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Forms - an integrated forest monitoring system in Denmark
Bastrup-Birk, A. | Johannsen, V.K. (Centre of Forest, Landscape and Planning, Hoersholm (Denmark))
A FORest Monitoring System (FORMS) has been implemented in Denmark in order to gain and deliver knowledge and information for operational and strategic decisions concerning nature and environment. FORMS integrate four national monitoring programmes. Forest condition monitoring is performed on 52 permanent plots distributed on a 16 x 16 km grid. FORMS gives a systematic and representative assessment of the resources in and development of the forests in Denmark, includes the monitoring of important processes in the forest ecosystem and follows the use of forest for recreational purposes
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Heavy metals in Hypnum cupressiforme collected in the surroundings of oil plants in Ploiesti and Slovnaft
Oprea, C. D. (FLNP, Dubna (Russia)) | Frontasyeva, M. V. | Pavlov, S. S. | Florek, M. | Mankovska, B. | Mihul, A. | Timofte, L.
The terrestrial moss Hypnum cupressiforme was collected in the surroundings of oil plant Slovnaft (Slovakia) and oil industry in Ploiesti (Romania) to monitor heavy metal atmospheric deposition. A comparative evaluation of heavy metal atmospheric deposition recorded at the two locations versus a background area in Europe as Norway is presented. The highest concentrations were observed for V, Cr, Fe, Co, Ni and As at Ploiesti and for V, Cr, Fe, Co, and Ag at Slovnaft. This moss is very useful as biomonitoring organism to indicate and characterize deposition of atmospheric pollutants nearby oil plants
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Long-term effects of pollutants on forest vegetation in Central Spis region
Mankovska, B. (Forest Research Institute, Zvolen (Slovak Republic))
Pollution problems in forest ecosystems resulting from 100 year long operation of three smelter complexes in Central Spis are reviewed. Original data are presented with respect to temporal and spatial trends of nitrogen, sulphur and heavy metal pollution, and elemental composition of individual aerosols on leaf surface. Spruce stands in Central Spis are loaded by pollutants 1.7 times more than are critical values and the highest concentrations of As, Fe, Hg, and N were found in this region. Low Tatra National Park was the cleanest region where no element maxima were found
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Progressive methods of increasing the survival of planting stock in the reforestation of localities affected by air pollutants
Tucekova, A. | Sarvas, M. (Forest Research Institute, Zvolen (Slovak Republic))
Possibilities of the use of progressive methods in artificial regeneration of areas affected by air pollutants are namely modification of soil environment, active protection of planting stock against root desiccation, use of containerized planting stock for artificial regeneration of clearings, which resulted from air pollution
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Probabilistic sampling for monitoring pollution effects on forest sites
Fattorini, L. (Universita di Siena, Siena (Italy). Dipartimento di Metodi Quantitativi) | Ferretti, M.
The present paper presents a list of probabilistic sampling procedures and subsequent statistical analysis, which may achieve this goal without a considerable increase of field effort
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Development trends of forest soils water regime under changing ecological conditions
Tuzinsky, L. (Technical University, Zvolen (Slovak Republic). Forestry Faculty)
Forest ecosystems water balance research is very complicated because of forest influence upon individual components of the water balance. Global climate changes represent a real threat for forest ecosystems. In hydric area these changes concern especially thermal balance and resulting increased evapotranspiration, time and spatial distribution of precipitation
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]The contributing role of SO2 and drought in forest decline of Austrian pine in coastal Croatia
Diminic, D. (University of Zagreb, Zagreb (Croatia). Faculty of Forestry) | Hrsovec, B. | Potocic, N.
This case study confirms the role of air pollution impact on forest susceptibility to other abiotic and biotic detrimental factors. It is however very important to take into account numerous contributing factors in order to interpret or predict the degree of damage correctly
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Monitoring of sulphur load in black pine (Pinus nigra Arn.) cultures at various distances from Plomin power plant, Istria, Croatia
Seletkovic, I. | Potocic, N. (Forest Research Institute, Jastrebarsko (Croatia))
Black pine (Pinus nigra Arn.) was chosen as bioindication species for several reasons. Black pine stands are located throughout Istria, at various distances from the above mentioned power plant. Black pine does not shed needles in the autumn, thus prolonging their exposure to sulphur dioxide emissions. Also neeedles stay on branches for several years, giving us the possibility to analyse the effect on older needles
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Assessment of exceedance of critical levels for ozone in Slovak forest ecosystems
Pavlendova, H. | Mindas, J. (Forest Research Institute, Zvolen (Slovak Republic))
For assessment of ozone risks to forests we used ozone thresholds and air quality guidelines set by several international organizations for protection of vegetation. We also used spatial modelling for estimation of basic ozone characteristics. Calculations of models were performed in the environment of the programme Idrisi 32. The spatial coverage of ozone monitoring network in the Slovak Republic has insufficient density. Ozone data come from two sources; SHMI/EMEP database of ozone concentrations from 4 monitoring stations and ozone database of FRI from 3 monitoring stations
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Impact of elevated O3 trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides MICHX.) leaf epicuticular waxes and elemental composition of leaves
Mankovska, B. (Forest Research Institute, Zvolen (Slovak Republic)) | Karnosky, D. F. | Percy, K. | Ermakova, E. | Frontasyeva, M.
Foliage of three trembling aspen clones differing in O3 tolerance from Rhinelander, Kenosha and Kalamazoo were examined for 24 elements in the year 2001 and they were analyzed by INAA at reactor IBR-2, by AAS Varian 400 and by elemental analyzer LECO SC 132 and SP 228. In the fofliage of trembling aspen we found no statistically significant difference in the concentration of 22 elements except for K and Ni between clones. For the concentrations of elements between localities we found statistically significant difference for Al, Ba, Ca, Cd, Cl, Co, Cu, La, Mo, Na, Ni, Pb, Sm, Sr and Zn
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