, and 57.54±1.28, respectively, during the period between days 0-42 of fattening; and 83.31±1.89, 77.79±1.43, and 75.97±1.67, respectively, during the period between days 0-56 of fattening (p<0.05). The live weight gain values (kg) of Group I, Group II and Group III during the period between days 0-56 of fattening were 14.82±0.84, 11.97±0.51, and 13.71±0.91, respectively (p<0.05). The feed conversion ratio was observed not to have a statistically significant effect on production yields (p>0.05). In conclusion, while the highest income from live weight gain during the period between days 0-56 of fattening was achieved with the use of soybean meal and safflower meal as dietary plant protein sources, the lowest fattening cost was achieved with the use of corn gluten.
Show more [+] Less [-]Comparative Analysis of Soil Phosphorus Determination Methods and Their Correlation with Plant Phosphorus in Standing Wheat Crops
Zaryab Khan | Aftab Tabasum | Dost Muhammad | Maria Mussarat | Javaid Hassan
This study compared the accuracy of various soil phosphorus assessment methods to measure the soil's ability to supply plants with phosphorus over a brief period in the field. Twenty individual soil samples were collected from a standing wheat (Triticum aestivum L) crop at depths ranging from zero to twenty centimeters. An equivalent plant spike sample was also procured from the soil sampling fields. In comparison to the wet acid digestion method used to detect phosphorus in plants, several methods were utilized to assess phosphorus in the soil, including resin extractable phosphorus, AB-DTPA extractable phosphorus, NaHCO3 extractable phosphorus, water-soluble phosphorus in suspension, and paste. The levels of variation and deficiency of phosphorus, which were found by different methods followed different patterns as shown by the fact that, AB-DTPA method finds phosphorus deficiency in 20% of samples while on the other hand, Olsen method finds phosphorus deficiency in 80% of samples. Even with such a small sampling area, none of the procedures showed a significant correlation with any other method that might account for uneven variation among the samples when determined by distinct procedures. However, corrections were observed to a certain degree between ammonium bicarbonate-diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (AB-DTPA) extractable and resin, as well as between other procedures and the plant P scale. Both resin and ammonium bicarbonate-diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (AB-DTPA) had a strong relationship with plant phosphorus, with the former showing a significant correlation of 0.48 and 0.21, respectively. Hence Resin and AB-DTPA methods are recommended for the determination of phosphorus under certain soil and plant conditions.
Show more [+] Less [-]GST Enzyme Content of Wheat Landraces and Comparison with Modern Varieties
Aziz Öz | Alaettin Keçeli
The development of high-yielding modern wheat varieties to feed the growing population has had a negative impact on the production of ancestral and landrace crops. The use of modern varieties, which are very deficient in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and flavonoids, has caused people to turn to old varieties due to health problems that arise over time. In this study, which aimed to determine the glutathione S-transferase (GST) enzyme activity of registered varieties and landraces, the differences between the protein values and GST enzyme activity values of wheat were found to be statistically significant. When protein values were analysed among wheat varieties, einkorn wheat had the highest value with 15.53 mg/ml, and KUNDURU-1149 had the second highest value with 13.52 mg/ml. The lowest protein values were found in wheat landraces. Lr-4 had the highest GST enzyme activity with 299.7 mmol/min/mg protein and Lr-10 with 265.3 mmol/min/mg protein. A negative and high correlation was found between wheat protein values and GST enzyme activity, and it was determined that landraces were prominent in terms of GST enzyme activity.
Show more [+] Less [-]Developing a New Methodology for the Use of GIS and AHP in Determining Suitable Areas for Wheat Plants in the Lower Kelkit Basin
Doğaç Sencer Yılmaz | Hakan Mete Doğan
In agricultural production planning; compiling the data correctly, and using and interpreting the data precisely have strategic importance. This study aims, it is aimed to develop a model that can evaluate the suitability of the Lower Kelkit Basin for wheat farming by using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and current GIS technologies. In the study, weight values of seven different criteria of topography (slope, aspect) and soil (texture, organic matter (OM), CaCO3, EC, pH) were calculated with AHP. These weight values and standardized criteria maps were combined within the ArcGIS Weighted Overlay tool and the result maps were created according to the FAO suitability index. According to these maps, 54% of the Lower Kelkit Basin was modeled as unsuitable (N) for wheat, 22% as moderately suitable (S2), and 24% as highly suitable (S1). In addition to all these, an editable and updatable ArcGIS model tool was also produced as a result of the study. Our results indicated that AHP and GIS are powerful and effective tools that can be used in land suitability modeling.
Show more [+] Less [-]Economic Efficiency of Wheat Producers: The Case of Debra Libanos District, Oromia, Ethiopia
Kebebew Hundie Bezu | Badassa Wolteji Chala | Milkessa Wakjira Itticha
Ethiopia has enormous potential for wheat production, yet it remains a net wheat importer. This paper aims to examine the efficiency of wheat production in Debra Libanos district, Ethiopia. Two stages sampling technique was used to randomly select 150 farmers for the study. A stochastic production frontier and two-limit Tobit estimator was utilized in the study. The study reveals that technical (78.5 %,), allocative (85.6%), and economic (66.7%) efficiencies. The yield gap was 5.13 quintal/ hectare showing a room to increase efficiencies. The study identified the determinants of wheat production efficiency in the area. Hence, to improve wheat production efficiencies strengthen extension services, improved technology utilization, and proper land ploughing. Besides, natural resource conservations that improve soil fertility should be the focus of the policymakers.
Show more [+] Less [-]Variation in Chemical Constituents of Siyez Wheat (Triticum monococcum L.) in Response to Some Abiotic Stress Factors
Nezahat Turfan | Temel Sarıyıldız | Ekrem Mutlu
Main aim of this study was to determine the effects of different salt contents (75 mM, 150 mM and 225 mM NaCl), heavy metal (0.2 mg/L FeCl3, NiCl2, ZnCl2), lime (2 mg/L CaCO3), drought (50%) and pollution (0.2 mg/L dust of factories) on photosynthetic pigments, malondialdehyde (MDA), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) levels, the ascorbate peroxidase (APX), catalase (CAT), guaiacol peroxidase (GPOX) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) in Siyez wheat (Triticum monococcum L.). All experiments were carried out under laboratory conditions with 16 hour-day and 8 hour-night photoperiod in an incubator at 23 ± 1°C. Results showed that mean chlorophyll-a concentration was highest in the siyez seedlings treated with the pollution, while both mean chlorophyll-b and total chlorophyll concentrations were highest with 75 mM salt application. Mean total carotenoid was, however, highest with the drought treatment and mean relative water content was highest with NiCl2 application. Mean MDA and H2O2 contents were found to be highest in the siyez seedlings treated with 225 mM salt, whereas they were lowest with NiCl2 treatment. Mean proline content was highest with the NiCl2 treatment compared to the lowest concentration in the control siyez seedlings (82 µmol/g). Mean APX, CAT and GPOX activities were noted to be highest in the siyez seedlings treated with NiCl2. In general, the siyez seedlings showed high tolerance to the pollution, NiCl2 and drought with having highest photosynthetic pigments, proline, protein content and enzymes activities. Among all treatments, 225 mM NaCl and CaCO3 negatively influenced chemical compounds of the siyez seedling. When all data are taken into consideration, it can be said that higher photosynthetic pigments, proline contents, antioxidant enzymes activities and lower MDA and H2O2 levels play an important role in the resistance of siyez seedlings against abiotic stress conditions.
Show more [+] Less [-]The Effect of Drying of Bread Wheat Seeds Following First Water Uptake on Germination Rate
Mustafa Yıldırım
In semi-arid regions, unfavorable weather conditions are the most important limiting factors for seed germination. The imbibed or germinating seeds in soil can be dried by hot and dry weather. Thus, seeds can largely lose their germination abilities until the next water uptake (called as ‘alatav’ in Turkish). Before drying, the time of the first water uptake by a seed may be more effective on seed viability at the second water uptake for germination. Therefore, this experiment was conducted to identify the first water uptake rates (WU) of seeds of three bread wheat genotypes (Bezotaja, Kirac and 13-BVD-4) per hour during 50 hours and their germination rates (GR) at the second water uptake after drying the seeds for 3-week in laboratory conditions. The results presented here indicated that the WU and GR were significantly affected by genotypes, imbibition time (T) and their interaction (1% probability level). There was also a significant negative correlation between the WU and GR (r** = –0.9295) at all times studied. Furthermore, the germination ability of Kirac lasted longest (for 38th hour) when the WU reached to 160.24%, and it was followed by Bezostaya and 13-BVD-4 genotypes (63.34% at 37th hour and 152.58% 34th hour, respectively).
Show more [+] Less [-]Effects of Different Forms and Doses of Sulphur Application on Wheat
Halil Erdem | Mustafa Bülent Torun | Nazife Erdem | Atilla Yazıcı | İnci Tolay | Elif Günal | Faruk Özkutlu
Deficiency of sulphur (S) is an important limiting factor of plant growth for sustainable agricultural production. The decline in sulphur dioxide emission, decrease in S-containing fertilizer consumption due to the high cost of S-fertilizers, breeding of new high yielding species are the well known causes of S-deficiency. A greenhouse experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of several doses of K2SO4-S, CaSO4-S and elemental-S applied on growth, shoot dry matter yield, S and N concentrations of wheat cultivar. The experiments were conducted in three soils differed from available S concentrations. Effects of different S-treatments (0, 25, 50 and 100 mg S kg-1) and S-forms had significant effects on shoot dry matter yields of plants. Sulphur from different S-sources did not increase shoot S-concentrations in Eskisehir and Konya soils, but increase was significant obtained in the Harran soil. Shoot S-concentration in Harran soil for zero K2SO4 treatment was 0.09%, the values were 0.22, 0.26 and 0.27% respectively for 25, 50 and 100 mg kg-1 treatments. The results indicated significant effects of S-treatments on plant growth and yield mostly based on soil properties, especially the available S-levels
Show more [+] Less [-]Covid-19 and Food Security: Impact on Wheat
Cevher Özden | Mutlu Bulut | Burak Şen
The new coronavirus, emerged in Wuhan, China in December 2019, turned into a major global pandemic and has caused many deaths around the world. Covid-19 pandemic has adversely affected every aspect from economy, education to health system. During Covid-19 pandemic, access to foodstuffs has become even more important, and some countries have imposed restrictions on exports of basic food items for fear of food shortages. These restrictions and quotas are feared to disrupt the flows of trade for staple foods such as wheat, corn and rice, which has deepened the concerns for food security. This study was conducted to examine the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on wheat price, production and trade and to review the policies of wheat exporter countries. According to the results of the study, Covid-19 did not cause fear in wheat markets, and no shortages of wheat are expected in the short term. Although countries have reduced the measures they have taken as of May, uncertainties regarding food safety still persist for the coming years. World economies have shrunk significantly as a result of the drastic measures they have taken against covid-19, which could worsen the situation for low income households.
Show more [+] Less [-]The Effect of Foliar Application of Different Amino Acids (L-Histidine, Methionine) on Cadmium and Zinc Uptake of Wheat
Özlem Ete Aydemir | Kürşat Korkmaz | Faruk Özkutlu
In this study, the effect of foliar L-Histidine and Methinonin amino acid applications on grain cadmium (Cd) and zinc (Zn) uptake on durum wheat grown in soil contaminated with Cd was investigated. The research was carried out according to the randomized blocks design as a pot experiment in greenhouse conditions. In the experiment, Cd doses were applied as control (0 mg Cd kg-1) and (3 mg Cd kg-1). L-Histidine and Methionine amino acids were applied 7 times from the leaf after the start of flag leaf formation in wheat at 0.5 mM doses and harvested after the grain maturity was completed. According to the results obtained, the wheat grain dry matter yield in 3 mg Cd kg-1 polluted soil was 44.5 mg grain-1 in the control, while the dry matter weight was increased with the application of L-Histidine and Methionine from the leaves being 48 and 50 mg grain-1, respectively. It was determined that there were differences in grain Cd and Zn concentrations with the application of amino acids from the leaves at the dose of 3 mg kg-1 cadmium. When the grain Cd and Zn intakes were compared with the control, it was found that the grain Cd concentration decreased, and the Zn concentration increased as a result of the application of amino acids. The high amount of Cd in wheat can make it to the human body through the food chain and is known to cause serious health problems after a certain amount of accumulation. As a result of this study, it is seen that L-Histidine and Methionine are effective in reducing Cd in the grain, and these amino acids probably form a complex with Cd, resulting in less transport.
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