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Multivariate Analysis of Land Use Impact on Soil Water Content and Some Physicochemical Properties of an Alfisol
Joy Chiamaka Echebiri | Gabriel Oladele Awe
Land use could impact soil properties and processes in varying degrees. Therefore, the impact of different land use systems on soil water status and its relationship with some physiochemical properties was studied at the Teaching and Research Farm, Ekiti State University, Ado Ekiti, Nigeria. The land use types included native forest (NF); Paddock (P); Oil palm plantation (OP); Teak (TK); new yam plot (NY) and yam plot under fallow (YF). Structure and disturbed surface soils (0 - 15 cm) samples were taken at three (3) locations in each land use type. Soil water content (SWC) significantly varied among the different land use types, with oil palm plantation storing the highest amount of water. The results also showed significant differences in soil bulk density, organic carbon, porosity, texture and hydraulic conductivity among the land use types. SWC associated positively and significantly with organic matter, silt content and silt + clay. The association between SWC and pH and silt/clay were positive but weak while particle density, bulk density and sand content showed negative and significant association. The principal component regression (PCR) showed a highly significant, positive relationship between SWC and the principal components of other physicochemical properties. Cluster analysis showed that SWC is highly related and linked to OM, Bd, Pd, Pt and silt/clay. The results implied that conversion to paddock and continuous cultivation led to depletion in soil water, physical and chemical properties, whereas cultivation of tree crops conserved these soil properties better. Therefore, establishment of tree crop and conservative soil management practices are suggested to prevent agricultural lands from degradation in areas with soils under similar conditions.
Show more [+] Less [-]Determination of the Effect of Different Drying Methods on the Physicochemical Properties of Potato Powder Using Multivariate Analysis
Katibe Sinem Coruk | Hande Baltacıoğlu
In this study, powder was obtained from yellow and purple-fleshed potatoes by microwave and hot air drying and the effects of drying methods on the total phenolic compounds, total monomeric anthocyanin, color, antioxidant activity, starch ratio and vitamin C on were determined. It was observed that the microwave drying process caused an increase in bioactive components in purple-colored powder samples, and no significant differences were determined in terms of drying methods in bioactive components in yellow-colored powder samples. When the starch ratio of the samples was examined, it was determined that hot air drying caused a significant increase. Principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) were used as multivariate analysis to reveal the effects of different drying techniques and potato varieties on the physicochemical properties of potato powders. As a result, it was found that the physicochemical properties of potato powders differentiated depending on the methods and varieties.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effects of Different Salt Applications on Ion and Physiological Analysis in Lettuce
Turgay Kabay
The increase in salinization in agricultural lands adversely affects crop production. In particular, yield and quality losses occur in many vegetables such as lettuce, which are grown and consumed in every season. Realizing these losses in crop production, more careful fertilization and agricultural practices should be done. Yedikule lettuce seeds were used in the study to draw attention to these negative aspects. The study, which was carried out for two years, was designed with 0, 50, 100 and 150 mmol doses of salt according to a randomized parcel design with three replications and four pots in each replicate. Each 2-liter pot was filled with a 2:1 ratio of peat: perlite mixture and the study was carried out with 2 lettuces in each pot. As a result of the study, when the plant weight data of the first year and the second year are examined, it is seen that the weight loss of lettuce plants and damage to the plants increase when the salt doses increase. It was observed that the highest plant weight loss occurred at 150 mmol salt dose. Membrane damage index in lettuce leaves was observed to increase as the salt dose increased. It was observed that the leaf water rate decreased with increasing salt doses. Membrane damage index and leaf water content of lettuce plants were more negatively affected at 150 mmol of salt in both years. Potassium, calcium and magnesium contents in lettuce leaves were statistically decreased due to increasing salt doses in both years, while sodium content increased with increasing salt doses and the highest sodium content was observed at 150 mmol dose in both years. As seen in these results, increasing salt doses reduce the nutrient content and plant weight in lettuce plants and cause physiological damage to the plant, resulting in yield and quality loss.
Show more [+] Less [-]Investigation of Drying Kinetics and Powder Product Properties of Dragon Fruit Powders Dried by Microwave Assisted Foam Drying Method
Kadriye Altay
In this study, dragon fruit was dried by a microwave-assisted foam drying method and the effect of different microwave powers (350, 460 and 700W) on the drying kinetics and powder product properties were investigated. The properties (foam stability, expansion and density) of the foams obtained by adding egg white to dragon fruit puree were examined. The highest R2 and lowest RMSE and χ2 values of foam dried samples obtained from the Silva models. The effective moisture diffusion coefficient values of the samples (5.93×10-8-1.16×10-7 m2/s) increased due to the increase of microwave power. Activation energy values were calculated as 74.77 W/g. The effects of different microwave powers on moisture, water activity, color and powder product properties of dragon fruit powders dried by foam drying method were determined. In addition, in all conditions where microwave foam drying is performed, dragon fruit powders showed very good flowability and low stickiness.
Show more [+] Less [-]Bioremediation of Heavy Metals by Use of Bacteria
Orcan Demircan | Abdul Razaque Memon
Heavy metal pollution generally occurs due to socio-economic, industrial, and anthropogenic activities, which may cause an environmentally hazardous and serious severe threat to the survival of the organisms (genotoxic, carcinogenic, and clastogenic effects on it). Many physical and chemical remediation approaches have been proposed to deal with this pollution, but these are very time-consuming and costly. While bioremediation stands out as an inexpensive and efficient approach, the use of bacteria is thought to be a potential and productive organism to prevent this pollution. This review has evaluated the bacterial potential to clean up heavy metals from the environment and elucidated the mechanisms responsible for bioremediation.
Show more [+] Less [-]The Prevalence of Commonly Encountered Parasites in Sheep in Iğdır Province, Turkey
Fatma Ertaş | Ayşe Sona Karakuş | Adnan Ayan
Sheep farming is an important segment of the livestock sector in Turkey. However, low meat, milk, leather and wool production due to various parasitic diseases has adversely affected this sector. This study was carried out by using stool and tissue samples collected from 300 sheep registered with the Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry in Iğdır, Turkey. Stool samples were collected using native, flotation and sedimentation methods to diagnose common parasites. In addition, parasitic diagnoses were strengthened with the migration paths of parasites and the presence of cysts as a result of macroscopic examination of the liver and lungs of sheep slaughtered in the slaughterhouse. From the data obtained, the prevalence and material damage and loss of workforce of parasites were determined using appropriate statistical programs. Fascioliasis 16.7%, Nematodirosis 20% Echinococcosis 29% Dicrocoeliasis 32% varied. It was concluded that the parasite population is high in sheep in Iğdır province, Turkey. Accordingly, attention was drawn to the issue of necessary protection and controls.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effect of Gamma Irradiation on the Shelf Life and Quality of Mutton
Md Abul Hashem | Md Anwar Hossain | Md Sadakuzzaman | Muckta khan | Md Mukhlesur Rahman | Md Azharul Islam
The present study was undertaken to assay the effects of gamma irradiation on fresh mutton compared with non-irradiated mutton. For this purpose the meat samples were divided into four treatments. The experiment was conducted on fresh mutton treated with 60Co gamma irradiation having dose of 0 (T0), 1.5 (T1), 2 (T2) and 4 kGy (T3) and stored in 0, 30 and 60 days at -20ºC to estimate the effect on proximate, sensory, physicochemical, biochemical and microbial changes in mutton. Proximate analysis (DM, CP, EE, and Ash), physicochemical and bio-chemical tests (pH value, cooking loss, PV, TBARS and FFA), sensory tests (color, flavor, tenderness, juiciness, overall acceptability) and microbial test (TVC, TCC and TYMC) were done to evaluate the effect of irradiation on shelf life and quality of mutton during preservation. The mutton samples were stored up to 2 months and evaluated at 0, 30 and 60th day. Irradiation increased DM, EE and decreased ash of mutton. CP was decreased with treatment. The PV, TBARS, FFA values and Cooking loss were increased with treatment. But raw pH was decreased with irradiation. There were significant differences in color and flavor with treatment. There were no significant differences in tenderness, juiciness and overall acceptability with treatment. The TVC (logCFU/g), TCC (logCFU/g) and TYMC (logCFU/g) were decreased with treatment. As a result, it can be concluded that irradiation increased shelf life of mutton to maintain nutritional quality of meat. Among the treatments, the highest irradiation dose (4.0 KGy) found the best results in terms of overall acceptability, microorganism control and for shelf life extension of mutton.
Show more [+] Less [-]Thermal Degradation and Thermodynamic Properties of Ascorbic Acid, Total Phenolic Content and Antioxidant Activity of Convective Dried Kiwi Fruits
Fadime Begüm Tepe
In the current study, thermal degradation and thermodynamic properties of ascorbic acid, total phenolic content, and antioxidant activity of convective dried kiwi fruits were investigated. To determine kinetic model describing thermal degradation of these parameters, zero order, first order, fractional conversion and Weibull model were used. Weibull model gave the best fitting to thermal degradation of these parameters. Moreover, the rate constant of the thermal degradation reaction increased with the increment in drying temperatures, meaning that these degradation reactions were temperature dependent. On the other hand, total phenolic content had the lowest activation energy and ∆H value indicating the lowest thermal stability in comparison to others. The degradation reactions endothermically occurred during drying process. Additionally, it was seen that the reason for the higher degradation rate at higher temperatures as the absolute values of ∆S increased. It is important to evaluate thermal degradation of bioactive compounds for the design of the thermal processes. This study will be beneficial for the convective drying process design due to these results.
Show more [+] Less [-]Determination of Phytochemicals and Antioxidant Capacity of Satureja hortensis L
Fatma Ergün
Thyme is one of the spices that is widely consumed in the regions where it grows and is used in many dishes, especially soups, and gives a regional identity to the dish where it is used. In this study, the amount of phytochemicals and antioxidant capacity of the plant Satureja hortensis L. (süpürge kekiği, çibriska) which grows spontaneously and is used as a spice in meals in the Karakoçlar settlement area of Olur district of Erzurum province was investigated. The total amounts of phenolic and flavonoid substances were determined to be 40.85±0.85 mg GAE/g and 26.52±0.46 mg QE/g, respectively. In addition, the DPPH radical scavenging activity of the plant extract was calculated as 45.24 ±3.47 μg TE/mL and the IC50 value was calculated as 177.11±0.99 μg/mL. It was determined that the Cu2+ reducing antioxidant capacity of the S. hortensis plant extract was 2162.09±113.61 μg TE/mL and the Fe3+ reducing antioxidant capacity was 24.36±4.59 μg TE/mL. As a result, it was concluded that the S. hortensis plant, which is known with different names in different regions, has antioxidant potential and can be used as a natural antioxidant source in addition to its common use.
Show more [+] Less [-]Economic, Cultural and Environmental Impacts of EXPO`21 HATAY in the Scope of Sustainability
Sertaç Güngör | Sabriye Melis ÇİNÇİNOĞLU
EXPO, which is used as the abbreviation of the word 'exposition', which means 'World Exhibition' or 'World's Fair' in English; It is a global event that has been organized around the world since the 19th century and aims to promote the city and country in which it is held in the national and international arena, raise awareness, educate the public, share innovations, produce, support development and encourage cooperation. Our country participated in this event for the first time with the 1851 London Expo Organization during the Ottoman Empire Period. It was hosted for the first time with the Expo Organization held in Antalya in 2016, and it is the host country for the second time with the Expo organization held in Hatay on April 1, 2022. Expo 2021 Hatay, whose full name is 'International Horticulture Fair Hatay, Turkey 2021'; It was accredited as a Class B international Expo by the International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH) on January 23, 2017 and registered according to the decision of the AIPH Board of Directors. Within the scope of this study, the economic, cultural and environmental effects of the EXPO'21 Hatay organization, which is a very important tool for the national branding and development of Hatay, were evaluated, and suggestions were made about the correct reuse of the fairgrounds and their sustainability after the organization was over.
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