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Blood and feather concentrations of toxic elements in a Baltic and an Arctic seabird population
Fenstad, Anette A. | Bustnes, Jan O. | Lierhagen, Syverin | Gabrielsen, Kristin M. | Öst, Markus | Jaatinen, Kim | Hanssen, Sveinn A. | Moe, Børge | Jenssen, Bjørn M. | Krøkje, Åse
We report blood and feather concentrations of elements in the Baltic Sea and Arctic population of common eiders (Somateria mollissima). The endangered Baltic Sea population of eiders was demonstrably affected by element pollution in the 1990s. While blood concentrations of Hg were higher in Baltic breeding eiders, blood Se, As and Cd concentrations were higher in Arctic eiders. Blood concentrations of Pb, Cr, Zn and Cu did not differ between the two populations. While blood Pb concentrations had declined in Baltic eiders since the 1990s, Hg concentrations had not declined, and were above concentrations associated with adverse oxidative effects in other bird species. Inconsistent with blood concentrations, feather concentrations suggested that Pb, Zn, and Cd exposure was higher in Baltic eiders, and that Hg exposure was higher in Arctic eiders. Our study thus emphasizes the need for comprehensive evaluation of toxic element status, covering the annual cycle of a species.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Influence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on nitrate reduction capability in mangrove sediments
Jiang, Shan | Su, Yan | Lu, Haoliang | Jia, Hui | Liu, Jingchun | Yan, Chongling
In the present study, we investigated the influence of phenanthrene (PHE), a three-ring polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) compound, on nitrate (NO3−) reduction processes in mangrove sediments using microcosms. After 10days, nitrate/nitrite reductase activity and abundance of narG and nirS significantly decreased in the bulk sediment at both 10/50mgPHEkg−1 contamination groups. In the rhizosphere, abundance of narG, nirS and nirK markedly declined at PHE treated sediments, while the drop in reductase activity at 10mgkg−1 PHE treatment was insignificant. After 50days, apart from 10mgPhekg−1 treated bulk sediment, abundance of denitrifiers and reductase activity in all PHE spiked sediment samples significantly dropped. Therefore, the influence of PAHs on NO3− reduction capability in mangrove sediments is dependent on spiked concentration, temporal scale of exposure and interaction with roots. Generally, PAHs play an inhibitor role, slowing NO3− turnover rates, which warrant attention from coastal managers.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Petroleum hydrocarbons in a water-sediment system from Yellow River estuary and adjacent coastal area, China: Distribution pattern, risk assessment and sources
Wang, Min | Wang, Chuanyuan | Li, Yuanwei
Aliphatic hydrocarbons (AHs), biomarker and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) concentrations of surface water and sediment samples collected from Yellow River Estuary and adjacent coastal area in China were measured to determine their spatial distributions, analyze their sources and evaluate the ecological risk of PAHs in the water–sediment system. The spatial distributions of n-alkane in sediments are mainly controlled by the mixing inputs of terrigenous and marine components. In comparison with AHs, the total concentrations of Σ16PAHs in surface sediments from a transect of the offshore area were noticeably higher than that of the riverine and estuary areas. Additionally, the AHs and total PAHs concentrations all indicated an overall pattern of a seaward decrease. The PAHs concentrations during the dry season (mainly in the form of dissolved phase) were higher than that of PAHs (mainly dissolved phase and particulate phase form) in the flooding season. In comparison with global concentration levels of PAHs, the level of PAHs in suspended particulate matter and sediments from the Yellow River Estuary was lower than those from other countries, while the concentration of PAHs in the dissolved phase were in the middle range. Petroleum contamination, mainly from oil exploration and discharge of pollutants from rivers, was the main source of n-alkanes. The PAHs in the river were mostly of petrogenic origin, while those in the estuarial and marine areas originated mainly from pyrogenic sources. The results of the toxicology assessment suggested that the PAHs in sediments from Yellow River Estuary and adjacent coastal area exhibited a low potential eco-toxicological contamination level.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Anthropogenic (PBDE) and naturally-produced (MeO-PBDE) brominated compound levels in Bizerte Lagoon clams (Ruditapes decussatus): Levels and human health risk assessment
El Megdiche, Yassine | Ameur, Walid Ben | Bèchir, Hammami | Hassine, Sihem Ben | Badreddine, Barhoumi | Touil, Soufiane | Driss, Mohamed Ridha | Eljarrat, Ethel | Barceló, Damià
Information on the occurrence of organobrominated compounds in bivalves from Tunisia is scarce. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of these compounds in clams from Tunisia. The aim of this study is to measure natural and synthetic organobrominated compound concentrations and evaluate congener distribution and pollution sources in a clam species (Ruditapes decussatus) from three sites of the Bizerte Lagoon. Total synthetic organobrominated pollutant levels in clam ranged from 34.8 to 188ngg−1lw. For natural organobrominated compounds, concentrations varied from 18.2 to 49.5ngg−1lw. Total PBDE and MeO-PBDE concentrations in clams from the Bizerte Lagoon were similar or slightly lower than those reported for other species from other locations around the world. The health risks associated with the consumption of this species were assessed and posed no threat to public health concerning PBDE intakes.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Combined membrane photocatalytic ozonation and wet absorption of elemental mercury
Huang, Z.S. | Wei, Z.S. | He, Y.M. | Pei, J.L. | Xiao, X.L. | Tang, M.R. | Yu, S.
Membrane photocatalytic ozonization coupled with wet absorption offers potential for elemental mercury (Hg0) removal. This study reports on a novel FeTiO2-coated polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) wet photocatalytic membrane reactor (WPCMR) for mercury removal in flue gas. Hg0 removal efficiency in the WPCMR reached up to 93.3%. Ozone could enhance mercury oxidation in WPCMR. Wet absorption helps to increases mercury removal efficiency. FeTiO2 catalyst was synthesized by sol-gel method and characterized by XRD, FTIR, UV–Vis, XPS and SEM. XPS analysis confirmed Hg0 oxidation to divalent mercury (Hg (II)). Elemental mercury was oxidized to mercuric oxide followed by wet absorption in the presence of OH free radical and ozone. Wet photocatalytic membrane reactor and photocatalytic membrane reactor (PCMR) of elemental mercury reaction with the FeTiO2/PVDF catalyst all follow Langmuir-Hinshelwood kinetics.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Identifying the source of petroleum pollution in sediment cores of southwest of the Caspian Sea using chemical fingerprinting of aliphatic and alicyclic hydrocarbons
Shirneshan, Golshan | Bakhtiari, Alireza Riyahi | Memariani, Mahmoud
In this study, the concentration and sources of aliphatic and petroleum markers were investigated in 105 samples of Anzali, Rezvanshahr and Astara cores from the southwest of Caspian Sea. Petroleum importation was diagnosed as a main source in most depths of cores by the results of unresolved complex mixture, carbon preference index and hopanes and steranes. From the chemical diagnostic parameters, petroleum inputs in sediment of cores were determined to be different during years and the sources of hydrocarbons in some sections differed than Anzali and Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan oils. Diagenic ratios in most sediments of upper and middle sections in Astara core were determined to be highly similar to those of Azerbaijan oil, while the presence of Turkmenistan and Anzali oils were detected in a few sections of Anzali and Rezvanshahr cores and only five layers of downer section in Anzali core, respectively.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Mercury, arsenic, cadmium and lead in two commercial shark species (Sphyrna lewini and Caraharinus porosus) in Trinidad and Tobago
Mohammed, Azad | Mohammed, Terry
Sharks are long-lived apex predators which can accumulate toxic metals such as mercury and arsenic. Samples of Sphyrna lewini and Carcharinus porosus were collected from two commercial fish landing sites in Trinidad. Heavy metal concentrations were determined in the muscle, dorsal fin, vertebrae and liver using atomic absorption spectrometric. The provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI) and target hazard quotient (THQ) were determined to assess the potential health risks to consumers. Mercury levels ranged between 74–1899μg/kg in S. lewini and 67–3268μg/kg in C. porosus. Arsenic levels ranged between 144–2309μg/kg in S. lewini and 762–6155μg/kg in C. porosus. Cadmium levels generally ranged between 0.27–27.29mg/kg in S. lewini and 0.6–29.89mg/kg in C. porosus. Lead levels generally ranged between 0.14 and 208.81mg/kg in S. lewini while C. porosus levels ranged between 0.30 and 459.94mg/kg. The PTWI and THQ values suggest that consumption of these shark species can therefore be a major source of exposure to lead, cadmium, arsenic and mercury in humans and is likely to have potential health risk over long term exposure.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Spatial assessment of radiocaesium in the largest lagoon in Fukushima after the TEPCO Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station accident
Kambayashi, Shota | Zhang, Jing | Narita, Hisashi
Radionuclides deposited on land by global fallouts and nuclear power station accidents spread over coastal environments through estuarine areas connecting land to ocean. In this study, we monitored activity concentration of radiocaesium in surface sediment and re-suspended particles in Matsukawa-ura lagoon, the largest lagoon in Fukushima, after the TEPCO Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station accident. Radiocaesium distribution in surface sediment varied spatiotemporally and irregularly due to the effect of tidal waves. The effective half-life was significantly shorter than physical half-life, suggesting some system of radiocaesium discharge in the lagoon. Sediment trap observation revealed re-suspended particles from sediment were transported to the ocean. For these reasons, it is suggested that re-suspension of particles in the lagoon and their transportation to the ocean by the seawater exchange process are important processes of radiocaesium discharge. Moreover, our results show that seawater exchange process contributes to the dispersion of radiocaesium in the ocean.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]An ecotoxicological approach to evaluate the effects of tourism impacts in the Marine Protected Area of La Maddalena (Sardinia, Italy)
Moschino, V. | Schintu, M. | Marrucci, A. | Marras, B. | Nesto, N. | Da Ros, L.
In the Marine Protected Area of La Maddalena Archipelago, environmental protection rules and safeguard measures for nautical activities have helped in reducing anthropogenic pressure; however, tourism related activities remain particularly significant in summer. With the aim of evaluating their impacts, the biomarker approach using transplanted Mytilus galloprovincialis as sentinel organisms coupled with POCIS deployment was applied. Mussels, translocated to four marine areas differently impacted by tourism activities, were sampled before, during and after the tourist season. Moreover, endocrine disruptors in passive samplers POCIS and the cellular toxicity of whole POCIS extracts on mussel haemocytes were evaluated to integrate ecotoxicological information. Lysosomal biomarkers, condition index and mortality rate, as well as metals in tissues suggested an alteration of the health status of mussels transplanted to the most impacted sites. The cellular toxicity of POCIS extracts was pointed out, notwithstanding the concentrations of the examined compounds were always below the detection limits.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Human waste: An underestimated source of nutrient pollution in coastal seas of Bangladesh, India and Pakistan
Amin, Md. Nurul | Kroeze, Carolien | Strokal, Maryna
Many people practice open defecation in south Asia. As a result, lot of human waste containing nutrients such as nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) enter rivers. Rivers transport these nutrients to coastal waters, resulting in marine pollution. This source of nutrient pollution is, however, ignored in many nutrient models. We quantify nutrient export by large rivers to coastal seas of Bangladesh, India and Pakistan, and the associated eutrophication potential in 2000 and 2050. Our new estimates for N and P inputs from human waste are one to two orders of magnitude higher than earlier model calculations. This leads to higher river export of nutrients to coastal seas, increasing the risk of coastal eutrophication potential (ICEP). The newly calculated future ICEP, for instance, Godavori river is 3 times higher than according to earlier studies. Our modeling approach is simple and transparent and can easily be applied to other data-poor basins.
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