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Rhizobium sp. – a Potential Tool for Improving Protein Content in Peas and Faba Beans
Šenberga, Alise | Dubova, Laila | Alsiņa, Ina | Strauta, Liene
Legume seed inoculation prior to sowing is a well-known practice in agriculture. Nitrogen fixation, due to the symbiotic relationship between legumes and rhizobia, improves the productivity of legumes. Rhizobia strain specificity can be observed very often, leading to differences in the total protein content. In this study two faba bean cultivars (‘Karmazyn’ and ‘Bartek’) and five pea cultivars (‘Retrija’, ‘Zaiga’, ‘Lāsma’, ‘Vitra’ and ‘Bartek’) were tested using various rhizobia strains. In addition, strain effectivity was observed in four different soil types. Overall, the protein content increase was observed after seed inoculation with Rhizobium sp. Rhizobia strain and plant cultivar interaction specification was observed. Plant cultivar appeared to have a decisive role in the formation of protein content when inoculated with Rhizobium sp. From these pilot experiments, it can be concluded that, when choosing Rhizobium sp. strains for legume inoculation, soil type also should be considered. Rhizobia has the potential to be used as a commercial preparation intended for increasing legume protein content, alongside with increased legume yield; however, different rhizobia strains should be mixed together to achieve the optimal result.
Show more [+] Less [-]Rhizobium sp. – a potential tool for improving protein content in peas and faba beans
Senberga, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Dubova, L., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Alsina, I., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Strauta, L., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
Legume seed inoculation prior to sowing is a well-known practice in agriculture. Nitrogen fixation, due to the symbiotic relationship between legumes and rhizobia, improves the productivity of legumes. Rhizobia strain specificity can be observed very often, leading to differences in the total protein content. In this study two faba bean cultivars (‘Karmazyn’ and ‘Bartek’) and five pea cultivars (‘Retrija’, ‘Zaiga’, ‘Lāsma’, ‘Vitra’ and ‘Bartek’) were tested using various rhizobia strains. In addition, strain effectivity was observed in four different soil types. Overall, the protein content increase was observed after seed inoculation with Rhizobium sp. Rhizobia strain and plant cultivar interaction specification was observed. Plant cultivar appeared to have a decisive role in the formation of protein content when inoculated with Rhizobium sp. From these pilot experiments, it can be concluded that, when choosing Rhizobium sp. strains for legume inoculation, soil type also should be considered. Rhizobia has the potential to be used as a commercial preparation intended for increasing legume protein content, alongside with increased legume yield; however, different rhizobia strains should be mixed together to achieve the optimal result.
Show more [+] Less [-]Growth and yield of 15-year plantations of pine, spruce and birch in agricultural land
Daugaviete, M., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia) | Lazdins, A., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia) | Lazdina, D., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia) | Makovskis, K., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia) | Daugavietis, U., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia)
The growth data and the potential returns from 15-year-old plantations of pine Pinus sylvestris L. (6 trial sites), spruce Picea abies Karst L. (9 trial sites) and silver birch Betula pendula Roth (13 trial sites), established in abandoned agricultural lands in a variety of soil types (sod calcareous, anthrosols, podzolic, podzols, gley, podzolic gley, alluvial), using the planting density 2,500 and 3,300 and also 5,000 trees/ha are analysed. For tree plantations in agricultural soils (alluvial sod-gley, gley-sod podzolic, sod-podzolic gley, typic podzol) at the survival of 80-98% the stock volume for 15-year pine is as high as 102-155 m**3haE−1 with the volume growth 5.72-8.94 m**3haE−1 per year; the same indices for spruce in agricultural soils (gley sod-calcareous, sodpodzolic, cultivated, sod-podzolic gley, alluvial sod-gley, base-unsaturated brown) are 75-98 m**3haE−1 and 10.26-15.76 m**3haE−1, respectively. For 15-year plantation birch the mentioned indices may vary from 61 to 169 m**3haE−1 and from 7.54 to 29.82 m**3haE−1 per year. The lowest volume growth (4.66 m**3haE−1 per year) is for birch in heavy clay soil (gleyic sod-podzolic), the highest (29.72-29.82 m**3haE−1 per year) – in cultivated soils and pseudogley soil. Plantation cultivation of pine, spruce and birch in agricultural lands may by the age of 15 years yield with a profit such forest products as pulpwood, fire wood and woody biomass. The gross income gained from first commercial thinnings of plantation pine, utilizing pulpwood, fire wood and logging residue biomass, may vary from 679-2267 EUR haE−1, for spruce the same indices are 1644-3272 EUR haE−1, for birch - 683-2188 EUR haE−1.
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