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Ocorrência e Distribuição de Coccinelídeos (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) Associados às Plantas Cítricas no Estado do Rio de Janeiro
William Costa Rodrigues | Paulo Cesar Rodrigues Cassino | Reinildes Silva Filho
O estudo objetivou registrar a ocorrência, flutuação populacional das espécies de coccinelídeos e delinear a distribuição geográfica (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) associados as plantas cítricas no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Foram visitados 11 municípios situados em duas regiões do Estado do Rio de Janeiro: Baixada Fluminense e Região das Baixadas Litorâneas (Região Citrícola). O período de estudo foi de janeiro de 2000 a junho de 2001. Os coccinelídeos foram observados, coletados, conservados e identificados. Desta forma 11 espécies foram observadas no Estado. Os municípios com maior ocorrência de espécies foi Seropédica e Araruama e com menor ocorrência foram São Pedro da Aldeia, Iguaba Grande, Tanguá e Itaboraí. A espécie que se verificou com maior distribuição foi Pentilia egena (Mulsant, 1850), presente em 10 municípios, e com menor distribuição foi Curinus coeruleus Mulsant 1850, presente em apenas um município. Quando avaliada a flutuação populacional, houve uma tendência na redução da população nos meses mais frios (inverno), sendo P. egena a espécie com maior média populacional (40%) e espécies dominantes juntamente com Azya luteipes Mulsant 1850. No período de estudo a diversidade de espécies foi considerada relativamente alta (α= 3,91) quando avaliada através do índice de Margalef e Shanon-Wiener (H'= 0,81), sendo considerada uma diversidade relativamente alta. Occurrence and Distribution of Coccinelids (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) Associates at the Citrus Plants in Rio de Janeiro State Abstract. This work aimed to register the occurrence, study the population fluctuation the ladybeetles species and to delineate the geographic distribution (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) associated at citrus plants in Rio de Janeiro State. 11 districts situated in two regions of the Rio de Janeiro State were visited: "Baixada Fluminense" and "Região das Baixadas Litorâneas (Região Citrícola)". The study period was January 2000 to June 2001. The coccinellids was observed, collected, conserved, and identified. This way 11 species they were observed on State. The districts to larger species occurrence were Seropédica, and Araruama and to species lower was São Pedro da Aldeia, Iguaba Grande, Tanguá, Itaboraí, Natividade e Porciúncula. The species that it was verified in larger distribution were Pentilia egena (Mulsant, 1850), present in 10 districts, and with smaller distribution it was Curinus coeruleus Mulsant 1850, present in just only one district. When evaluated population fluctuation, there was a tendency in the reduction of the population in coldest (winter) moths, being P. egena the specie com average larger populational (40%) and dominant specie together with Azya luteipes Mulsant 1850. In study period the species diversity was high (α= 3.91) when evaluated through Margalef and Shanon-Wiener index's (H'=0.81), being considered a relatively high diversity.
Show more [+] Less [-]Bioensaio com náiades de Campylocia anceps Eaton, 1983 para avaliação dos metais Cobre (Cu) e Zinco (Zn).
Enide Luciana Lima Belmont | Maria José do Nascimento Lopes | Maria do Socorro Rocha da Silva | Cláudio Rabelo dos Santos-Neto
Resumo. Em Manaus, o processo de desenvolvimento industrial e sócio-econômico, bem como a falta de programas eficientes de controle ambiental tem possibilitado a ocorrência de impactos ambientais especialmente nos igarapés urbanos. Estes impactos resultam na degradação dos recursos hídricos por meio de poluentes orgânicos e inorgânicos oriundos das atividades desenvolvidas no entorno das bacias hidrográficas. Objetivou-se então analisar os teores dos metais cobre e zinco em náiades de C. anceps. O estudo foi realizado em dois afluentes na Bacia do Educandos: o primeiro, foi feita a coleta de C. anceps, está situado na Universidade Federal do Amazonas e, o segundo, foi feita a coleta da água contaminada, igarapé do Quarenta, está situado nas proximidades de fábricas do Distrito Industrial de Manaus. As náiades coletadas no igarapé universidade (água limpa) foram levadas ao laboratório de entomologia, no INPA, onde foram expostas a água contaminada do igarapé do Quarenta , nas concentrações de 100%, 50% ,10% e um controle com 100% de água limpa. As C. anceps ficaram expostas a esses poluentes por seis dias. Com três e seis dias foram retiradas para a análise dos metais, no laboratório de química da água. Os teores desses nos mostraram que há uma absorção deste pelas náiades, pois quanto maior a concentração dos metais na água, maior será o valor encontrado nos organismos.Bioassay with nymph of Campylocia anceps Eaton, 1983 for evaluation of metals copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn).Abstract. In Manaus, the process of industrial and partner-economic development, as well as the lack of efficient programs of ambient control has made possible the occurrence of ambient impacts especially in narrow river urban. These impacts result in the degradation of the hidrics resources by means of deriving organic and inorganics pollutants of the activities developed in around of the basins hidrografics. It was objectified then to analyze texts of metals couper and zinc in nymphs of C. anceps. The study it was carried through in two narrow rivers in the Basin of the Educandos: the first one, was made the collection of C. anceps, is situated in the Federal University of Amazon and the collection of the contaminated water was made, narrow river of the Quarenta, is situated in the neighborhoods of plants of the Industrial District of Manaus. Nymphs collected in the narrow river university (clean water) had been taken to the entomology laboratory, in the INPA, where they had been displayed the water contaminated of the narrow river of the Quarenta, in the concentrations of 100%, 50%, 10% and a control with 100% of clean water. The nynfphs of C. anceps had been displayed to these pollutants per six days. With three and six days they had been removed for analyzes of metals, in the chemistry laboratory of the water. The texts of these in had shown them that it has an absorption of this for nymphs, therefore how much bigger the concentration of metals in the water, greater will be the value found in the organisms.
Show more [+] Less [-]Morfometría geométrica del borde corial y del collar de huevos de cinco especies del género Rhodnius Stal (Heteroptera, Reduviidae, Triatominae)
Ximena Páez-Colasante | Elis Aldana
Resumen. La taxonomía y sistemática de la subfamilia Triatominae (Heteroptera, Reduviidae) se basan principalmente en caracteres biométricos y morfológicos de las formas adultas y, en algunos casos, de las ninfas. La Morfometría Geométrica es capaz de descomponer la forma en sus componentes tamaño isométrico y conformación. En el presente trabajo se utilizó laMorfometría Geométrica como herramienta de análisis de la configuración geométrica que resulta de la unión de los extremos del borde corial y del collar (configuración borde corial-collar) de los huevos eclosionados de cinco especies del género Rhodnius Stal. Los huevos se observaron por Microscopía Electrónica de Barrido y las imágenes digitalizadas fueron analizadas morfogeométricamente. Estudiando el tamaño geométrico de la configuración borde corial-collar, se halló que no existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre las cinco especies deTriatominos. En cuanto a la conformación, se determinaron diferencias entre las especies al ser sometidas a un análisis discriminante. Se encontró además que la variación del tamaño contribuye a la variación en la conformación, es decir, efecto alométrico. Los resultados obtenidos indican que la conformación de la configuración geométrica “borde corial-collar” de los huevos de Rhodnius podría ser utilizada como herramienta taxonómica para este grupo. Morfometria geométrica da borda corial e colarinho de ovos de cinco espécies do Gênero Rhodnius (Heteroptera Reduviidae, Triatominae).Resumo. A taxonomia e sistemática da subfamília Triatominae (Heteroptera Reduviidae) esta baseada principalmente em caracteres biométricos e morfológicos das formas adultas, e em alguns casos, das ninfas. A morfometria geométrica é capaz de descompor a forma em seus componentes, tamanho isométrico e conformação. No presente trabalho utilizou-se a morfometria geométrica como ferramenta de análise da configuração geométrica que resulta da união dos extremos da borda corial e “colarinho” (configuração borda corial-colarinho) dos ovos eclodidos decinco espécies do gênero Rhodnius. Os ovos observaram-se por meio de Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV) e as imagens digitais foram analisadas morfogeometricamente. Estudando o tamanho geométrico da configuração borda corial-colarinho, consiguiu-se que não existem diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre as cinco espécies de Triatomineos. Quanto à conformação, determinaram-se diferenças entre as espécies ao ser submetidas a uma análise discriminante. Além de isso encontrou-se que a variação do tamanho contribui à variação na conformação, ou seja, efeito alométrico. Os resultados obtidos indicam que a morfogeometria da borda corial e do “colarinho” dos ovos de Rhodnius poderia ser utilizada como uma ferramenta taxonômica para este grupo. Geometric morphometrics of the chorial rim and the collar of the eggs of five species of the Rhodnius genus (Heteroptera, Reduviidae, Triatominae).Abstract. The taxonomy and systematics of the Triatominae subfamily are based primarily on the biometric and morphological characters of the adult forms, and in some cases of the nymphs. Geometric Morphometrics are capable of separating the form in its components size and shape. In this work Geometric Morphometrics were used as a tool for the analysis of the chorial rim and the collar of hatched eggs of five species of the Rhodnius genus. Collected eggs were observed by Scanning Electron Microscopy and the digitalized images were analyzed by Generalized Procrustes Analysis. By studying the isometric size of the chorial rim and the collar, no statistical significant differences were found among the five species of Rhodnius genus. A discriminant analysis showed statistical differences among the shapes of the chorial rim and the collar, indicating that the shape is a species specific character. An allometric effect was found. The results obtained indicate that the geometric morphometrics of the chorial rim and the collar of hatched Rhodnius eggs can be used as a taxonomic tool for this group.
Show more [+] Less [-]Amazonian stingless bees: lethal concentration and mortality after exposure to insecticide in Melipona interrupta Latreire, 1811 (Hymenoptera: Apidae)
Douglas de Campos | Juciane Conceição da Silva-Lima | Gislene Almeida Carvalho-Zilse
Neonicotinoid insecticides can cause a reduction in feeding rate, locomotion, and behavioral changes such as a reduction in flight speed and distance traveled by adult bees. Chronic exposure to sublethal concentrations can result in behavioral disorders and memory loss. This study investigated the effects of insecticides on Amazonian stingless bees, evaluated whether Melipona interrupta Latreire, 1811, is sensitive and does not reject food contaminated with Thiamethoxam, and compared the effects on native stingless bees from the northern region to Apis mellifera. Mortality was evaluated in these bees when exposed to Tiamethoxam (absolute standard AS and Actara 250 WG - commercial product) and Dimethoate AS as a positive control, thus verifying the lethal concentration 50 (LC50) for the species M. interrupta, popularly known as jupará. The mortality of forager workers exposed to active ingredient formulations indicated an LC50 of 24.77 ng/μL for Dimethoate, validating the tests, and 1.28 ng/μL for Tiamethoxam AS and 1.22 ng/μL for Actara 250 WG, values much lower than those found for A. mellifera bees, which were 4.28 ng i.a./µL of Tiamethoxam. Therefore, we concluded that formulations with the active ingredients Dimethoate and Tiamethoxam are highly toxic to Amazonian bees of the species M. interrupta.
Show more [+] Less [-]Biological Control of Tribolium castaneum (Herbst, 1797) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) with fungi from Brazilian Amazon
Nárcya Trindade de Souza | Bruno Leite Beltrão Frederico | Gleison Rafael Queiroz Mendonça | Atilon Vasconcelos de Araujo | Adalberto Hipólito Sousa | Clarice Maia Carvalho
Stored grains are attacked by insect pests, causing various types of damage and potentially generating economic losses for producers. Tribolium castaneum (Herbst, 1797) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), popularly known as the red flour beetle, is one of these secondary pests. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the potential of entomopathogenic fungi from the Brazilian Amazon for the control of T. castaneum. To evaluate the control of T. castaneum, different conidial suspensions (105, 106, 107 and 108 conidia/mL) of Beauveria sp. (4.438) and Paecilomyces sp. (4.658) were used, placing 1 mL of each concentration in the center of Petri dish and keeping the insects for 10 min. After that, they were transferred to another Petri dish, incubated for 7 days at room temperature, and Tween 0.01% and NaCl 0.9% solutions were used as negative controls. T. castaneum mortality was obtained only at the highest dilution, 108 conidia/mL, being 22% for the fungus Beauveria sp. (4.438) and 5% for Paecilomyces sp. (4.658). Susceptibility to exposure to abiotic factors was measured with suspensions of Beauveria sp. (4.438) conidia at a concentration of 106 conidia/mL exposed to ultraviolet light for 0, 30, 60 and 120 seconds, and at temperatures of 20, 26 and 32 ºC for 30, 60 and 90 min. The highest germination rate was at 20 °C for 90 minutes, with 92%. The entomopathogenic fungi from the Amazon showed low potential for controlling T. castaneum, however, they may present a higher mortality rate for other insect pests.
Show more [+] Less [-]Recent observations on the distribution of the endangered butterfly Eresia erysice erysice (Geyer, 1832) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae)
Gabriel Vila-Verde | Jacques Hubert Charles Delabie
The Brazilian endemic butterfly Eresia erysice erysice (Geyer, 1832) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) has been included in the Official List of Brazilian Endangered Fauna as critically endangered (CR). Until now, this rare butterfly has only been known to inhabit Atlantic Forest fragments in the “Hileia Baiana”. This paper presents updated information on occurrences of E. e. erysice. A male and a female specimens were collected in a disturbed forest fragment near the experimental fields of the Centro de Pesquisas do Cacau (CEPEC), Ilhéus, Bahia. These new findings indicate that the distribution boundary of this subspecies extends about 80 km more to the north and suggest that it is not as exclusive to forest habitats as previously thought.
Show more [+] Less [-]Antennal ultrastructure of three species of Cyclocephala Dejean, 1821 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Sérgio Roberto Rodrigues | Andrezza Santos Cocco
This study describes the antennal ultrastructure in Cyclocephala forsteri Endrodi, 1963, Cyclocephala melanocephala (Fabricius, 1775) and Cyclocephala tucumana Brethes, 1904 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Adult of Cyclocephala Dejean, 1821 specimens were collected using a light trap placed near a pasture area, segregated by gender, based on male-specific dilated pre-tarsomeres and preserved in 70% alcohol. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of the antenna lamellae were obtained from ten specimens at Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) in Ilha Solteira, SP, Brazil. We identified trichoid, chaetic, placoid, coeloconic, basiconic sensilla, and pores in antenna of all the species. Placoid sensilla were prevalent in the antennal lamellae. The antennae of C. forsteri females had 5,457 sensilla, of which 5,327 (97.62%) were placoid, 123 (2.25%) coeloconic, and seven (0.13%) basiconic, while the antennae of males showed 5,351 sensilla, with 5,238 (97.89%) being placoid, 100 (1.87%) coeloconic, and 13 (0.24%) basiconic. The antennae of C. melanocephala females presented 6,814 sensilla, with 6,581 (96.58%) being placoid, 231 (3.39%) coeloconic, and two (0.03%) basiconic; while those of males had 6,333 sensilla, with 6,023 (95.11%) being placoid and 310 (4.89%) coeloconic. Finally, the antennae of C. tucumana females had 1,981 sensilla, with 1,845 (93.13%) being placoid, 127 (6.42%) coeloconic, and nine (0.45%) basiconic; while the antennae of males had 3,756 sensilla, with 3,656 (97.34%) being placoid, 99 (2.64%) coeloconic, and one (0.02%) basiconic. Overall, adults of C. melanocephala and C. tucumana presented dimorphism in the antennal sensilla.
Show more [+] Less [-]Case report of a preserved male corpse: estimation of post-mortem interval based on four Dipteran species of four different families
Victor Wilson Botteon | Anderson Gaedke | Victor Michelon Alves
Case reports are extremely valuable in forensic entomology and very rare in Brazil. In this report we describe a case of multiple colonization of a preserved male cadaver found indoors in Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil, by four dipterans species of four different families: Fannia canicularis (Linnaeus, 1761) (Diptera: Fanniidae), Microcerella halli (Engel, 1931) (Diptera: Sarcophagidae), Muscina stabulans (Fallén, 1817) (Diptera: Muscidae) and Sarconesia chlorogaster (Wiedemann, 1830) (Diptera: Calliphoridae). The development time data of the species were used to estimate the minimum postmortem interval (PMI). Considering the methodology applied in this study and the values calculated for the species development, it was possible to estimate a minimum PMI of 24 days. Besides the diversity of dipteran species colonizing a single human body in an indoor environment, this case report reinforces the importance of these species as forensically indicator to estimate the time of death.
Show more [+] Less [-]First record of the nymph of Caenis cuniana Froehlich, 1969 (Caenidae: Ephemeroptera) and new distributional records of Caenidae from Colombia
Luis Gonzalo Salinas-Jiménez | Lucas Ramos Costa Lima | Jose Ismael Rojas-Peña | Clara Ines Caro-Caro
In Colombia have been recorded eight species of the family Caenidae distributed in three states, at the moment do not exist species reported in the Meta state. In this paper, Caenis cuniana Froehlich, 1969 (Caenidae: Ephemeroptera) is registered for the first time from Colombia, in the same way, Brasilocaenis irmleri Puthz, 1975 and Caenis chamie Alba-Tercedor & Mosquera, 1999 expanded your geographical distribution in the Colombian Orinoquia region.
Show more [+] Less [-]Harvestmen (Arachnida: Opiliones) from the Atlantic Forest-Cerrado transition zone of Luminárias, southern Minas Gerais state, Brazil
Maria Luiza Simões Silva | Maria Julia da Costa Alvarenga | Luis Gustavo Talarico Rubim | Thiago Henrique dos Reis Pádua | Igor Rodrigues de Castro | Diogo Silva Vilela | Gabriel de Castro Jacques | Marcos Magalhães de Souza
The Cerrado and Atlantic Forest biomes are global biodiversity hotspots. However, these environments still face large knowledge gaps concerning fauna inventory studies, such as those on harvestmen. Our study aimed to sample harvestmen species in a transition area between the Atlantic Forest and Cerrado, contributing to future biodiversity assessments and conservation efforts in Brazil. The surveys were conducted in the municipality of Luminárias, southern Minas Gerais state, between May 2023 and March 2024. We collected 185 individuals from six species and three morphospecies with a wide geographical distribution, but whose conservation status has not been assessed, which may affect their protection. Additionally, loss of native vegetation may lead to reductions in their populations. Our study supports current literature, which suggests the need for more inventories and the creation of a Conservation Unit in the Luminárias region.
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