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Genetic Analysis and Combining Ability Studies for Yield Related Characters in Rapeseed
Aamar Shehzad | Hafeez Ahmad Sadaqat | Muhammad Asif | Muhammad Furqan Ashraf
Combining ability analysis has a key position in rapeseed breeding. To estimate the combining ability effects for yield controlling traits in rapeseed, three testers and five lines were crossed using line × tester design in randomized complete block design with three replications. Mean sum of squares of analysis of variances for genotypes were significant for all of the traits; indicating the presence of significant genetic variation. All the interactions between lines and testers exhibited significant results of mean sum of squares for combining ability. Line ‘Duncled’ was found good general combiner for decreased Plant height (PH:-2.0), Days taken to 50% flowering (DF: -15.8) and Days taken to maturity (DM:-3.4) while tester ‘Punjab Sarson” for increased Number of seed/siliqua (SS: 2.2), Number of siliquae/plant (SP: 2.2) and decreased DF (-3.0) traits. Significant general and specific combining ability effects were observed. The best hybrid combination on the basis of specific combining ability effects was “Durre-NIFA × ZN-M-6” for Seed yield/plant (SY: 2.7), DF (-6.1) and DM (-3.5). PH (-0.2), Siliqua length (SL: -0.1), SS (-0.03) and SY (0.2) showed non-additive genetic effects. The half of the characters revealed additive and remaining half showed non-additive genetic effects. The present study unveiled the importance of both type of genetic effects demanding the application of integrated breeding approaches for exploiting the variability. ‘Punjab Sarson × ZN-M-6’ exposed maximum SS (30) and SP (837). Maximum SY (75.9g) and minimum DF (64) were showed by ‘Legend × Duncled’. The present research delivers valuable information of genotypes for promoting yield by means of improving yield related characters.
Show more [+] Less [-]The Aggregation of Boron on the Tissues of Gold Fish (Carassius auratus Linnaeus, 1758)
Tuncer Okan Genç | Burak Evren İnanan | Murat Yabanlı | Fevzi Yılmaz
In this study, it was aimed to determine the water-borne and food-borne boron accumulation in the liver and muscle tissues of Gold Fish (Carassius auratus Linnaeus, 1758). For each treatment, 12 individuals were. The water-borne boron treatments were applied as boron acid concentration of 1 mg/L, 10 mg/L and 20 mg/L in the aquarium water, while the food-borne boron treatments were prepared food contained the defined levels of boron (1 mg/kg, 5 mg/kg and 10 mg/kg) as boric acid. The boron levels in the tissues were determined by an ICP-MS procedure. The maximum boron concentration was found in the 20mg/L water borne boron treatment in the liver tissue (1.78±0.02 mg/kg). In the water-borne boron treatments, the maximum Transfer Factor (TF) was found in the 20mg/L boron concentration, and TF values were increased when the boron concentrations were decreasing. In the 1 mg/kg food-borne boron treatment, TF was found as 0, and increasing concentration of boron in the food caused an increase in TF reached about 0.06. This study suggested that the target organ for boron accumulation is the liver rather than the muscles and the accumulation of food-borne boron is lower when comparing water-borne boron.
Show more [+] Less [-]Evaluation of Multiple Imputation in Missing Data Analysis: An Application on Repeated Measurement Data in Animal Science
Gazel Ser | Cafer Tayyar Bati
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance of multiple imputation method in case that missing observation structure is at random and completely at random from the approach of general linear mixed model. The application data of study was consisted of a total 77 heads of Norduz ram lambs at 7 months of age. After slaughtering, pH values measured at five different time points were determined as dependent variable. In addition, hot carcass weight, muscle glycogen level and fasting durations were included as independent variables in the model. In the dependent variable without missing observation, two missing observation structures including Missing Completely at Random (MCAR) and Missing at Random (MAR) were created by deleting the observations at certain rations (10% and 25%). After that, in data sets that have missing observation structure, complete data sets were obtained using MI (multiple imputation). The results obtained by applying general linear mixed model to the data sets that were completed using MI method were compared to the results regarding complete data. In the mixed model which was applied to the complete data and MI data sets, results whose covariance structures were the same and parameter estimations and standard estimations were rather close to the complete data are obtained. As a result, in this study, it was ensured that reliable information was obtained in mixed model in case of choosing MI as imputation method in missing observation structure and rates of both cases.
Show more [+] Less [-]Prevalence and Antibiotic Susceptibility of Salmonella species Isolated from Beef and its Related Samples in Techiman Municipality of Ghana
Frederick Adzitey | Joseph Kwame Nsoah | Gabriel Ayum Teye
Salmonella species are important foodborne pathogens that have been implicated in a number of foodborne outbreaks. A total of 240 beef and its related samples obtained from the Techiman Municipality of Ghana were screened using the conventional method in the Food and Drug Administration-Bacteriological Analytical Manual (FDA-BAM)-USA. The overall prevalence of Salmonella species was 57.08%. The prevalence of Salmonella species ranged from 33.30% to 75.00% in the meat and its related samples (table, knife and apron), and 6.30% to 93.80% at the various meat sale points (locations where meat is sold). Prevalence of Salmonella species was significantly higher in meat (75.00%), table (60.00%) and knife (60.00%), than apron (33.33%). The most contaminated meat sale point was Kenten and Main markets (93.75%) and the least contaminated sale point was Sansema junction (6.25%). All the Salmonella species were susceptible to ciprofloxacin but resistant to vancomycin. Intermediate resistances occur for all the antibiotics except ciprofloxacin and vancomycin. The Salmonella species also exhibited 23 antibiotic resistant patterns with the pattern EVa (erythromycin and vancomycin) being the commonest (exhibited by nine different isolates). Multiple antibiotic index (MAR index) ranged from 0.11 to 0.67. This study revealed that beef and its related samples in Techiman markets are contaminated with Salmonella.
Show more [+] Less [-]Relationship of Broodstock Weight and Hatching Yield of III. Generation (F3) Black Sea Trout (Salmo trutta labrax Pallas, 1814)
Hakan Baki | Eyüp Çakmak | Birol Baki | Cemil Altundaş
In this study, this was the aimed to determine the reproduction and hatching yields in different weight groups in hatchery origin rootstocks (F3) Black Sea trout (Salmo trutta labrax Pallas, 1814). In this study, the female fishes which produced from natural rootstock were used average weight 1437±134.6 g (Group I) 2737±210.2 g (Group II) and 3785±162.3 g (Group III). After the stripping process; according to the groups, were determined respectively eggs absolute fecundity (number of eggs/broodfish) is average 2353±205, 5361±506, 6603±491, relative fecundity (number of eggs/kg)) is average1687±166, 1968±194, 1744±114. The egg diameter (mm) 4.89±0.16, 5.28±0.07, 5.31±0.06 egg weight (mg) 77±6, 90±4, 96±3 groups I., II. and III. respectively was calculated. The fertilization ratio (%) 95.49±1.23, 96.49±1.14, 98.39±0.52, browse rate (%) 79.97±5.36, 84.20±5.23, 94.70±1.50, has been identified. The output rate (%) 60.57±7.86, 67.66±6.42, 84.83±3.09, the hatchery efficiency (%) 58.14±7.95, 69.77±6.25, 83.51±3.29 was found. relative fecundity average value 168±160, 1968±194, 1744±114.The existence of relationship among the weight of the brood-stock, absolute fecundity (0.0198, 0.0012, 0.3499), and relative egg fecundity (0.3415, 0.0494, 0.00) was tested by regression analysis and consequently the difference between groups were significant. This was determined that between fish weight and absolute fecundity relationship is weak directly proportional for each group, between fish weight and relative fecundity is weak inversely proportional in Group I and II, the Group III is weak for directly proportional.
Show more [+] Less [-]Blumea lacera Plant Poisoning in Cattle; Epidemiology and Management
Mst. Nusrat Zahan | Ahsanur Reza | Milton Talukder | Mohammad Shaokat Ali | Tarun Paul | Md. Shafiullah Parvej
Plant poisoning in grazing animals is more common in Bangladesh, especially during the scarcity period. The present study was undertaken to find out the epidemiology of Blumea lacera fresh plant poisoning and its management in cattle. A total of 765 suspected clinical cases were examined, of these 48 were diagnosed as Blumea lacera plant poisoning. The poisoning was found more in local cattle (92%) than that of crossbred (8%) cattle. Most of the cases were found in autumn (71%), in compare to summer (23%) and winter (6%). The highest occurrence of poisoning was observed in cattle of 6 months to 2 years of age (57%) in comparison to other age category. Therapeutic response (16%) was found if treatments were given within 4 hours of ingestion of the plant and the effective treatment was a combination of laxative, normal saline, vitamin B1. Veterinarian can apply this treatment during Blumea lacera poisoning in animals.
Show more [+] Less [-]Economic Appraisal of Small and Medium Scale Poultry Egg Production in Ife and Ilesha Metropolis, Osun State, Nigeria.
Busari Ahmed Olugbenga | Okanlawon Islamiat Nike
The study appraised the economic performance of small and medium scale poultry egg production in Ife and Ilesha metropolis, Osun State Nigeria. A purposive sampling was used to select one hundred and twenty poultry egg farmers, cluster sampling was used to select areas where small and medium scale were concentrated in the study area then sixty (60) small scale and sixty (60) medium scale were randomly selected to form the population of the study. Data were collected through structured interview schedule. Descriptive statistics such as means and percentages were employed for budgetary analysis and economic performance. The ordinary least square was used to determine the significant variables influencing the gross margin of poultry egg farmers at different levels of scale of production. The study shows that the gross margin of small farms was ₦575.65 while the gross margin of medium farms was ₦43672.62. The total production cost of small and medium farms were ₦1480.25 and ₦29654.43 respectively. The results further reveal that costs of feed constituted the largest share of the total costs for the two categories of farm size. The amount spent on drug and feed were the only significant determining factors of revenue accruable to both categories of poultry egg farmers. Although, poultry egg production was profitable in the study area, the level of profit depended on the scale of operation.
Show more [+] Less [-]An Overview of Food Emulsions: Description, Classification and Recent Potential Applications
Meltem Serdaroğlu | Burcu Öztürk | Ayşe Kara
Emulsions take place partially or completely in the structures of many natural and processed foods or some foods are already emulsified in certain stages of production. In general “emulsion” is described as a structure created through the dispersion of one of two immiscible liquids within the other one in form of little droplets. Many terms are available to describe different emulsion types and it is very important to define and clarify these terms like “macro emulsion”, “nanoemulsion” and “multiple emulsion”. Nanoemulsions become increasingly important in food industry as an innovative approach in carrying functional agents. Application potential of multiple emulsions (W/O/W) is also stated to be very high in food industry. The two main strategic purposes of utilization of multiple emulsions in food applications are to encapsulate various aromas, bioactive compounds or sensitive food compounds and to allow the production of the low-fat products. This review provides an overview to the general terms of emulsion types, the role of various emulsifying agents, and the application potential of emulsions in food industry.
Show more [+] Less [-]Production of Whey Powder Added Fruit Beverages and Some Quality Characteristics
Büşra Ece Argan | Onur Güneşer | Ayşegül Kırca Toklucu | Yonca Karagül Yüceer
In this study, functional fruit beverages were produced by mixing whey with fruit concentrates (apple and cherry) or pulp (apricot) at certain amounts, and some physical, chemical and sensory characteristics of the beverages were revealed during storage. While the highest total phenol content and antioxidant capacity (TEAC) were determined in beverages with cherry juice, TEAC values of the products changed based on fruit types used in the beverages during storage. In addition, it was determined that fruit type had significant effect on acidity, invert sugar, total sugar and total phenol of beverages. Beverage with apricot pulp was the most liked product by consumers.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effect of Formic Acid on In Vitro Ruminal Fermentation and Methane Emission
Kanber Kara | Eray Aktuğ | Alper Çağrı | Berrin Kocaoğlu Güçlü | Erol Baytok
In this study, it was aimed to investigate the effects of formic acid on the in vitro methane production and in vitro ruminal fermentation of alfalfa hay. Effect of 0.0 (control group: YF0), 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5 ml/L (experimental groups: YF1, YF2, YF3, YF4, and YF5 respectively) formic acid (Amasil85-liquid) addition to rumen fluid on ruminal fermentation parameters of alfalfa hay were determined by using in vitro gas production techniques. Methane production of in vitro incubation increased (to about 20%) with addition of linearly increased formic acid. Linearly increased levels of formic acid addition to rumen fluid has significantly changed the production of in vitro total gas production, metabolic energy (ME) and organic matter digestibility (OMD) at linear, quadratic and cubic. The addition of 0.1 ml/L and 0.2 ml/L formic acid to rumen fluid significantly decreased in vitro total gas production, ME and OMD however addition of 0.3 ml/L and 0.4 ml/L formic acid was not changed in vitro gas production, ME and OMD levels and 0.5 ml/L formic acid was significantly increased all these parameters. Ruminal pH was not changed by addition of formic acid. Formic acid is a safe feed additive because of its properties antibacterial and flavorings and also is used as a fermentation promoter in silage. In this study it has been observed that all doses of formic acid increased in vitro enteric methane production and low doses decreased in vitro total gas production, ME and OMD and high doses have increased all these parameters. High doses have a positive effect on ME and OMD; however formic acid should be used at limited levels in diets due to the negative effect of increasing greenhouse gases. The effect of formic acid addition to the feed raw matter and rations of all livestock would be beneficial to investigate in terms of digestive system parameters and global warming, further in vitro and in vivo studies.
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