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Metodă pentru determinarea gradului de exercitare a funcţiilor ecoprotective în păduri [Method for the estimation of the degree of ecoprotective function of the forests]
Cenușă R | Barbu I
The sustainable management of the forests must accomplish both main functions: conservation of the production capacity and the ecological service of the socio-economical activities nearby. This functions are produced by every specific stand at different level. For these evaluation, some parameters are used: diversity, stability and the forest continuity. First (Cd) is computed as function of the diversity of species (Cd1), of forest types (Cd2) and of the age structure (Cd3) (formule 4). The stability index (Cst) is computed as function of Cst1 - the stability coefficient of the stands with reduced resilience to disturbance factors and Cst3 of the stand with high resilience; p1, p3 - percentage of the stands in classes of resilience 1 and 3 (formule 5). The continuity index (Cc) depends by Ci - the weight of the silvicultural treatment and pi - percentage of forest area managed with the treatment i. On the basis of these indices, is computed the degree of acomplishing of the function (formule 6). The results permit evaluation of the intensity of the function, as follow: 100-150 - very weak, 160-250 - weak, 260-350 - medium, 360-450 - good and 450-550 - very good. The methos is easy to use based on the data from forest management plans (FMP). Computed for different periods (every 10 years the FMP are revised), the method permit a good evaluation of the forest management quality to assure the sustainable ecological services of the forests.
Show more [+] Less [-]“Cronica unei morţi anunţate”*
Redactia Bucovina Forestiera
Certificarea în silvicultură văzută în lumina a două aniversări
Teușan A | Teușan Ș
Aspecte privind diversitatea şi succesiunea în ecosisteme forestiere marginale (Dealul Radu) din Obcinele Bucovinei [Aspects regarding the diversity and succesion in marginal ecosystems (Dealul Radu) from the North of Eastern Carpathians]
Cenușă R | Teodosiu M | Cenușă E
The study is performed in marginal ecosystems from the Northern part of Eastern Carpathians. Aim of the study was sustained by some reasons: (i) the presence of Carpinus betulus, Fraxinus betulus and Tilia cordata in an area where these are not typicaly; (ii) favorable ecological conditions which have promoted the conservation of, after glacial age species (Carpinus betulus). The evaluation of the main characteristics regarding the diversity was performed using specific indices and the study of the succesion included assertions regarding geology and soil, insolation and from hystorical books related to the study area. Relationship between diversity and succesion suggest the presence of the initial stages, sustained by some characteristic species: Crategus monogyna, Corylus avellana, Malus sylvestris etc. Some future possible pathways of succesion, function of the land use, are presented.
Show more [+] Less [-]Primul anunţ privind organizarea celui de-al 11-lea “Simpozion Internaţional al Bradului”, Poiana Braşov, septembrie 2005
Barbu I
Analiza comparativă a concentraţiilor ionilor metalici în condiţiile utilizării de aparatură de laborator diferită [The comparison between the concentrations of metallic ions obtained in the same laboratory using different apparatus]
Iacoban C | Barbu I | Macoveanu M
In the framework of ICP Forests, within the period 1997-1999, the concentrations of Na and Mg in precipitation samples collected in open field and under the wood canopy were determined in the laboratory of ICAS Campulung by atomic absorption spectrophotometry, using a spectrophotometer produced in Romania in 1980. The concentrations of Ca and K for the same period and samples were determined by flame ionization, using an apparatus produced in Est Germany in 1970. Beginning with 2000 untill 2004, the concentrations of the four metallic ions were determined only by atomic absorbtion spectophotometry, using a spectrophotometer produced in USA in 1975 and donate to the laboratory of ICAS Campulung by INRA Nancy. In order to provide the comparability of the results obtained in time, the detection limits obtained were compared and 38 samples were analysed in parallel with the specific apparatus used within the two periods of mesurements. The detection limit was the same for Mg, but much lower for Na (twice), K (tree times) and Ca (ten times) with the apparatus used in 2000-2004 than that used in 1997-1999. The lowest deviations were obtain for Mg (< ∓ 20%) and Na ((< ∓ 30), because for these ions was used the same method (atomic absorption spectrophotometry), but different apparatus. For K and Ca were used different methods (flame ionization and respectively, atomic absorption spectrophotometry) and apparatus, so the deviations were higher ( up to ∓ 100 and respectively up to ∓ 40%).
Show more [+] Less [-]Conferinţa internaţională “Impactul secetei şi valului de căldură în 2003 asupra pădurilor” – Freiburg, Germania, 15-22 noiembrie 2004
Barbu I
Regulament pentru funcţionarea ocoalelor silvice experimentale
Redactia Bucovina Forestiera
Fenologia – dezvoltare şi perspective. O sinteză [Phenology - development and perspectives. A synthesis]
Teodosiu M | Mateescu E
The paper presents to the Romanian readers a state of art regarding the main aspects of the phenology, based on a wide sources of scientific literature, both foreign and Romanian. Thus, it is performed a general view of the phenology development - including historical aspects, activity of the main (European) national and international networks. A short history of the Romanian phenology - from the first known references until present - both about the phenology of the cultivated and forest species - as the programme of observations are coordinated by National Meteorological Administration (A.N.M.) and Forest Research and Management Institute (I.C.A.S.), respectively - is presented too. The must important aspects of data collecting and processing - i.e. influence factors, methodologies used, phenology and remote sensing, the use of modelling in phenology - are resumed. A special attention received the relationship phenology - climate change, as a new and useful application of the present and historical phenological records.
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