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Cutaneous papillomatosis (warts) in buffaloes.
Nooruddin M. | Singh K.B. | Nauriyal D.C.
Of 4450 Murrah buffaloes, 17 (0.4 %) exhibited a total of 229 warts on their skins. Higher prevalence was recorrded in male buffaloes. The nunber of lesions in individual animals varied from 1 to 78 with a mean of 13.3 +- 20.9 SD. The diameter of the lesions ranged from 0.2 - 2.0 cm with an average of 0.5 +- 0.2 SD. The average affected area of the skin was 3.0 +- 4.2 DS with a range of 0.2 - 16.6 The lesions were observed on 13 different sites with a higher frequency on the shoulder, chest, and neck.
Show more [+] Less [-]Albinoid paralakhemundi buffaloes
Kornel, D. (Central Cattle Breeding Farm, Orissa (India))
The swamp buffalo is sometimes completely white, i.e., with white hair and pink skin. This condition is rarely reported in river buffalo. This is not true albinism since the pigment is still present in iris, horns, hoofs and bucal mucosa. They are widely referred to as albinoid' (Kaleff, 1932). In the present study two cases of albinoid buffaloes of the Paralakhemundi buffalo breed in India are reported (Fig.1). The occurrence of pink skin is not uncommon but occurrence of albinoids is very rare in the Paralakhemundi buffalo breed. The incidence of albinoids varies in different countries. Rifle (1962) reported 10 percent albinoid buffaloes in Thailand, Singletan and Santos (1964) showed less than 1 percent incidence in the Philippines, in Indonesia albinoidism is common in Bali and incidence may be up to 70 percent. (Fischer, 1958). Albinoids unknown in Egypt, Italy, Sri Lanka and Turkey.
Show more [+] Less [-]Some observations on leech (Hirudinia sp.) infestation in buffaloes of the socialist republic of Vietnam
Sharma, M.C. | Pathak, N.N. | Hung, N.N. (Veterinary Medicine Deparment, Izatnagar (India). Indian Veterinary Research Inst.)
Infestation by leeches (Hirudinia sp.) was observed in Murrah buffaloes of Song Be, Vietnam, mostly during the humid-hot season. Percentage incidence of attachment was about 31.14, 22.75, 15.75, 10.78, 7.19, 5.39, 4.19 and 2.99 in the region of udder and teats, inguinal region, vulva and vagina, nasal cavity, lips and chin, base of the ears, naval region and neck and brisket, respectively. After blood sucking for different periods, mean body weight of leeches was 338.12, 291.85, 245.51, 204.17, 139.53, 118.82, 103.80 and 98.73 g in the corresponding order of attachments. The body weight of partly and fully fed leeches ranged from lowest 12 g detached from neck and brisket region to highest 517 g fallen after full feeding from the udder and teats.
Show more [+] Less [-]Lead contents in feedstuffs, blood and milk of buffaloes in Dakahlia, Egypt
Abdelhamid, M.A. | Ei-Ayoty, A.S. (Mansoura Univ. (Egypt). Faculty of Agriculture)
Study was undertaken to examine lead contents in different feeds and drinking water offered to buffaloes as well as those of buffalo blood and milk during two different seasons (winter and summer) in the area of Dakahlia, Egypt. The study revealed that the feedstuffs and drinking water contained less than the tolerance lead level, although the lead contents of the samples obtained in winter were higher than those of summer. The levels of lead in the blood and milk of buffaloes were within the normal range. However, winter values were higher than summer values. The lead contents of blood of veal calves were lower than those of buffalo bulls
Show more [+] Less [-]Preliminary report on cryopreservation of Thai swamp buffalo embryos : Manual and automatic methods
Techakumphu, M. | Lohachit, C | Chantaraprateep, P. (Chulalogkron Univ., Bangkok (Thailand). Faculty of Veterinary Science Dept. of Obstetrics Gynaecology and Reproduction)
Total of nine swamp buffalo embryos at the stages of two-cell embryo, 16-cell embryo, compacted morula, blastocyst and hatched blastocyst were frozen to -196 deg. Celsius by manual and automatic methods. The embryos were cooled slowly from room temperature to -7 deg. Celsius at the rate of 1.0 deg. Celsius/min from -7 deg. Celsius to -15 deg. Celsius or -30 deg. Celsius at the rate 0.3 deg. Celsius/min before plunging into liquid nitrogen. The post-thawed morphology showed undamaged embryos (grade A) could be obtained after both manual and automatic freezing, and also partially damaged (grade B) and totally damaged embryos (grade C). The percentage of each group was 22.2 % (2/9), and 55.6 % (5/9), respectively. This was the first report on cryopreservation of swamp buffalo embryos. Further studies on biabiliity after transfer should follow
Show more [+] Less [-]Incidence of conjoined twinning in the indian water buffalo
Narasimha Rao, A.V. (Grovernment Dairy Farm, Visakhapatnam (India). Visakha Dairy (P.O)) | Sreemannarayana, O.
Occurrence of two different types of symmetrical conjoined twin monsters described as syncephalus tetrapus tetrabrachius and dicephalus dipus tetrabrachius among riverine buffaloes of India is reported.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effect of genetic and non-genetic factors on reproductive traits in egyptian buffaloes
Mourad, A.K. (Animal Prod. Research Inst., Cairo (Egypt)) | Khattab, S.A. | Ibrahim, M.A.R.
Total of 1189 records of Egyptian buffaloes at Mehallet Mousa farm belonging to Ministry of Agriculture were used to study the influence of year and season of calving and parity on each of days open, calving interval and dry period were studied. The estimate of the phenotypic and genetic parameters of these traits were also investigated. Least squares analysis of variance showed a highly significant effect of year and season of calving and parity on all traits (P
Show more [+] Less [-]Distribution of sulfamethoxazole in body fluids of buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis)
Srivastana, K.A. | Rampal, S. (Punjab Agricultural Univ., Ladhaina (India). College of Veterinary Science, Department of pharmacology)
The distribution and urinary excretion of sulfamethoxazole were investigated in healthy buffalo calves. After a single iv dose (100 mg/kg), the blood level peaked at 103.8+-4.3 ug ml-1 at 15 min and declined to 12 ug ml-1 at 24 h. The minimum inhibitory concentration of drug (25 ug ml-1) was maintained up to 12 h. The extent of penetration of sulfamethoxazole in erythrocytes was calculated to be 19-35 %. Fulfamethoxazole rapidly distributed in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and interstitial fluid, with concentrations of 8.1-40.7 ug/ml and 11.8-64.7 ug/ml from 15 to 720 min of administration, respectively.
Show more [+] Less [-]Success in embryo transfer in Thai swamp buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)
Peerasak Chantaraprateep | Kobayashi, G. | Chainarong Lohachit (Chulalongkorn Univ., Bangkok (Thailand). Faculty of Veterinary Science. Dept. of Obstetrics Gynaecology and Reproduction)
Incidence of twinning in nili-ravi buffaloes
Chaudhry, Ahmad Munir
The incidence of twinning in Nili-Ravi buffaloes was observed in 1,340 calvings at the Livestock Experiment Station, Bakadurmagar district, Okara, during a period of 9 1/2 years. The twinning rate was found to be 0.298 % and the incidence of twin birth had no adverse effect on subsequent post-partum productive and reproductive performance. However, twinning in buffalo is undesirable due to reduction in female progeny
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