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Pleurotus eryngii Türünün Farklı İzolatlarına Ait Mantarların Bazı Mineral Besin İçeriklerinin Belirlenmesi
Erdinç Uysal | Mustafa Kemal Soylu
Bu çalışma tüm dünyada Pleurotus türlerinin kralı olarak bilinen (The King Oyster) Pleurotus eryngii mantarının farklı izolatlarında mineral madde içeriklerinin belirlenebilmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışmada Pleurotus eryngii türüne ait farklı lokasyonlardan elde edilen 15 farklı izolat materyal olarak kullanılmıştır. Örneklerde fosfor, potasyum, kalsiyum, magnezyum, sodyum, demir, mangan ve çinko belirlemesi yapılmıştır. Her bir izolatın mineral içeriği sap ve şapkada ayrı ayrı belirlenerek elde edilen sonuçlar bu şekilde değerlendirilmeye alınmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre mineral içerikleri sap ve şapkada önemli oranda farklılık göstermiştir. Fosfor, magnezyum, demir, mangan ve çinko şapkada daha yüksek oranda bulunurken potasyum, kalsiyum ve sodyum mantar sapında yüksek belirlenmiştir. Ortalama değerler dikkate alındığında izolatlar arasında mineral içerikleri açısından önemli farkların olduğu görülmüştür. K7 ve J113 en yüksek fosfor içeren izolat olmuştur. WC888 hem potasyumu hem de sodyumu en çok içerirken, WC999 mangan ve magnezyum içeriği en yüksek olan izolatlar olmuştur. Kalsiyumu en fazla J113 izolatı içerirken, demir açısından en zengin izolat K78 olarak saptanmıştır. Çinko açısından en yüksek içerik K78, J113, M18 ve WC 955 izolatlarında belirlenmiştir.
Show more [+] Less [-]Determination of Antibiotics Resistance Levels in Enterobacteriaceae Isolated from Giresun Coasts
Tamer Akkan | Cengiz Mutlu
In this study the resistance of 200 Enterobacteriaceae isolates recovered from seawater in Giresun Coasts (Black Sea) to 9 different antibiotics was investigated by agar diffusion methods. Antibiotic resistance levels of isolates was determined respectively, Erythromycin (E): 82%, Cefazolin (CZ): 46.50%, Cefotaxime (CTX): 50.50%, Amikacin (AK): 41.50%, Nalidixic acid (NA): 34.50%, Tetracycline (TE): 30.50%, Chloramphenicol (C): 36.50%, Cefuroxime (CXM): 35.50% and Ampicillin (AM): 15.50%. It was found that 2 isolates resistant to all antibiotics, 5 isolates sensitive and 91% of all isolates multiple antibiotic resistance (MAR) index values were higher than 0.2. It was concluded that bacteriological quality in Giresun coastal area could cause public health problems due to the not provided necessary hygiene and sanitation.
Show more [+] Less [-]Status and Future Outlook of Cultivated Mushroom Sector in Turkey
Erkan Eren | Aysun Pekşen
Mushroom production that started in 1960's in Turkey gained economic value from the 1990's and it started improving as a commercial sector after that time. While Turkey mushroom production was 80 tons in 1973, it increased up to 45.000 tons in 2014. There is a rapid changes and improvement in cultivated mushroom production and consumption in Turkey. The object of the study is to reveal current status of mushroom production in the world and Turkey, and the problems of the mushroom sector in Turkey and the necessary precautions and ways to solve these problems. The data obtained from the inspections of the mushroom enterprises that in mushroom production regions of Turkey, and the secondary data obtained from Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK) and Union of Antalya Exporters (AIB) and also national and international publication’ data has been used in this study. In Turkey, Mediterranean and Marmara Regions rank first in mushroom production and consumption with the share of 61.5 and 40%, respectively. It has been determined that big enterprises producing mushroom and compost established in the Central Anatolia in this study. The number of enterprises producing mushroom by using technology increases and 15-20% of the total production are provided by the big enterprises having 2000 m2 and over mushroom production areas. Recent years, there are serious increases in the production of different mushroom species such as especially Pleurotus ostreatus. In addition, precision agriculture applications are widespread with the time. For the continuation of growth of the mushroom sector in Turkey and the solving of the sector problems, there are needs both in making the necessary changes in legislation and to be given priority researches related to mushroom production in university and public research institutions and also to support them.
Show more [+] Less [-]Ultrasonic Carcass Assessment of Dorper and Dorper x Merino Lambs Using MLD and Body Measurements
Onur Yılmaz | Sezen Ocak | Sinan Ogun
Ultrasonic measurements of Musculus longissmus dorsi thoracis et lumborum (MLD) were taken of Dorper (n=99) and Dorper x Merino (n=65) lambs at 156 days of age and comparisons made to various body dimensions to ascertain whether sex, genotype, birth type and live weight had any effect on these parameters. Lambs were weaned two months after birth and placed ad libitum on basic dry land pasture during the draught spring and summer months of 2014 in the arid southeastern region of Turkey. Least square means of backfat thickness, skin+backfat thickness, muscle depth, body length, chest girth and live weight, at the mean age of 156 days, were 0.17 cm, 0.32 cm, 1.75 cm, 63.30 cm, 72.37 cm and 25.16 kg, respectively. Genotype was a statistically significant factor in terms of back fat thickness (BFT), skin and backfat thickness (S+BFT), muscle depth (MD), body length (BL) and live weight (LW). The study showed that Dorper and Dorper x Merino genotypes into Turkey show a clear advantage over the native breeds in terms of meat production and quality not to mention the high potential for lean carcass production. Ultrasonic measurements of Longissimus thoracis et lumborum (MLD) will provide an important contribution to selection index in breeding programs for Dorper and Dorper crossbred genotypes. However estimation of genetic parameters are required in containing a pedigree database in order to establish an effective selection index.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effect of Different Doses of NK Chemical Fertilizers and Compost on Growth and Yield Attributes of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)
Thayamini Harold Seran | Mohamed Saleem Mohamed Imthiyas
This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of NK chemical fertilizers in combination with compost on the growth and yield attributes of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). The pot experiment was done in a complete randomized block design possessing eight treatments with four replicates. Fruit weight, pulp weight, seed weight, total soluble solid, leaf area and dry weights of plat parts were taken and fruit yield was calculated. All the collected data were subjected to statistical analysis. The results revealed that there were significant differences in fruit and seed weights, total soluble solid, pulp weight, 100 seed weight, pulp consistency, leaf area and crop residue. In these parameters, higher mean values were recorded in chemical fertilizers (7.5 g N + 6 g K2O + 15 g P2O5 per m2) with compost (2 kg per m2) than those in the chemical fertilizers applied alone (9.0 g N + 8 g K2O + 15 g P2O5 per m2as standard control). Total soluble solid and fruit yield were 5.73 obrix and 3.21 kg/m2 respectively in the chemical fertilizers with compost (7.5 g N + 6 g K2O + 15 g P2O5 +2 kg compost per m2) treated plants and these were statically on par with the standard control which gave 4.36 obrix total soluble solid and 3.05 kg/m2 fruit yield. The result could be concluded that application of chemical fertilizers (7.5 g N + 6 g K2O + 15 g P2O5 per m2) with compost (2 kg per m2) could increase the total soluble solid and fruit yield as well as reduce the usage of chemical fertilizers in tomato cultivation over the standard control in sandy regosol.
Show more [+] Less [-]A Study on Method Development in Hygienic Behaviour in Honeybee Colonies (Apis Mellifera L., 1758)
Ethem Akyol
This study was conducted to determine the better hygienic behaviour determination method that is used in controlling against bee diseases and pests. Total forty honeybee colonies (Apis mellifera anatoliaca) were used and they were randomly divided into two groups (each group consists of twenty colonies) in first year. Liquid nitrogen method was used in the first group' colonies and pin-killing (needling process) method was used in the second group’ colonies to determine the effectiveness of methods for hygienic behaviour. Average clearance rate was found as 66.25% and 78.10% in the first (Liquid nitrogen application) and the second (pin-killing) groups respectively. In the second year, forty colonies were divided into five equal groups and each group consisted eight colonies. The first group consisted of 9 frames bees in standard langstroot hive (10 frame capacity), the second group consisted of 5 frames bees in standard langstroot hive (10 frame capacity), the third group consisted of 5 frames bees in ruşet hive (5 frame capacity), the forth group’s consisted of 3 frames bees in ruşet hive (5 frame capacity) and the fifty group consisted of queen mating hive. The pin-killing (needling process) method, tested in first year, was used for all groups to determine the effectiveness of colony population and the size of hive. Average clearance rates of the first, second, third, forth and fifth groups were 70.54%, 58.38%, 70.63%, 54.96% and 58.21% respectively. The colonies that belonged to the pin-killing (needling) group showed a higher cleaning behaviour rate than the other colonies. The density of bees in hive had an important effect on the clearance rate of colonies. The colonies of group 1 and group 3, which had the more density of bees in per unit area, had the higher clearance rate than the other groups.
Show more [+] Less [-]Conservation Characteristics and Nutritive Value of Sunflower Silages as Affected by The Maturity Stages and Fibrolytic Enzymes
Sibel Erdoğan | Murat Demirel
Silage quality and nutritive value of sunflower silages ensiled with different level of fibrolytic enzymes at blooming, milk and dough stages were investigated. Fibrolytic enzyme complex (Viscozyme® L, V2010 Sigma Novozyme) was applied 0, 1, 1.5 and 2.5 ml/kgDM at ensiling. The dry matter (DM) yield increased with each increment of the maturity stage. Dry matter (DM), ether extract (EE) and crude cellulose (CC) contents of silages increased also in each delay in harvesting, while crude protein (CP), NDF and ADF contents of silages were the highest in blooming stage. The pH was higher in sunflower silage harvested at dough stage when compared to blooming stage, while acetic, propionic and butyric acid concentrations were all higher in blooming stage, although there were no differences in lactic acid concentrations among harvesting periods. Although silage structural carbohydrate composition was not significantly affected by any enzyme dose, Dose III enzyme treatment at the dough was associated with the highest concentration of lactic acid. Overall, there was no profound effect of enzyme supplementation on nutritive value and silage characteristics of sunflower silage.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effects of Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) Essential Oil Supplemented Diets on Cholesterol and Fatty Acid Levels of Chicken Eggs
Tülay Çimrin | Murat Demirel
This experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of variant doses of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) essential oils (REO), vitamin E (α‐tocopheryl acetate) and antibiotic (chlortetracyclin) on the concentration of vitamin E, fatty acid composition, cholesterol levels in the yolk. In this experiment, 32 weeks old Bovans genotype and 240 white laying hens were randomly separated to six treatment groups with five replicas. While the control group was fed with basal diet the treatment groups were supplemented with 500 mg/kg antibiotics; 200 mg/kg vitamin E; 100, 200, and 300 mg/kg REO to basal diet for 90 consecutive days. The results showed that addition of antibiotics, vitamin E and REO to the diet had no effects on egg cholesterol, while fatty acid composition and vitamin E contents of the yolk were significantly affected. Addition of 100 mg/kg REO to the diet increased total mono unsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) by increasing oleic acid level but decreased Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) by decreasing linoleic acid content of the yolk. Addition of 200 mg/kg vitamin E to the diet significantly increased vitamin E content of egg. The study showed that the changes in yolk fatty acid composition and vitamin E content due to the feed additives, could affect positively in chemical composition of eggs. In conclusion, 100 mg/kg REO and 200 mg/kg vitamin E supplementation to the diet might cause high antioxidant capacity and could help to produce eggs that were more resistant to lipid oxidation.
Show more [+] Less [-]Application of Rosemary (rosmarinus officinalis l.) Based Natural Antioxidant During Deep Fat Frying of Noodle
Navneet Singh Deora | Aastha Deswal | Sanjith Madhavan
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a natural antioxidant derived from rosemary extract on the stabilization of palmolein oil during deep-fat frying of Noodles. Palmolein oil with tertiary butylhydroquinone (TBHQ), a synthetic antioxidant and palmolein without antioxidant were used as positive controls. Thermo-oxidative transformation were measured according to various physical and chemical parameters. Total polar compounds (TPC), free fatty acids (FFA) were measured during the study. All the parameters evaluated in the study increased with the number of frying cycles. The order of effectiveness of antioxidants for inhibition of palmolein oil degradation in deep-noodles was: PRESOL (rosemary based extract) > TBHQ > Control. In terms of oil consumption, it was observed that noodles fried in oil with rosemary extract had lower value of oil consumption as compared to TBHQ and control. The TBHQ degradation kinetics was also evaluated with frying cycle. It showed an exponential decay with increase in frying cycles. Also samples containing natural antioxidant had a least changes in the colour as compared to TBHQ and control at the end of frying cycle.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effect of Different Processing Methods on Anti-Nutrients Content and Protein Quality of Improved Lupin (Lupinus Albus L.) Cultivar Seeds
Mohamed Ahmed M. Omer | ElShazali Ahmed Mohamed | Isam A. Mohamed Ahmed | Abu ElGasim A. Yagoub | Elfadil E. Babiker
Lupin seeds of genetically improved cultivar (Golo) were subjected to different processing methods and investigated according to anti-nutritional factors content and protein quality. Results showed that tannin content of raw seeds was significantly increased in sprouted and debittered seeds before and after boiling but in fermented seeds it declined significantly. Phytate content was significantly decreased in all processed seeds with a significant reduction observed in germinated seeds. The reduction in Phytate as a result of processing was accompanied by a significant improvement in protein digestibility. The protein content of lupin seeds decreased in sprouted seeds and increased in fermented and debittered ones. Boiling of the seeds even the sprouted ones significantly increased the protein content compared to raw lupin seeds. In raw lupin seeds, globulins comprised the major fraction followed by glutelin. Debittered seeds characterized by high glutelin, fermented are characterized by high globulin while germinated characterized by both fractions. Most of the amino acids level was increased after processing of the seeds.
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