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Premiul Schweighofer, un Nobel al lemnului
Redactia Bucovina Forestiera
Doborâturile de vânt, motiv de silvicultură de factură ecologică la nivel european
Teușan A | Teușan Ș.M
Deciziile amenajistice ca procese ierarhizate [Managerial decisions as hierarchical analytic processes]
Drăgoi M
The paper deals with a step-wise HAP, applied by a group of decision makers, wherein nobody has a dominant position and it is unlikely to come to terms with respect to either the weights of different objectives or expected utilities of different alternatives. One of HAP outcome, namely the consistency index, is computed for each decision maker, for all other decision makers but that one, and for the whole group. Doing so, the group is able to assess to which extent each decision maker alters the group consistency index and a better consistency index could be achieved if the assessment procedure is being resumed by the most influential decision maker in terms of consistency. A case study is used to demonstrate how the step-wise process succeeds in improving the group's consistency index and how the weights of criteria are being changed during the negotiation process. The main contribution of the new approach is the algorithm presented in the figure of the paper where the condition to stop the process might be either a threshold value for the consistency index, or a given number of iterations per group or per person.
Show more [+] Less [-]Grupul Şcolar Silvic Câmpulung Moldovenesc în prag de semicentenar
Cuciurean C
Terminologia întrebuinţată la plutăria lemnelor pe Bistriţa
Ciupală I
Biodiversitatea şi regenerarea arboretelor
Giurgiu V
Modelarea distribuţiei pe categorii de diametre a numărului de arbori vătămaţi de cervide din arborete de molid [Modelling the deer damage trees distribution on the diameter classes within the spruce stands]
Vlad R
The paper presents the result of the research carried out in even-aged spruce stands, regarding to the deer damaged tree distribution on the diameter classes. The main studied topics were: correlation between the frequency of the deer damages and the Charlier distribution; regression equations witch represent relation between the Charlier distribution parameters (standard deviation, asymmetry, kurtosis) and the frequency of the deer damages; structural models of the deer damaged tree distribution on the diameter classes correlated with the frequency of the deer damages; validation of the theoretical model. Using an original method, it was possible to establish a model predicting the deer damaged tree distribution on the diameter classes, based on the relationship between frequency of the deer damages and stand age in spruce forests. This research brought up some unknown aspects that can be considered as new contributions concerning scientific basis for the sustainable forest management in mountains ecosystems affected by disturbances factors.
Show more [+] Less [-]Protejarea puieţilor de răşinoase împotriva atacului de Hylobius abietis prin îmbăiere în Supersect 10EC şi Nu-Film 17 [Protection of conifer seedlings against pine weevil (Hylobius abietis) feeding by dipping into Supersect 10EC and Nu-Film 17 before planting]
Olenici N | Olenici V
Protection of seedlings afforded by Supersect 10EC alone and Supersect 10EC mixed with NuFilm 17 against pine weevil feeding was evaluated in field experiments in northern part of Romania. The seedlings, mainly of Norway spruce, but also European larch and Black pine, have been treated by dipping into insecticide solution (1 % Supersect or 1 % Supersect plus 1 % Nu-Film) just before planting of the seedlings in three new clear-cutting areas. The efficacy of the treatment was evaluated after 3-5 months. The frequency of attack in Norway spruce seedlings was reduced by 21.4-61.1% when Supersect was used together with Nu-Film, but only by 0-35.5 % when it was used alone. For the same species, the intensity of attack was diminished by 62.4-83,2 % when the treatment was done with Supersect and Nu-Film, and by 48.7-63.3 % when it was used only Supersect. For the other two species, the efficacy of treatment was generally lower. The tests showed that in new clear-cuttings, where the weevil population level is very high and the weevils are active for a long time, the treatment could be efficiently enough only during the first 2- 3 months especially during the years with rainy weather. Consequently, additional protective measure should be applied in such situations. In order to achieve a good efficiency, the stems of the seedlings should be clear and dry before the treatment, and after the treatment the seedlings should be protected against the rain until the insecticide dries up on them. Higher concentrations of insecticides could give better results, but this should be proved in other tests.
Show more [+] Less [-]Cartarea teritoriului României în raport cu lungimea medie a perioadelor de secetă şi uscăciune [Mapping of the Romanian teritory in relation with the average lenght of periods with drought and aridity]
Barbu I | Popa I
The knowledge of natural risk of occurrence of drought period represents a necessity for the foundation of afforests technologies and silvicultural operations. The idea of synthesis is in the book of H. Walter (1974) and is based on the using of climatic diagrams type Walter - Leith for the delimitation of drought climate of Romania (Donița, 1967; Barbu și Cenușă 1975). Walter (1974) consider that the period·in which the precipitation curve at P = 2T scale is under the temperature curve is a drought period and the period in which the precipitation curve at P = 3T scale is under the temperature curve is a aridity period. The delimitation of drought zone on the base of climatic diagrams type Walter-Leith (P < 2T) and aridity zone (P < 3T) in function of length of drought period or aridity period was made on basis of the analysis of the means from 27 weather station. The greatest correlation was found between the numbers of drought (aridity) days and the annual mean precipitation or station (r = -0.82). The maximum number or days with drought is registered in the regions with precipitations smaller that 400 mm /year and is great that 50 day or drought and 150 day of aridity. and the minimum in the regions with Pma greater that 600 mm /years. Practically in these regions the drought is missing and the number of aridity days is lower than 50 days/year. The multiple regression between number of drought days (aridity) and the geographic (altitude, latitude, longitude) and climate parameters (Tma, Pma) were established. Nu = 245 - 0.015AIt - 3,52Lat + 0,67Long - 0,37Pma + 1 0,6 Tma (R multiple = 0,88; R2 = 0,78); Ns = 102,4 - 0,15Alt - 0,034Lat + 1,92Long - 0,36Pm + 13,89 Tma (R multiple = 0,915; R2 = 0,838). The multiple correlation coefficients calculated have very significant values. This permit the graphical representation or number of drought days (aridity) in relation with 2-5 geographical parameters using geostatistical analysis.
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