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Yumurta Tavuklarında Sıcaklık Stresinin Verim ve Üretkenlik Üzerine Etkileri ile Alınacak Önlemler
Serpil Gençoğlan
Sıcak bölgelerde ve yaz aylarındaki yüksek sıcaklıklar, yumurta tavuklarının verim ve üretkenliğini bozmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, sıcaklık stresinin yumurta tavuklarının verim ve üretkenlik üzerine etkilerine dikkat çekerek ortaya çıkan kayıpları azaltmak için alınacak önlemler hakkında detaylı bilgi vermek amaçlanmıştır. Sıcaklık stresi, bağışıklık tepkilerini engellenmesi nedeniyle yüksek ölüm oranları ile ticari yumurta tavuğu üretiminde önemli ekonomik kayıplara yol açan ve üretim performansının tüm parametrelerini, üretkenliği etkileyen en zorlu sorunlardan biridir. Yüksek vücut ısısı, sıcak-kuru deri, felç, baş ağrısı ve bilinç kaybı gibi nörolojik belirtilerle kendini gösterir. Sıcak krampları ve çarpması sonucu ölümlere sebep olmaktadır. Ayrıca sıcaklık stresi dişi-erkek yumurta tavuklarının üreme hormonlarının durumunu da bozar. Erkeklerde canlı sperm sayısı ve hareketini azaltarak kısırlığa neden olur. Sıcaklık stresinin etkisi yaşa, cinse, vücut ağırlığına, bağıl neme ve yüksek sıcaklıkta kalış süresine bağlıdır. Sıcaklık, optimum yumurta verimi ve kalitesi için 24°C’nin, refah ve üretkenlik için ise 27°C’nin üstüne çıkmamalıdır. Bu sıcaklığın üstünde tavuklarda hızlı nefes alma, vücutlarından çevreye ısı yaymama problemi, yem tüketimi ve canlı ağırlık artışında azalma görülmeye başlar. Yüksek sıcaklıklarda 34-35°C yumurta üretimi yaklaşık %30, yem alımı da %30-50 arasında azalmaktadır. Sonuç olarak, sıcaklık stresine karşı yem yönetimi, sıcaklık stresi azaltıcı katkı maddelerinin yeme ve suya eklenmesi, barınaklarda iklimsel çevre denetimi, erken yaşam şartlandırması ve sıcaklık stresine dayanıklı ırkların genetik seçimi gibi önlemler alınabilir.
Show more [+] Less [-]Sulamaya Açılan Alanlarda Sulu Tarım Dışındaki Faaliyetler Sonucu Bitkisel Üretim Değerinde Meydana Gelen Kayıpların Değerlendirilmesi: Dsi 25. Bölge Müdürlüğü Örneği
Murat Tekiner | Duygu Aktürk
Son yıllarda iklim değişikliği ve küresel ekonomik krizin etkisi ile tarım gittikçe daha da önem kazanmıştır. Tarımsal üretimin arttırılabilmesi ve sürdürülebilirliği için üretim faktörlerinin etkin ve verimli kullanılması gerekmektedir. Bunun gerçekleşmesinde önemli faktörlerden biri de sulamadır. Sulama, tarımsal üretimin sürekliliğini ve karlılığını artıran önemli faktörlerden biridir. Diğer üretim faktörlerinin etkinliğini arttırarak yüksek verim alınmasını ve dolayısıyla üretim değerinde artış sağlanmasında önemli paya sahiptir. Tarımda üretim değerinin artması, sulanan alanların ve birim alandan alınan ürün artışına bağlıdır. Dolayısıyla sulamaya açılan alanlarda, kuru tarım ya da nadas uygulaması yapıldığında ya da boş bırakıldığında üretim değeri kaybı meydana gelmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, DSİ 25. Bölge Müdürlüğü görev alanında bulunan araziler için yukarıda belirtilen üretim değer kayıplarının ortaya konulmasıdır. Çalışmanın materyalini 2015-2020 arası yıllara ait “DSİ’ce İşletilen ve Devredilen Sulama Tesisleri Değerlendirme Raporu” ile “DSİ’ce İnşa Edilerek İşletmeye Açılan Sulama ve Bataklık Islahı Tesisleri Mahsul Sayım Sonuçları” adlı raporları oluşturmaktadır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, ele alınan altı yılda sulanabilen arazilerde, kuru tarım yapılması, boş bırakılması ve nadasa bırakılmasından dolayı toplam 707.048.805 $ üretim değeri kaybı söz konusudur.
Show more [+] Less [-]Farklı Genotipik Damızlık Japon Bıldırcınlarında Canlı Ağırlığa Göre Seleksiyonun Yumurta Verim Özellikleri Ve Kuluçka Özelliklerine Etkisi
İsmail Can Batkı | Mikail Baylan | Kadriye Kurşun
Bu araştırma, farklı genotipik damızlık japon bıldırcınlarında yumurta verim özellikleri ve kuluçka özelliklerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla planlanmıştır. Araştırma da biri ticari (T) diğeri ise Çukurova Üniversitesinde yetiştirilen japon bıldırcını (CU) olmak üzere iki genotip kullanılmıştır. Her iki genotipten kuluçka sonunda 500 civciv elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen bıldırcınlar 5 hafta büyütüldükten sonra canlı ağırlığa göre seleksiyon yapılmıştır. Böylece, denemede 2 kontrol (TK, CUK), 2 seleksiyon (TS, CUS) ve 2 melez (TM, CUM) olmak üzere 6 farklı deneme grubu oluşturulmuştur. Her deneme grubundan 72 adet damızlık bıldırcın seçilmiş ve toplam 432 hayvan kullanılmıştır. Çalışmadan elde edilen bulgulara göre, damızlıklarda 14 haftalık ortalama yumurta verimi boyunca en yüksek yumurta veriminin %79,13 ile ticari seleksiyon grubunda, en düşük ise %69,38 ile Çukurova Üniversitesi melez grubunda olduğu bulunmuştur. Yumurta ağırlığı açısından 3, 4 ve 5. haftada muamele grupları arasında gözlenen farkların önemli olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca, kuluçka özellikleri bakımından ticari kontrol grubunun diğer gruplara kıyasla daha yüksek değerler sağladığı görülmüştür. %5 ve %50 cinsi olgunluk ağırlığının sırasıyla 323,62 g ve 347,50 g ile CUS grubunda görüldüğü ve gruplar arasındaki farklılığın önemli olduğu bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak, yumurta verimi ve kuluçka özellikleri bakımından ticari grup ve melezlerin üstün olduğu söylenebilir.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effects of Different Organic Source Materials on Growth, Flowering and Yield in Zinnia Plant
Onur Sefa Alkaç | Esra Öndeş | Esat Tuncel | Rümeysa Temir
The study was carried out in a randomized plot design with three replications, with 4 pots in each replication and 3 plants in each pot. A total of 10 applications consisting of liquid compost (25%- 50%), vermicompost (25%-50%), and humic acid (600-1200 ppm) and combining these applications were applied to Zinnia seedlings. The first application was applied as 400 mL per pot when the plants reached 20 cm in size. Applications were made 3 times with an interval of 7 days. When the plants are harvested, flower diameter (mm), stem thickness (mm), number of flowers (piece), stem length (cm), number of branches (pieces), the weight of branches (g), number of leaves (pieces), root length ( cm), root fresh weight (g), root dry weight (g), vase life (days) parameters were examined. As a result of the study, the highest flower diameter (72.27 mm) and SPAD value (34.93) was 600 ppm humic acid application, the highest flower stem thickness (4.67) and flower stem length (45.56 cm) 25% liquid compost + 25% vermicompost application, the highest flower stem thickness (4.67). The number of flowers (6.17 pieces) and root wet weight (8.10 g) were found in 25% vermicompost application, the highest number of branches (7,25) in 1200 ppm humic acid application, the highest branch weight (30.76) in 50% vermicompost application. As a result, it was observed that in applications where 25% of vermicompost was used, it had positive effects on the number of leaves, flowering, and root parameters. In humic acid applications, it has been found to have a positive effect when used at low rates such as 600 ppm. It is stated in the results of the study that the doses used to give better results when applied at low rates.
Show more [+] Less [-]Exploring the Effects of Information and Communication Technologies in the Marketing of Broiler Birds in Enugu State, Nigeria.
Ikenna Charles Ukwuaba | Collins Nzeribe Ngwuoke | Chinedum Jachinma Chiemela | Cynthia Uzoamaka Nwachukwu | Ridwan Mukaila | Chikaosolu Maryqueen Ileka | Stella Nwawulu Chiemela
Information-intensive and precise knowledge-based marketing approaches is a key aspect in ensuring the long-term viability of agriculture. Unfortunately, the economic potential of information and communication technologies used in agricultural marketing is not fully utilized. This study, therefore, unravelled the effects of information and communication technologies in the marketing of broiler birds in Enugu state, Nigeria. Primary data collected from 90 marketers were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The result showed that all the marketers accessed and used mobile phones very often to communicate with their customers but only a few (40%) used social media platforms while radio and television were rarely used. The gross margin analysis showed that broiler marketing was a viable enterprise with ₦80,972.72 (USD 197.29) gross margin monthly. The degree of use of information and communication technologies, level of education and marketing experience significantly affected the revenue margin of the respondents. High cost of information and communication technology facilities, inconsistence power supply, poor network coverage and connectivity and high cost of airtime and data were among the major constraints faced by the marketers. The study recommends that the problem of inconsistent power supply and poor network coverage should be rectified by the government and the network providers, respectively. The national communication commission should as a matter of urgency regulate, moderate and reduce the high call tariffs and internet data cost to enhance the profit margin of the broiler marketers.
Show more [+] Less [-]Extraction of Bioactive Compounds from Yellow Onion Peels: Taguchi-SAW Hybrid Optimization
Mehmet Güldane | Ali Cingöz
The aim of this study was to obtain an extract rich in bioactive components from yellow onion peels, which are generally considered waste material. Accordingly, a three-factor three-level Taguchi (L9) experimental design with three factors, namely ethanol concentration (A; 50%, 75%, 100%), extraction temperature (B; 30, 40, 50 °C), and sonication time (C; 10, 20, 30 min) was used to optimize the ultrasound-assisted extraction process of onion peel powders. Through Taguchi optimization, the optimum extraction conditions were determined as A2B3C2 to obtain the extract with the highest total phenolic matter (TPM) content and antioxidant activity (DPPH (%)). In addition, the extract produced under A2B1C2 conditions was found to be the richest in total monomeric anthocyanin (TMA) content with the highest level of color pigments. In order to determine the overall optimization conditions and to reduce the three-response optimization process to a single response, the simple sum weighting (SAW) method was used as a multi-criteria decision-making method. As a result of the optimization, it was concluded that an extract rich in bioactive components with optimal TPM and TMA contents and DPPH (%) value could be obtained as a result of sonication at 30 °C for 20 min to onion peel powders mixed with a solvent containing 75% ethanol (A2B1C2). The extraction conditions of bioactive components from yellow onion peels were successfully optimized by the Taguchi-SAW hybrid optimization method.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effects of Leek Powder and Sunflower Oil in Guar Gum Edible Coating on the Preservation of Mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus)
Nalan Yazıcıoğlu
This study investigated the effects of various guar gum edible coating formulations, incorporating different proportions of waste leek powder and sunflower oil, on weight loss, color parameters (L*, a*, b* values, and ΔE), texture, and shrinkage of Agaricus bisporus mushrooms during a 7-day storage period. The goal was to assess the potential impact of these coatings on preserving the mushrooms’ quality over time. The results showed that the coatings had a significant effect on reducing weight loss compared to uncoated samples. The lowest weight loss was observed in the 0.5% leek powder and without sunflower oil, while the highest was in 2.5% leek powder and 0.1% sunflower oil. Shrinkage was also positively affected by the coatings, with 1.5% leek powder and without sunflower oil showing the most promising results. The L* values of the coated samples declined slightly, indicating better color preservation, while the a* values exhibited stable redness/greenness. On the other hand, b* values increased, indicating an increase in yellowness during storage. The ΔE values were lower for the coated samples, suggesting less color deviation compared to uncoated ones. Overall, the study indicates that these edible coatings have the potential to maintain the quality of mushrooms during storage, leading to better preservation and extended shelf life.
Show more [+] Less [-]The Effects of Seed Infestation by Fusarium proliferatum on Root and Crown Rot, Plant Growth and Phenolic Compounds in Roots of Some Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) Cultivars
Ebru Sevinç | Nuray Özer
This study investigates the reactions of four summer pumpkin cultivars (cvs. Çağlayan, Mert Bey, Sena Hanım, TG38) to root and crown rot caused by Fusarium proliferatum by taking into account criteria such as disease severity, plant growth (number of leaves, height, dry and fresh weight of shoot) and the accumulation of phenolic compounds in the roots. Seeds of each cultivar were inoculated with the pathogen and left to develop for 1 month at 25oC in a controlled climate room. The content of phenolic compounds in ethanolic root extracts was determined using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Cv. Sena Hanım had the lowest disease severity (4.40%) among the cultivars, followed by cvs. Çağlayan (10.62%) and Mert Bey (11.07%). Plants developed from inoculated seeds of cvs. Çağlayan and Sena Hanım had no decrease in the number of leaves and in length, fresh and dry weight of shoots in comparison to the control (plants from non-inoculated seeds), while cv. Mert Bey demonstrated a decrease at very low rates in shoot fresh and dry weight (2.24% and 0.77%, respectively). The phenolic compound that exhibited the highest increase in root extracts of cv. Sena Hanım compared to the control among the cultivars was p-coumaric acid (6.57-fold). This study demonstrates that p-coumaric acid can play an important role in the resistance of pumpkin to seed infestation by F. proliferatum.
Show more [+] Less [-]Determination of Comfort Zones in Landscape Planning in Niğde
Orhun Soydan
Our cities, most of which do not show planned development, are turning into ecosystems that threaten the living life of the natural and cultural environment as a result of many environmental problems such as increasing human and building density and incorrect land use. This negative situation has the opportunity to be resolved with urban planning in which the physical structure of the city is balanced and with landscape plans that will create open and green areas in the city that contribute positively to human and environmental health. The urban heat island effect, which has emerged as a result of intense urbanization in recent years, creates problems for city residents. Unfortunately, most cities in the world face this negative climate phenomenon. It becomes difficult to combat the heat island effect, especially in cities where construction density increases unconsciously. Ecological planning appears as a factor that will prevent these problems from turning into important environmental problems in the future. The most important component to be considered in ecological planning is climate. In this study, thermal comfort areas were tried to be determined along Dr Sami Yağız Street, which is one of the most frequently used areas of Niğde. Temperature and humidity measurements were taken at 25 points at equal intervals on both sides of the street. Measurements were made on different days of the week and at 4 different times during the day. The obtained values were transferred to ArcGIS 10.3 software and maps were produced. A universal linear extension system was used in the evaluation of climate data, and climate factors and bioclimatically suitable areas on the street were determined and evaluated in terms of comfort level. It has been determined that the humidity rate in the study area varies according to measurement hours, and there is no significant change in temperature.
Show more [+] Less [-]Fortification of Yogurt with Red Dragon Fruit’s (Hylocereus Polyrhizus) Peel Powder: Effects on Comprehensive Quality Attributes and Sensory Properties
Nilufa Yeasmin | Bithi Rani Sarker | Ayesha Begum | Md. Zia Uddin Al Mamun | Nahidur Rahman | Md. Sujan Hossen | Md. Motalab | Rahima Akter Sathee
This study was conducted to evaluate the quality features, antioxidant capabilities, microbiological and sensory aspects of yogurt fortified with 2%, 5%, and 7% red dragon (RD) peel powder. The yogurt was formulated using the classical technology adapted to laboratory conditions. The results of the physicochemical properties showed significant differences in pH (4.73–4.36), acidity (0.18–0.16 g lactic acid/100 g), and ascorbic acid (1.17-1.34 mg/100 g) among different yogurt formulations (P<0.05). In addition, RD peel powder fortification showed increasing trends in crude fiber (1.53-3.34 g/100 g), ash (5.19-5.29 g/100 g), and moisture (76.70-80.19 g/100 g) content, respectively; while the reversed trend was observed for fat (3.48-2.36 g/100 g), and crude protein (4.49-4.07 g/100 g) contents, respectively. Furthermore, gradual progression of RD peel powder in fortified yogurt manifested an improvement of the overall antioxidant activity (1.30-1.57 µmol TE/mL). The analyses of the sensory properties demonstrated that yogurt with RD peel powder in proportions of 2% received the highest hedonic score for consumer approval. Moreover, no coliform was reported in any of the control and fortified yogurts. Therefore, it could be concluded that RD peel powder can be employed as a functional food constituent in yogurt with improved quality attributes and sensory properties compared to plain yogurt.
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