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Nohut (Cicer arietinum L.) Tarımında Gül Posası, Ahır Gübresi ve Bakteri Aşılamanın Verim ve Bazı Verim Öğelerine Etkileri
Bünyamin Aldemir | Ruziye Karaman | Muharrem Kaya
Çalışma, bazı nohut çeşitlerine (Aydın 92, Azkan ve Gökçe) organik (gül posası, ahır gübresi ve bakteri aşılama) ve kimyasal gübre uygulamalarının verim ve verim öğeleri üzerine etkilerini belirlemek amacıyla Dinar/Afyonkarahisar' da 2011 yılında yürütülmüştür. Deneme tesadüf bloklarında bölünmüş parseller deneme düzenine göre 3 tekerrürlü olarak kurulmuştur. Araştırmada bitki boyu, ilk bakla yüksekliği, bitkide dal, bakla ve tane sayısı, bitki tane ağırlığı, biomas verimi, tane verimi, hasat indeksi, 100 tane ağırlığı ve protein oranı özellikleri incelenmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre, bitki boyu 38,87-44,23 cm, ilk meyvenin yüksekliği 17,37-21,43 cm, bitki dal sayısı 2,70-3,53 adet, bitkide bakla sayısı 30,37-50,37 adet, bitkide tane sayısı 29,43-48,47 adet, bitki tane verimi 10,50-18,30 g, bitki ağırlığı 20,87-42,50 g, yüz tane ağırlığı 34,67-40,43 g, tane verimi 128,1-188,6 kg/da, hasat indeksi %32,10-53,08 ve protein oranı %22,67-25,67 arasında değişim göstermiştir. Sonuç olarak organik (gül posası, ahır gübresi ve bakteri aşılama) ve kimyasal gübre uygulamalarının nohut çeşitleri üzerindeki etkisi verim özellikleri yönünden önemli olmuştur. Tüm çeşitler içerisinde Gökçe çeşidi ve uygulamalar içerisinde ahır gübresi, kimyasal gübreleme ve gül posası ön plana çıkmaktadır.
Show more [+] Less [-]Investigation of Microbiological Status of Shopping Carts
Gülten Tiryaki Gündüz | Özge Akgül | Şeyma Buse Demir
Transmission of pathogenic microorganisms from contaminated surfaces to hands could cause various diseases. In this study, the microbiological status of shopping carts was investigated in İzmir. To determine where the samples will be taken from and to get user’s opinions about hygiene, a survey was carried out. Total of 100 samples were taken from shopping carts in 20 different markets between February and April, and total viable counts and Escherichia coli counts were applied in samples. Total viable counts of shopping cart handles for 100 samples were found between 0,82– 4,88 log CFU/10 cm2. Coliforms and E.coli were not found in the analysed samples. According to the results, it is seen that the shopping carts have different levels of microbial load; the market environment and the users are effective on these profiles. It has been determined that cleaning and disinfection processes should be applied to improve the hygienic condition of shopping carts and high numbers of microorganisms in the shopping cars might be a potential risk for public health.
Show more [+] Less [-]Health Benefits of Ganoderma lucidum as a Medicinal Mushroom
Sanem Bulam | Nebahat Şule Üstün | Aysun Pekşen
Ganoderma lucidum (Curtis) P. Karst., known as “Lingzhi” in China or “Reishi” in Japan, is a well-known medicinal mushroom and traditional Chinese medicine, which has been used for the prevention and treatment of bronchitis, allergies, hepatitis, immunological disorders and cancer. G. lucidum is rarely collected from nature and mostly cultivated on wood logs and sawdust in plastic bags or bottles to meet the demands of international markets. Diverse groups of chemical compounds with pharmacological activities, isolated from the mycelia and fruiting bodies of G. lucidum are triterpenoids, polysaccharides (β-D-glucans), proteins, amino acids, nucleosides, alkaloids, steroids, lactones, lectins, fatty acids, and enzymes. The biologically active compounds as primarily triterpenoids and polysaccharides of G. lucidum have been reported to possess hepatoprotective, antihypertensive, hypocholesterolemic, antihistaminic effects and antioxidant, antitumor, immunomodulatory, and antiangiogenic activities. Several formulations have been developed, patented and used as nutraceuticals, nutriceuticals and pharmaceuticals from G. lucidum’s water or ethanol extracts and rarely purified active compounds. As the result of clinical trials, various products have commercially become available as syrup, injection, tablet, tincture or bolus of powdered medicine and an ingredient or additive in dark chocolate bars and organic fermented medicinal mushroom drink mixes such as green teas, coffees, and hot cacaos. This review has intended to give and discuss recent knowledge on phytochemical and pharmacological compositions, therapeutic and side effects, clinical trials, and commercial products of G. lucidum.
Show more [+] Less [-]Perception of Risk Factors and Determination of Risk Management Strategies According to Agricultural Enterprise Typologies
Zuhal Karakayacı | Zeki Bayramoğlu | Orhan Gündüz | Yusuf Çelik
In this study, it was aimed to determine the risk management strategies and the level of risk perception of the entrepreneurs in agricultural enterprises classified according to production activities. Risk behaviours of entrepreneurs were examined according to the enterprise typologies, and the reference game was used for this purpose. The success of the economic activities of the enterprises was determined by an analysis of the annual operating results. The risk perception was investigated according to the enterprise typology. As a result, it was determined to be perceived as risk factors: drought, fluctuation of input and product prices in the livestock enterprises; drought, precipitation, pests, frost and hail in the mixed plant enterprises; drought, precipitation, frost and hail in the mixed plant and livestock enterprises; pest, diseases, hail, drought and precipitation in the specialized perennial enterprises; storm, capital shortage, loans, price fluctuation, yield fluctuation and fire in the specialized horticulture enterprises; drought, frost, hail, insufficient and unpredictable precipitation in the crop enterprises. The general information on agricultural issues, the implementation of new farming techniques, the diversity in production, the planned debt, the contract production, agricultural protection and the market follow were found out as management strategies for these risk factors.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effects of Housing Condition, Feeding Style and Age on Meat Colour, and Some Carcass Characteristics in Eastern Anatolian Red Bulls
Sadrettin Yüksel | Alpay Karaçuhalılar | Fatma Yüksel | Burcuhan Balta
This study was conducted to evaluate the muscles of the brisket region of the Eastern Anatolian Red (EAR) bulls in different ages subjected to different housing conditions and feeding style, and to determine the relationships among carcass traits, meat colour parameters and carcass measurements. Totally 25 bulls between 15 and 24 m of age were allocated to five groups (G1,G2,G3,G4,G5) according to feeding type, housing condition and age. The bulls were weighed fourteen days apart, feed consumption measurements were taken every morning, and slaughtered after 130 days of fattening. The differences were significant among G1-G3 for pelvic fat, total groups for conformation, among G1,G2-G3,G4,G5 for marbling, among G1,G2,G3-G4,G5 for LD area, among G1-G3,G5 for degree of fatten, among G1,G5-G2 for fat thickness over (LD) Longissimus Dorsi. The differences were significant in terms of meat colour parameters such as lightness (L*) in G1,G2,G3-G4,G5 and hue value (H*) in G1-G2,G3,G4,G5. Also, the differences among the groups are significant in terms of carcass length and width of the round. The correlation coefficients of carcass characteristic, colour score and conformation are negative with lightness (L*) and yellowness (b*). Degree fatten had a positive correlation with marbling score. Conformation were positively correlated with carcass length. Carcass ribeye area and L* showed a more desirable result in the G4 and G5 groups compared to other groups. Assessing the accumulated data of carcass traits with carcass components including carcass measurement during the slaughter or later phases of slaughter, it may be possible to use as a marker for the determining beef quality in EAR bulls.
Show more [+] Less [-]Evaluation on Minimum Landing Size Regulations in Turkish Marine Fisheries from Scientific Perspective
Ozan Soykan
Crucial point of fishery management is to let the fish or other species reproduce at least once during their life. Therefore it is very important to determine the length at maturity (Lm) for given species before the first capture. Focus of this study is to determine the consistency between scientific results and minimum landing size (MLS) regulations in the marine fishery of Turkey. For this purpose, 4/1 communique on commercial fishery (2016/35) published by the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry was investigated in order to expose the MLS of given species in Turkey. Literature survey on Lm was also conducted preferably on studies which were performed in Turkish waters or from the Mediterranean basin in order to avoid regional differences. While 86 marine species were reported to be landed in the official fishery statistics, only 49 of them were appointed with a MLS in the commercial fisheries regulation. It was determined that MLS of 27 species were below the Lm according to the selected literature, 7 of them require result on Lm, status of the 2 species couldn’t be decided due to different length types and 13 (27% of the decisions on MLS) of them were found to be in accordance with the scientific literature on Lm. This study shows that MLS regulation must be revised for most of the species in the surrounding waters of Turkey and comprehensive maturity studies are urgently needed in order to fulfill the scientific gap.
Show more [+] Less [-]Farklı Gamma Işını Dozlarının İki Sıralı Arpada (Hordeum vulgare L.) Bazı Tarımsal Özellikler Üzerine Etkisi
İlknur Akgün | Tuğçe Ayşe Karakoca | Ruziye Karaman
Bu çalışmada, Tarm-92 iki sıralı arpa çeşidi tohumlarına uygulanan farklı dozlarda gama ışınının (200, 300, 400 ve 500 Gy) M2 bitkilerinde bazı tarımsal özellikler üzerine etkisi incelenmiştir. Araştırma Isparta’da 2016-2017 vejetasyon döneminde yürütülmüştür. M1 generasyonunda, her dozda başak ve bitki görünümüne göre normal ve anormal bitkiler ayrı hasat edilerek 9 farklı [200, 200 A, 300, 300 A, 400, 400 A, 400 A (çift başak oluşumu ve başakta dallanma eğilimi gösteren bitkiler Ç.B.) 500 ve 500 A gray] grup oluşturulmuştur. M2 generasyonunda kontrol (ışın uygulanmamış) ile toplam 10 parsel yer almıştır. Araştırma sonucunda gama ışını uygulaması bin tane ağırlığı, hektolitre ağırlığı, kavuz oranı ve protein içeriği üzerine istatistiksel olarak önemli etkisi belirlenmiştir. Gama ışını uygulaması bin tane ve hektolitre ağırlığını önemli seviyede azaltmış, kavuz oranı ve protein oranını arttırmıştır. Araştırmada her gruptaki tüm bitkilerde bitki boyu, başak uzunluğu, başakta tane sayısı ve başakta tane ağırlığı özellikleri tek bitki üzerinde incelenmiş diskriminant analizi yapılmış ve gruplar arasındaki uzaklık sonuçları belirlenmiştir. M2 generasyonuda incelenen özellikler yönünden kontrole benzeyen bitki oranı 400 Gy %7,83, 200 Gy %10, 300 Gy %19,60 ve 500 Gy %22,22 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Doğrusal ayırma fonksiyonlarını içeren katsayılar incelendiğinde en etkin özelliğin başak uzunluğu olduğu belirlenmiştir.
Show more [+] Less [-]Green Area Requirement in Zoned Areas: The Case of Niğde City
Gülden Sandal Erzurumlu | Burak Şen
Currently half the world population lives in cities, and this proportion is expected to increase rapidly to 70% over the next years. Multi-storey buildings and small green areas are being created with the effect of increasing population for years. In urban areas, where there are fewer green areas compared to rural areas, human diseases are increasing. Increased health problems affect people negatively and the need for green spaces increases. According to the regulation published in 1999, the amount of green area per person is determined as 10 m2. For this reason, the green areas designed in the sites where high-rise buildings have increased in the areas opened for reconstruction in Niğde will be evaluated. Accordingly, we will be determined adequacy of the green area. This study was conducted to determine the importance of green spaces for health and to provide suggestions for further research.
Show more [+] Less [-]The Evaluation of Irrigation Water Resources of Manisa Region in terms of Soil, Plant and Drip Irrigation System
Pınar Doğan | Üstün Şahin
Chemical quality analysis results of 5 surface and 30 groundwater resources commonly used in agricultural irrigation in Manisa province were evaluated and the possible effects on soil, plant and drip irrigation system were determined. In this context, the cation (Ca, Mg, Na, K), anion (CO3, HCO3, CI, SO4), Fe, B contents, pH and electrical conductivity values of the water resources as well as the Percentage Sodium, Sodium Adsorption Ratio and the Adjusted Sodium Adsorption Ratio determined by the calculation Permanent Sodium Carbonate, Langelier Saturation Index, Potential Salinity, Permeability Index and Hardness parameters were used. The results indicated that the potential of problem of surface water resources is higher than that of ground water. Salihli-Köseali, Necati bey farms and Alaşehir-Kasaplı underground water resources are used more serious problems than other underground water resources. According to the type of problem that may occur, recommendations were made on measures including washing, salt-resistant plant growing, addition of organic matter and natural Ca sources and the application of dilute acid.
Show more [+] Less [-]Kamkatın (Fortunella spp.) Biyoaktif Bileşenleri ve Biyolojik Aktiviteleri
Demet Yıldız Turgut | Ayhan Topuz
Turunçgillerin küçük mücevheri olarak nitelendirilen kamkat (Fortunella spp.) Rutaceae familyasının Fortunella cinsi içerisinde yer almaktadır. Anavatanı Çin olup, 19. Yüzyıl’da Amerika ve Avrupa’ya getirilmiş ve subtropik iklimlere adapte edilmiştir. Dünyada Çin, Japonya ve Amerika’da yaygın olarak yetiştirilmektedir. Yapılan çalışmalarda kamkatın içerdiği askorbik asit, karotenoidler, uçucu yağlar, diyet lif ve flavonoidler gibi biyoaktif bileşenlerin sağlık üzerine olumlu etkileri olduğu bildirilmiştir. Kamkat meyvesi taze tüketiminin yanında reçel, marmelat, şarap, likör ve meyve çayı gibi farklı gıda ürünlerine işlenerek de değerlendirilmekte, uçucu yağı ve ekstraktları gıda ve kozmetik sektöründe kullanılmaktadır. Sağlık üzerine olumlu etkileri olduğu anlaşılan kamkatın ülkemizde son yıllarda yetiştiriciliği ve üretimi konusundaki çalışmalar artış göstermiştir. Bu derlemede kamkat meyvesinin önemli biyoaktif bileşenleri ve biyolojik aktiviteleri ile ilgili çalışmalar özetlenmiştir.
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