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Structura unor arborete exploatabile din regiunea de munte [Structure of some exploitable forest stands from the mountainous area]
Prodan M
The paper presents one of the first scientific works of the prof. dr. dr. h. c. Michail Prodan, published in the Romanian forestry journal “Viaţa forestieră” (“The forestry life”), in 1940, before starting his prodigious career in Germany. The used data - as in some of his next papers - are from the forest inventories performed in the forest districts of the Romanian Orthodox Religion Found from Bucovina (Eastern Carpathians) with the occasion of the forest management plans renewal. Some details: (natural, almost primeval) forest stands between 100-200 years, pure or mixed from species Norway spruce, Silver fir, Beech, in total 200,000 records. The analyzed stands were grouped based on Feistmantel class fertility and the basic analysis were the distribution of tree diameters, for these tree species and fertility classes. were computed the theoretical distribution for the diameter classes, using the Charlier approach
Show more [+] Less [-]Caracteristici biometrice ale coroanelor arborilor de molid din arborete echiene de productivitate superioară [Biometrical characteristics of the Norway spruce crowns from even aged stands of high productivity]
Cenușă R | Barbu I
The paper presents the research results concerning the values of some parameters from Bucovina Forestierã XIII, 1-2 Articole de cercetare 12 Norway spruce stands from the Northern part of Eastern Carpathians (Suceava County). Were analyzed sample plots and sample trees from even aged stands of high productivity resulted from plantations, of 30, 50, 70 and 90 years. The main parameters presented were: percent of the trees, crown form and dimensions, green crown length, crown volume, crown weight and specific weight, green crown density, weight of the main crown components (needles, branches with needles, and branches without needles) in relation with stand age, Kraft classes and crown portion (upper, middle, lower). Information about the relative position of the crown weight center (as % from height) is provided too. For some of these characteristics, linear models (regressions with DBH and height) are presented
Show more [+] Less [-]De la arborele anului (2004) în Germania la Simpozionul Internaţional al Bradului (2005) din România
Barbu I
Frecvenţa precipitaţiilor acide în ecosisteme forestiere din România în perioada 1998-2004 [Frequency of acid rains in Romanian forest ecosystems in period 1998-2004]
Iacoban C
Considering that “acid rain” is a rain with pH<5,5, the frequency of months with acid rains in open field and under the wood canopy was studied in forest ecosystems located in North of Romania (coniferous) and South Romania (decidous), for the period 1998-2004. The results allowed to establish that the decidous stands have a greater capacity than the coniferous stands to reduce frecquency of months with acid rains under the canopy, compared with those from the open field. A statistical tendency of increasing for the frequency of month with acid rain in the open field was observed at sites located at more than 1000 m altitude. For the studied period (1998-2004), this frequency grew each year with about 8 % at Rarau (1100 m) and Fundata (1460 m). In time, this tendency may produce the cation leaching and may determine the reduction of the growing process of trees. At altitudes lower than 800 m, the frequency of month with acid rain in the open field did not register any tendency or registered a tendency of decrease (at Stefanesti, located at altitude <100 m)
Show more [+] Less [-]Motivul codrului în poezia lui Mihai Eminescu
Jucan G
Strategie sau program silvic naţional ? Probleme de politică forestieră [Forestry strategy or national forestry program? Problems of forest policy]
Teușan A
The paper present some approaches regarding the methods for the application of a sustainable forest management in forests, with some examples from the experiences of the Baden-Würtenberg land from Germany, which can be useful for the Roma-nian forestry. Are discussed the results of a sociological investigation conducted at the level of the main institutions with aims in forestry from Romania (Forest Direction from the Ministry, The Environment Department, Forest Research and Management Institute, two faculties of forestry, Nation Institute of Wood, National Forest Department, some NGO), the aim of the research being the identification of the pu-blic perception regarding the forest functions, especially form the point of view of production/protection: 79% from the peoples consider on the first place the protection functions, followed by 60% - recreation and 9% - the wood production as the main forest function
Show more [+] Less [-]Prolegomenă pentru o silvicultură a Bucovinei [Prolegomena for a Bucovina`s forestry]
Bândiu C
Bucovina is a Romanian region which has a long forestry tradition, also with influences from the German and Austrian silviculture. In this area were some reference points for the Romanian silviculture: the first published Romanian Forestry Law, and the Romanian Orthodox Religion Found from Bucovina - which managed around 200,000 ha of forest - the biggest compact forested area from the Austrian Monarchy managed, at that time, in a proper way. The paper proposes some tasks for the future ecological sustainable management of the forests from this area: reintroduction of the beech, according with the site natural fundamental typology (having as argument also the name of the region, which could be translated also as the Beech Country), forest management with a more developed aesthetical and social component, and also taking into account the present approaches regarding the ecological silviculture.
Show more [+] Less [-]Stadiul aplicării legilor retrocedării privitoare la păduri [Present state of the forest retrocession laws application]
Nichiforel G
The paper is an extensive presentation of the statistics data concerning the forests, at global, European and Romanian level, with emphasis on the application of forest retrocession laws in Romania in the period 1990-2004. For documentation were used published data and information summarized at the level of Ministry of Agriculture, Forests and Rural Development. Are presented the results of application for the basic laws and other official documents regarding retrocession (law 18/1991, law 1/2000), including the situation of the bald lands and data about the administration of private forests. Until 2004, 2,039,919 ha of forests were transferred to the private property (342,606 as result of law 18/1991 and 1,697,313 ha due to the law 1/2000). Regarding the forest property, 4,328,147 ha are state forests, 497,715 ha are private forests resulted from owners association, 796,715 ha are forests of some administrative units, 69,610 ha - forests of the religious and education units and 676,019 ha forests of single private owners
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