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Воспроиводительные качества свиноматок белорусской мясной породы и ландрас
Yatusevich, V.P., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there were analyzed productivity indexes of sows of different families and family groups and their compatibility with male pigs of different lines of Belarusian meaty breed and Landras. On the basis of the realized research it was marked, that according to the number of piglets in a litter and multiple pregnancy distinctions between breeding sows of Landras breed and Belarusian meaty there was not observed. From sows of both breeds in average per farrowing there was obtain 11,0 - 11,2 piglets, including 10,4 - 10,5 live piglets, that exceeded requirements of the first class of the instruction on evaluation of pigs on 4,0 - 5,0%. At the same time, sows of the Belarusian meaty breed had litter weight at weaning in 40 days of 104 kg, that was authentically higher on 8 kg or on 8,3% (Р less than 0,001), than sows of Landras breed. In each breed there were some distinctions in sow productivity by families and in breeding with boars of different lines.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Получение иммуноглобулина против сальмонеллеза животных
Medvedev, A.P. | Darovskikh, S.V. | Korochkin, R.B., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was developed and a simple and applicable for industrial production method of immunoglobulin production against animal salmonellosis. The following initial raw materials were used for production of the specific immunoglobulin: blood serum of bulls which were hyperimmunized with formolated antigen on the basis of four serovars: S. typimurium; S. abortusovis; S. dublin; S. choleraesuis. In course of the study there were analyzed chemical and biological indexes of immunoglobulin of experimemtal series; determination of the preparation doses for white mice and pigeons. The experimental work on production of immunoglobulin against salmonellosis made it possible to develop a technological scheme of the analyzed preparation production. In course of the experiment there were found optimal conditions for serum fractionation; there were developed methods of its conservation, sterilization and quality control of the specific immunoglobulin.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Культивирование пастерелл различными способами и их биологические свойства
Medvedev, A.P. | Koshnerova, L.A. | Gvozdev, S.N., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was realized a cultivation of pasteurellas by different methods in Hottinger broth in 37 deg C temperature in course of 24 hours. Tissue culture properties were studied in accordance with the character of bacteria growth in liquid nutritive media and at the agar surface. Research results showed that in 7 hours after cultivation in media with application of shuttel apparatus and addition of glucose it was possible to obtain the highest quantity of viable pasteurellas with a high degree of virulence. The obtained culture on the basis of obtained results was proposed to be used for the production of virulence antigen.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Фауна пресноводных моллюсков естественных озер белорусского Поозерья и их роль в распространении гельминтов водоплавающих птиц
Subbotin, A.M. | Kukar, D.V. | Bratuskina, E.L., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Development of scientifically based activities for rehabilitation of waterfowl (ducks) against helminthoses on the territory of the Republic of Belarus was realized. In course of the study there were analyzed fauna of helminthes and revelation of the main ways of their circulation in environment conditions; expansion and species composition of mollusks of Belarusian Poozerye; determination of species composition of metacercaria revealed in mollusks. In course of determination of intermediate and additional hosts of helminth infestation of ducks it was noted that the main carriers of larval stages of helminthes in ducks were the following species of frash-water mollusks: Vivaparus contectus; Vivaparus vivaparus; Galba palustris; Radix ovata; Radix auricularia; Sphaerium subsolidum; Bithynia tentaculata; Planorbis carinatus; Planorbis planorbis; Coretus corneus. In the studied samples there were revealed metacercaria of Echinostoma revolutum; Hypoderaeum conoideum; Cataropis verrucosa; Echinostoma dietsi. Assumption that some representatives of molluscum (Viviparus contectus; Viviparus viviparus; Planorbis planorbis) were the transport hosts for echinostomiasis was not proved.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Ассоциативные паразитозы желудочно-кишечного тракта свиней, их влияние на кишечный микробиоценоз
Yatusevich, A.I. | Subbotina, I.A. | Subbotin, A.M. | Demidov, A.M., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was studied the propagation of associative parasitic diseases of swine of different age-specific groups, as well as their influence on composition of microbial flora of large intestinal tract. As a result of realized studies in different age-sex groups of pigs there were revealed some monoinfections (A. suum; T. suis; Eimeria sp.) and associations (A. sum; T. suis; Eimeria sp.; Oesophagostomum dendatum; B. coli) in different ratio (depending on sex and age-specific groups). There were revealed a certain peculiar features in changing of microbiocenosis of large intestinal tract of swine under the influence of parasitic agents (namely, in cases of parasitic diseases caused by A. suum; T. suis; Eimeria sp.; O. dendatum; B. coli both in the form of mono infestations and in associations). These features were expressed by lowering of standard flora quantity (bifid bacterium and lactic acid bacillus) with a simultaneous increasing of the content of opportunistic coliform bacillus, aerobic bacteria, bacilli, and micromycetes.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Метаболические нарушения при полигипомикроэлементозе коров и их влияние на клинический статус новорожденных телят
Grigorchik, M.M. | Abramov, S.S. | Petrovskij, S.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was analyzed the metabolic status of cows in the finishing period of pregnancy, as well as influence of its disorders on clinical status and breeding and economic indexes of new-born calves. Research results showed in pregnant cows in interlactation period there was stated the development of subclinical poly-hyper trace element deficiencies. There was realized the analysis of indexes of trace elements metabolism in cow blood; blood indexes characterizing protein metabolism; as well as biochemical blood indexes characterizing the carbohydrate metabolism and functional state of liver and kidneys. In the conditions of subclinical poly-hyper trace element deficiencies of cows there were revealed the biochemical changes which showed the lowering of the functional activity of liver and intoxication. Economic and clinical indexes of calf crop were analyzed. Research results showed that in calves (obtained from cows with trace element deficiencies) in an early extrauterine life there statedthe development of a toxic form of dyspeptic disorder which was accompanied with high degree of young stock death.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Сабельник болотный (Comarum palustre) и применение его в ветеринарной практике
Titovich, L.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was studied the propagation, botanical characteristic, chemical composition and pharmacological properties of marsh cinquefoil (Comarum palustre) and its application in the veterinary practice against strongylatosis (Strongylata) of gastrointestinal system of cattle young stock. Reserch results showed that the perennial herbage plant marsh cinquefoil from Rosales (Rosaceae) family possessed different therapeutic properties: antipyretic agent; styptic agent; diuretic agent; bonding agent; wound healing substance; tonic agent; promotoring agent. Research results showed that the preparative forms (broth; liqueur; liquid juice; powder) of marsh cinquefoil possessed an active agent proanthocyanidin, a condensed tanning substance which were included into composition of a polyphenolic complex and proved to be efficient for treatment of cattle young stock strongylatosis.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Переваримость питательных веществ и обмен энергии у молодняка крупного рогатого скота в зависимости от кормового фактора
Lemeshevskij, V.O., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there were analyzed the efficiency of 13-18-month old young stock of cattle bred for meat in the conditions of various energy value nutrition levels with the determination of nutrients intake of a diet. It was established that use of rations with various level of metabolic energy and protein breakage rendered the positive influence on nutrient digestibility of rations. This made it possible to improve the digestibility of dry and organic substances, nitrogen-free extractive substances and fibre at the bull calves which were fed with 63% of cleavable protein, as well as to increase the metabolic energy up to 10% in the ration, surpassing the control indexes respectively on 3.1; 2.5; 2.8; and 2.9 items. Adjournment from the acquired nitrogen considerably increased and made up to 64-70%. Productivity of fattening young cattle stock made it possible to obtain 977.7-1011.0 gram of live weight gain. As a result, the growth energy was stated at the level of 15,90-17,33 МJ in the conditions of conversion of metabolic energy into growth of 13,81-14,26% and expenses of metabolic energy of the ration per 1 MJ in live weight gain of 4,72-5,46 MJ.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Эффективность использования различных доз селена в составе комбикорма КР-2 для бычков
Radchikov, V.F., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus) | Gurin, V.K., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus) | Kononenko, S.I., North Caucasus Research Institute of Animal Husbandry (Russian Federation) | Bukas, V.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Lyundyshev, V.A., Belarus State Academy of Agriculture, Gorki (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there were analyzed the doses and efficiency of application of selenium in composition of a mixed fodder KP-2 in diets of bull calves of at their breeding for meat. In course of the study the was developed a formula of a mixed fodder with various doses (0,1; 0,2; 0,3 mg per 1 kg of a dry matter of a ration) of selenium; there was studied the influence of different selenium doses in mixed fodders on palatability of diets, their digestibility, use of nutritive elements and hematological indexes of animals. Also, there was analyzed the influence of different doses of selenium on bull calves growing intensity. There was given the zootechnical and economic evaluation of usage of selenium for bull calves. Selenium dose of 0.2 milligram per 1 kilogram of dry matter proved to be the most efficient and promoted the increasing of average daily body weight gain on 10.9%.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Ферментный спектр поджелудочной железы, печени и сыворотки крови ремонтного молодняка кур, вакцинированного против болезни Ньюкасла
Sobolev, D.T., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was studied the activity of alaninaminotranspherase (AIT) and aspartate aminotransferases (AsT), alkaline phosphatase, lactic dehydrogenase, cholinesterase, alpha amylase in blood serum, liver and pancreas of 130-158-day old replacement chicks vaccinated against Newcastle disease. Research results showed that the most essential changes were observed from such enzymes, as AsT and AIT. Increasing of AIT activity in a liver, pancreas and blood serum of immunized hens was stated on the seventh day after vaccine administration. Character of changes can testify both the increasing of synthesis of the mentioned enzymes, and also their posttransmitting activation which took place due to intensification of transamination processes. Changes of activity of alkaline phosphatase, cholinesterase and alpha amylase were the most expressed on the 14th and 21st days of research. It was possible to assume, that there was a stimulation of synthetic function of hepatocytes under the influence of the vaccine. It was possibly the decreasing of enzymatic functions pancreas.
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