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Mapping the Dispersion Pollution Load of Animal Waste and Investigating its Environmental Effects: The Case of Karaman
Yusuf Alparslan Argun | Özgür Çakmakcı
Animal wastes are not stored correctly and are used haphazardly without control in agricultural lands. As a result, it causes many irreparable environmental pollution, especially water pollution. These wastes, which are described as diffuse pollution, cause pollution of both underground and surface water resources directly or indirectly and even make them unusable. In this research, waste generation as a result of animal breeding in Karaman province, its districts, neighborhoods and villages and the effects of animal wastes on environmental pollution were evaluated with distributed pollutant load calculations. In the study, the number of 1019277 ovine and 81368 bovine in Karaman in 2022 was used. The total nitrogen (TN) produced annually by the animals has been calculated as 1,723.23 tons/year, and the total phosphorus (TP) amount is determined as 124.23 tons/year. Additionally, for large ruminant animals, the annual total amount of dry manure is 130,305.77 tons, and for small ruminant animals, it is 41,984.27 tons. To prevent environmental pollution, these wastes should be stored in closed areas in compliance with standards, and processes such as composting, drying, and biogas production should be applied. By doing so, not only can environmental pollution be mitigated but also economic value can be obtained. The proper management and utilization of these wastes have high economic potential and can contribute to sustainable development, supporting the country’s economy. In addition, this study is a source for researchers working in the field in calculating the pollution load of animal wastes and is thought to be a guide for decision makers and practitioners.
Show more [+] Less [-]The Relationship Between Vitamin B12 and Telomere Length: A Systematic Review
Zeyneb Yıldırım | Emine Merve Ekici
Telomeres are natural nucleoprotein structures that cover the ends of chromosomes. The phenomenon of telomere shortening, which plays a crucial role in maintaining the stability of the genome, occurs gradually over time when cells undergo division due to the end replication issue. Multiple studies have demonstrated a correlation between telomere shortening and a range of illnesses, including diabetes, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and mortality. Diet and lifestyle can affect telomere length. There exists a beneficial association between telomere length and the Mediterranean diet, particularly with regards to the consumption of dietary fiber derived from whole grains and vegetables. Micronutrients such as vitamins and trace elements also play a role in cell metabolism. Some micronutrients, such as vitamin D, folate, and vitamin B12, are associated with telomere biology and cellular aging. Vitamin B12 is essential for DNA synthesis and epigenetic methylation processes. The present systematic review examines the results from clinical trials conducted in humans evaluating the role of vitamin B12 on telomere length. Cellular senescence is a state characterized by inflammation, altered cellular metabolism, genomic instability, and telomere dysfunction, which can be induced by changes in methylation patterns and oxidative stress. Vitamin B12 maintains antioxidative defense. Through these pathways, sufficient amounts of vitamin B12 may potentially play a role in the restoration of DNA damage. Most of the evidence is based on very few randomized clinical trials. Therefore, more extensive prospective cohort studies and better-designed randomized clinical trials are required to validate the correlations outlined in this review.
Show more [+] Less [-]The Rational Use of Oxalic Acid Against to “Varroa Destructor”; Regional Scale Pilot Scheme
Fatih Yılmaz | Sedat Sevin | Gökhan Akdeniz | Seyit Hasan Öztürk | Ahmet Kuvancı | Hasan Ese | Mücahit Buldağ | Gülden Ayvaz Baykal
Varroa destructor mite poses a serious problem for the future of bee populations around the world. Today, there are many commercial drugs with the same and different active ingredients on the market to chemically control over of Varroa destructor. More frequent chemical applications for against Varroa destructor increases stress resilience, colony losses, loss of yield and residue problems in bee products. The scope of this project is aimed to determine the appropriate control method of Varroa by investigating the efficiency values of the evaporation and dropping methods of Oxalic acid. Experimental area were chosen three different apiaries. 28 colonies were determined in each apiary and equalization studies (area with brood, number of bees with bees, age of queen bees, honey, pollen, etc.) were carried out in these colonies. The determined colonies were randomly divided into 4 groups as 7 colonies. The first group is the control group, the second group is applying 2 g of oxalic acid by vaporizing, the third group is 4% oxalic acid 5 ml of sugar syrup (1:1) is dropped between the frames, and in the fourth group, the fight against a drug that is determined by the beekeeper in the market without interfering with the beekeeper. In order to evaluate the data, samples were taken for four periods, before and after spraying in spring and autumn. While the varroa measurements in the group of syrup, vapor and spraying were found to be statistically less than the control group, the syrup, vapor and spraying groups were statistically similar in terms of varroa measurements. Oxalic acid syrup application showed higher efficiency in spring and autumn than vapor application. There is no statistically difference between both two-application method reveals that it can be used as an effective and safe alternative to chemical control against varroa.
Show more [+] Less [-]Educational Venue from Design to Implementation Process; A Project by Faculty of Fine Arts, Selçuk University
Mine Sungur | İbrahim Bakır
Throughout history, there has been a reciprocal relationship between humans and space. Even though there are numerous spaces covered by this ongoing relationship process, it has integrated and gained value with educational venues. Mainly because they closely monitor social, cultural, technological, and economic developments and pass on knowledge to future generations, educational spaces play a crucial role in the development of individuals as well as society. It is feasible to conclude from research on educational spaces that the physical environment has a major positive or negative impact on education. To solve the issue that the current Faculty of Fine Arts at Selçuk University could not sufficiently respond to user needs physically, it was decided to construct a new Faculty of Fine Arts building. The primary goal of the study is to design the building using user-oriented techniques that promote social interaction and showcase artistic identity throughout the design phase. A qualitative research approach, based on inspection and observations, was used in the study to gather data, documents, and reports on the topic and to ensure that the architectural programming stages advanced correctly and received ongoing feedback. Studies have confirmed the results, which show that artistic education in structures that provide users with distinct experiences is different from that provided in faculty buildings with a type plan scheme. The process, which involves collaboration between stakeholders from various disciplines and necessitates coordination, is also maintained in a coordinated fashion as a consequence of the study. Because of this, it is believed that buildings with comparable features can offer direction by offering a set of data that may also be reliable for design procedures that are prearranged.
Show more [+] Less [-]Göller Bölgesi’nde Doğal Olarak Yetişen Prangos platychlaena (Endemik) Uçucu Yağının Kimyasal Kompozisyonu
Arif Şanlı | Tahsin Karadoğan | Fatma Zehra Ok
Bu çalışma, Türkiye’nin Göller Bölgesi’nde farklı lokasyonlarda yabani olarak yetişen Prangos platychlaena (endemik) bitkisinin meyvelerinin uçucu yağ oranını ve bileşenlerini belirlemek amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Türe ait meyve örnekleri iki farklı lokasyondan (Isparta, Sütçüler/Çandır ve Burdur, Bucak/Kızılkaya) sarı olum döneminde toplanmış, meyvelerin uçucu yağları hidrodistilasyon cihazı ile elde edilirken, uçucu yağ bileşenleri ise GC-MS cihazı kullanılarak belirlenmiştir. Çandır lokasyonunda yetişen bitkilerde meyve uçucu yağ oranı%0,16±0,02, Kızılkaya lokasyonunda ise%0,25±0,06 olarak belirlenmiştir. Çandır lokasyonundan alınan meyvelerin 54 bileşenden, Kızılkaya lokasyonundan alınan meyvelerin ise 44 bileşenden oluştuğu belirlenmiş, türün meyvelerinde toplam 73 farklı bileşen tespit edilmiştir. Uçucu yağı oluşturan bileşenler ve oranları lokasyonlara göre kalitatif ve kantitatif varyasyonlar göstermiştir. Her iki lokasyonda da uçucu yağı oluşturan ana bileşenler germacrene-D (%17,08-%20,24), β-bisabolene (%7,53-%17,83), β-copaene (%0,92-%11,70), caryophyllene oxide (%6,23-%6,30), β-farnesene (%3,21-%5,66), δ-cadinene (%3,50-%3,87) ve ledane (%3,35-%3,22) olarak tespit edilmiştir. Çalışmada türün yetiştiği bölgenin ekolojik faktörlerinin, özellikle rakımın uçucu yağ oranı ve bileşenleri üzerinde önemli bir etkiye sahip olduğu anlaşılmıştır.
Show more [+] Less [-]Transmission of Flower Traits and Fertility in Black Rose x Hybrid Tea Rose Cross Combination
Tuğba Kılıç | Soner Kazaz
Breeding studies of scented cut roses have gained significance recently. The Black rose, a naturalized old garden rose in Türkiye, is a valuable genetic resource for breeding programs due to its pleasant scent. This study investigated the fertility of the Black rose (Rosa odorata cv. Louis XIV, Halfeti rose) as a seed parent and its ability to transmit flower traits to offspring. Four commercial cut rose varieties with known pollen germination rates were used as pollen parents. Each combination underwent at least 33 pollinations, and the fruit set rate, the average seed number per fruit, and the seed germination rate were examined. Both parents and one-year-old F1 progeny were evaluated for petal number, scent, and flower color traits during two flowering periods. Cross-pollination resulted in fruit set rates ranging from 70.21% to 100.0%, average seed numbers per fruit ranging from 5.0 to 10.0, and seed germination rates ranging from 4.42% to 21.69%. Morphological characterization revealed that 5.05% of the progeny exhibited moderate to intense scent, 42.42% had sour cherry-colored petals, and petal numbers ranged from 9 to 54. Considering the overall efficiency of rose breeding programs, the findings demonstrate the promising fertility of the Black rose and its relative success in forming efficient combinations with hybrid tea roses. However, it also suggests that the Black rose is not as successful in transmitting the scent to its offspring as in transmitting the flower color.
Show more [+] Less [-]The Comparative Analysis of a Developed Swing Beater and Conventional Beater of a Palm Nut Cracking Machine
Oluwatobi Okunola | Olawale John Olukunle | Oluwafemi Adeyemi Adetola | Waleola Akinfiresoye
Based on high dependent of many processing company on palm kernel oil, high quality palm nut cracking machine is not only necessary but also important to revitalize the production of palm kernel in other to meup with ever increasing industrial demand. Different palm kernel beaters; Swing beater (SB) and the conventional type known as rigid beater (RB) of an existing palm kernel cracker were investigated using the moisture content (7, 17, 26% (db)), five different speeds (970, 1200, 1450,1750, 2430rpm) and three different average nut sizes (14.5, 22.15, 29.43mm) of palm kernel nut. Approximately, six thousand palm nuts of Tenera specie were collected, dried, cleaned and sorted to evaluate the machine. Result shows that, the maximum quality efficiency recorded for Swing beater was 89.5% at 17% moisture content (db), 29.4 mm average nut size and 970 rpm machine speed. Similarly, for the performance of rigid beater, the maximum quality efficiency of 71.5% was recorded at 26% moisture content (db), 29.4 mm average nut size and 970 rpm machine speed. The effect of nut size was however not significant on the quality efficiency however it was generally observed that quality efficiency increased with increase in the nuts size. The machine speed has a significant effect on the quality efficiency. Generally, the quality of the kernel recovered decreased as the machine speed decreased. Beater configuration has significant effect on the quality efficiency of the palm nut cracking machine at 5% significant level. Swing beater can be used instead of conventional beater (rigid beater) to crack palm nut for higher quality of whole kernel recovery.
Show more [+] Less [-]A Production Analysis of Dry Onion Powder from the Water Perspective
Oyelayo Ajamu Oyedele | Olusegun Adeoti | Funke Florence Akinola
Nigeria’s dry onion production amounted to 1.38× 106 metric tonnes (t) in 2020. Roughly 50% of yearly production do not reach the table. An option lies in converting fresh dry onions to dry onion powder to mitigate postharvest losses. This study explores the possibility of producing dry onion powder from fresh dry onions using a pre-tested locally fabricated direct-mode solar tent dryer. The outcome of processing revealed a product yield of 8.09%, while there was no statistically significant difference between the measured proximate contents of powder and fresh dry onions (t(28)=0.04, p=0.97, two-tailed; eta square=5.71 × 10-5). Overall, the production of dry onion powder was not water neutral. About 4.5 cubic metres (m3) of freshwater per tonne of cleaned onions were needed during processing. Dry onion powder production (from field to table) freshwater use amounted to 31879.6 m3/t. Converting 40 - 60% of national average dry onion production (2000-2020) to dry onion powder would consume 14.05 - 21.08 × 109 m3 of Nigeria’s freshwater. This study affirms that dry onion powder production is technically feasible and can help to minimise dry onion production postharvest losses in Nigeria.
Show more [+] Less [-]The Quality of Kefir with Honey and with Banana Enriched with Almond Milk
Fatma Çoşkun | Hülya Erol
Kefir is a fermented product obtained from goat, sheep and cow milk as a result of lactic acid and ethyl alcohol fermentation. In this study, it was aimed to investigate the possibility of producing an alternative functional kefir product from almond milk. It was enriched with banana and honey to improve its sensory properties. Samples were stored at +4oC for 14 days. The pH and dry matter of samples containing almond milk were lower than those containing cow’s milk. Serum separation increased with the increase of almond milk ratio. The use of banana increased dry matter and viscosity, and decreased serum separation. pH, dry matter and viscosity decreased during storage. The highest L* value was observed in the control kefir produced from 100% cow’s milk, and the lowest in the samples containing honey and banana on the 1st day of storage. It can be said that the addition of honey increases the b* value and the addition of banana decreases the b* value. As almond milk ratio and storage time increased, bacteria counts decreased. The lactococci counts of the samples with banana added (except for the control) were higher than the others. In the samples with banana and honey, a higher increase in yeast count was observed during storage compared to plain kefir (control sample). It can be said that the use of almond milk reduces the general acceptability of kefir. Almond milk can be successfully used in kefir production as a substitute for cow’s milk, if sweeteners, fruit and thickeners are used.
Show more [+] Less [-]Buğday Bitkilerinde Kök Çürüklüğüne Neden Olan Bıpolarıs Spp. İzolatlarının Patojenitesi
Berna Tunalı | Büşra Müge Maldar | Bayram Kansu | Fatih Ölmez
Bipolaris sorokiniana buğday ve arpada kök çürüklüğü yapan en önemli etmenlerden biridir. Buğday ve arpada tohum, başak, yaprak ve köklerde hastalık oluşturarak bitkilerde önemli ürün kayıplarına yol açmaktadır. Farklı agro-ekolojik bölgelerden toplanan kök ve kök boğazında çürüklük belirtisi gösteren buğday bitkilerinden izole edilen Bipolaris spp. izolatları morfolojik teşhis edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada B. sorokiniana, B. spicifera, ve B. australiensis olarak teşhis edilmiş olan 49 izolat kullanılmıştır. Yapılan patojenite çalışması sonucunda B. sorokiniana izolatlarının ikisi hariç hepsinin patojen olduğu ve hastalık şiddetlerinin %50 ila %90 arasında olduğu belirlenmiştir. Yalnızca bir B. spicifera izolatı bitkilerde zayıf patojen olarak belirlenmiş, B. australiensis izolatları hiçbir hastalık belirtisi oluşturmamıştır. B. sorokiniana bitkilerin yaş ağırlıklarında kontrollere oranla önemli düşüşlere yol açarken, B. spicifera'nın dört izolatının bitki ağırlığında artış sağladığı belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak, tüm agro-ekolojik bölgelerdeki B. sorokiniana izolatlarının şiddetli kök çürüklük hastalığı yaptığı ve bitki ağırlığında önemli miktarda azalmalara neden olduğu belirlenmiştir. Diğer taraftan, B. spicifera izolatlarının buğday bitkilerinin köklerinde zayıf hastalık belirtileri oluşturduğu, B. australiensis'in ise bitkilerin köklerinde hastalığa yol açmadığı ve bitki ağırlığını olumsuz olarak etkilemediği görülmüştür.
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