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Determination and optimization of feeding device [parameters] in the plant for preparing liquid feed mixtures
Solonshchikov, P., Vyatka State Agricultural Academy, Kirov (Russian Federation) | Savinykh, P., Federal Agrarian Scientific Centre of the North-East named after N.V. Rudnitsky, Kirov (Russian Federation) | Ivanovs, S., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia)
Feeding young animals is a very important stage during their growing-up period, but in order to provide them with essential nutrients, they are fed with liquid feeds, whole milk substitute in particular (WMS). The technique for reconstituting WMS consists of dissolving it in water followed by mixing, but it is significant to follow the cooking recipe strictly, so it is necessary to develop a system with a feeding (dosing) device that will make it possible to solve this problem. Theoretical and experimental studies of the feeding device have been conducted in order to optimize the technological process of mixing liquid feed. Theoretically, the quality of determining the mixture during dosing was established for the purpose of further research. The influence of the design and technological parameters of the feeding device was experimentally studied, and its efficiency was evaluated. It was found that as the inclination angle α increases from 67,50 to 700, the rotation speed n being from 850 to 1500 minE−1, the maximum probability of staying in the tolerance field ΔP=96% is reached, and feed discharge Q ranges from 540 to 660 kg hE−1. The research makes it possible to develop a feeding device at the design stage, meeting the requirements of the recipe, having high discharge rates and the lowest energy consumption.
Show more [+] Less [-]Total content of phenolics and antioxidant activity in crispbreads with plant by-product addition
Konrade, D., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia). Faculty of Food Technology | Klava, D., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia). Faculty of Food Technology
The objective of this study is to investigate the stability of total phenolic content (TPC) and antioxidant activity after high temperature and short time (HTST) extrusion cooking of a wheat and rice-based crispbreads with addition of apple, carrot and pumpkin by-products obtained after juice extraction and dried. Raw materials for crispbread production were wheat flour, rice flour, wheat bran (72%, 24% and 4% respectively) with addition of microwave–vacuum dried by-product powder in different amount (5%, 10%, 15%, 20%). Extrusion process was performed by using a laboratory singlescrew extruder GÖTTFERT 1 screw Extrusiometer L series (Germany). Total phenolic content (TPC) was determined using the Folin Ciocalteu method. Antioxidant activity was evaluated by free radical 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) antioxidant scavenging activity using a modified colorimetric method. Comparing different raw formulations, it was observed that the TPC of the apple by-product flour was significantly higher (p is less than 0.05) than in carrot and pumpkin flour. TPC in cereal-based crispbread was 36.06±1.15 before extrusion and 13.90±1.01 mg GAEgE-1 DW (milligram Gallic acid equivalent per 100 g of dry weight (mg GAE 100 gE−1 DW) after extrusion. Addition of apple BPF increased TPC in crispbreads to 106.25±2.08, carrot BPF 84.73±3.45 and pumpkin BPF to 108.82±1.04 mg GAEgE−1 DW. Antioxidant activity of control sample was 1.07±0.01mg TE (Trolox equivalents) gE−1 DW but in samples with addition of 20% apple by-products, it reached 3.77±0.02 TE gE−1 DW for samples with 20% carrot by-products reached 2.52±0.03TE gE−1 DW and for samples with 20% pumpkin by-products reached 3.77±0.02 TE gE−1 DW.
Show more [+] Less [-]Potatoes as wheat flour substitute in gluten-free pastry cream
Kince, Tatjana | Zilinska, Elina | Galoburda, Ruta | Tomsone, Lolita | Straumite, Evita | Goldmanis, Juris | Sabovics, Martins
Pastry cream contains wheat flour, which is not suitable for celiac patients who require a gluten-free diet. Potatoes are known as a good source of starch, minerals and vitamins. They also contain protein, dietary fibre and various phytochemicals. Their addition to pastry cream can both serve as a texturizing agent and enrich the nutritional value of the final product. This study aimed to evaluate the suitability of potatoes as a replacement for wheat flour in pastry cream. For study purposes, the physicochemical attributes of eleven potato varieties were evaluated. Among other varieties, the boiled potato variety Gala exhibited higher fibre, fat, phosphorus and potassium content; however, significantly higher protein (12.48 ± 0.08 g 100 gE−1 DW) and iron (3.12 ± 0.02 g 100 gE−1 DW) content. Higher antiradical activity (18.72 ± 0.74 mM TE 100E−1 g DW) was detected in potatoes of the variety Blue Congo. After preliminary investigation, wheat flour was replaced with mashed potatoes, making up 30% of the cream weight, and its impact on the pastry cream was studied. It was established that potatoes had a significant effect on pastry cream colour and texture. American Rose, Imanta, Rigonda and Viviana were selected as the most suitable from the eleven varieties tested. The addition of potatoes in pastry cream doubled its fibre and potassium content, whereas, other changes in nutritional value of the creams were variety dependent.
Show more [+] Less [-]Sensory and textural properties of frozen muffins prepared with cottage cheese and tofu
Klava, Dace | Straumite, Evita | Jansone, Liene | Sedmalis, Andris
Muffin is a flour confectionery product with an elastic texture. Nowadays, vegetable products are replacing traditional dairy products more often in the food sector. Tofu, which is a quintessential soy protein product, is one of the alternatives for making vegan products. The aim of this research was to determine the influence of defrosting processes to changes of sensory and textural properties of muffins with cottage cheese and its vegan substitutes. Five types of muffins were used in the study – muffin without cottage cheese (control), muffin with cottage cheese, muffin with lactose-free cottage cheese, tofu muffin and tofu chickpea muffin, which were thawed after freezing in two ways (at room temperature and in a microwave oven). For the determination of muffin quality, the Quantitative descriptive method (QDA) was used, and for overall liking, the 7-point hedonic scale and acceptance – Just-about-Right (JAR) method were used. To evaluate physical-chemical and textural analysis, standard methods were used. The method of defrosting muffins – room (ambient) temperature or microwave – has no significant effect (p is greater than 0.05) on the quality and JAR rating of the muffins with cottage cheese and tofu. The obtained results showed that the addition of plant-based protein sources significantly reduces the volume of muffins; the texture of the muffins becomes softer, but stickier. In the process of defrosting using a microwave, the structure of the muffins is drier, softer, whitish, and less sticky, compared to a muffin thawed at 22 °C.
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