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Occupation of Synoeca surinama (L.) (Vespidae, Polistinae) nests by Nasutitermes obscurus (Holmgren) (Termitidae, Nasutitermitinae) in the Cerrado
Gabriel de Castro Jacques | Sheliane Cristina Coelho Francisco | Luis Gustavo Talarico Rubim | Marcos Magalhães de Souza
The study of relationships between living beings is essential for understanding the functioning of the ecosystem for the management and conservation of biota, especially in rich and threatened biomes such as the Brazilian Cerrado. Therefore, this study aims to report the occupation of abandoned social wasp’s nests by termites in this biome. In this study, the occupation of two abandoned nests of Synoeca surinama (L.) by the termite Nasutitermes obscurus (Holmgren), recorded by chance, in April 2023 in a gallery forest with the same vegetation type of the Cerrado, located in the Grande Sertão Veredas National Park in southeastern Brazil. Both social wasp nests had their cells occupied by termites, which may have been used as a satellite nest for N. obscurus. This is the first record of a termite species occupying a social wasp’s nests; however, further studies are needed to better elucidate this relationship.
Show more [+] Less [-]Checklist of butterflies (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) of an urban area of Caatinga-Atlantic Forest ecotone in Bahia, Brazil
Caique Dantas | Thamara Zacca | Freddy Bravo
The butterfly inventories carried out in urban landscapes in Bahia are still scarce. Urban areas with remnants of native vegetation in association with ornamental plants can provide several resources that are favorable for the development and shelter of various animal species, including insects, even with the high anthropization that occurs in these environments. In this work, we aim to investigate the urban fauna of butterflies at the Campus of the Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana (UEFS), an area of Caatinga-Atlantic Forest ecotone located in the municipality of Feira de Santana, Bahia, Brazil. Monthly samplings were carried out with entomological net and standardized traps with different attractive baits, between May 2019 and January 2020, in addition to review of the material previously deposited at the Entomological Collection Prof. Johan Becker located at the Zoology Museum of the UEFS (MZFS). In total, 114 species of Papilionoidea were recorded, with Nymphalidae being the richest family (45 species), followed by Hesperiidae (32), Lycaenidae (21), Pieridae (10), Papilionidae (3) and Riodinidae (3). Thirteen species are new records for Bahia and eight species are new records for Northeast Brazil. The results demonstrate the extreme relevance of the conservation and preservation of urban green areas for the maintenance of butterflies species and, consequently, the associated insect fauna.
Show more [+] Less [-]Frugivorous butterflies (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) as a habitat quality indicator in Cerrado urban fragment
Ieza Aparecida Teles Porath | Rodrigo Aranda
The environmental monitoring programs used to assess the quality of the habitats are often common to insects, mainly as frugivorous butterflies, as easily accessible biological indicators. These have ample availability of information, an easy to perform and low cost study method, in addition to responding easily to environmental changes, making it an efficient tool in environmental diagnosis. The way or objective of this work was to inventory as frugivorous butterflies in two different points, edge and center of an urban fragment belonging to the Universidade Federal de Rondonópolis, state of Mato Grosso, using as an environmental indicator. As a hypothesis, it was believed to detect differences in species richness, the amount of composition and composition between two areas. A sampling was carried out between the months of February and May 2019, using 10 Van Someren-Rydon weapons, of which six were distributed at the edges and four in the center (interior) of the fragment. Take place as trapped collections once a week lasting three days at each event. 105 individuals belonging to nine species of Nymphalidae were captured, respectively, as subfamilies: Biblidinae (71), Satyrinae (31) and Charaxinae (03). There was no significant difference between species richness, quantity and composition in the edge area and in the center of the fragment.
Show more [+] Less [-]Identificação e Catalogação de Borboletas (Lepidoptera: Hesperioidea e Papilionoidea) da Coleção Entomológica da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande
Ana dos Santos de Carvalho | Marco Silva Gottschalk | Ana Barros de Morais
Apesar de o Rio Grande do Sul ser considerado um dos estados mais bem inventariados em relação a borboletas, ainda existem lacunas sobre o conhecimento da distribuição de suas espécies. Uma dessas lacunas se encontra na região do extremo sul do estado, onde a maioria dos inventários não especifica a localidade exata da coleta dos exemplares. Nesse sentido, foram identificadas e catalogadas as espécies de borboletas depositadas na Coleção Entomológica da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - FURG. Os 146 exemplares de borboletas depositados na Coleção Entomológica da FURG estão distribuídos em 36 espécies pertencentes às famílias Hesperiidae, Papilionidae, Pieridae, Lycaenidae e Nymphalidae. Nymphalidae foi a família mais rica e que apresentou o maior número de indivíduos, enquanto Lycaenidae apresentou a menor riqueza e menor número de exemplares. As espécies mais representadas na Coleção foram Heraclides thoas brasiliensis (Rothschild & Jordan), Agraulis vanillae maculosa (Stichel) e Danaus erippus (Cramer). Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Hesperioidea and Papilionoidea) Identification and Cataloging from the Entomological Collection of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande Abstract. Although Rio Grande do Sul State is considered one of the best inventoried States in relation to the butterflies, there are still gaps in the knowledge of their species distribution. One of these gaps is in the southern extreme of the State, where the majority of the inventories does not specify the exact location where the specimens were collected. Thus, the species of the butterflies deposited in the Entomological Collection of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - FURG were identified and cataloged. The 146 butterfly specimens deposited in the Entomological Collection are distributed in 36 species belonging to the families Hesperiidae, Papilionidae, Pieridae, Lycaenidae and Nymphalidae. Nymphalidae was the richest family and had the highest number of individuals, while Lycaenidae had the lowest richness and number of specimens. The most representative species in the Collection were Heraclides thoas brasiliensis (Rothschild & Jordan), Agraulis vanillae maculosa (Stichel) and Danaus erippus (Cramer).
Show more [+] Less [-]Odonata Community in a transition area between Atlantic Forest and Cerrado, Southern Minas Gerais, Brazil
Lara Guerra Rebello Amaral | Eike Daniel Fôlha Ferreira | Tomás Matheus Dias de Oliveira | Diogo Silva Vilela | Gabriel de Castro Jacques | Marcos Magalhães de Souza
The Atlantic Forest and Cerrado biomes are global biodiversity hotspots. Despite this, they are constantly losing their natural habitats, making it urgent to conduct fauna inventories for the conservation of taxa such as dragonflies (Odonata). These insects provide fundamental environmental services to both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems and are poorly sampled in some regions of Minas Gerais state. In this regard, the present study aimed to inventory the Odonata community in the surroundings of Luminárias, a municipality located in southern Minas Gerais state, Brazil. This area consists of a transition between Cerrado and Atlantic Forest, with biotic and abiotic attributes suggesting the creation of a Conservation Unit (CU) to provide data on the distribution of this taxon for future conservation actions. The study was conducted between 2023 and 2024, in 10 locations, totaling 690 hours of sampling effort. Fifty-seven species were recorded, distributed among seven families, with four species at some risk of extinction or with insufficient data, according to the IUCN or ICMBio. Considering the significant richness of Odonata fauna obtained in this study, which includes threatened species, it is urgent to establish management actions for the protection of these populations, including the creation of a CU.
Show more [+] Less [-]Identificação e Catalogação de Borboletas (Lepidoptera: Hesperioidea e Papilionoidea) da Coleção Entomológica da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande
Ana Paula dos Santos de Carvalho | Marco Silva Gottschalk | Ana Beatriz Barros de Morais
Apesar de o Rio Grande do Sul ser considerado um dos estados mais bem inventariados em relação a borboletas, ainda existem lacunas sobre o conhecimento da distribuição de suas espécies. Uma dessas lacunas se encontra na região do extremo sul do estado, onde a maioria dos inventários não especifica a localidade exata da coleta dos exemplares. Nesse sentido, foram identificadas e catalogadas as espécies de borboletas depositadas na Coleção Entomológica da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - FURG. Os 146 exemplares de borboletas depositados na Coleção Entomológica da FURG estão distribuídos em 36 espécies pertencentes às famílias Hesperiidae, Papilionidae, Pieridae, Lycaenidae e Nymphalidae. Nymphalidae foi a família mais rica e que apresentou o maior número de indivíduos, enquanto Lycaenidae apresentou a menor riqueza e menor número de exemplares. As espécies mais representadas na Coleção foram Heraclides thoas brasiliensis (Rothschild & Jordan), Agraulis vanillae maculosa (Stichel) e Danaus erippus (Cramer). Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Hesperioidea and Papilionoidea) Identification and Cataloging from the Entomological Collection of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande Abstract. Although Rio Grande do Sul State is considered one of the best inventoried States in relation to the butterflies, there are still gaps in the knowledge of their species distribution. One of these gaps is in the southern extreme of the State, where the majority of the inventories does not specify the exact location where the specimens were collected. Thus, the species of the butterflies deposited in the Entomological Collection of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - FURG were identified and cataloged. The 146 butterfly specimens deposited in the Entomological Collection are distributed in 36 species belonging to the families Hesperiidae, Papilionidae, Pieridae, Lycaenidae and Nymphalidae. Nymphalidae was the richest family and had the highest number of individuals, while Lycaenidae had the lowest richness and number of specimens. The most representative species in the Collection were Heraclides thoas brasiliensis (Rothschild & Jordan), Agraulis vanillae maculosa (Stichel) and Danaus erippus (Cramer).
Show more [+] Less [-]Recent observations on the distribution of the endangered butterfly Eresia erysice erysice (Geyer, 1832) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae)
Gabriel Vila-Verde | Jacques Hubert Charles Delabie
The Brazilian endemic butterfly Eresia erysice erysice (Geyer, 1832) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) has been included in the Official List of Brazilian Endangered Fauna as critically endangered (CR). Until now, this rare butterfly has only been known to inhabit Atlantic Forest fragments in the “Hileia Baiana”. This paper presents updated information on occurrences of E. e. erysice. A male and a female specimens were collected in a disturbed forest fragment near the experimental fields of the Centro de Pesquisas do Cacau (CEPEC), Ilhéus, Bahia. These new findings indicate that the distribution boundary of this subspecies extends about 80 km more to the north and suggest that it is not as exclusive to forest habitats as previously thought.
Show more [+] Less [-]Symmachia basilissa basilissa Bates, 1868 (Riodinidae: Symmachiini) has been photographed while alive for the first time, uncovering a new record and shedding light on its conservation aspects
Antonio Leal Silva das Neves | Lucas Cardoso Marinho | David Barros Muniz
This work reports the first photographic record of the Symmachia basilissa basilissa Bates, 1868 subspecies, a butterfly originally described by Henry Walter Bates in 1868. This subspecies had only been recorded three before but had never been photographed alive in Brazil. The photograph was taken in the Chapada das Mesas National Park, located in the southern part of the state of Maranhão. This record was uploaded and georeferenced on the iNaturalist app/website. The taxon Symmachia basilissa comprises four subspecies, and the article provides information on the morphological differences between them. We also discuss the use of iNaturalist and similar tools to integrate academic and citizen science for a better understanding of biodiversity, especially in tropical regions and areas that are difficult to access. Overall, our work makes a valuable contribution to the knowledge of this data deficient butterfly species and highlights the importance of utilizing new technologies and collaborative approaches to advance scientific research.
Show more [+] Less [-]Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) from a Fragment of Atlantic Forest in the Southern Bahia State
Gabriel Vila-Verde | Márlon Paluch
The Atlantic Forest of southern Bahia comprises a zone of high levels of biodiversity and endemism of plants, vertebrates and insects. However, there are still several gaps on the knowledge of the local Lepidoptera diversity. The objective of this study was to conduct an inventory of butterflies in a fragment of the Atlantic Forest in Porto Seguro, Bahia, Brazil to provide information on species richness. Butterflies were sampled with insect net from March 2018 to March 2019, and November 2019 to February 2020, totaling 150 h of sampling effort. Additionally, we used Van Someren-Rydon traps for collecting frugivorous butterflies in September 2018 and February 2019 representing 1,080 trap-hours. A total of 228 butterfly species were recorded. Hesperiidae (86 spp.) and Nymphalidae (77 spp.) were the most representative families, followed by Riodinidae (32 spp.), Lycaenidae (21 spp.), Pieridae (10 spp.) and Papilionidae (2 spp.). The local butterfly fauna is composed of species found in open or disturbed forest edges, and secondary vegetation. Most of the sampled species is broadly distributed in Brazil Morpho menelaus coeruleus (Perry, 1810) (Nymphalidae), Jemadia hospita hephaestos (Plötz, 1879) (Hesperiidae) and several species of Lycaenidae and Riodinidae represents a new record for northeastern Brazil.
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