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In vitro Propagation of Banana (Musa paradisiaca L.) Plant Using Shoot Tip Explant
Girmay Mekonen | Meseret Chimdessa Egigu | Manikandan Muthsuwamy
Banana is a fruit crop which has high demand in Ethiopia, but its production is constrained by lack of disease free planting material with conventional propagation methods. For shoot initiation, shoot tip explants were cultured on MS medium supplemented with 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 mg/L BAP. Similarly, MS medium supplemented with BAP at 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 mg/L in combination with IBA at 0.25 and 0.50 mg/L were used for shoot multiplication. Half- strength MS medium augmented with IBA at 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 mg/l were used for root induction. MS medium without PGRs were used as controls. Finally, hardening of the in vitro derived plantlets was carried out in green house both in the primary and secondary acclimatization stages. Results showed that the highest shoot initiation percent (93.40%), highest mean number of shoots per explant (4.67) and lesser day for shoot induction (11.00) were observed in explant cultured on MS + 1.0 mg/L BAP. With shoot multiplication, highest shooting percent (92.60%), maximum number of shoots (7.67) and highest shoot length (5.27 cm) were recorded on MS + 1.5 mg/L BAP + 0.5 mg/L IBA. The highest rooting percent (93.40%), maximum root number per shoot (7.67) and highest root length (11.00 cm) were found on a half strength MS medium + 2.0 mg/L IBA. The survival rate of plantlets were 96.00% in coco peat substrate in primary acclimatization and 97.92% in forest soil, sand and manure substrates mixed at 3:2:1 ratio in secondary acclimatization. Overall, the result showed that the PGRs type, concentrations and combinations used are effective for mass propagation of banana variety studied in this experiment.
Show more [+] Less [-]Usage of Natural Colour Indicators in Packaging Materials for Monitorization of Meat Freshness
Pelin Talu Özkaya | Seval Dağbağlı
Food packaging has an important role in protecting food against physical, chemical, and biological hazards during storage and distribution and in informing the consumer about the product. The packaging of foods that susceptible to chemical / microbiological spoilage especially such as meat, hence limited storage time, is even more important than other foods. In addition, the tendency of health-conscious consumers to be a part of real-time controls and monitoring food safety has led to the widening of this packaging perception. Hence, there have been innovative studies in recent years, especially aiming real time monitorization of freshness indicators. The focus of these studies is “colour indicators” used in the production of intelligent indicator films and colorimetric sensors within specific matrices to be integrated into packaging materials. The colour indicators change colour in the presence of certain metabolites released in food spoilage, which allows freshness to be determined. Colour substances used for this purpose can be natural or synthetic. Hence, natural pigments such as anthocyanin, curcumin, etc. have been more preferrable since being harmless to the health as well as increasing tendency of consumers to utilization from natural resources. In this review, information about natural colour indicators and studies in which these indicators are used to determine the freshness of meat in real time and visually are given.
Show more [+] Less [-]In Praise of the Phytogenic Medicinal Plant Syzygium Aromaticum: A Review
Sonali Bhakta | Shonkor Kumar Das
Syzygium aromaticum commonly known as Clove is considered to be the most precious spice among others, which has been continued to be utilized for centuries for different biological and therapeutic purposes. It is a tropical tree which belongs to the Myrtaceae family and natively originated from Indonesia. However, in current times it is found in a few other places of the world including Brazil. Clove is viewed as perhaps the most extravagant source of phenolic mixes, for example, eugenol, eugenol acetic acid derivatives and so on. These mixtures have incredible potential for restorative, organic and other rural applications. In this review we have tried to figure out some of the important medicinal or therapeutic as well as phytobiotic and agricultural utilizations of the products prepared from Clove. We have tried to give an extra emphasis on the application of clove as a product of herbal contraception however for this purpose dose of the extract (either aqueous or ethanolic) of clove plays the vital role in this case. Although for establishing or making clove products commercially available as a safe product for herbal contraception or other medicinal impacts, more studies are required, and it could open a new era in the field of herbal medicine that would be much safer and feasible.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effect of Four Irrigation Regimes and Different Fertilizers on Vegetative Growth and Fruit Parameters of Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.)
Mahmud Ali | Cafer Gençoğlan | Serpil Gençoğlan
The aim of this study is to determine the effect of four levels of irrigation water and three kinds of fertilizer on components of field-grown eggplant (Solanum melongena) in the years 2017 and 2018. Treatments included four irrigation regimes, which were 100% (I100, control), 80% (I80), 60% (I60), and 40% (I40) of evaporation from Class A pan and three different fertilizers, which were chemical fertilizer (CHF) with 40 kg da-1, organic fertilizer (OF) and developed organic fertilizer (DOF) with 2000 kg da-1. The experiment was designed with a split-plot randomized block with 3 replications. In experimental years, all irrigation treatments were irrigated 12 and 13 times, respectively with a drip irrigation system. Irrigation water amounts applied at I40, I60, I80, I100 in 2017 as 122, 183, 244, 305 mm and in 2018 were 147, 218, 289, 360 mm respectively. Seasonal plant water consumption values are in 2017, 2018 years respectively as follow: I40; 265 mm, 277 mm I60; 326 mm, 342 mm, I80; 386 mm; 382 mm, I100; 447 mm, 423 mm. In both experiment years, the effect of irrigation levels on plant components was statistically significant, the highest value of each component in both seasons was at I100 treatment, it was determined respectively as follow: Plant height PH (67.3 to 89.8 cm), branches number per plant BN (5.1 and 7.0), fruit number per plant FN (5.3 and 7.0), fruit weight FW (190.33 and 198.22 g).
Show more [+] Less [-]Using Swimming Speed as an Indicator of Malformation: A Practical Approach for Identification and Removal of Juvenile Seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax L., 1758) with Skeletal Deformity
Ali Yıldırım Korkut | Tolga Mustafa Tolon | Kutsal Gamsız | Aysun Kop
Skeletal abnormalities in farmed fish are one of the main problems that negatively affect the production enterprises in terms of economic, biological and animal health. Fish with skeletal deformities in hatcheries are considered as non-economic individuals and are therefore detected and removed manually from the production tanks, which is a time consuming and laborious work for the facilities. Since the formation of abnormalities in the skeletal structure of the fish during the early growth period cause reduced swimming ability or speed that prevent fish to compete during feeding. Further, since deformed fish has no market value, even the share of a small amount of feed among deformed fish will reduce the feed conversion for the market targeted individuals within the culture tank that in terms may increase the production cost per fish. Therefore, in culture conditions it is important to remove the deformed fish from the tank environment by quickly determining those fellows at the early stage of growth. The present study evaluates the effects of water velocity on swimming behavior of juvenile seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and provides a solution for a rapid identification -and mechanical removal of deformed fish from the culture environment by using swimming speed slowdown -and behavioral differences as an indicator of deformation.
Show more [+] Less [-]Humik Asit Üretiminde Kullanılan Karıştırıcıların Kaotik Sistemler İle Performanslarının İyileştirilmesi
Onur Kalaycı | İhsan Pehlivan | Selçuk Coşkun
Bu çalışmada; ülkemizde ve dünyada en çok kullanılan bitki besleme ve toprak düzenleyici ürünlerden biri olan humik asitin üretiminde, geleneksel karıştırma metodları yerine kaotik sistemler kullanılarak, ürün kalitesi, homojenlik, zaman ve enerji tasarrufu gibi önemli kriterler açısından karıştırıcıların verimlerini arttırmak hedeflenmiştir. Kaotik sistemlerin bu özelliklerinden yola çıkılarak deneysel çalışmalar için; tüm fonksiyonları HMI (Human Machine Interface) operatör panel tarafından kontrol edilebilen, PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) kontrollü bir karıştırıcı tasarlanarak imalatı gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu karıştırıcıda, su, leonardit ve potasyum hidroksit (KOH) karıştırılarak, sıvı humik asit elde edilmiştir. Karıştırma işlemi için literatürden farklı dinamik özelliklerde kaotik sistemler seçilmiştir. Bu kaotik sistemlerin diferansiyel denklemleri, Labview programında geliştirilen bir ara yüz programında Runge Kutta 45 (RK45) sayısal çözüm algoritmasına göre çözdürülerek her kaotik sistemin kaotik zaman serisi sonuçları elde edilmiştir. Bu sonuçlar, PLC cihazına yazılan program ile frekans verilerine dönüştürülerek frekans invertörüne bağlı karıştırıcı motorun, seçilen kaotik sistemlere göre değişken hızlarda dönmesi sağlanmıştır. Aynı karışım geleneksel yöntemlerle (sabit hız) de elde edilerek, ürün kalitesi, çözünen madde oranı, pH değerleri ve toplam enerji tüketimi açısından karşılaştırmaları yapılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre; kaotik sistemler kullanılarak yapılan karıştırmanın, ürün kalitesi, homojenlik, zaman, enerji tasarrufu gibi kriterler açısından geleneksel karıştırma yöntemlerine göre daha verimli olduğu gözlemlenmiştir.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effect of Production System (Intensive and Free-Range), Slaughter Age and Gender on Nutrient and Fatty Acid Composition of Meat in Partridges (Alectoris chukar)
Mehmet Akif Boz | Fatih Öz | Musa Sarıca | Umut Sami Yamak
This study was conducted to determine the effect of production system, slaughter age, and gender on the nutrient composition, fatty acids profile, and index values of breast and thigh meat in Alectoris chukar partridges. Partridges were slaughtered at 14, 16, and 18 weeks of age and skinless breast and thigh meat of male and female were used in the study (a total of 96 samples in 2 replicates). The production system affected only the crude fat level of the thigh meat in terms of nutrient composition and it was found higher in the intensive system compared to the free-range system. Age and gender did not significantly affect the composition of breast and thigh meat. In terms of fatty acid profile, erucic acid (C22:1n9) level in breast meat was higher in intensive system, while it was higher in thigh meat in free-range. While the percentage of docosahexaenoic acid (C22:6n3) increased with age in breast meat, it decreased in thigh meat with age. While eicosenoic acid (C20:1) percentage was higher in breast meat of male birds compared to females, only stearic acid (C18:0) was found to be higher in thigh meat. Saturated fatty acids (SFA), linolenic acid (n3), thrombogenic index (TI) and atherogenic index (AI) values were higher in thigh meat produced in free-range system, while polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), total unsaturated fatty acids (UFA), linoleic acid (n6) and hypocholesterolaemic / hypercholesterolaemic ratio (h/H) were significantly higher in intensive system. While SFA and TI levels in thigh meat decreased with age, monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), UFA and oleic acid (n9) percentages increased. MUFA / SFA in thigh meat of females was higher than males, other indexes were found insignificant. The results shows that partridges had desirable fatty acid composition. Especially, the increase in MUFA and UFA values with age in thigh meat compared to breast indicates that thigh meat is enriched in terms of unsaturated fatty acids. However, the higher SFA and AI values obtained in the free-range system could be considered a negative outcome for alternative production systems that prioritize bird welfare and consumer demands.
Show more [+] Less [-]Evaluation of Stabilized Soymilk Prepared from Sprouted Soybean with Orange Flesh Sweet Potato Starch for Ambient Storage
Innocent Nwazulu Okwunodulu | Anselm Uzochukwu Onwuzurike | Alexzandria Obianuju Ochiogu | Comfort Ugochi Uzochukwu
Ambient storage stability is one of the major constrains amidst drudges of homemade soymilk due to absence of stabilizer there by restricting the consumption to the production areas. Homemade stabilizers and stabilization becomes the only available option. Soymilk prepared from 12 h steeped and 72 h sprouted soybeans was subdivided and each batch stabilized with 0.5%, 1%, 2% and 3% levels of orange flesh sweet potato starches (OFSPS). Functional properties of the starches and proximate, vitamins, minerals, anti-nutrient, physicochemical, and sensory properties of stabilized soymilk samples were assessed with standard analytical methods. With increase in fortification levels, there were significant improvement in ash (0.84 to 0.88%), protein (4.14 to 4.24%), fibre (0.31 to 0.39%), fat (3.75 to 4.19%), carbohydrate (4.54 to 5.55%), vitamins B1 (0.29 to 0.4 mg/100g), B2 (0.10 to 0.14 mg/100g), B3 (1.03 to 1.13 mg/100g), C (0.86 to 1.09 mg/100g) and pro-vitamin A (5.75 to 6.14 µg/100g). Also improved are calcium (26.81 to 28.55 mg/100g), potassium (31.54 to 32.95 mg/100g), magnesium (44.40 to 46.82 mg/100g), sodium (32.73 to 33.43 mg/100g), iron (2.82 to 3.71 mg/100g), saponin (0.028 to 0.035 mg/100g), tannin (0.041 to 0.048 mg/100g), flavonoid (0.031 to 0.034 mg/100g), alkaloid (0.025 to 0.034 mg/100g), phenol (0.25 to 0.34 mg/100g), viscosity (4.89 to 5.60 mg/100g) and specific gravity (1.02 to 1.04 mg/100g). There were decrease in moisture (86.39 to 84.86%), pH (5.75 to 5.45), visible coagulation time (VCT) (28 to 14 d), foam stability (0.51 to 0.00) and general acceptability (6.84 to 4.84). Functional properties of the OFSPS flour were reasonably high. Despite the anti-nutrient increase, all the soymilk samples in this study were safe for human consumption and moderately accepted at maximum stabilization level of 1%.
Show more [+] Less [-]Geleceğin Protein Kaynağı: Yenilebilir Böcekler
Ayşen Baş Aksoy | Sedef Nehir El
Artan dünya nüfusu göz önüne alındığında, protein kaynaklarının yeterli olamayacağının bilincinde olan araştırmacılar yeni protein kaynaklarına odaklanmışlardır. Bu nedenle yenilebilir böceklerin gıdada doğrudan veya bir bileşen olarak kullanılabilme potansiyeli ilgi görmeye başlamıştır. Yenilebilir böcekler Afrika, Asya ve Güney Amerika’da uzun yıllardır geleneksel gıda olarak tüketilmektedir. Ancak özellikle Avrupa ülkelerinde, tüketiciler böceklerin gıda olarak tüketilmesine karşı olumsuz tutum sergilemektedir. Yenilebilir böcekler, geleneksel hayvansal protein kaynaklarına kıyasla daha az olumsuz çevresel etkiye sahip gıda kaynaklarıdır. Yetişme alanı, su, enerji ve yem gibi kaynakları daha az tüketmelerinin yanı sıra düşük sera gazı üretimleri ekolojik sistemin sürdürülebilir özellikleri açısından önemlidir. Yenilebilir böcekler kaliteli protein, zorunlu amino asitler, yağ asitleri, mineral ve vitaminlerin kaynağı olarak alternatif gıda kaynağı olarak kabul edilmektedir. Besleyici özellikleri üzerine yapılan çalışmalar hem küresel gıda talebinin karşılanması hem de malnütrisyonun önlenmesinde çözüm olabileceğini göstermektedir. Bu derlemede, yenilebilir böcekler besleyici özellikleri açısından değerlendirilmiştir.
Show more [+] Less [-]The Role and Impacts of Growth Hormones in Maximizing Animal Production- A review
Duguma Dibbisa Itana | Ararsa Duguma
The purpose of the study is to examine the role and impacts of growth hormone in maximizing animal products. Growth hormones are biological stimulants that are found either naturally in the organism or synthetically manufactured. Phytoestrogens, phytoprogestrons and Phenolic compounds are hormones from plants. Drugs from of placenta and colostrums of cow`s contain progesterone, estrogene, gonadotropin, and prostaglandins hormones. Growth hormones have got popular applications in dairy, beef, feed improvement and Biopharmaceutical productions with the aim of producing valuable products: fat free meat (Porcine Somatotropin hormone in pigs), nutritionally and medicinally reach milk (Bovine Somatotropin hormone in cattle), palatable and disease and insect pest resistant forage crop production. They have got also contribution in maximizing livestock production by involving in adjusting animals’ reproductive process such as oestrus synchronization and superovulation mainly during artificial insemination and embryo transfer. Controversially, these hormones have wide impacts on human being, animal welfare, environment and etc. Contamination of ground water by hormones that are found in the animals` excreta will cause deleterious effects such as cancer, loss of fertility, and some imbalance of minerals in the water and soil.
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