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Resilience of milk supply chains during and after the Covid-19 crisis in Latvia
Pilvere, I., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia) | Upite, I., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia) | Muska, A., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia) | Zdanovskis, K., EU Office for Agriculture and Rural Development, Ozolnieki, Ozolnieki Municipality (Latvia) | Nipers, A., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia) | Janmere, L., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia)
The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on national economies are characterized as the worst economic turmoil in recent years, as economic growth slowed to the level of the 2008 global financial crisis. At the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020, economic growth surveys did not project that the novel virus could have a negative impact on economic growth. As a result of the rapid spread of the virus and the increase in the number of infection cases, national governments took strict measures to limit the spread of the virus, which led to a significant deterioration in the economic situation in all industries of the economy. Agriculture plays an important role in providing food to the country’s population, yet the pandemic made a negative impact on sales volumes and prices in the domestic and international markets. The research aims to assess the impacts of the pandemic on milk supply chains in Latvia and come up with solutions to stabilizing the situation in the dairy sector. The national restrictions to combat the pandemic also hampered the dairy sector concerning the sale of raw milk and finished products in foreign markets, thereby leading to overproduction and stockpiling of the finished products, price dumping and a significant decrease in milk purchase prices to or below the production cost level for many dairy farms. Although there is no indication that the pandemic would lead to a decrease in the numbers of livestock and farms or output in early 2021, it is too early to assess the overall impact of the pandemic on dairy farming, as uncertainty over the duration of pandemic restrictions is a major risk to farm survival. The operation of the dairy sector was stabilized by means of the support provided by the government, as well as the farms’ accumulated financial and feed resources. In order to identify future challenges for milk supply chains, the research performed an analysis of operational risks for milk producers and processors to identify the most important risks and design recommendations for their elimination. The longer there is uncertainty about the return of the dairy sector to pre-pandemic output levels, the more likely it is that the pandemic is going to lead to a decrease in the numbers of dairy livestock and farms.
Show more [+] Less [-]The correctness problems in applying inductive statistics in economics and agriculture
Jaunzems, A., Ventspils Univ. College (Latvia) | Balode, I., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania)
In the article “Professor Tinbergen’s Method” (Keynes J. M. Professor Tinbergen’s Method. − The Economic Journal. 1939. Vol. 49. No. 195) John Maynard Keynes expressed critical notes concerning insufficient scientific level of the Jan Tinbergen’s results obtained with the help of econometric methods. The conclusion of present research is that the critical appraisal of econometric applying given by John Maynard Keynes in 1939 can be completely assigned to many published in Latvia research in economics and business done by inductive statistics because scientists carelessly apply the linear regression model in absence of the knowledge a priori required by proper theorems and algorithms. Moreover, many times there is no sense even to speak about stochastic experiment because the most important condition − ceteris paribus does not fulfil, namely, economic environment is not homogeneous enough. As the result, the causal inferences derived from Regression Report are not scientifically justified. The second conclusion is that the objective criticism in econometrics applications area in order to keep the satisfactory level of scientific correctness and scientific ethics in Latvia has to be established. We also assert that the applications of inductive econometrics in agriculture are much more justified due to possibility to repeat the stochastic experiments many times in constant circumstances like in physics and mechanics. The meta-target of present article is to remind the protests of John Maynard Keynes to the careless utilization of econometric theorems and to raise a wide discussion about the problems of correctness in applying inductive statistics in economics and agriculture in Latvia.
Show more [+] Less [-]University-community partnership contribution towards rural sustainability: Participatory action research in the rice farming community of Paipayales, Ecuador
Yonfa-Medranda, Marcela | Sabando-Vera, David | Parrales-Guerrero, Katherine | Cueva-Tumbaco, José | Ramírez-Prado, María
Rice cultivation is the main economic livelihood for many families around the world. This activity represents several challenges for farmers and community members for rural sustainability, a cross-cutting element of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (UN). In response, the Polytechnic University (ESPOL), fulfilling its mission of linking with society, implemented a community program where students and professors interact and collaborate with rice farmers in the rural community of Paipayales, located in the Santa Lucia canton, Guayas province. This article explores the impact of university-community projects through the Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach in order to evaluate them as a tool for contributing towards rural sustainability in communities. As a result, it was determined that the main problems faced by most of the farmers of the “Dios con Nosotros” Association are the availability of water in the wells and the commercialization of paddy rice. Considering these problems, the wells were geolocated and a board was designed for proper water management; at the same time, water quality was studied and recommendations were presented according to the problems encountered. Two proposals were also presented to create a rice husker and a rice separator to increase their profit margin by selling rice directly to retailers and wholesalers. As relevant conclusions, the importance of implementing links and relationships between the university community and society was highlighted, guaranteeing the value of working in transdisciplinary teams and achieving a comprehensive intervention that would lead to significant improvements in the community.
Show more [+] Less [-]A review on climate change, credit risk and agriculture
Céu, Mário Santiago | Gaspar, Raquel Medeiros
Climate change poses a significant threat to agricultural productivity, necessitating a comprehensive understanding of its implications for both agricultural firms and capital lenders. This systematic literature review aims to elucidate emerging trends in addressing climate-related risks in agriculture and credit sectors. Drawing from a rigorous analysis of 39 articles sourced from Scopus and Web of Science databases, three key thematic dimensions have emerged: (i) agricultural lending and credit risk, (ii) green principles and sustainability, and (iii) the context of developing countries. From the impact of climate change on the recoverability of loans to the imperative of transitioning towards a greener and more sustainable economy, alongside the nuanced challenges faced by agriculture in developing countries, we analysed prominent and recent literary approaches. The findings underscore the need to integrate climate change considerations into agricultural and credit policies. Policymakers and financial institutions should prioritize climate education for farmers and promote sustainable financial approaches. Anticipated climate risks will impact lenders’ capital reserves, necessitating portfolio adjustments. A deep understanding of climate change’s interplay with agriculture lending and credit risk is vital, urging proactive policy and practice. Addressing climate challenges in agriculture demands a multifaceted strategy encompassing tailored credit policies, improved access to credit, financial empowerment, and the mitigation of social inequalities. This review highlights the urgent need for proactive strategies to mitigate climate risks and ensure a resilient agricultural sector, emphasizing the crucial role of research and policy interventions in navigating the complex landscape of climate change impacts on agriculture.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effect of agripreneurship on employment and income generation in cattle fattening business in Nigeria
Obayelu, A.E., Federal Univ. of Agriculture, Abeokuta (Nigeria) | Olaniyi, A., Nigeria Youth Agripreneurs Unit, Ibadan (Nigeria) | Ogbe, A., Federal Univ. of Agriculture, Abeokuta (Nigeria)
Unemployment is a major issue in Nigeria because the youth finds it difficult or impossible to secure jobs that meet their expectations. There appears to be a mismatch between graduate skills and those sought by employers. The study investigated the effect of International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) youth Agripreneurs (IYA) programme on employment and income generation on cattle fattening enterprise under the N2Africa Borno youth project. A two-stage sampling procedure was used to select IYA participants and non-participants. Results revealed that the majority of respondents were males in both categories. It also indicated that youths who are in their productive age are more into cattle fattening enterprise in both categories. The study also found that, unemployment and skill acquisition are the main driving reasons for participating in IYA. It also indicated that both categories of respondents’ required external capital support for start-up of their enterprise, and that IYA programme participants on the average earn more income per month than nonparticipants. IYA programme participants generated more employment opportunities which implied that the programme had not only empowered participants but also made the participants’ become employers. The study recommended that there is a need to support youths with funds, access to trainings on capacity development and skill acquisition to make them self-employed and job creators.
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