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Effect of coating on physico-chemical characteristics of puffed wheat grains
Konkubaeva, Nurzat | Juhnevica-Radenkova, Karina | Radenkovs, Vitalijs | Galoburda, Ruta
Durum wheat (Triticum turgidum) is used for the production of various ready-to-eat products such as breakfast cereals, puffed grains, and extruded products. Technological processes of grain processing and the addition of different ingredients cause changes in the physical and chemical properties of the product, which give puffed grains a unique porous structure and change their nutritional value. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of coating on the physico-chemical characteristics of puffed wheat grains depending on the coating material. The study revealed that the application of coating increased dry matter and thousand-kernel weight (TKW). Water activity decreased in puffed grain without coating (BZ), and puffed grain with whey powder (MC) compared to wheat grain. The reduction in the moisture content increased the crispiness of product. Application of coating led to a decrease in the hardness of both MC and puffed wheat grain with vanillin and sugar (BV). Applying additives to the product’s surface led to a decrease in the water absorption index (WAI). The water solubility index (WSI) increased in the MC and BV samples. Samples BZ, BV and MC had higher L* (lightness) values than wheat grains because the puffing process expanded the cells, confirmed by scanning electron microscopy, and caused starch gelatinisation. The a* (redness) value of wheat was greater than that of BZ, BV and MC, which may be due to the partial removal of the outer layer of wheat grains. The milled samples of BZ, BV and MC were slightly darker, having lower L* values, compared to unprocessed wheat grain.
Show more [+] Less [-]Algorithm for determination of pepper maturity classes by combination of colour and spectral indices
Vasilev, Miroslav | Shivacheva, Galya | Stoykova, Vanya | Zlatev, Zlatin
The aim of the present work is to propose methods and tools for classifying sweet pepper into groups according to their degree of maturity based on colour and spectral characteristics extracted from colour images on the surface of the vegetables. The investigated pepper is two varieties of sweet — red Banji and yellow Liri. Five groups were formed, depending on the degree of maturity, and 16 colour and 11 spectral indices were calculated for each of the groups. By successively using the ReliefF and PLSR methods, a selection of informative features and subsequent reduction of the vector formed by them was carried out, thereby aiming to increase the predictive results and minimize the time for data processing. The obtained classification errors between the individual stages of ripening vary according to the type of pepper and depending on which of the two types of maturity the fruits are in — technical or biological. For red sweet pepper, the separation inaccuracy obtained using a discriminant classifier with a quadratic separation function is in the range of 8–19%, while for yellow it is from 5 to 23%. The results obtained in the present work for the classification of pepper into groups according to their degree of maturity would support decision-making in selective harvesting and overall more accurate and efficient management of the harvesting process from the point of view of precision agriculture. The work will continue with studies related to the prediction of various compounds indicating changes in the colour of peppers, including chlorophylls, carotenes and xanthophylls. In this way, it is possible to increase the accuracy in determining the degree of ripeness, since in pepper the colour does not always follow the same pattern of change from green to yellow to orange to red.
Show more [+] Less [-]Potatoes as wheat flour substitute in gluten-free pastry cream
Kince, Tatjana | Zilinska, Elina | Galoburda, Ruta | Tomsone, Lolita | Straumite, Evita | Goldmanis, Juris | Sabovics, Martins
Pastry cream contains wheat flour, which is not suitable for celiac patients who require a gluten-free diet. Potatoes are known as a good source of starch, minerals and vitamins. They also contain protein, dietary fibre and various phytochemicals. Their addition to pastry cream can both serve as a texturizing agent and enrich the nutritional value of the final product. This study aimed to evaluate the suitability of potatoes as a replacement for wheat flour in pastry cream. For study purposes, the physicochemical attributes of eleven potato varieties were evaluated. Among other varieties, the boiled potato variety Gala exhibited higher fibre, fat, phosphorus and potassium content; however, significantly higher protein (12.48 ± 0.08 g 100 gE−1 DW) and iron (3.12 ± 0.02 g 100 gE−1 DW) content. Higher antiradical activity (18.72 ± 0.74 mM TE 100E−1 g DW) was detected in potatoes of the variety Blue Congo. After preliminary investigation, wheat flour was replaced with mashed potatoes, making up 30% of the cream weight, and its impact on the pastry cream was studied. It was established that potatoes had a significant effect on pastry cream colour and texture. American Rose, Imanta, Rigonda and Viviana were selected as the most suitable from the eleven varieties tested. The addition of potatoes in pastry cream doubled its fibre and potassium content, whereas, other changes in nutritional value of the creams were variety dependent.
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