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The Effect of Humic Acid Applications on the Development of Lilium Candidum Plant, Phenological and Pomological Observations in the Plant
Seda Bice Ataklı | Sezer Şahin | Onur Sefa Alkaç
In this study, a pot study was carried out to reveal the effects of direct and foliar applications of humic acid to the growing medium in addition to basic fertilization on the development and plant quality characteristics of lily plants grown in peat + perlite medium. The experiment was carried out in an unheated greenhouse during the summer, in a greenhouse environment with a shade net on it. In the experiment, in addition to the control, the humic acid doses were 3.5 lt/da from soil, 7.5 lt/da from soil, 1.75 lt/da from leaf, 3.75 lt/da from leaf and soil + 3.5 lt/da from leaf + 1, It was applied 3 times as 75 lt/da. In the pot experiment established in three replications according to the randomized plots trial design, 10 lily bulbs were planted in each pot and humic acid applications were made at two-week intervals following plant emergence. In order to see the effect of the applications when the plant is harvested, the length of the flower stem (mm), the thickness of the flower stem (mm), the fresh weight of the branch (mm), the number of buds (pieces), the bud length (cm), the number of leaves (pieces), Full bloom stem (mm) and vase life (days) were examined. As the doses of humic acid increased, the vegetative weight of the lily plant increased, while the effect of the applications on the investigated properties was different. With the mineral elements, hormones and plant growth regulators in humic acid, it has the feature of promoting the increase of biomass in the plant.
Show more [+] Less [-]The Use of Different Fat Sources on Performance, Egg Quality and Egg Yolk Fatty Acids Content in Laying Quails
Rabia Göçmen | Gülşah Kanbur | Yusuf Cufadar
In this study, the performance, egg quality, egg yolk colour and fatty acids profile of quails fed on diets containing different fat sources were determined. During 8 weeks trial, a total of 75, 10-weeks-old laying quails were used. Three diets were formulated to contain soybean oil (SBO), sunflower oil (SFO) and hempseed oil (HSO), respectively. The performance parameters were not significantly influenced by the dietary different oil sources. Eggshell ratio, eggshell thickness, eggshell breaking strength, egg shape index, egg yolk index, albumen index and egg yolk colour values (except a*) were not influenced by the different dietary oil sources. The a* value was significantly affected and the highest a* value was the HSO of group. The different oil sources supplementation to the diets was effective on fatty acid composition of the egg yolk. The highest value in terms of α-linolenic acid, total polyunsaturated fatty acids and total n-3 fatty acids were found in the diet fed group with HSO added. As a result; supplementation of different sources of oil to quail diets without negatively affecting performance and egg quality can be used to change the egg yolk fatty acid composition. Hempseed oil may increase the amount of total polyunsaturated fatty acids and total n-3 fatty acid content of egg yolk.
Show more [+] Less [-]Performance Evaluation of Exotic and Local Landraces of Tomatoes for the Mid-Hill Conditions of Nepal
Tek Prasad Gotame | Ishwori Prasad Gautam | Dipendra Ghimire | Surendra Lal Shrestha
The productivity of tomato in Nepal is very low due to lack of high yielding, disease and pests resistant varieties. An experiment was carried out to evaluate horticultural traits of 50 genotypes obtained from World Vegetable Centre (WorldVeg), Taiwan and SAARC region, and local collections during March to August 2020 in open field conditions at National Horticulture Research Centre, Khumaltar, Lalitpur. The objectives were to identify promising open-pollinated tomato cultivars for high yield, appropriate fruit size, and disease resistant. The experiment was carried out in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Results showed significant differences in yield and yield attributing characters including virus infection. The highest yield (39.6 mt ha-1) was produced by HRA43 and it was followed by HRA33 (26.4 mt ha-1). Among the WorldVeg OP lines, AVTO1429 produced the highest yield (16.21 mt ha-1) and it was followed by AVTO1717 (12.95 mt ha-1), AVTO0922 (11.83 mt ha-1) and AVTO1219 (11.7 mt ha-1) respectively. Most of the WorldVeg lines performed better than the check variety ‘Pusa Ruby’. Genotype HRA43, Red Local and Sindhupalchock Local were not affected by virus while Yellow Local showed 3.3% infection. Among the WorldVeg lines, AVTO1712 (20%), AVTO1717 (20%) and AVTO1718 (13%) and AVTO1219 (15%) showed less than 20% virus infection in the open field conditions. Cluster analysis using the unweighted paired group method with arithmetic mean showed that cluster-1 was the largest cluster comprised of 40 genotypes followed by cluster-2 and cluster-4. Genotypes from cluster-4 showed the higher fruit yield (25.1 mt ha-1) and resistant to the virus and the highest number of fruits per plot (1978 in 4.5 m2 area). The yield was low in cluster-1 which could be due to the heavy rainfall during the vegetative and reproductive stages. Genotypes Red Local and Sindhupalchock Local could be used in future tomato breeding program due to their resistant to TYLCV, higher potential yield and highest plant vigour in open field conditions at the mid-hill of Nepal. Considering the overall performance, genotype HRA43, HRA33 and AVTO1429 were promising lines with performance for yield and other horticultural traits.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effect of Ferrous Gluconate on Chromosomal Abnormality Index of Allium Cepa Root Tip
Nergis Kaya
In completed research, ferrous gluconate -a food additive- used to preserve black color to prevent discoloration during storage in ripe black olives, and Allium cepa L. species. A. cepa L. roots were treated with different doses of ferrous gluconate. The effective concentration EC50 (0.068 g/l) was determined. A. cepa root tips were treated with EC50/2 (0.034 g/l), EC50 (0.068 g/l), 2XEC50 (0.136 g/l) dose for 24, 48, 72 hours, and afterward, the root tips were prepared for observation under the light microscope according to the method of preparing mitotic preparation. Chromosomal abnormality index (CAI) and genotoxic effect of ferrous gluconate in A. cepa root tip cells were determined. Repeated measurement ANOVA and TUKEY multiple comparison tests were used to investigate the effect of time and dose together on genotoxicity. C-mitosis, polyploidy, polar shifting in anaphase, polar shifting in telophase, equatorial plate shifting, laggard chromosome was observed by microscope. The highest CAI (70.16±4.85) was observed at 72h for 2XEC50 dose. Chromosomal aberration is also observed in control group. While the most common chromosomal aberration is determined as C-mitosis; The least observed chromosomal aberration is determined as polyploidy. Research results revealed that ferrous gluconate has a genotoxic effect on the root tip of A. cepa.
Show more [+] Less [-]Determination of Some Agronomic and Fruit Quality Characteristics of Some Watermelon Accessions from Turkish Watermelon Germplasm
Ercüment Atlı | İlknur Solmaz | Nebahat Sarı | Haşim Kelebek
This study has been conducted to determine the fruit quality parameters such as sugar and carotenoid content as well as plant and fruit characteristics of 11 local watermelon genotypes from watermelon genetic resources collection of Cukurova University, Department of Horticulture. First and 50% male and female flowering period, main stem length, main stem diameter, number of nodes on main stem, total yield, fruit weight, fruit length, fruit diameter, fruit rind thickness, total soluble solids (TSS), sugar and carotenoid contents were examined. Although there is no significant difference for main stem diameter and number of nodes on the main stem, significant differences were obtained for total yield, sugar and carotenoid composition of the genotypes. Carotenoid and sugar analysis were performed with a high-performance liquid chromatographic method coupled with diode-array detector (HPLC-DAD) and HPLC coupled with refractive index detector (RID), respectively. In all studied genotypes, cis-13-lycopene and β-carotene were the most abundant compounds. As expected for watermelon genotypes, the main sugar found in all studied genotypes was fructose. According to PCA analyses, genotypes were characterized by physical and chemical composition. Overall evaluation of results revealed that Kar 147 had better potential with carotenoid, sugar contents and fruit characteristics.
Show more [+] Less [-]Major Sorghum Production Constraints and Coping Mechanisms: The Case of Anthracnose (Colletotrichum sublineolum)
Kebede Dessalegn Lemu | Peter Ogbonna | Christian Agbo | Dagnachew Lule
This paper attempts to review the major sorghum production constraints, the progress and perspective on sorghum anthracnose (Colletotrichum sublineolum) resistance breeding. The importance of anthracnose in sorghum production and breeding for resistance status and progress were also primly discovered. Sorghum is an ancient environment resilient crop and believed to be a future crop due to its important merits like tolerant to stresses, wide adaptability and low input requirement. Insects and disease are major biotic impediments to realizing the yield potential of the crop. Anthracnose disease caused by Colletotrichum sublineolum is the most important disease that severely affecting the crop in all sorghum producing regions of the world. Research results revealed that anthracnose resulted in 30-50% or greater yield losses. Several management strategies such as, cultural, chemical and using resistance varieties have been developed. Employing host-plant resistance is the most economical and environmentally friendly approach which can successfully control the disease. Breeding assisted with molecular markers plays a great role in resistance breeding programme as it makes easy to screen large number of genotypes at once. Recent advancement of molecular breeding and bio-informatics tools are playing a significant role in efficiencies and precisions of resistance breeding. QTLs or genomic area for resistance were identified using traditional molecular markers and recent research results revealed discoveries of specific gene and locus using high throughput markers like SNPs using GWAS approach. The discovery of genes/QTL associated with the resistance trait, using the high through put molecular markers like SNPs, facilitates the easiest way for gene pyramiding from different individual genotypes to a single variety, introgression into adapted elite cultivar through marker assisted and editing genes for elite landraces to develop durable resistance varieties. Transgenic approach is now a day becoming a powerful tool to utilize novel alien genes for crop improvement including anthracnose resistance breeding in sorghum.
Show more [+] Less [-]Growth Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Slow Growing Hubbard Red JA57 in Different Raising Systems
Ökkeş Akyar | Beyhan Yeter
In this study, Hubbard Red JA57 genotype, which growing slowly in mixed sex, were examined in indoor (KYS) and free-range raising systems (SYS). The study was carried out at the Kahramanmaraş Sutcu Imam University (KSU), Animal Production Application and Research Center for 12 weeks. Each treatment was represented by 3 groups containing 28 male chick (total 168 chick). During the indoor treatment, the chicks were raised in floor pens in a conventional house (3.7 birds/m2). In the free-range treatment, the chickens were housed in a similar indoor house (3.7 birds/m2); in addition, they also had a free-range clover paddock (0.9 bird/m2). All birds were provided with the same diets as ad-libitum. In two different raising systems; live weight, feed consumption, feed conversion ratio, survival rate, carcass and parts rates, edible giblets weight and rates, testicular weights and rates, rectal temperature and tonic immobility were examined. Results showed that the weekly feed conversion ratio was found to be significant at the 11th week and the additive feed conversion ratio at the 12th week. The difference between the groups in terms of rectal temperature and tonic immobility values, testicular weights and rates were found to be significant. In terms of average interaction; While the average rates of hot carcass, cold carcass, back, breast meat and neck were the same, the averages of thigh, bony breast and wing ratios were different. The highest mean abdominal fat rate was found in KYS females, the highest average gizzard rate in SYS females, the highest mean liver in KYS females, and the highest heart weight in SYS males.
Show more [+] Less [-]Determination of Drying Characteristics, Energy Consumption and Quality Values of Black Mulberry Fruit (Morus nigra L.) Dried Under Different Conditions
Muhammed Taşova | Hakan Polatcı | Adil Koray Yıldız
There are about 68 types of mulberry fruit with a wide ecological production area. Different mulberry species are grown in large fields in Turkey. Mulberries are largely dried-consumed, but sometimes they are used as fruit juice. In this study, black mulberry fruit was collected in two different ripening levels (semi-ripe and full-ripe) and oven-dried at 50, 60 and 70°C drying temperatures. Initial moisture contents of semi-ripe and full-ripe fruits were determined as 86.74% and 82.95%, respectively. Fruits were dried to have final moisture levels of 10-15%. Drying duration, drying models, effective diffusion, activation energy, specific energy consumption, color parameters and chemical properties of dried fruits were examined and the effect of ripening levels and drying temperatures were investigated. In terms of drying duration, while full-ripe fruits dried in a shorter time, effective diffusion, activation energy and specific energy consumption values were found to be higher than semi-ripe fruits. In terms of color parameters, semi-ripe fruits are recommended to be dried at 50 or 60°C drying temperatures and full-ripe fruits should be dried at 50°C drying temperature for better preservation of color parameters. On the other hand, a common proper drying temperature could not be identified for acidity (pH), water soluble dry matter and titratable acidity.
Show more [+] Less [-]Evaluation of Yield and Some Physical Quality Characteristics of Different Oat (Avena sativa L.) Genotypes Under Supplemented Irrigation and Rainfall Conditions
Zeki Mut | Necibe Demirtaş | Özge Doğanay Erbaş Köse
Oat is an important cereal used as human food, animal feed and medicinal plant. This study was conducted to determined yield and some physical quality characteristics of 22 oat genotypes in Turkey in rainfall and supplemented irrigation conditions during 2016-2017 growing season at Yozgat/Yerköy, Turkey. Experiments were carried out in randomized complete block design with three replications. In the trials, plant height, panicle length, grain yield, biological yield, thousand grain weight, hectoliter weight and groat percentage were investigated. İn non-irrigated conditions, plant height, panicle length, grain yield, biological yield, thousand grain weight, hectolitre weight and groat percentage were between 54.2-86.2 cm, 14.1-23.3 cm, 116.9-288.1 kg da-1, 593.1-938.9 kg da-1, 24.1- 38.5 g, 40.4-48.4 kg and 63.5-73.6% whereas in supplemented irrigation conditions, plant height, panicle length, grain yield, biological yield, thousand grain weight, hectolitre weight and groat percentage were 65.0-98.7 cm, 15.3-25.7 cm, 226.1-439.6 kg da-1, 979.2-1381.9 kg da-1, 24.2-39.3 g, 43.5-51.0 kg and 62.5-73.0%, respectively. Supplemented irrigation application increased both grain yield and biological yield approximately 1.5 times compared to application based on rainfall. Genotypes G9, G10, G12, G13, G14, G17, G18, G21 and G22 had the highest grain yield in experiments irrigated with both rainfall and supplemented irrigation.
Show more [+] Less [-]The Effects of Co-Enzyme Q10 and Caffeine on Morphometric Characteristics of Queen Honey Bees
Samet Okuyan | Paul Cross
Honey bee queen quality is a critical factor of colony performance. Indications of such qualities can manifest themselves through morphological traits such as wet weight and thorax width. Improving such characteristics is driven in part by nutritional provision in queen-cell-builder hives. We investigated the potential to improve queen quality by adding coenzyme Q10 (endogenous antioxidant) and caffeine (central nervous system stimulator) to feeder syrup in queen-cell-builder colonies for 15 and 20 days prior to grafting, two sets of queens were reared. We recorded subsequent wet weight, body length, head width and length, thorax and wing width and length, and spermathecae diameter. The queen-cell acceptance rate was not affected by either treatment or graft period. Coenzyme Q10 increased wet weight, body and wing length in the first graft, and thorax width, wing length and spermathecae diameter in the second graft. The caffeine treatment increased head and thorax length in first graft and thorax width in the second. A mix of the two substances (coenzyme Q10 and caffeine) increased head width in the first graft and spermathecae diameter in the second graft. This study suggests that the application of coenzyme Q10 to cell-builder colonies at least 15 days prior to grafting can increase reared wet weight (the most significant quality indicator) and thorax width of queen bees.
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