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Allelopathic Mechanisms in Fire-Prone Ecosystems
Nursema Aktepe | Ömer Küçük
Understanding the fire-prone arid-zone pine species and maquis vegetation's response to fire is very important to reveal the ecology and evolution of these species. During the succession of vegetation, there are complex relationships between allelopathic metabolites and fires. Many plant communities such as pines, maquis, savannas and woodlands are known to play a critical role in the development of succession. However, studies revealing the relationship between succession processes and allelopathic mechanisms in fire-prone ecosystems are quite limited. Most evergreen maquis vegetations are one of the most studied fire ecosystems. In maquis vegetation, fire causes the formation of plant communities that continue with allelochemicals produced by plants, as well as shaping the climate of the region. The event of a living species inhibiting another species by secreting toxic compounds is expressed as allelopathy. These toxic compounds are generally referred to as allelochemicals. Many maquis species that grow in fire-prone ecosystems excrete their allelochemicals, preventing the development of herbaceous species around them and invade their habitats. These chemicals, which accumulate in the soil during the dry season, affect the succession processes in vegetation in the event of a fire and determine which species will follow each other. Considering these relationships, it can be said that allelopathic plants have the potential to change plant diversity in vegetation by changing their functional plant characteristics. The purpose of this review is to determine the relationship between allelochemicals and fire of plant species in fire-prone ecosystems, and to reveal how this affects the succession processes.
Show more [+] Less [-]Saurani Zeytinyağinin Bazi Kalite Parametreleri Üzerine Zeytin Olgunluğunun Etkisi
Dilşat Bozdoğan Konuşkan
Ülkemizde tescili yapılmış 97 adet yerli zeytin çeşidi mevcut olup, Saurani de Hatay/Altınözü orijinli zeytin çeşididir. Akdeniz Bölgesi zeytin üretiminde birinci sırada olan Hatay ili zeytin yetiştiriciliği için oldukça uygun iklim ve toprak koşullarına sahiptir. Bu çalışmanın amacı Hatay’da yetiştirilen Saurani zeytin çeşidinden elde edilen yağın serbest yağ asitleri, peroksit sayısı ve yağ asitleri kompozisyonu gibi kalite parametreleri üzerinde zeytin olgunluğunun etkisinin araştırılmasıdır. Bu amaçla 2020 üretim sezonunun 3 farklı olgunluk döneminde Saurani çeşidinden toplanan zeytinlerden mekanik yöntemle zeytinyağı elde edilmiştir. Saurani zeytinyağında serbest yağ asitleri %0.62-0.91 (oleik asit), peroksit sayısı 3.68-5.26 meq O2/kg olarak belirlenmiştir. Olgunlukla birlikte serbest yağ asitleri miktarı artmıştır. Saurani zeytinyağında oleik asit %66.32-68.79, palmitik asit %12.47-13.75, linoleik asit %11.43-13.84, stearik asit %3.16-3.42, palmitoleik asit %1.12-1.34, linolenik asit %0.88-1.01 ve araşidik asit %0.41-0.52 aralıklarında belirlenmiştir. Olgunlukla birlikte oleik asit içeriğinde azalma, linoleik asit içeriğinde ise artış kaydedilmiştir. Saurani zeytinyağının incelenen özellikler bakımından Türk Gıda Kodeksi Zeytinyağı ve Pirina Zeytinyağı Tebliği’nde (2017) belirtilen sınırlar içerisinde olduğu belirlenmiştir.
Show more [+] Less [-]A Potential Threat for Blackberry, Raspberry and Rosehip Growing in Konya Province: Fire Blight Disease
Aysun Öztürk | Kubilay Kurtulus Bastas
In the present study, totally 49 samples, which showed the symptoms of leaf and shoot blight and cankers with brown discoloration of necrotic tissues on mature branches, were collected from 22 districts and areas of Konya Province between 2017 and 2019. Presence rate of E. amylovora in collected samples, showing symptoms of the disease, from the province was determined to be 40% for blackberry and raspberry and 33% rosehip for rosehip in three years. Bacteria consistently isolated from the diseased tissues were identified on the basis of biochemical, physiological, and molecular tests, comparing with a reference strain of E. amylovora, isolated from blackberry (Kbb 371). Twenty seven representative bacterial strains were gram-negative, rod-shaped, mucoid, fermentative, positive for levan formation and acetoin production, no growth at 36°C, positive for gelatin hydrolysis, and negative for esculin hydrolysis, indole, urease, catalase, oxidase, arginine dehydrolase, reduction of nitrate, acid production from lactose, and inositol. All strains induced a hypersensitive response in tobacco (Nicotiana tobacum cv. White Burley) 24 h after inoculation with a 108 CFU ml-1 bacterial suspension in sterile distilled water. The strains were identified as E. amylovora using the species-specific primers set A/B (1), which amplified a 1-kb DNA fragment in PCR, and the matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) method. In order to fulfill the Koch postulates, pathogenicity test was confirmed by injecting bacterial suspensions of 108 CFU ml-1 in sterile distilled water into the shoot tips of 3-year-old blackberry R. fruticosus cv. Chester, raspberry R. idaeus cv. Heritage and rosehip R. canina. All tests were repeated three times. The bacterium was re-isolated from inoculated plants and identified as E. amylovora. Phytosanitary measures are needed to prevent any further spread of the bacterium as potential inoculum sources to new blackberry, raspberry and rosehip growing areas.
Show more [+] Less [-]The Effect of Humic Acid Applications on the Development of Lilium Candidum Plant, Phenological and Pomological Observations in the Plant
Seda Bice Ataklı | Sezer Şahin | Onur Sefa Alkaç
In this study, a pot study was carried out to reveal the effects of direct and foliar applications of humic acid to the growing medium in addition to basic fertilization on the development and plant quality characteristics of lily plants grown in peat + perlite medium. The experiment was carried out in an unheated greenhouse during the summer, in a greenhouse environment with a shade net on it. In the experiment, in addition to the control, the humic acid doses were 3.5 lt/da from soil, 7.5 lt/da from soil, 1.75 lt/da from leaf, 3.75 lt/da from leaf and soil + 3.5 lt/da from leaf + 1, It was applied 3 times as 75 lt/da. In the pot experiment established in three replications according to the randomized plots trial design, 10 lily bulbs were planted in each pot and humic acid applications were made at two-week intervals following plant emergence. In order to see the effect of the applications when the plant is harvested, the length of the flower stem (mm), the thickness of the flower stem (mm), the fresh weight of the branch (mm), the number of buds (pieces), the bud length (cm), the number of leaves (pieces), Full bloom stem (mm) and vase life (days) were examined. As the doses of humic acid increased, the vegetative weight of the lily plant increased, while the effect of the applications on the investigated properties was different. With the mineral elements, hormones and plant growth regulators in humic acid, it has the feature of promoting the increase of biomass in the plant.
Show more [+] Less [-]Endofit Bakteri Uygulamalarının Farklı Kuraklık Stresi Koşulları Altındaki Biber Fide Gelişimine Etkileri
Aynur Sadak | Abdulrahman Smail İbrahim | Suat Şensoy
Çalışma, endofit bakteri uygulamalarının farklı kuraklık stresi altında yetiştirilen biber fidelerinin gelişimi üzerine etkisini ortaya koyabilmek amacıyla, kontrollü koşullarda saksı denemesi şeklinde yürütülmüştür. Biber çeşidi olarak Mostar F1; endofit bakteri olarak da Ochrobactrum sp. (CB36/1) ve Bacillus sp. (CA41/1)) izolatları uygulanmıştır. Bakteri uygulaması, 109 cfu/ml yoğunluğunda iki kez (ilk uygulama 10 ml- ikinci uygulama 15 ml) yapılmıştır. Tohum ekiminden itibaren, 52 gün boyunca tüm saksılar düzenli olarak sulanmıştır. Kontrol (B0) uygulamalarında sulamalara 2 gün aralıklar ile devam edilmiş; ikinci uygulamada (B1) dört günlük bir kuraklık stresi ve son uygulamada (B2) ise 8 günlük bir kuraklık stresi uygulanmıştır. Bitki gelişim parametreleri olarak; gövde çapı, sürgün boyu ve kök uzunluğu, sürgün yaş ve sürgün kuru ağırlığı, yaprak sayısı, kök yaş ve kök kuru ağırlığı incelenmiştir. B1 ve B2 stres uygulamalarının, bitki gelişimine etkisinin genel olarak olumsuz olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Endofit bakterileri uygulamalarının ise farklı kuraklık streslerinin yol açtığı olumsuzluğa karşı nispeten olumlu düzeyde etkilere sahip olduğu belirlenmiştir.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effect of Ferrous Gluconate on Chromosomal Abnormality Index of Allium Cepa Root Tip
Nergis Kaya
In completed research, ferrous gluconate -a food additive- used to preserve black color to prevent discoloration during storage in ripe black olives, and Allium cepa L. species. A. cepa L. roots were treated with different doses of ferrous gluconate. The effective concentration EC50 (0.068 g/l) was determined. A. cepa root tips were treated with EC50/2 (0.034 g/l), EC50 (0.068 g/l), 2XEC50 (0.136 g/l) dose for 24, 48, 72 hours, and afterward, the root tips were prepared for observation under the light microscope according to the method of preparing mitotic preparation. Chromosomal abnormality index (CAI) and genotoxic effect of ferrous gluconate in A. cepa root tip cells were determined. Repeated measurement ANOVA and TUKEY multiple comparison tests were used to investigate the effect of time and dose together on genotoxicity. C-mitosis, polyploidy, polar shifting in anaphase, polar shifting in telophase, equatorial plate shifting, laggard chromosome was observed by microscope. The highest CAI (70.16±4.85) was observed at 72h for 2XEC50 dose. Chromosomal aberration is also observed in control group. While the most common chromosomal aberration is determined as C-mitosis; The least observed chromosomal aberration is determined as polyploidy. Research results revealed that ferrous gluconate has a genotoxic effect on the root tip of A. cepa.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effect of Brine Calcium Concentration on the Surface Solubilization and Texture of Fresh Perline Mozzarella Cheese
Mustafa Öztürk | Büşra Gülşah Güncü
Softening of cheese surface is a common problem especially in brined cheeses. In this study, the effects of the brine calcium concentrations on the texture of fresh perline Mozzarella cheese were investigated. The compositions of cheeses were analyzed 2 weeks after production. Brine protein content were monitored at 2 and 4 week of storage. The effect of the brine calcium concentration on the texture and meltability of cheeses were monitored Texture Profile Analysis (TPA) and Schreiber meltability test at 2 and 4 weeks of storage. The decrease in brine calcium concentration increased the protein transfer from cheese to brine, leading to an increase in the moisture content of cheese. As the calcium concentration increased in brine, an increase in the hardness, and decrease in adhesiveness and meltability of the cheeses were observed during storage. In conclusion, softening/solubilization of the surface of fresh perline Mozzarella cheese can be prevented with increasing the brine calcium concentration.
Show more [+] Less [-]Wooden Breast Syndrome in Broiler Chickens and Its Impacts
Tuğçe Uzun | Aylin Ağma Okur
The aim of the study is to present a review about the "Wooden Breast Syndrome" (WBS) syndrome, which is a muscle disorder that has become increasingly important in recent years, and the etiology of the abnormalities caused by this myopathy, and its histological, macroscopic, and microscopic features. Besides, the effects on the visual, sensory, functional, mechanical quality and processing properties of the breast meat of broilers and their negative effects on the poultry industry were also discussed. Since this myopathy gives a hard structure to the pectolaris major muscle, it is called "Wooden Breast" in public. It is assumed that the leading direct and indirect causes of WB syndrome in broilers are pectoral muscle hypertrophy (volume increase in muscle cells), rapid growth rate, and high breast meat yield. Also, age, gender, diet, feed restriction, oxidative stress, genetics, etc. factors are also thought to be effective. However, the etiology of WB syndrome is still unclear in many aspects. As a result of the macroscopic examination of the wooden breast meat, a striking stiffness, swelling, viscous exudate (inflammatory fluid), petechial (purple-red bleeding spots) fluid, and a pale appearance in the pectoral major muscles are observed, and the lesions that occur can be detected by palpation. Due to these visual and sensory defects in breast meat, the consumability of meat decreases and this leads to significant economic losses for the poultry industry.
Show more [+] Less [-]Growth Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Slow Growing Hubbard Red JA57 in Different Raising Systems
Ökkeş Akyar | Beyhan Yeter
In this study, Hubbard Red JA57 genotype, which growing slowly in mixed sex, were examined in indoor (KYS) and free-range raising systems (SYS). The study was carried out at the Kahramanmaraş Sutcu Imam University (KSU), Animal Production Application and Research Center for 12 weeks. Each treatment was represented by 3 groups containing 28 male chick (total 168 chick). During the indoor treatment, the chicks were raised in floor pens in a conventional house (3.7 birds/m2). In the free-range treatment, the chickens were housed in a similar indoor house (3.7 birds/m2); in addition, they also had a free-range clover paddock (0.9 bird/m2). All birds were provided with the same diets as ad-libitum. In two different raising systems; live weight, feed consumption, feed conversion ratio, survival rate, carcass and parts rates, edible giblets weight and rates, testicular weights and rates, rectal temperature and tonic immobility were examined. Results showed that the weekly feed conversion ratio was found to be significant at the 11th week and the additive feed conversion ratio at the 12th week. The difference between the groups in terms of rectal temperature and tonic immobility values, testicular weights and rates were found to be significant. In terms of average interaction; While the average rates of hot carcass, cold carcass, back, breast meat and neck were the same, the averages of thigh, bony breast and wing ratios were different. The highest mean abdominal fat rate was found in KYS females, the highest average gizzard rate in SYS females, the highest mean liver in KYS females, and the highest heart weight in SYS males.
Show more [+] Less [-]Çok Değişkenli İstatistiksel Analizler ile Akkaya Gölü Rezervuar Topraklarındaki Ağır Metallerin Veri Analizi
Fusun Yalçın
Tarım sahalarının çevresinde, sulama amaçlı yapılan göllerin rezervuar alanlarında biriken ağır metallerin kökeninin belirlenmesi ve toksik etkisinin anlaşılmasında, veri analizinin yapılması önemlidir. Çalışmanın amacı, Akkaya Gölü rezervuar sahasındaki toprakların kimyasal içeriklerinde çok değişkenli istatistik analizler kullanılarak Akkaya Gölü rezervuar sahasında tespit edilen ağır metallerin kendi arasındaki davranışlarını bunlar arasındaki ilişkilerinin belirlenmesi ve bu metallerin olası kökeninin açıklanması şeklindedir. Kimyasal analiz içeriklerinin bollukları Mg > Al > Fe > S > Ti > Zn > V > As > Cu > Ni > Pb > Co > Mo > Sn > Cd > Hg olarak sıralanmıştır. Fe ile Mg, Si, K, Co, V, Cu, As, Ni, Zn ve Pb arasında yüksek pozitif korelasyon bulunur. Faktör analizine göre toplam varyans 72.080 (% kümülatif) olup, 3 (üç) faktöre ayrılmıştır. Hiyerarşik kümeleme analizine göre 3 grup ve elementlerin kümeleme analizine göre 4 grup oluşmuştur. Bu grupların kendi aralarında benzer özellik sundukları anlaşılmıştır. Çok değişkenli istatistik analizleri bu çalışma için başarılı olmuştur.
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