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Ichthyofaunal diversity of Basurabad Beel in regards with threat factors and conservation measures, Bangladesh
Md. Arifur Rahman | Birinchi Mandal | Amit Khamari | Md. Rahamat Ullah | Md. Sazedul Hoque | Md. Abubakkor Siddik | Suprakash Chakma
The present study was conducted to assess the temporal distribution of ichthyofaunal composition of Basurabad beel in Khulna, Bangladesh and investigated the fish biodiversity and core threats to biodiversity to provide recommendations for conservation in the beel. During the study period, total 33 fish species were recorded belonging to 6 orders. The order wise fish species availability was maximum in Perciformes (39.40%) and minimum in Beloniformis (3%). The value of Shannon-Weaver diversity index was found higher in Fultola (1.19±0.41) and lowest in Basurabad (0.68±0.17) while the maximum value of Margalef richness index found in Basurabad (1.12±0.35) and lowest in Debitola (0.68±0.34). The value of Pielou’s evenness index was higher in Boroitola (0.61±0.20) and lowest in Basurabad (0.31±0.16) however the Pielou’s index showed an uneven distribution of fish species in the Basurabad sampling point. The value of Simpson dominance index was higher in Fultola (0.58±0.10) and lowest in Kishmath-Fultola (0.39±0.16). Ten different kinds of fishing gears were identified under 5 major groups in the beel. Among all the gears operated, seine net (Jagat Ber Jal) had the highest catch 31.3±4.1 CC/haul/day/gear (kg) followed by current jal 10.5±2.5 CC/haul/day/gear (kg). This study suggests that comprehensive studies on fisheries biology including reproductive biology, growth, stock assessment and their association with existing laws are essential for the sustainable management and conservation of fish species in the Basurabad beel.
Show more [+] Less [-]Cost-benefit analysis and resource use efficiency of rice production system in different agriculture landscapes in Chitwan district, Nepal
Roshan Dhakal | Sandesh Bhandari | Binod Joshi | Amrit Aryal | Rishi Ram Kattel | Shiva Chandra Dhakal
The study was conducted to determine the cost-benefit analysis and resource use efficiency of the rice production system in different agriculture landscapes in the Chitwan district in 2018. The sample size of 102 rice-growing farmers out of 600 farmers, having an area of farm size greater than 0.5 hectares, was determined using Raosoft Inc. Software. A simple random sampling technique was used to collect 102 rice-growing household information in four municipalities (2 in plain and 2 in hilly area) using a semi-structured questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive and statistical tools including Cobb-Douglas production function. Results showed that the use of inputs like seeds, chemical fertilizer and machinery like tractor were found significantly higher in the plain area whereas the use of inputs like labor, farmyard manure (FYM) and bullocks was found in higher in the hilly area. The costs of fertilizer, machinery, pesticide, and transportation were found higher in the plain area whereas the costs of seed, FYM, labor and bullocks were significantly higher in the hilly area. Production of rice per household was 1.87 ton whereas productivity was 5.2 ton/ha, gross profit was NRs. 41435and benefit-cost ratio was 1.59 in the plain area which was found significantly higher than the hilly area. The return to scale was found to be 0.48 which revealed that inputs used in rice production were ineffectively utilized in which organic fertilizer and labor resource were overused and seed, fertilizer, machinery and bullocks, pesticides and transportation were underused resources. The optimal allocation of these resources will increase the profitability of rice farming.
Show more [+] Less [-]Value chain analysis of Allo (Girardinia diversifolia) in Solukhumbu district of Nepal
Padam Lal Bhandari
Allo (Girardinia diversifolia) is a herbaceous perennial shrub found in subtropical and temperate regions of Nepal. The stem bark of Allo contains fibers with unique strength, smoothness, and silk-like luster. The fiber is used to make clothing since times immemorial. The fiber, thread, and woven clothes are commercially traded in a few districts of Nepal. Residents of hilly areas and ethnic groups have for centuries extracted and spun the fiber to weave durable jackets, porter headbands or straps, fishing nets, ropes, bags, mats, coarse clothing material, and blankets. Therefore, this study was conducted in Solukhombu district using focus group discussion, key informant interview with Allo collectors, and the rapid market survey was conducted with Allo processing enterprises as well as traders at regional to national market hubs in 2018. We found that the exploitation rate of Allo in the study area has been affecting the availability and sustainability of raw material in the natural habitat. This study suggested the need for sustainable management through domestication and proper harvesting technique.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effects of different fertilizers on the growth and yield of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) in summer season in Chitwan, Nepal
Sandesh Bhandari | Subodh Raj Pandey | Kushal Giri | Pratiksha Wagle | Suman Bhattarai | Ram Babu Neupane
An experiment was conducted in the Horticulture Farm of Agriculture and Forestry University to demonstrate the effects of different fertilizers on the yield and yield parameters of okra (var. Arka Anamika). The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) consisting of seven treatments and three replications. The various treatments used in the experiment were goat manure, sesame cake, mustard cake, synthetic fertilizer (NPK), poultry manure, vermicompost and untreated control. The required dose of nitrogen was fulfilled by the fertilizer itself whereas insufficient amount of phosphorous and potassium was fulfilled by addition of single super phosphate and muriate of potash respectively. The fertilizers were applied on the basis of recommendation given by the Nepal Agriculture Research Council (NARC). The effect of poultry manure on number of open flowers and number of fruits at 40 DAS was found superior. The effect of poultry manure on plant height, number of leaves, plant diameter was found superior at 50 DAS. Goat manure produced the superior result on number of open flowers at 50 DAS. Poultry manure on the number of leaves and plant height produced the significant result at 60 DAS. Synthetic fertilizer responded well to number of fruits at 60 DAS. Sesame cake produced the superior results at 70 DAS on number of buds. Poultry manure responded well to all the parameters and produced the yield of 200 qt./ha with the BC ratio of 1.77. This experiment suggests the farmers to use the poultry manure to get the highest economic return. Vermicompost and mustard cake producing the superior and significant yield in this research are not recommended as they have low BC ratio unless effective measures are encouraged to reduce the cost of this fertilizers.
Show more [+] Less [-]Analysis of environmental damage and environmental economic valuation on tropical rain forest destruction in Simalungun Regency, North Sumatera Province, Indonesia
Basuki Wasis | Bambang Hero Saharjo | Muhammad Hafiz Wasis Putra | Bayu Winata
Tropical rain forests in Simalungun Regency, North Sumatra Province, Indonesia have experienced environmental damage due to illegal logging. Illegal logging activities can effect to environmental damage as well as environmental economic losses. This study aimed to analyze soil and environmental damage as well as to assess economic loss of environmental damage due to illegal logging activities in tropical rain forests in Simalungun Regency, North Sumatra Province Indonesia. The method of taking samples and analyzing environmental damage were conducted by purposive sampling. Data from laboratory tests of soil physical, chemical and biological properties were analyzed by statistical tests. The economic valuation method of environmental damage used the Permen LH No. 13 year of 2011, Republic of Indonesian. Illegal logging activities caused environmental damage in tropical rain forests (covering 45.65 ha). Illegal logging had a significant effects toward the bulk density increase, as well as the C-organic decrease. In other hand Illegal logging had a significant effects on sand fraction, total microorganisms, and soil respiration. Based on the environmental economic valuation, the economic loss due to illegal logging on tropical rain forests amounting to IDR 319,799,679,000 ($ 22,842,834.21).
Show more [+] Less [-]Response of maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids to different levels of nitrogen
Reena Sharma | Parbati Adhikari | Jiban Shrestha | Binod Prasad Acharya
Nitrogen is one of the key factors for higher grain production of hybrid maize (Zea mays L.). The use of improved varieties and optimal use of nitrogen (N) fertilizer is important for exploiting yield potential of maize. This work was carried out to evaluate the effects of N rates on grain yield and yield attributing traits of hybrid maize. Two hybrids (RML-86/RML-96 and RML-95/RML-96) and five levels of nitrogen (120, 150, 180, 210 and 240 kg N/ha) were evaluated at research field of National Maize Research Program (NMRP), Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal in spring season of 2017 and 2018. The experiments were conducted in two factorial randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications under rainfed condition. The pooled analysis (2017 and 2018) showed that the highest grain yield 10.5 and 10.5 t/ha were given by hybrids RML86/RML96 and RML95/RML96, respectively with the use of 150 kg N/ha in 2017. The hybrids RML-86/RML-96 and RML-95/RML-96 produced the highest grain yield 7.49 and 7.68 t/ha, respectively with the use of 150 kg N/ha in 2018. The mean grain yield (2017 and 2018) showed that both maize hybrids produced the highest grain yield 10.5 t/ha in 2017 and 7.58 t/ha year in 2018 with the application of 150 kg N/ha. The application of nitrogen fertilizer on grain yield was found significant (P<0.05) in both years. Therefore, the application of 150 kg N/ha has significantly increased grain yield of maize, Therefore, this dose of nitrogen can be recommended for higher maize production in Chitwan, Nepal in spring season under rainfed condition.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effects of integrated weed management practices on the performance of boro rice cultivars
Sadia Tasmin | Md. Abdus Salam | Md. Delwar Hossain
An experiment was conducted during the period from November 2016 through May 2017 to evaluate the effect of integrated weed management practices on weed suppression and on the performance of boro rice cultivars. The experiment consisted of two cultivars viz., BRRI dhan28 and BRRI dhan29 along with eight different weed management practices. Cultivar did not exert any significant effect on weed density and dry weight. Integrated weed management practices exerted significant effect on weed density and dry weight. The highest weed dry weight was observed in no weeding treatment and lowest one was recorded in application of pre-emergence herbicide followed by one hand weeding at 35 DAT. BRRI dhan28 × no weeding treatment produced the highest weed dry weight and BRRI dhan28 × application of pre-emergence herbicide followed by one HW produced the lowest weed dry weight at different DATs. BRRI dhan28 produced higher grain and straw yields than BRRI dhan29. The highest grain yield was obtained from application of pre-emergence herbicide followed by one hand weeding at 35 DAT. BRRI dhan28 × application of pre-emergence herbicide followed by one HW at 35 DAT produced the highest grain yield and the lowest grain yield was resulted from BRRI dhan28 × no weeding treatment. From the study it may be concluded that BRRI dhan28 × application of pre-emergence herbicide followed by one HW at 35 DAT may be recommended for controlling weeds effectively and for getting the highest grain yield in boro rice.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effects of organic and inorganic fertilizer combination with insect netting on the production of Indian spinach (Basella alba L.)
M. Mishu Akther | M. Ashraful Islam | M. Saidee Rahman | M. Habibur Rahman | Dilip Nandwani
Best horticulture management has been practiced to reduce the quantity of inorganic fertilizer applications with insect net for higher production of Indian spinach (Basella alba L.). The experiment was conducted at the Horticulture Farm of Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh during February to May, 2016. Two factors experiment were conducted on insect nettings (Factor A): control (N0), Netting (N1) and different fertilizers (Factor B): control (F0), Vermicompost 10 t/ha (F1), Vermicompost 15 t/ha (F2), 2/3rdof F2+ 1/3rdof F4 (F3), Inorganic fertilizer (F4). Combination of insect net and combined of organic and inorganic fertilizers (N1F3) gave the significantly higher growth and yield of Indian spinach (B. alba) compared to other treatment combination. The maximum vine length (77.71 cm), after 45 days after sowing was found in N1F3 and it was 72% higher vine length of Indian spinach compared to control. The highest yield of Indian spinach was 38.67 t/ha in N1F3 which was, 80% higher yield compared to control (7.77 t/ha). The treatment combination of N1F3 provided maximum leaf numbers per plant and leaf length of Indian spinach. Organic and inorganic fertilizer application together where reduced amount of inorganic fertilizer technology for crop production can be practiced as a sustainable technology for better growth, yield and quality of a plant, also to improve the soil health and environment in long run.
Show more [+] Less [-]Long-term fertilization effect on yield and land productivity of rice-wheat cropping system of Bangladesh
Fahamida Akter | Md. Mizanur Rahman | Md. Ashraful Alam
A factorial study was carried out at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University to determine the effect of long term fertilization on yield performance of T. aman rice and wheat. The experimental plot received different organic manures for the last 26 years (1988-2014). The organic manure cowdung, compost, green manure and rice straw were applied at the rate of 25, 25, 7.5 and 1.5 t ha-1, respectively in a yearly sequence. Three levels of nitrogen viz., 0, 75 and 100 kg ha-1for rice and 0, 80 and 120 kg ha-1 for wheat were applied. Application of nitrogen fertilizer along with organic manure significantly increased yield of rice and wheat .The highest rice grain yield was found in 2014 under the N75 and no manure treatment, which was 6.48 t ha-1 whereas grain yield of wheat was found maximum in 2008 from the interaction of N120 and rice straw application where yield was recorded 5.25 t ha-1. In rice-wheat cropping sequence, the plots that received no nitrogen, LPI value was less than 2 (0.80) in the observed years. When the plots were treated with nitrogen fertilizer showed LPI values > 2 in 2008, 2009, 2012 and 2013, which indicates the trend of higher productivity of land due to long term fertilization. The maximum sustainable yield index was found in rice (0.69)> wheat (0.40) with 100 kg ha-1 and 120 kg ha-1 N treatment respectively. So, Long term fertilization strategy can be effective way to improve the yield, land productivity and sustainable yield index of rice and wheat through rescheduling the rates of organic and inorganic fertilizers that ensure balanced supply of plant nutrients.
Show more [+] Less [-]Assessment of soil and water quality as affected by herbicide application in the rice field of Bangladesh
Md. Rashedur Rahman | Iffat Ara Mahzabin | Md. Tofazzal Hossain
Weed is a vital constraint for crop especially rice cultivation. Among several techniques herbicidal weed control is thought to be efficient and cost effective method. But herbicide may change soil or water quality in rice field. Taking this into consideration a study was conducted to assess soil and water quality in herbicide applied rice field. The study was conducted in two phases. In first phase a list of herbicide was made according to the uses by the local farmers of Mymensingh district. It was found that among the herbicides wide used two herbicides were i. Laser (Pyrazosulphuron ethyl-10 WP) and ii. Changer (Acetachlor-14% + Bensulfuron methyl-4%). In the second phase, an experiment was conducted at Agronomy Field Laboratory, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh considering these two herbicides. It was found that the application of herbicide in the rice field did not change the nutrient content in the soil or water of rice field. But herbicide significantly reduced the microbial activity and increased the chlorine content (In case of herbicide 2 i.e. Acetachlor-14% + Bensulfuron methyl-4%) in both soil and water of rice field. Therefore, it can be concluded that though the nutrient content of the soil of rice field is not significantly affected by herbicide application but the presence of high amount of Cl content in the rice field may cause burning injury of rice leaf at the early stages of its growth which could affect the yield of rice.
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