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Влияние препарата Лактофильтрум, энтеросорбента СВ - 2, их комплекса и энротима 10% на динамику показателей перекисного окисления липидов и гематологических показателей при гастроэнтеритах поросят
Abramov, S.S. | Velikanov, V.V. | Malkov, A.A., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Lapina, V.A., National Academy of Sciences, Minsk (Belarus). The B.I. Stepanov Inst. of Physics
Investigation of method of gastroenteritis treatment of stores by means of application of enterosorbents was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. For the experiment there was used preparation Lactofiltrum containing 80% of hydrolyzed lignin and 20% of lactulose applied in dose of 0,3 g/kg once a day during 7 days. Efficiency of application of Lactofiltrum was compared with enterosorbent SV-2, which contained alcaline hydrolyzed lignin applied in dose of 1 g/kg once a day during 7 days. Four experimental groups piglets sick with gastroenteritis in the age of 1,5-2 months, with body weight of 15-17 kg were used in the experiment. The first group piglets were entered 0,3 g/kg body mass of Lactofiltrum once a day during 7 days. The second group piglets were entered enterosorbent SV-2 in dose of 1 g/kg in course of 7 days. For the piglets of the third group there was applied the complex of analysed preparations in same course of treatment. The fourth group of piglets was entered enrotim 10% in dose of 1 ml/ 20 kg of body mass. All animals had the same conditions of feeding and keeping. Research results showed that application of Lactofiltrum, SV-2 and their complex provided high antioxidative, detoxification, gepathoprotective activities. These preparations proved to be effective means of pathogenetic therapy for the treatment of gastroenteritis of piglets, both as individual preparations, and complex application. Comparative estimation of treatment methods of gastroenteritis showed that these preparations (except enrotim 10%) made it possible to regulate the metabolic processes due to elimination of intoxication, positive influence on hematopoiesis. The preparations lowered the duration of clinic manifestation of a disease and facilitated its duration, had gepathoprotective and antioxidative activity
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Разработка методики количественной real-time ПЦР для идентификации вируса инфекционного ринотрахеита крупного рогатого скота
Maksimovich, V.V. | Krasochko, P.P. | Kvach, S.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Data on working out a quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for revealing of virus of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus was presented. The development of the qualitative PCR was realized in the following stages: analysis of viral genome and selection of primers; synthesis of primers and control of their specificity; optimization of conditions for PCR; obtaining of positive control and determination of its concentration; obtaining and testing of probe and optimization of its concentration for PCR; testing of the developed method and determination of sensitivity. The obtained method made it possible to determine not only presence of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, but also its initial amount in sample. Due to application of probe constructed in accordance with molecular beacon technology the presented method proved to be highly specific. That was connected with the fact that fluorescence was registered only when the probe connected to complementary part of DNA, in other case the result was negative. Research results showed that the sensitivity of the given procedure made it possible to define in a sample presence of a virus with concentration 2 lg that corresponded to 2 DNA copies
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Диагностика и лечение аэрозолями вирусных респираторных инфекций овец
Murzaliev, I.Dzh., Kyrgyz Agrarian University, Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan) | Prudnikov, V.S., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Results of serological examinations of blood serum of sheep on revelation of virus respiratory infections (parainfluenza-3, adenovirus and respiratory syncytial) realized in the conditions of the Kyrgyz Republic were presented. Research results showed that in farm and peasant farm holdings of all studied districts of the Kyrgyz Republic of three types of pneumo viral infections simultaneously give high levels of antibody titers in relation to parainfluenza-3 – 1:128, adenovirus – 1:32, respiratory syncytial infection – 1:16. In some districts sheep population was diseased only by parainfluenzal infection in relation with titer of specific antibodies 1:256
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Определение безвредности и относительной биологической ценности рыбы при нематозах и цестодозах с использованием инфузорий Tetrahymena pyriformis
Babina, M.P. | Koshnerov, A.G. | Tsarikov, A.A., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
The methods and results of determination of safety and relative biological value of carps (Cyprinus carpio) with philometroidosis and breams (Abramis brama) with ligulosis depending on infestation intensity with application of test-object Tetrahymena pyriformis realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus were presented. Research results showed that lowering of reproduction degree of protozoan on 20-30% could testify to the presence of light toxicity. Suppression of infusoria reproduction up to 30% with the simultaneous lowering of actions activity, disturbance of its character and availability up to 10% of inflected cells could testify on the moderate degree of toxicity. Lowering of infusoria reproduction degree on 30-50% with the simultaneous presence of 10-20% of cells with the affected character of motion, form and dead testified to evident toxicity of products. Lowering of infusoria toxicity on 50% and higher, presence of cysts, distorted cells, and ghosts testified to high product toxicity. Research results established that in case of high invasion intensity meat of carp philometroidosis had low toxicity (2 points). Meat of breams with ligulosis and moderate invasion intensity had low toxicity level (2 points), and in case high invasion intensity – moderate (3 points). The relative biological value in case of philometroidosis was on 13,29-28,41% lower in comparison with meat of healthy carps, and in case of ligulosis - on 18,66-57,29% in comparison with healthy breams meat
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Влияние ионизирующего излучения и иммобилизационного стресса на содержание прогестерона в сыворотке крови крыс
Babina, T.V. | Naumov, A.D., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Results of studies of peculiar properties of progesterone content in blood serum of outbred female rats under the influence of intensive ionizing radiation against the background of stress stimulation realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus were presented. There were the following animal groups: 1. controlled rats; 2. irradiated rats; 3. stressed animals; 4. rats subjected to ionizing radiation and stress. Research results showed that concentration of progesterone in serum blood of female rats in 3 days after immobilized stress decreased on 40% in comparison with the control indexes. More intensive decreasing of hormone level took place after irradiation in dose of 1 Gy (on 62% in comparison with the controlled group). Combine activity of ionizing radiation and stress involved the decreasing of hormone concentration on 25% in comparison with the controlled group. In ten days there was the restoration of changes. Increase of progesterone concentration in blood serum took place in all tested groups. Hormone level in blood serum of irradiated rats increased on 46,04 nmol/l in comparison with results of the third day after irradiation. Hormone level in blood serum of stressed animals increased on 11,63 nmol/l, in group subjected to the combined activity of ionizing radiation and stress – on7,65nmol/l. On the thirtieth day the indexes of progesterone concentration in blood serum of irradiated rats, stressed rats and rats subjected to ionizing radiation and stress were almost similar to the control indexes
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Обменные нарушения у телят при респираторном синдроме
Kovzov, V.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Determination of degree and relations between derangements of metabolic processes in calves with respiratory syndrome in the milking period was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. Research results showed that the calves with the respiratory syndrome had expressed metabolic processes disturbances, which were marked in the analyzed biochemical blood indexes (total protein; albumins; urea; creatinine; glucose; cholesterin; triglycerids; bilirubin; ALP; AAT; SGPT; calcium; phosphorous; magnesium; iron; manganese; cobalt; cuprum; zinc). In calves with respiratory syndrome there was noted the increased content of crude protein in blood serum (71,42 +/- 2,57 g/l P less than 0,05), low urea level (3,08 +/- mmol/l). There was the increased level of creatine (574,11 +/- 65,26 mkmol/l; P less than 0,01) and bilirubin (8,11 +/- 1,15 mkmol/l; P less than 0,05). Glucose concentration in blood of diseased calves was at below standard level (3,49 +/- 0,69 mmol/l). Glucose indexes varied and were changing during a day; and depended on muscular activity, intervals between feeding and hormonal regulation. Diseased calves had high cholesterol level in blood serum (4,07 +/- 0,34 mmol/l; P less than 0,05), which was stated in case of liver disease and hypothyroidism. Phosphor level was higher than the standard indexes of healthy calves (2,85 +/- 0,03 and 2,05 +/- 0,05, respectively). Content of magnesium, cobalt and zinc in blood of the diseased calves was lower than in healthy ones. Calves with respiratory pathology had protein, fat, hydro-carbonic and mineral metabolic processes
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Профилактика сезонных нарушений обменных процессов у высокопродуктивных коров
Kovzov, V.V. | Baranovskij, A.A., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus the seasonal derangements of metabolic processes at high-producing cows usually take place in the period from March till May. Analysis of efficiency of application of national preparation CMP (complex-mineral preparation -iron (15 mg/ml); iodine (6,8 mg/ml); magnesium (6,0 mg/ml); selenium (0,32 mg/ml) and vitamin preparation Trivitim (vitamin A – 30000 IU; , vitamin D – 40000 IU; vitamin E – 20 mg) for the preserving of high milking yielding capacity and prevention of metabolic processes disorders was realized. Four groups of high productive cows were formed. First group was entered 10 ml of CMP intramuscular; cows of the second group were entered 10 ml of Trivitim intramuscular; cows of the third group were entered CMP and Trivitim in the same doses; and the fourth group was a controlled one. On the 1-st, 7-th and 15-th days there was realized evaluation animal clinical state, hematologic and biochemical blood indexes (leukocytes; erythrocytes; hemoglobin; thrombocytes; ESR; total protein; albumins; urea; creatinine; glucose; calcium; phosphorous; magnesium; iron), and average daily milk yield. There was also analyzed the phagocytic activity of neutrophilic leukocytes. Research results showed that content of leukocytes and ESR in blood in all experimental groups was within the standard limits. In the first experimental group there was state the increasing of hemoglobin (from 91,4 +/- 4,38 up to 111,83 +/- 4,3 g/l (P less than0,05) ) and erythrocytes (from 4,48 +/- 0,21 up to 5,97 +/- 0,45 10E12/l) content. The same changes were stated in cows of the 2-d and 3-d experimental groups. Content of hemoglobin and erythrocyte in blood of cows which were administrated with CMP and Trivitim increased from 90,6 +/- 0,06 to 99,83 +/- 3,61 g/l and from 4,51 +/- 0,27 to 5,55 +/- 0,28 10E12/l, respectively. Analyze of biochemical indexes of cow blood showed that content of total protein, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron increased. On the 15-th day there was stated the decrease of urea. Research results proved that the combined application of CMP and Trivitim was efficient and prevented subclinical disorders of metabolic processes
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Местно-раздражающие свойства препаративных форм девясила высокого
Gurskaya, I.V. | Tolkach, N.G. | Gurskij, P.D., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Buzuk, G.N., Vitebsk State Medical Univ. (Belarus)
Studying of topical-product-induced irritation properties of pharmaceutical forms elecampane (Inula helenium) (herbal infusion, tincture, liquid and dry extracts) on skin integuments and conjunctiva of experimental animals (Guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus), rabbits (Oryctolagus), sheep and piglets). Research results showed that the preparative forms of elecampane had poorly expressed irritating properties after application on the skin of animals, as well as weak irritating action with the exception of the native forms of tincture and liquid extract of eye conjunctiva, that proved their total low toxic effect. Topical-product-induced irritation effect of herbal infusion (1:10), tincture and liquid extract in constitution (40 % concentration) and suspension of dry extract in strength of 10%, 15%, and 20% after the single application on skin could be referred to the I class – absence of irritating action. Topical-product-induced irritation effect of herbal infusion and liquid extract in native form (70% concentration) could be referred to the II class – light irritating action. Irritating activity of herbal infusion of eye conjunctiva was evaluated as light, as it was insignificant and short. Irritating action of suspended matter of dry extract in strength of 10%, 15%, and 20% was estimated as a limited one, which disappeared in 24 hours. Irritating action of tincture and liquid extract in constitution (40 % concentration) was evaluated as a high-grade one, which did not disappear in 24 hours. Irritating action of tincture and liquid extract in native form (70 % concentration) was evaluated as a pronounced one, which did not disappear for than 24 hours
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Острая и подострая токсичность препаративных форм девясила высокого
Gurskaya, I.V. | Tolkach, N.G. | Gurskij, P.D., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Buzuk, G.N., Vitebsk State Medical Univ. (Belarus)
Investigation of acute and subacute toxicity of formulations of elecampane (Inula helenium) (herbal infusion, tincture, liquid and dry extracts) by the example of experimental white mice of both sexes ( body weight - 18-20 g) and white rats (body weight - 180-200 g) was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. In course of studies there were analyzed behavior (excitation or depression), physical activity, habitus, appetite, degree of reaction revelation to exogenous irritants, presence of shivering, cramps, paresis, comatose state, time and character of intoxication, dates of animal death). Results of the toxicological experiments showed that the developed preparative forms of elecampane could be referred to the substance hazard category 4, i.e. low-hazardous substances (lethal dose (LD) sub(50) more than 5000 mg/kg live weight). Median lethal dose of tincture was 14043 mg/kg for mice and 12684 mg/kg for rats. Median lethal dose of liquid extract was 13230 mg/kg for mice and 12285 mg/kg for rats
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Взаимосвязь обмена веществ у супоросных свиноматок и полученного от них потомства
Kovalenok, Yu.K. | Nikolaenko, S.A., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Determination of possible relations between some metabolic activity indexes of Large White pregnant sows (with various pregnancy stages) and their offspring was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. In the experimental animals there was taken blood for hematologic and biochemical tests. In peripheral blood there was analyzed the average content of hemoglobin, total number of erythrocytes, leukocytes, thrombocytes and corpuscular volume. Content of total protein, albuminolesterin, concentration total kalium and nonorganic phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, activity of alanine- and aspartate transaminase were evaluated in blood serum. Blood tests were made on 84th day of pregnancy, in 30 days before farrowing, on the 2-nd lactation day and on the 2-nd and 35-th days of piglet life. Research results showed high degree of persistence of iron and zinc deficiency of pregnant sows in the conditions of modern national swine production. The obtained results proved the presence of close relationship between metabolic processes of sows and piglets that was revealed in low degree of stores supply with elements which had been in deficit for their mothers
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