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Areal Precipitation Estimation Using Satellite Derived Rainfall Data over an Irrigation Area
Mehmet Ali Akgül | Hakan Aksu
The average precipitation on the irrigation field can be estimated from the Meteorology Observation Stations by using spatial interpolation methods such as Thiessen polygon and isohyetal curves. However, the fact that precipitation doesn't occur homogenous in spatial scales, spatial interpolation methodologies need a large number of meteorology stations for more accurate results. In recent years, remote sensing methods have diversified to estimate precipitation. In this study, performance of the satellite-based precipitation data was assessed to determine areal precipitation over an irrigation area. This study was conducted over left bank irrigation area located in the Çukurova Plain of Turkey. Relationship between CHIRPS satellite based on monthly precipitation data and 4 meteorology stations’ data were analyzed. Determination coefficients (R2) of the stations were found between 0.64 and 0.77, for point based comparison, R2 was calculated as 0.84 with Thiessen polygon method. It is concluded that the precipitation amount in the irrigated area can be estimated as accurately as classical methods such as Thiessen polygon with satellite-based precipitation data.
Show more [+] Less [-]Antiviral Effects of Microalgae
Aybike Türkmen | İhsan Akyurt
Microalgae, also called phytoplankton by biologists, are very small plant-like organisms with a diameter of 1-50 micrometers without roots, stem and leaves. Microalgae, which have hundreds of thousands of species in both fresh waters and seas, form the lowest link of the food chain in aquatic ecosystems. Most species contain chlorophyll, use sunlight as an energy source, and convert carbon dioxide into biomass (biomass). Because of their role in the photosynthesis process, microalgae produce most of the oxygen in the atmosphere. It has a very wide biodiversity and is reported to contain more than 200 thousand species. As a result of genetic analysis, a continuous increase in microalgae species is observed. More than 15 thousand new chemical compounds have been discovered from algae in recent years. It has been observed that most of the bio compounds obtained from microalgae have antiviral effects. However, although extensive research has been done on the antibacterial, antioxidant and antifungal effects of these bioactive compounds, there is limited research on their antiviral effects. In these limited number of studies on the antiviral effects of microagines, it has been reported that some biocompounds isolated from algae may be effective against viruses that are the cause of diseases such as “HIV, SARS and AIDS”. However, the number of researches on viruses that cause today's biggest pandemic, such as coronavirus, of different biocompounds isolated from microalgae, is very small. To date, no vaccine that can be effective against the COVID-19 virus or a drug that can inhibit the reproduction of the virus has not been found. It is thought that micro or macro algae may be one of the most promising natural resources in solving this global health problem. Because Spirulina, which is a microalgae, has antiviral, anticancer, antidiabetic, antibiotic, antioxidant, prebiotic, cardiovascular system protective and antiallergic effects and these positive effects are caused by bioactive compounds found in high content (Rosales-Mendoza et al., 2020a). In this review, especially the antiviral effects of microalgae were tried to be summarized and it was tried to be emphasized that algae could be promising natural resources in the development of new antiviral drugs by our country's scientists.
Show more [+] Less [-]Spor Atı Nal Çakım Uygulama Değerlendirme Ölçeği
Ali Ekber Ün | Kamil Sağlam | Halil Selçuk Biricik
Atlara doğru çakım uygulaması; at refahı ve performansında önemli bir yere sahiptir. At refahı ve performansının olumlu yönde yürütülebilmesi için atçılık ekip çalışmasından ve bilgisinden geçmektedir. Canlı ile yapılan binicilik sporunda atlarla sürekli iç içe olan ilgilenen ekip içerisinde at sahibi, antrenör, binici, bakıcı ve veteriner hekimler tarafından yapılması ve kontrol edilmesi gereken standartları bilmesi ve uygulaması gerekmektedir. Bu nedenle, Türkiye’de ticari rekreasyon işletmeleri olan binicilik kulüp tesislerinde bulunan spor atlarına nalbantlar tarafından nal çakım uygulaması belli zaman aralığında yapılmaktadır. Nalbantların spor atlarına nal çakım uygulamasını sağlıklı ve doğru bir şekilde uygulayıp uygulanmadığının standartlığını sağlayabilmek maksadı ile at sahibi, antrenör, binici, bakıcı ve veteriner hekimlerine spor atı nal çakım değerlendirme ölçeğiyle birlikte akademik çalışmalara katkı sağlamaktır.
Show more [+] Less [-]Süt ve Ürünlerinde Tatlandırıcıların Kullanımı
Zeynep Ece Günaydı | Ahmet Ayar
Obezite ve ilişkili hastalıklar günümüzde yetişkinler ile birlikte çocuklarda ve ergenlerde artmaktadır. Fiziksel aktivitede azalma, özellikle yağ ve şekeri yüksek miktarda içeren yüksek enerjili ürünlerin tüketimindeki artış obezitenin yaygınlaşmasına sebep olan en önemli faktörler arasındadır. Buna bağlı olarak piyasaya sunulan düşük enerjili ürünlere olan talep de giderek artmaktadır. Düşük enerjili ürün üretiminde en çok kullanılan yöntemlerden biri; şeker yerine besleyici özelliği olmayan doğal ve yapay tatlandırıcıların kullanımıdır. Dondurma, aromalı süt ve yoğurt, sütlü tatlılar gibi içerisinde önemli miktarda şeker bulunan süt ürünlerinin tüketimi tüm toplumlarda yaygındır. Bu ürünlerde bulunan şeker; lezzetin yanı sıra tekstür, renk gibi gıdanın birçok özelliğinden sorumludur. Süt ve ürünlerinin içeriğinde insan sağlığı için oldukça yararlı besin bileşenleri bulunmaktadır. Şeker yerine tatlandırıcı kullanımı; süt ve ürünlerinin tüketiminin artmasını sağlarken aynı zamanda aşırı şeker alımının da önüne geçebilmek için oldukça önemlidir. Bu derlemenin amacı dünya çapında otorite olarak kabul edilen kuruluşlar tarafından onaylı doğal ve yapay tatlandırıcıları ve bunların süt ürünlerinde kullanımlarını incelemektir.
Show more [+] Less [-]Organik ve Geleneksel Yöntemle Üretilen İçme Sütlerindeki Bileşim Farklılıklarının FTIR Spektroskopisi ile Belirlenmesi
Ayse Demet Karaman | Didem Peren Aykas | Rodriguez Rodriguez-Saona | Valente Alvarez
Son yirmi yılda en çok ilgi çeken gıda üretim yöntemlerinden birisi organik gıda üretimidir. Sütün organik ya da geleneksel yöntemlerle üretilip üretilmediğinin belirlenmesi, Fourier dönüşümlü kızılötesi (FTIR) spektroskopisinden daha uzun zaman alan kromatografik ve titrimetrik yöntemler ile yapılmaktadır. Bununla birlikte, literatürde organik ve geleneksel yöntemlerle üretilen gıdalar arasındaki kalite farklarıyla ilgili çelişkili sonuçlar bildirilmiştir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, organik ve geleneksel yöntemle üretilen içme sütlerinin bileşimlerindeki farklılığın tespiti için FTIR spektroskopisinin kullanılabilirliğinin değerlendirilmesidir. Araştırmada materyal olarak 185 adet (98 organik, 87 organik olmayan) pastörize tam yağlı (%3) süt numunesi, Columbus’daki (Ohio, ABD) çeşitli marketlerden tedarik edilmiştir. Kızılötesi spektrumlar, Agilent Cary 630 FTIR spektrometresi ile 4 cm-1 çözünürlükte 4.000-700 cm-1 arasında kaydedilmiş olup spektrum analizi için Yumuşak Bağımsız Sınıf Analojileri Modellemesi (SIMCA) yapılmıştır. Görsel inceleme sonucunda 25±1°C’de 185 adet süt numunesinin spektrumlarının oldukça homojen olduğu tespit edilmiştir. FTIR teknolojisi ile elde edilen spektral veriler, organik ve geleneksel yöntemle üretilen içme sütlerinin bileşim özelliklerine bağlı olarak ayırt edilebileceğini göstermiştir. FTIR spektrometresi, kromatografi gibi diğer tekniklerle karşılaştırıldığında, organik pastörize inek sütündeki tağşişin ekonomik olarak belirlenmesi için basit, hızlı ve güvenli sonuçlar veren bir tekniktir.
Show more [+] Less [-]Hayıt (Vitex agnus-castus L.) Ballarının Uçucu Bileşenlerinin ve Duyusal Özelliklerinin Tanımlanması
Ceyda Dadalı
Bu çalışmada Aydın, Çanakkale, İzmir ve Muğla illerinde üretilen hayıt ballarının bazı fiziksel ve kimyasal özellikleri ile uçucu bileşenlerinin ve duyusal özelliklerinin tanımlanması amaçlanmıştır. Değerlendirilen hayıt ballarında toplam 16 farklı uçucu bileşen belirlenmiştir (4 aldehit, 3 furan, 2 alkol, 2 sülfürlü bileşik, 2 terpen, 1 alkan, 1 benzenik bileşik ve 1 keton). Hayıt ballarının ortak uçucu bileşenlerinin dimetil sülfit, oktan, nonanal, 2-furankarboksaldehit, 2-etil-1-hegzanol, 1-(2-furanil)-etanon, benzaldehit, 5-metil-2-furankarboksaldehit ve benzenasetaldehit olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bütün hayıt ballarında benzenasetaldehit en fazla bulunan uçucu bileşen olup ardından benzaldehit ve 2-furankarboksaldehit gelmektedir. Duyusal değerlendirme sonucunda hayıt ballarında çiçeğimsi, meyvemsi, karamelimsi, acı badem, fermente, hayvanımsı, baharatımsı, vaksımsı ve odunumsu koku karakteri, tatlı ve ekşi tat karakterleri ile burukluk ağız hissi algılanmıştır. Bütün örneklerde çiçeğimsi, meyvemsi, karamelimsi, tatlı ve ekşi karakter yoğun olarak algılanmıştır.
Show more [+] Less [-]Antioxidant Activity and Element Content of Suillus collinitus
Celal Bal
Mushrooms used as food have medicinal importance due to their antioxidant compounds. In this context, it is very important to determine the biological potential of fungi and to reveal these medicinal properties. In this study, it was aimed to determine the element contents, total antioxidant status, total oxidant status, oxidative stress index of Suillus collinitus (Fr.) Kuntze mushroom. In this context, the mushroom samples were extracted with ethanol in the Soxhlet extractor. Element contents were determined using atomic absorption spectrometry. Total antioxidant (TAS) and total oxidant (TOS) levels and oxidative stress index (OSI) were determined using Rel Assay commercial kits. As a result of the study, it was determined that the TAS value of S. collinitus was 2.467 ± 0.145 mmol/L, TOS value was 17.845 ± 0.273 µmol/L and OSI value was 0.677 ± 0.030. In addition, the Fe content (350.72 ± 10.23), Cu content (68.11 ± 2.51), Pb content (11.58 ± 2.43), Zn content (10.46 ± 1.28) and Ni content (1.47 ± 0.21 of S. collinitus measured. As a result, S. collinitus mushroom is thought to be a natural source of antioxidants. It has also been observed that the element contents are at normal levels.
Show more [+] Less [-]Alterations of Stress Parameters and Histology of Asian Catfish (Pangasius hypophthalmus) in Transport
Semra Küçük | Sema Midilli | Deniz Çoban
Stress parameter changes (cortisol, glucose, sodium and chloride) and histological alterations (gills, liver, kidney, and spleen) in Asian Catfish (Pangasius hypophthalmus) in transport were investigated. In this study, three separated trials were fulfilled. These were without tricaine, 40 and 60 mg L-1 of tricaine, respectively. Each trial consisted of 4 stages, control (C), transfer (AT), transport (TP) and recovery (24 h). After each stage, blood samples were taken and then, gills, liver, kidney, and spleen samples were collected for histological examination. In the transport without tricaine, the fish glucose increased from 50-60 mg dL-1 to 70-80 mg dL-1 and cortisol increased from 30 ng dL-1 to 90 ng dL-1 in. Sodium was 127-132 meq L-1 in the AT and TP, while 138 meq L-1 in the C and recovery. Cloride changed 103 meq L-1 in the TP, while approximately 107 meq L-1 in C, AT and recovery in the transport without tricaine. In the second trial, the fish glucose increased from 50-65 mg dL-1 to 80-90 mg dL-1 cortisol decreased from 60-70 ng dL-1 to 35-45 ng dL-1 in the transport with 40 mg L-1 of tricaine. Sodium was 130-140 meq L-1 in the C and recovery, while 125 meq L-1 in the AT and TP. Chloride was about 110 meq L-1 in the C, AT and recovery, while 102 meq L-1 in the TP in the transport with 40 mg L-1 of tricaine. In the third trial, the fish glucose was 40-55 mg dL-1 in the C, AT and TP, while 25-30 mg dL-1 in the recovery. Cortisol was 35-40 ng dL-1 in the C and AT, while 25 ng dL-1 in the TP and recovery. Sodium was 126-128 meq L-1 in the C, AT and recovery, while about 119-122 meq L-1 in the TP. Chloride was 110 meq L-1 in the C, AT and recovery, while 104-106 meq L-1 in the TP in the transport with 60 mg L-1 of tricaine. The end of the experiment, it is realized that the usage of the tricaine had positive effects on Asian catfish transport.
Show more [+] Less [-]Performance Characteristics and Cost Optimization of Self-Compacting Concrete with Industrial Waste Additives to be Used in Agricultural Buildings
Selçuk Memiş
Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) is a building material that has gained importance recently because it can easily and spontaneously settle in high buildings, where pouring conditions with frequent reinforcement are difficult. Agricultural structures, on the other hand, are structures that involve many units such as plant and animal barns, storage buildings and residences, and require care in their design and construction. In this study prepared for this purpose, it is used in concrete by replacing marble dust and fly ash with cement in concrete that will be used in agricultural structures. The main factor in these studies is to obtain information about the behavior of KYB with marble powder and fly ash, its fresh properties as well as its effect on durability, as well as to calculate the cost of marble powders in SCC with superplasticizers and similar chemical additives. Within the scope of the study, different ratios of marble powder (MP) and fly ash (FA) mixtures were created instead of OPC 32.5 and OPC 42.5. 100 mm cubic samples were prepared with the prepared mixtures and some of the physical properties of these samples were determined in 3th, 7th and 28th days. Samples were compared with SCC concrete values with traditionally produced references. As a result, it has been determined that the contribution of fly ash to SCC is more effective than the contribution of waste marble powder and can be used as powder material. In terms of cost, it has been observed that it will provide advantages in agricultural structures thanks to the high strengths obtained.
Show more [+] Less [-]Determination of Irrigation Time Using Plant Water Stress Index Values of Second Crop Sunflower in Semi-Arid Climate Conditions
Ali Beyhan uçak | Halis Seçme
This study was carried out in 2020 to determine crop water stress index (CWSI) by using infrared thermometer (IRT) data calculated by leaf canopy temperature measurements of the second crop sunflower genotype in semi-arid climate conditions, and to determine the relationships between irrigation time, seed yield of sunflower plant and CWSI by using these index values. Irrigation program consisted of a full irrigation and 2 different levels of stress, which were 100% (I100), 70% (I70), 35% (I35) of water losses within the effective root depth of 90 cm every 7 days. A total of 644 mm of irrigation water was applied to I100 (control) irrigation. The water consumption for full irrigation was 721 mm and the yield was 3516.00 kg/ha. Lower limit (LL) value without water stress required to determine plant water stress index was Tc-Ta=-2.528×VPD +0.749 (R2=0.814) and upper limit (UL) value, where the plant is completely under water stress, was determined as +3.27℃. Crop water stress index value threshold at which sunflower seed yield started to decrease was calculated as 0.33 using the infrared thermometer measurements at the time of irrigation. In addition, a negative correlation was obtained between sunflower seed yield and CWSI values. The results revealed that the yield tends to decrease as the CWSI increases.
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