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Impacts of Nutrition and Feeding Programs on Farmers’ Management Decisions Affecting the Success of Dairy Farms with Culture Breed Cattle
Yavuz Topcu | Mehmet Toparlak | Muhlis Macit
The aim of the study is to evaluate all the factors determining the milk production and yield decisions with regard to the nutrition and feeding programs affecting the integrated management strategies on the success of the dairy farms with culture breed cattle under the pasture-based and indoor barn-based production systems. For these aims, data obtained from the individual interviews conducted at the dairy farms with 100 culture breed cattle were used for Principal Component and Multiple Regression Analyses. The results of the study highlighted that while there were linear positive relationships among liquid assets of farms value, concentrate feed and fodder intake of dairy cattle, milk sale price, forage crop support, additional feeding and their types at pasture and milk yields per dairy cattle at the dairy farms; there were inverse relationships among hay intake of dairy cattle, lactation period, pasture planning, culture breed cattle support and those. The farmers could increase the successes of the dairy farms by increasing the technical and economic effectiveness under the integrated management pattern approaches at those with culture breed cattle.
Show more [+] Less [-]Agricultural Extension Contact and Farmer’s Income in Bangladesh
Abu Zafar Mahmudul Haq
The impacts of extension contact on income of farmers have been examined with a view to evaluate the agricultural extension services in Bangladesh. The scope of the study was ten villages of Gazipur of Bangladesh. The objective of the study is to identify the effect of extension contact on crop income, livestock income, fisheries income, miscellaneous income, total agricultural income, nonagricultural income and total income of farmers. The sample of the study consists of 1000 farmers. Data came from field survey and multistage random sampling technique was used for the collection of data. The results indicated that the impacts of extension contact coefficients on crop income, nonagricultural income are positive and significant. However, the impacts of extension contact coefficients are not significant in the cases of livestock, fisheries, miscellaneous and agricultural incomes. But it does not mean that agricultural extension has no reward in Bangladesh. The sample data indicates that the impact of extension contact on total income of farmers is positive and significant. The study concludes that agricultural extension is necessary to raise the income of farmers.
Show more [+] Less [-]Productivity Problems and Remedies for Cereals Farming in Sivas
Sancar Bulut
Insufficient capital an technical sources of agricultural enterprises, old-ages and low educational levels of population dealing with agricultural activities, lack of technical stuff and resultant insufficiencies of extension services and adverse climate conditions experienced time to time all negatively influence cereal farming and productivity levels in Sivas province. Large fallow lands over monoculture cereal lands, insufficient certified seed utilization, improper soil tillage and seedbed preparation practices, delay of winter sowings or high summer sowing rates (especially in barley), insufficient chemical fertilizer uses because of high fertilizer costs, lack of scientific research on cereals and untimely weed control practices also significantly limit cereal yields. All these aforementioned theoretical and economical deficiencies should be eliminated to have high yield levels in cereal farming of Sivas province.
Show more [+] Less [-]Agricultural Geography Analysis of Carob Tree (Ceratonia siliqua L.) from Turkey
Güven Şahin | Nuran Taşlıgil
Carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua L.) is one of the oldest trees in the world and has been cultivated from civilization of Ancient Persia, especially on the Mediterranean coasts, till nowadays. The fruit of the carob tree (carob bean) are attracting attention in recent years due among others to tits rich nutritional value and use as a substitute and/or alternative for cocoa. Although it has higher sugar content than sugar beet and sugar cane, it is a food that also lowers cholesterol. In addition to its fruit, the plant has interesting morphological qualities. Deep root system of carob tree allows high productivity even in draught conditions; it is an ideal plant in the fight against erosion and one of the most preferred plants while establishing fire-resistant forests. Additionally, because 2016 was declared the International Year of Pulses, it is necessary to draw attention to the carob tree since it is a typical pulse plant. The status of Turkey, as the 5th carob producer in the world, was analysed in this context, in terms of Agricultural Geography. The existing and necessary practices in carob production are discussed based on the data from the studies conducted in Antalya and Mersin in 2015 and previous ones.
Show more [+] Less [-]PGPR Potentially Improve Growth of Tomato Plants in Salt-Stressed Environment
Mariam Zameer | Hina Zahid | Bushra Tabassum | Qurban Ali | Idress Ahmad Nasir | Muhammad Saleem | Shahid Javed Butt
Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria are colonized bacterial species that has the capability to improve plant growth by certain direct and indirect means. Environmental factors including both biotic and abiotic stresses are among the major constraints to crop production. In the current study, the effectiveness of microbial inoculation (Bacillus megaterium) for enhancing growth of tomato plants under salt stress conditions has been investigated. Significant improvement in shoot length, root length, leaf surface area, number of leaves, total weight of the shoot and root was observed in tomato plants inoculated with zm7 strain post 15 and 30 days of its application. Zm3, Zm4 and Zm6 strains improved the morphological parameters as compared to the control. Chlorophyll content a, chlorophyll content b, anthocyanin and carotenoid content was increased in tomato plants subjected to Zm7, Zm6 and Zm4 strains. Stress responsive genes; metallothionein and glutothion gene were found highly expressed in Zm7 treated tomato plants as compared to control, untreated plants. Significant correlation of anthocyanin was reported for carotenoids, chlorophyll-b, shoot weight and total weight of seedling while carotenoids were significantly correlated with leaf surface area, root length, chlorophyll-b and anthocyanin. Overall, Zm7 strain proved best for improvement in salt stressed plant’s morphological parameters and biochemical parameters as compared to control, untreated plants.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effects of Whole Wheat Scattered the Litter on Performance, Carcass Characteristics, Excreta pH and Viscosity in Broilers
Figen Kırkpınar | Zümrüt Açıkgöz | Özer Hakan Bayraktar | Özge Altan
The aim of this study was investigate the effects of whole wheat scattered the litter on performance, carcass characteristics and viscosity and pH of excreta in male broilers. A total 336 male chicks (Ross-308) were randomly distributed into two dietary treatments of four replicates each. Same starter (0 to 21 d) and finisher diets (22 to 45 d) were used in both groups. All birds were given ad libitum access to feed and water throughout experimental period. From 8 to 21 days, whole wheat (10 g/bird/day) was randomly thrown on the litter in one of the experimental groups twice a day (at 0800 and 1200 h). Scattering whole wheat in the litter decreased body weight of male broilers at 21 d of age while increased at 45 d of age. Feed intake was not affected by whole wheat scatter treatment. From 22 to 45 and 0 to 45 d of age, feed conversion ratio significantly improved in group scattered whole wheat in the litter than control group. No significant differences were occurred among groups for mortality, carcass characteristics and excreta viscosity. However, pH value of excreta in group scattered whole wheat the litter showed significant reduction as compared control group. According to these results, scattering whole wheat the litter at an early stage affected the performance of male broilers positively.
Show more [+] Less [-]Nigeria: Positioning Rural Economy for Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals
Akinbode Michael Okunola
Nigeria as nation has over the years engaged in lots of developmental activities without actions which makes achievements to elude the people. Development of societies doesn’t happen in the vacuum. Thus, the adoption of Structural Adjustment Program, SAP, by Nigeria leading to the neglect of the custom periodic National Plan at a time when Nigeria had no structure for development was the beginning of journey to widened inequality and large poverty incidence, depth and severity. To close the gap between the rich and the poor, the Nigeria government had designed and implemented some programs and policies whose implementation has not solved the inherent problems. In year 2000, the world leaders subscribed to the Millennium Development Goals to ensure synergized global approach to solving the poverty menace. Programs designed in Nigeria to achieve the MDGs focused on the urban centers thereby relegating the rural areas which are responsible for the feeding of the teeming population of the urban dwellers. Farming households and the general rural communities do not have access to clean water, quality education and health facilities, good feeder roads, affordable and safe energy as well as other socioeconomic and socio-infrastructural facilities that would ensure sustainable living for the people whose contribution to the national economy cannot be overemphasized. This study therefore looks at the structural actions the Nigeria government should embarked upon to ensure that the rural dweller have access to life. As the government would be developing programs and policies to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals whose priority is the end poverty in all forms and everywhere by 2030, this study reveals how to position the rural economy for developmental attention from the policy makers.
Show more [+] Less [-]Instrumental Methods Used For The Determination Of Coagulum Cutting Time In Cheese Production
Lütfiye Yılmaz - Ersan | Gizem Omak
In cheese-manufacturing process, cutting time greatly affects moisture, yield, and quality of cheese as well as whey fat losses. The objective cutting time determination is extremely important to both the quality and the quantity of cheese being produced. Taking into account the importance of accurate cutting time determination for economic and practical aspects, numerous instrumental techniques have been developed to assess cutting time based on a wide range of mechanical, vibrational, ultrasonic, thermal or optical instrument methods. In this article, information about advanced instrumental methods applied to the analysis of cutting time will be given.
Show more [+] Less [-]Determinants of Farmers Adaptation to Climate Change. A Case from Nawalparasi District of Nepal
Jeevan Lamichhane | Durga Bahadur RanaBhat | Ankit Koirala | Dipesh Shrestha
A field survey was conducted to study the factor that determines farmers’ decisions to adapt to climate change in Deurali and Agyouli V.D.Cs of Nawalparasi District. Altogether 180 household, 90 from each V.D.C were selected randomly for the study. A logit regression model was employed in the study. However, in order to measure the magnitude of the impact of the explanatory variables on the decision of the farmer to adapt to climate change marginal effects were computed. The study uses a binary dependent variable taking the value 1 if the farmer adapted to climate change and 0 otherwise. A farmer is considered to have adapted to climate change if he/she has employed at least one of the adaptation strategies such as early and late planting, use of drought resistant crops, zero tillage operation, crop diversification, use of mulching and composting of weeds to control water loss and conserving moisture in the field. This current research considers the following as potential factors determining farmers’ decisions to adapt to climate change; economically active members, education of the household head, farm size, annual cash earnings, access to credit, training and extension. Findings reveal that these factors influence farmers’ decisions to adapt to climate change in Nawalparasi District and marginal effects computed showed that per unit increase in these variables increased the probability of practicing different adaptation strategies by 4.3%, 31.4%, 3%, 1.5%, 17%, 66% respectively. The log likelihood was computed to be -43.45. Psuedo. R2 was calculated to be 39%.
Show more [+] Less [-]Nutraceutical and Antioxidant Properties of the Seeds, Leaves and Fruits of Carica papaya: Potential Relevance to Humans Diet, the Food Industry and the Pharmaceutical Industry - A Review
Oseni Kadiri | Babatunde Olawoye | Olumide S Fawale | Olusoji Adeola Adalumo
Pawpaw (Carica papaya Linn) seeds, peels and leaves are well known for their medicinal and potent pharmacological values. The plant belongs to the family Caricaceae and its fruit is commonly known for its food and nutritional values. Though the roots, bark, peel, pulp and the seeds had been shown to have medicinal properties, little is known about their nutritional properties. During the last few years, there had been series of research to explore further pharmacological and medicinal properties as well as it nutritional qualities of these plants parts, thus giving rise to it nutraceutical abilities. Scientific attempts have also been made over the decades to authenticate its nutraceutical properties. While nutritional constituents such as oil, proteins, and minerals haven been characterised from its seeds, little is known about other parts of the plant. Though the nutraceutical properties of papaya as drug or quasi-food product are not well understood or value, still it is an important gift of nature that is readily available in our eco-world and worth exploring. This review focuses on previous studies by various researchers on the medicinal, nutraceutical properties as well as the antioxidant potential of these plant parts and suggestions for further studies as regarding the optimisation of the potential of this plant.
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