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Cutaneous papillomatosis (warts) in buffaloes.


Nooruddin M. | Singh K.B. | Nauriyal D.C.

Wolters Kluwer - United States of America

Albinoid paralakhemundi buffaloes


Kornel, D. (Central Cattle Breeding Farm, Orissa (India))

Thai National AGRIS Centre, Kasetsart University - Thailand

Some observations on leech (Hirudinia sp.) infestation in buffaloes of the socialist republic of Vietnam


Sharma, M.C. | Pathak, N.N. | Hung, N.N. (Veterinary Medicine Deparment, Izatnagar (India). Indian Veterinary Research Inst.)

Thai National AGRIS Centre, Kasetsart University - Thailand

Lead contents in feedstuffs, blood and milk of buffaloes in Dakahlia, Egypt


Abdelhamid, M.A. | Ei-Ayoty, A.S. (Mansoura Univ. (Egypt). Faculty of Agriculture)

Thai National AGRIS Centre, Kasetsart University - Thailand

Preliminary report on cryopreservation of Thai swamp buffalo embryos : Manual and automatic methods


Techakumphu, M. | Lohachit, C | Chantaraprateep, P. (Chulalogkron Univ., Bangkok (Thailand). Faculty of Veterinary Science Dept. of Obstetrics Gynaecology and Reproduction)

Thai National AGRIS Centre, Kasetsart University - Thailand

Incidence of conjoined twinning in the indian water buffalo


Narasimha Rao, A.V. (Grovernment Dairy Farm, Visakhapatnam (India). Visakha Dairy (P.O)) | Sreemannarayana, O.

Thai National AGRIS Centre, Kasetsart University - Thailand

Effect of genetic and non-genetic factors on reproductive traits in egyptian buffaloes


Mourad, A.K. (Animal Prod. Research Inst., Cairo (Egypt)) | Khattab, S.A. | Ibrahim, M.A.R.

Thai National AGRIS Centre, Kasetsart University - Thailand

Distribution of sulfamethoxazole in body fluids of buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis)


Srivastana, K.A. | Rampal, S. (Punjab Agricultural Univ., Ladhaina (India). College of Veterinary Science, Department of pharmacology)

Thai National AGRIS Centre, Kasetsart University - Thailand

Success in embryo transfer in Thai swamp buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)


Peerasak Chantaraprateep | Kobayashi, G. | Chainarong Lohachit (Chulalongkorn Univ., Bangkok (Thailand). Faculty of Veterinary Science. Dept. of Obstetrics Gynaecology and Reproduction)

Thai National AGRIS Centre, Kasetsart University - Thailand

Incidence of twinning in nili-ravi buffaloes


Chaudhry, Ahmad Munir

Thai National AGRIS Centre, Kasetsart University - Thailand