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The effect of age at first calving on productive life and lifetime profit in lactating Egyptian buffaloes
Hassan Ghazy El-Awady(Kafrelsheikh University, Kafrelsheikh (Egypt). Faculty of Agriculture. Animal Production Department) | Adel Fawzey Ibrahim(Ministry of Agriculture, Dokki (Egypt). Animal Production Research Institute) | Ibrahim Atta Mohammed Abu El-Naser(Damietta University, Damietta (Egypt). Faculty of Agriculture. Animal Production Department)
Data on Egyptian buffalo were analyzed to estimate the effect of age at first calving (AFC, mo) classes on some productive traits [milk yield (MY, kg), milk yield per day, (MY/D, kg), and lactation period (LP, d) and reproductive traits [calving interval (CI, d) and number of services per conception (NSPC, count). Means for AFC were 916+-41, 1143+-72 and 1414+-119 days for early, average and late respectively. Additionally, means of milk yield (MY) for mentioned three levels of AFC were 1780+-774, 1920+-607 and 2040+-812 kg, respectively. Economic evaluations indicated that the profit per buffalo cow during the lifetime production were L.E 62960 (us dollars 3778), L.E 38538 (us dollars 2312) and L.E 3695 (us dollars 222) of early, average and late AFC, respectively. Reducing AFC was a positive influence on lifetime profit per buffalo cow. Lifetime profit rises to about L.E 24400, L.E 59200, and L.E 34800 when AFC decreased to 30 months from (38 months), to 30 months from (55 months) and to 38 months from (55 months), respectively. Heritability estimates for MY, MY/D, LP, CI, NSPC and AFC were 0.39+-0.09, 0.31+-0.07, 0.21+-0.08, 0.15+-0.06, 0.11+-0.07 and 0.57+-0.18, respectively. Genetic correlations between AFC and MY, MY/D, LP, CI, NSPC were -0.146+-0.33, -0.382+-0.30, +0.038+-0.47, +0.530+-0.49 and +0.311+-0.63, successively. The present results revealed that the buffaloes having late AFC were unprofitable during her productive life in the farm, but still needs further investigation of large data with different geographical area and management conditions.
Show more [+] Less [-]Ovarian cyst in milking swamp buffalo: A case study
P. Charoennam(Mahanakorn University of Technology, Bangkok (Thailand). Faculty of Veterinary Medicine) | P. Luengektrakoon(Mahanakorn University of Technology, Bangkok (Thailand). Faculty of Veterinary Medicine) | P. Chinsuthiprapa(Mahanakorn University of Technology, Bangkok (Thailand). Faculty of Veterinary Medicine) | P. Ritrung(Mahanakorn University of Technology, Bangkok (Thailand). Faculty of Veterinary Medicine) | A. Suebkhampet(Mahanakorn University of Technology, Bangkok (Thailand). Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Pre-Clinical Veterinary Science Department) | T. Chaikhun-Marcou(Mahanakorn University of Technology, Bangkok (Thailand). Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Obstetric Gynecology and Animal Reproduction Clinic)
A postpartum swamp buffalo with a high body condition score (4.5/5) that did not show any signs of heat after calving (days open = 122 days) was submitted for reproductive examination. The buffalo was milked every morning and suckled after that the whole day. On examination, an ovarian cyst of about 3 cm diameter was palpated rectally in the left ovary, which was confirmed by transrectal ultrasonography and by measuring the plasma progesterone level 7 days later. The case was treated with a common treatment regimen of gonadotropin releasing hormone followed by prostaglandin F2 alpha 7 days later. The buffalo returned to estrus and was mated with a bull 16 days after the onset of treatment. This case study suggests that a regular postpartum reproductive examination should be performed for a timely diagnosis of problems, and that treatment with a standard hormonal protocol can resolve cases of ovarian cyst in swamp buffaloes.
Show more [+] Less [-]Study of genetic and non genetic factors affecting age at first calving and wet average in Mehsana buffaloes
G.A. Parmar(Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University, Sardarkrushinagar (India). College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry. Department of Animal Genetics and Breeding) | J.P. Gupta(Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University, Sardarkrushinagar (India). College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry. Department of Animal Genetics and Breeding) | J.D. Chaudhari(Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University, Sardarkrushinagar (India). College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry. Department of Animal Genetics and Breeding) | D.P. Pandey(Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University, Sardarkrushinagar (India). College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry. Department of Animal Genetics and Breeding) | B.M. Prajapati(Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University, Sardarkrushinagar (India). College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry. Department of Animal Genetics and Breeding) | R.N. Sathwara(Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University, Sardarkrushinagar (India). College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry. Department of Animal Genetics and Breeding) | P.A. Patel(Dudhsagar Research and Development Association, Dudhsagar Dairy, Mehsana (India))
Mehsana buffalo is one of the best dairy breed of buffalo in Gujarat state. The aim of this study was to analyse the effects of non-genetic factors on Age at first calving (AFC) and Wet average (WA). The data set comprised 12560 records up to three lactations of 7870 Mehsana buffaloes, sired by 200 bulls from 1989 to 2013 under field progeny testing programme of Dudhsagar Research and Development Association (DURDA), Dudhsagar Dairy, Mehsana. The least squares maximum likelihood (LSML) program was used for estimation of various non-genetic factors on AFC and WA. The least squares mean with standard error of AFC and WA were 1383.30+-3.50 days and 7.00+-0.22 lit. Highly significant (P LT 0.01) effect of season and period of birth was recorded on AFC however, effect of clusters on AFC was observed to be non-significant (P LT 0.05). Further, highly significant (P LT= 0.01) effect of all the non-genetic factors (parities, season of calving, clusters, period of calving and age at first calving group) under study was observed on wet average in Mehsana buffaloes. The heritability of AFC and WA were estimated as0.11+-0.02 and 0.34+-0.03 respectively. Heritability of traits are useful for prediction of genetic response to selection and measure for accuracy in selection. Very high and significant estimate of heritability of WA. It was concluded that selection of Mehsana buffaloes may be based on this production trait in the herd.
Show more [+] Less [-]Surgico-therapeutic management of oesophageal obstruction in pregnant Marathwadi buffalo- An unusual case
S.M. Agivale(College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Maharashtra (India)) | A.U. Bhikane(College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Maharashtra (India)) | C.L. Badgujar(College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Maharashtra (India)) | W.A.A. Razzaque(College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Maharashtra (India))
A seven years old, ten months pregnant she-buffalo weighing 401 kg was presented to TVCC, COVAS, Udgir with a history of dysphagia, repeated regurgitation and swelling at ventral cervical region since the day before the animal was admitted to the clinic. The animal was suspected for oesophageal obstruction. Endoscopy done by naso-gastric route and X Ray showed oesophageal obstruction with a foreign body situated 100 cm distal from the nasal opening. The animal was cast in right lateral recumbency. The site of incision was shaved, cleaned and scrubbed using liq. 5 percent providine iodine and surgical spirit. The animal was sedated using Xylazine*. Linear infiltration was done using 2 percent lignocaine hydrochloride. A linear incision was taken at the surgical site. The overlying muscles were dissected and the esophagus was exposed. An oesophageal incision of sufficient length was taken and an impacted leather mass was removed. The oesophageal mucosa was closed with simple interrupted suture. Submucosa and muscularis part of esophagus were closed with simple continues manner. The muscles and skin were sutured with simple interrupted sutures. The animal was maintained only on fluid therapy for first 3 days. The day after surgery, the animal was seen lying prostrate with lateral deviation of neck and showing slight vaginal prolapse. The blood sample was analyzed for serum Ca level which revealed a level of 3.9 mg percent indicating severe hypocalcaemia. Calcium therapy was initiated. The animal assumed a standing posture. A day later, the animal delivered a normal female fetus. Three days later serum Ca level was re-estimated to be 8.5 mg percent. The animal resumed normal feeding and rumination after which the animal was given discharge. Sutures were removed after 15 days post operatively. Female buffalo calf and mother buffalo are healthy.
Show more [+] Less [-]Estimates of heritability and relationships between body weight, weight gains and measurements of the swamp buffalo
Charan Chantalakhana (Kasetsart Univ., Bangkok (Thailand). Dept. of Animal Science)
Body weight and measurements at birth, weaning (8 months), and yearling (365 days) as well as pre- and post weaning average daily gains of the swamp buffaloes from the breeding herds at the Surin Buffalo Breeding Center were used to estimate heritabilities and correlations. Most of the estimates of heritability were from low to medium (0 to 23%). A high estimate (51.8%) was obtained only for the postweaning growth rate. The phenotypic correlations among the traits studied were mostly positive and highly significant, except for the negative correlations of postweaning gain with most other traits
Show more [+] Less [-]Effects of seasonal fluctuation and parturition on body weight of swamp buffalo [in Thailand]
Charan Chantalakhana | Pakapun Bunyavejchevin | Prachan Veerasit (Kasetsart Univ., Bangkok (Thailand). Dept. of Animal Science)
The study examined changes in the body-weight of mature buffaloes at the Surin Buffalo Breeding Center due to seasonal fluctuation in feed supplies. It also investigated the effect of parturition on buffalo cow body-weight. The effect of feed scarcity started to show in January when the buffalo body-weight began to decline, and continued to decline to the lowest average in April, the hottest and dryest month of the year. The monthly weight change of the mature buffaloes could well be explained by the annual rainfall pattern. The data on monthly records of the body-weight of buffalo cows during the five months before calving and the four months after indicated that the animals gained 33.1 kg during the five-month pre-partum and lost 34.5 kg from one month after, with the average calf birth weigth of 30.8 kg. The nursing cows continued to lose weight during the four-month post-partum. The cows calved from May to October and regained their body-weight faster than those calved from November to April
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