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Phenological, Pomological and Technological Characteristics of Seedless White Mulberry in Mulberry Genetic Resources of Turkey
Erdoğan Çöçen | Hasan Pınar | Aydın Uzun | Mehmet Yaman | Ahmet Aslan | Oktay Turgay Altun
This study carried out in 2015 and 2016 to determine phenological, pomological and some technological characteristics of 19 seedless mulberry genotypes of the Malatya Apricot Research Institute. Full-bloom periods of the genotypes varied between 27th of April (Poser 24-07) and 3rd of May (24 MRK 02); start of harvest dates varied between 15th of May (Poser 24-07) and 31st of May (Yediveren 24-08); end of harvest dates varied between 5th of July (Angut 009) and 30th of August (Yediveren 24-08). Fruiting durations varied between 50 days (Angut 009) and 95 days (Gemirgap Dutu 24-05). Of the pomological characteristics, average fruit weights varied between 0.77 g (Angut 009) and 2.46 g (Poser 24-07); water soluble dry matter (WSDM) contents varied between 15.50% (Topu Beyaz 1) and 29.60% (Angut 009). Of the technological characteristics, drying efficiency values varied between 15.79% (44 KE 10) and 39.94% (Angut 009), dry fruit color L values varied between 25.97 (Poser 24-07) and 50.20 (İstanbul Dutu 24-12). Based on present findings, Poser 24-07 genotype was found to be prominent with early fruiting and availability for fresh consumption; Yediveren 24-08 genotype with late fruiting; İstanbul Dutu 24-12 genotype with drying efficiency and Gemirgap Dutu 24-05 and Gemirgap Dutu 24-06 genotypes with their longer fruiting durations. Current findings may be beneficial in mulberry breeding programs.
Show more [+] Less [-]Consumers’ Subjective and Objective Knowledge Levels About Genetically Modified Foods: Case Study of Hatay City
Ahmet Duran Çelik | Erdal Dağıstan
The relationship between an individual’s actual knowledge and their self assessed knowledge about an issue is an important factor on consumer’s behaviour. The effect of the knowledge factor on consumer decision making is evaluated by two approaches which are objective (real knowledge) and subjective (self assessed) knowledge. In certain studies it was found that in some situations consumers believe they know more than they actually do about a topic; and they may make their decisions based upon the knowledge they assume is correct, whether it is true or not. This study aimed at determining the relationship between the objective and subjective knowledge about GM foods of consumers who live in the Hatay city centre. According to the research results; even though around 70% of the consumers thought that their knowledge about GM foods were ‘’enough, or relatively enough’’, correct response ratios of the four questions that were based on specific knowledge were quite low. In other words, consumers were overconfident about their knowledge of GM foods. Also, there was no correlation found between consumer’s purchase intention and knowledge level.
Show more [+] Less [-]Length–Weight, Length–Length Relationships and Condition Factor of Chondrostoma regium (Heckel, 1843) and Barbus lacerta, Heckel, 1843 From Karasu River (East Anatolia, Turkey)
Osman Serdar | Ebru İfakat Özcan
Length–weight, length–length relationships and condition factors were estimated for two fish species (Chondrostoma regium, Barbus lacerta) caught between October 2014 and September 2015 in the 14 distinct locations of Karasu River, East Anatolia, Turkey. Minimum and maximum total length and weight were observed at 7.5 to 31.0 cm and from 5.7 to 280 g for C. regium, 7.0 to 24.0 cm and from 4.0-211 g for B. lacerta. The b values determined as 2.77 for Chondrostoma regium; 3.10 for Barbus lacerta. The types of growth were found negative allometric for C. regium and isometric growth for B. lacerta. The length-length relations between total, fork, and standard lengths for the two fish species were highly significant. The relative condition factor values were found to 1.102±0.013 for C. regium; 1.176±0.019 for B. lacerta. This study submits for the first time LWR, LLR and condition factor of two species in the Karasu River.
Show more [+] Less [-]Determination of Some Properties of Turkish Delight Produced by the Addition of Pomegranate Juice
Cemal Kaya | Mehmet Güldane | Semra Topuz | Mustafa Bayram
In this study, it is aimed to produce Turkish delight by using fresh squeezed pomegranate juice obtained from two different sour and sweet pomegranate varieties in 20% and 30% of the water to be used in the formulation. Water soluble dry matter, pH, total acidity, total phenolic substance, total anthocyanin, colour, hardness value, water activity of Turkish delight added pomegranate juice were analysed and the samples were sensory evaluated. Soluble solids dry matter values of Turkish delight were; 71.25-81.90 °Brix; pH values; 3.50-4.78, hardness values; 0.75-1.64 N, total acidity values; 0.042-0.240g/100g, L values; 27.43-43.94, a* values; (-0.66)-(+14.45) and b* values; (-1.67)-(+4.08), the amount of the total phenolic matter; 201.33-760.33 mg GAE/kg, the amount of total anthocyanin; 10.01-42.15 mg Cy-3Gluc/kg determined, respectively. When the results of the sensory evaluation were examined, the highest average score in terms of many features was obtained with a sweet pomegranate juice (300 ml) obtained with hydraulic press. It can be concluded that the products rich in functional components and preferred by consumers can be produced.
Show more [+] Less [-]Gümüşhane İlinde Tıbbi Amaçla Kullanılan Atkuyruğu (Equisetum arvense) Bitkisinin Bazı Biyolojik Aktivitelerinin İncelenmesi
Tuba Acet | Kadriye Özcan
Bu çalışmada, Gümüşhane ilinde halk tarafından farklı tıbbi amaçlarla kullanılmakta olan atkuyruğu (Equisetum arvense) bitkisinin farklı polariteye sahip çözücülerle elde edilmiş ekstrelerinin toplam fenolik miktarı, antimikrobiyal ve antioksidan aktiviteleri incelenmiştir. Toplam fenolik miktarı gallik asit eşdeğeri olarak spektrofotometrik yöntemle ölçülmüştür. Antimikrobiyal aktivite, disk difüzyon ve mikrodilüsyon (MIC değeri) yöntemleriyle belirlenmiş; antioksidan aktivite ise ABTS [(2,2'-azino-bis (3-etilbenzotiazolin-6-sülfonik asit)] ve DPPH (2,2-difenil-1-pikrilhidrazil) yöntemleri kullanılarak tespit edilmiş ve troloks eşdeğeri olarak hesaplanmıştır. Toplam fenolik miktarı, en yüksek etil asetat ekstresinde (108,9 mgGAE/g ekstre) tespit edilirken, en yüksek antioksidan kapasite etanol ekstresinde 15,76 µg/ml troloks eşdeğeri olarak bulunmuştur. Ayrıca, en yüksek antimikrobiyal aktivite etanol ekstresinde MRSA’ya karşı 4 µg/ml MIC değeri olarak tespit edilmiştir.
Show more [+] Less [-]Economic Efficiency of Sorghum and Millet Production for Small Scale Farmers in Traditional Rainfed, North Kordofan State, Sudan
Ibrahim Elnour Ibrahim
The purpose of this study was to measure and analyse the economic efficiency, and to identify the main factor behind economic efficiency of sorghum and millet for small scale farmers in traditional rainfed sector in North Kordofan State. Primary data is collected using structured questionnaire for a sample of 205 farmers from four localities namely (Sheikan, Umrwaba, Elnuhoud, and Elkhowi). Stochastic frontier approach (cost function) was used to analyse economic efficiency and descriptive statistics were used to analyse socio-economic characteristics of farmers. The results of stochastic frontier cost function revealed that the estimated economic efficiency of the sorghum and millet farmers obtained was found the mean economic efficiency to be 39% and 15%, respectively. The economic efficiency is very weak, because most parameters and inefficiency effect factor found to be not significant, these determinants may give a clear picture of farmers that could be targeted in order to increase efficiency
Show more [+] Less [-]The Effects of Some Environmental Factors on Birth Weight and Estimation of Heritability and Repeatability for Birth Weight of Akkaraman Sheep in Konya Province
Ayhan Öztürk | Şükrü Doğan | Uğur Zülkadir | Halil Kayar
In this research, the effects of dam age and type of birth and sex of lambs on birth weight of Akkaraman lambs was investigated at village conditions in Konya province. Additionally, the heritability and repeatability of birth weight was estimated. The Least-squares means of birth weight was 4.07±0.04 kg. The effects of dam age, year, birth type and sex on birth weight were found statistically significant. The heritability and repeatability of birth weight were found as 0.052±0.04 and 0.130±0.04, respectively.
Show more [+] Less [-]Sulu Şartlarda Ekmeklik Buğdayda Başaklanma Döneminde Yaprak Solusyon Uygulamasının Tane Protein Kapsamı Üzerine Etkisi
Erdinc Savasli | Oguz Önder | Cemal Cekiç | Hasan Müfit Kalaycı | Ramis Dayıoglu | Yaşar Karaduman | Fatma Gökmen | Nesim DURSUN | Sait Gezgin
Bu çalışma, 2008-2010 yılları arasında Geçit Kuşağı Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü ve Selçuk Üniversitesi iş birliğinde TÜBİTAK tarafından desteklenen araştırma sonuçlarına göre, sulu koşullarda Bezostaya1 ekmeklik buğday çeşidiyle, erken dönem azot uygulaması (ekim + kardeşlenme) 0, 4, 8 ve 12 kg N da-1, başaklanma zamanında ise yaprak solüsyonu (üre formunda) olarak 0, 2, 4 ve 6 kg N da-1 seviyeleri karşılaştırılmıştır. Araştırmada, geleneksel azotlu gübre uygulama zamanında (ekim + kardeşlenme) uygulanan değişik azot seviyeleri başaklanma zamanında bayrak yaprak klorofil kapsamları (SPAD) ve bayrak yaprak toplam azot kapsamları (TN) açısından bir varyasyon yaratılmıştır. Çalışmanın sonuçlarına göre, başaklanma zamanında yapraktan uygulanan azotun tane protein kapsamında en az %1 artış sağlayacağı NSPAD kritik eşik değerleri, Bezostaya1 için 0,95 olarak bulunmuştur. TN için bulunan kritik eşik değerleri ise, Bezostaya1 için %4,31 olmuştur. Her bir kg da-1 N miktarının tane protein kapsamında sağladığı artış, Bezostaya1 için, erken kullanımda %0,18, geç kullanımda %0,30 olmuştur. Ayrıca, protein ve ilgili kalite unsurları üzerine hem erken, hem de geç azot kullanımı etkili olmakla birlikte, başaklanma döneminde yapraktan solüsyon olarak uygulamanın daha etkili olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bu özelliklerden, tane protein kapsamı ile SDS sedimentasyon (r=0,93**), Uzama kabiliyeti (r=0,96**), uzayabilirlik (r=0,96*), hamur gelişme süresi (r=0,87**), tolerans değeri (r=0,56**) ve enerji değeri (r=0,89**) parametreler arasında istatistiki olarak önemli düzeyde korelasyon vermiştir.
Show more [+] Less [-]Dietary or in ovo Saccharomyces cerevisiae Supplementation Developed Growth, Caecal Microbiota and Gut Histology of Broiler Chicks
Salih Gülen | İsa Coşkun
The aim of this study was to determine the effects of in ovo injection of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (SC) to fertile Ross 308 broiler eggs or dietary supplementation on growth performance, internal organ development, gut histomorphology and cecum microbiota during 14 d of growing period. This study was designed as 2×2 factorial experimental design. Fertile 92 Ross 308 eggs were injected with SC solution 0.2ml at 18d of hatch and 90 eggs non-injected as control, afterward dietary SC supplementation was applied during the 14 d to broiler diet. In this study, 160 broiler chicks were used in four treatment groups at 10 replicate for each treatment group and 4 chicks for each replicates. Treatment groups were A) in ovo SC injection + dietary SC supplementation, B) in ovo SC injection + basal diet, C) no injection + dietary SC supplementation, D) no injection + basal diet as control. Live weight, feed consumption, feed conversion ratio and gut histomorphology, caecum microbiota, internal organ weight were recorded at 14 days of age. Live weight gain increased in C group than in the D group. Feed consumption, feed conversion ratio and internal organ weights were not affected by the treatments. Villi length and villi width increased in A group among the other treatment groups in jejunum, villi length increased in A and C groups among the other groups in ileum. Villi length/villi width ratio increased in A group than in the D group in ileum, was not different in jejunum. LAB counts in caecum were higher in A group than those of C and D groups, but was not different from B group. Enterobactericaea count was lower in A and B group than in the D group, was not different from C group. To conclude, results showed that dietary Saccharomyces cerevisiae supplementation increased broiler growth at 14 day by increasing villi development and improving gut health.
Show more [+] Less [-]Advancement in the Feeding and Nutrition of Farm Animals of Bangladesh and a Panoramic View 2050
Khan Shahidul Huque | Nazmul Huda
This article describes genesis and the advances of schooling, research and extension of animal nutrition science and practices in Bangladesh. It portrays sine qua non of the advancement of animal nutrition, fodder production and frontier knowledge of allied disciplines. Domestic growth of good practices and its global and regional competitive advantages are delineated for supporting the growing need of safe animal sourced food pillared with profit, people, planet and the ethics of sustainable production of farm animals. A vision of becoming world middle income country with a national population plateau of around 202.0 million and demographic shifts by 2050 may require the annual production of 130.0 and 27.0 thousand tons of manufactured dairy and beef feed furthering global trading competitions for feed ingredients. This competition may be minimized through the production and supply of domestic sourced unique quality feeds and value additions to roughages. Capacity enhancement in research, education and extension will boost socioeconomic and the production efficiency of farm animals and enhance sustainable growth of feed industry racing with regional and global competitions.
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