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Îmbunătăţirea sistemului de depistare şi control a defoliatorului Lymantria monacha L. [Research on Lymantria monacha aiming to improve the monitoring system used for this pest]
Mihalciuc V | Mircioiu L | Mihalciuc A
Researches have been conducted during the last 5 years. The main studied topics were: the efficiency of different kind of traps, the position of the trap on the tree, the dynamics of captures and the influence of the local factors (biotic - birds and abiotic - whether) on it, as well as possibility to use the wing colour for prognosis of population trend. Funnel traps caught 5 times more none males than panel traps used to day for monitoring of this pest. The plate traps set up downstream on the stem of trees caught 10-20 % more males than those set up upstream. The moth flight begins during the second or third decade of July and lasts until the middle of September, but the most buterflies have been caught until middle of August. The insect eating birds consumed about 30-40 % of none males captured on the plate traps. The rate of consumption increased after a period of bird adaptation to the new source of food. In the studied area, 98 % of captured moth had light wing colour, which corresponds to a very low level of population. The density of population is favourable influenced by maximum temperature in May and negatively influenced by rainfall during the flight as well as by annual drought index. Fluctuations of population level occured, but no outbreak began during the last 25 years.
Show more [+] Less [-]110 ani de cercetare ştiinţifică silvică în Bucovina
Cenușă R
A 3-a reuniune a comitetului de conducere al proiectului COST ACTION E16: BAWBILT
Olenici N
Starea de sănătate a răşinoaselor din Bucovina în ultimele decenii
Simionescu A | Negură A
Evoluţia conceptului privind cercetarea şi integrarea acesteia cu producţia
Duran V
Probleme de politică forestieră la nivel comunal în Franţa
Teușan A
Fotointerpretarea unor aspecte hidrologice în bazinele hidrografice mici din zona montană
Iacobescu O
Un model al variaţiei în raport cu vârsta a infradensităţii medii a trunchiului arborilor de molid [A model of variation depending on age of the mean of the trunk infradensity for spruce trees]
Horodnic S
The paper presents the results of the research carried out in even-aged spruce stands regarding the density of wood. This research brought up some unknown aspects that can be considered as new contributions concerning the variation way of wood density, one of the most important wood quality components. Using an original method to determine the infradensity and a special methodology for data treatment, it was possible to establish a model predicting intratree variation of wood infradensity based on the relationship between this characteristic and the cambial age, ring width and relative height on the trunk of spruce trees.
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