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Investigation on the distribution and fate of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoate (PFOA) in a sewage-impacted bay
Wang, Shiliang | Wang, Hui | Zhao, Wei | Cao, Yuanxin | Wan, Yi
The distribution and fate of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoate (PFOA) were investigated in the water and sediment of Bohai Bay, China, during 2011–2013. A total of 360 water samples and 60 sediment samples were collected from 20 locations. The median concentrations of PFOS and PFOA were 4.8 and 12.15 ng/L in the water, and 2.65 and 0.62 ng/g-dry in the sediment, respectively. Significant enrichment were observed for PFOS and PFOA in water of sea surface microlayer. The concentrations of these two compounds showed an apparent gradient from nearshore to offshore stations. The correlation analysis and the distribution tendencies indicated that freshwater inflowing to the bay was the main source of PFOS and PFOA. The salinity of seawater and the total organic carbon (TOC) content of sediment heavily affected the spatial distribution and the partitioning of PFOS and PFOA in the sediment-water system.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Inorganic nitrogen wet deposition: Evidence from the North-South Transect of Eastern China
Zhan, X. | Yu, G. | He, N. | Jia, B. | Zhou, M. | Wang, C. | Zhang, J. | Zhao, G. | Wang, S. | Liu, Y. | Yan, J.
We examined the spatio-temporal variation of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) deposition in eight typical forest ecosystems of Eastern China for three consecutive years. DIN deposition exhibited an increasing gradient from north to south, with N−NH4+ as the predominant contributor. DIN deposition in precipitation changed after interaction with the forest canopy, and serious ecological perturbations are expected in this region. DIN deposition presented seasonal fluctuations, which might be ascribed to agricultural activity, fossil-fuel combustion and environmental factors (i.e., wind direction, soil temperature). Notably, N fertilizer use (FN), energy consumption (E), and precipitation (P) jointly explained 84.3% of the spatial variation in DIN deposition, of which FN (27.2%) was the most important, followed by E (24.8%), and finally P (9.3%). The findings demonstrate that DIN deposition is regulated by precipitation mainly via anthropogenic N emissions, and this analysis provides decision-makers a novel view for N pollution abatement.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Using ensemble models to identify and apportion heavy metal pollution sources in agricultural soils on a local scale
This study aims to identify and apportion multi-source and multi-phase heavy metal pollution from natural and anthropogenic inputs using ensemble models that include stochastic gradient boosting (SGB) and random forest (RF) in agricultural soils on the local scale. The heavy metal pollution sources were quantitatively assessed, and the results illustrated the suitability of the ensemble models for the assessment of multi-source and multi-phase heavy metal pollution in agricultural soils on the local scale. The results of SGB and RF consistently demonstrated that anthropogenic sources contributed the most to the concentrations of Pb and Cd in agricultural soils in the study region and that SGB performed better than RF.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Relationship between trace metal concentrations in the terrestrial moss Pseudoscleropodium purum and in bulk deposition
Boquete, M.T. | Fernández, J.A. | Carballeira, A. | Aboal, J.R.
The relationship between trace metal concentrations in Pseudoscleropodium purum (Hedw.) M. Fleish. and bulk deposition (BD) was examined at 21 sites (SS) to ascertain whether the lack of correlations reported in previous studies are due to limitations in the experimental design. Thus, we implemented some improvements to it and examined the correlations in depth. We could conclude that this relationship is determined by other variables rather than by the pollutant inputs themselves (BD). Thus, whether or not moss concentrations and bulk deposition are significantly correlated will depend on the combination of the above referred factors in a given area at a given time. Therefore, P. purum in particular, and most likely native terrestrial mosses in general, are less than ideal biomonitors for yielding absolute values of atmospheric trace metal deposition. We recommend their use as qualitative indicators and the use of classical methods to obtain absolute values.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Trophic transfer of gold nanoparticles from Euglena gracilis or Chlamydomonas reinhardtii to Daphnia magna
Lee, Woo-Mi | Yoon, Sung-Ji | Shin, Yu-Jin | An, Youn-Joo
Understanding the trophic transfer of nanoparticles (NPs) is important because NPs are small enough to easily penetrate into organisms. In this study, we evaluated the trophic transfer of gold NPs (AuNPs) within the aquatic food chain. We observed AuNPs transfer from 2 species of primary producers (Chlamydomonas reinhardtii or Euglena gracilis) to the primary consumer (Daphnia magna). Also, bioaccumulation of AuNPs in E. gracilis was higher than that in C. reinhardtii. The reasons for the difference in Au accumulation may be the physical structure of these organisms, and the surface area that is available for interaction with NPs. C. reinhardtii has a cell wall that may act as a barrier to the penetration of NPs. The size of E. gracilis is larger than that of C. reinhardtii. This study demonstrates the trophic transfer of AuNPs from a general producer to a consumer in an aquatic environment.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Biocides in the Yangtze River of China: Spatiotemporal distribution, mass load and risk assessment
Liu, Wang-Rong | Zhao, Jian-Liang | Liu, You-Sheng | Chen, Zhi-Feng | Yang, Yuan-Yuan | Zhang, Qian-Qian | Ying, Guang-Guo
Nineteen biocides were investigated in the Yangtze River to understand their spatiotemporal distribution, mass loads and ecological risks. Fourteen biocides were detected, with the highest concentrations up to 166 ng/L for DEET in surface water, and 54.3 ng/g dry weight (dw) for triclocarban in sediment. The dominant biocides were DEET and methylparaben, with their detection frequencies of 100% in both phases. An estimate of 152 t/y of 14 biocides was carried by the Yangtze River to the East China Sea. The distribution of biocides in the aquatic environments was significantly correlated to Gross Domestic Product (GDP), total phosphorus (TP) and total nitrogen (TN), suggesting dominant input sources from domestic wastewater of the cities along the river. Risk assessment showed high ecological risks posed by carbendazim in both phases and by triclosan in sediment. Therefore, proper measures should be taken to reduce the input of biocides into the river systems.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Lipid-content-normalized polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the xylem of conifers can indicate historical changes in regional airborne PAHs
Kuang, Yuan-wen | Li, Jiong | Hou, En-qing
The temporal variation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) concentrations as well as the lipid content in the xylem of Masson pine trees sampled from the same site were determined and compared with the days of haze occurrence and with the historical PAHs reported in sedimentary cores. The patterns of the lipid content as well as the PAH concentrations based on the xylem dry weight (PAHs-DW) decreased from the heartwood to the sapwood. The trajectories of PAHs normalized by xylem lipid content (PAHs-LC) coincided well with the number of haze-occurred days and were partly similar with the historical changes in airborne PAHs recorded in the sedimentary cores. The results indicated that PAHs-LC in the xylem of conifers might reliably reflect the historical changes in airborne PAHs at a regional scale. The species-specificity should be addressed in the utility and application of dendrochemical monitoring on historical and comparative studies of airborne PAHs.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls in air, grass and yak butter from Namco in the central Tibetan Plateau
Wang, Chuanfei | Wang, Xiaoping | Yuan, Xiaohua | Ren, Jiao | Gong, Ping
Limited studies on bioaccumulation of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) along terrestrial food chains were conducted. The food chain air–grass–yak (butter) in the pasture region of Namco in the central Tibetan Plateau (TP) was chosen for study. The air, grass and butter POPs in the TP were at the lower end of the concentrations generally found around the globe. HCB was the main pollutant in air and butter. Besides HCB, β-HCH and p,p′-DDE were the other major compounds in butter. Along the food chain, DDTs and high molecular weight PCB-138, 153 and 180 had higher Biological Concentration Factor values. The air–butter transfer factors of POPs were derived and demonstrated the practical advantage in predicting the atmospheric OCPs and PCBs to the TP. This study sheds light on the transfer and accumulation of POPs along the terrestrial food chain of the TP.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Shifts in the metabolic function of a benthic estuarine microbial community following a single pulse exposure to silver nanoparticles
Echavarri-Bravo, Virginia | Paterson, Lynn | Aspray, Thomas J. | Porter, Joanne S. | Winson, Michael K. | Thornton, Barry | Hartl, Mark G.J.
The increasing use of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) as a biocidal agent and their potential accumulation in sediments may threaten non-target natural environmental bacterial communities. In this study a microcosm approach was established to investigate the effects of well characterized OECD AgNPs (NM-300) on the function of the bacterial community inhabiting marine estuarine sediments (salinity 31‰). The results showed that a single pulse of NM-300 AgNPs (1 mg L−1) that led to sediment concentrations below 6 mg Ag kg−1 dry weight inhibited the bacterial utilization of environmentally relevant carbon substrates. As a result, the functional diversity changed, but recovered after 120 h under the experimental conditions. This microcosm study suggests that AgNPs under environmentally relevant experimental conditions can negatively affect bacterial function and provides an insight into the understanding of the bacterial community response and resilience to AgNPs exposure, important for informing relevant regulatory measures.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Occurrence, bioaccumulation and risk assessment of dioxin-like PCBs along the Chenab river, Pakistan
Eqani, Syed Ali Musstjab Akber Shah | Cincinelli, Alessandra | Mehmood, Adeel | Malik, Riffat Naseem | Zhang, Gan
This study aimed to assess the occurrence, distribution and dietary risks of seven dl-PCBs (dioxin-like PCBs) in eleven collected fish species from Chenab river, Pakistan. ∑7dl-PCBs (ng g−1, wet weight) burden was species-specific and the maximum average concentrations were found in Mastacembelus armatus (5.43), and Rita rita (5.1). Correlation of each dl-PCBs with δ15N%, indicated a food chain accumulation process of these chemicals into Chenab river, Pakistan. Species-specific toxicity of each dl-PCBs (WHO–PCBs TEQ) was calculated and higher values were found in three carnivore fish species i.e., M. armatus (2.5 pg TEQ g−1), R. rita (2.47 pg TEQ g−1), Securicola gora (2.98 pg TEQ g−1) and herbivore fish species i.e., Cirrhinus mrigala (2.44 pg TEQ g−1). The EDI (Estimated Daily Intake) values in most cases exceeded the WHO benchmark (4 pg WHO–TEQ kg−1 bw d−1) evidencing a potential health risk for consumers via fish consumption from Chenab river.
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