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The agrarian landscape and the change in its subdivision of plots
Krasinskaite, Karina | Valciukiene, Jolanta | Jukneliene, Daiva
The article presents an analysis of changes in the agrarian landscape and the subdivision of its plots, using three Lithuanian municipalities as examples (Kaunas, Trakai and Šilutė). Statistical, comparative and multicriteria analysis methods were applied in the study. It was found that in all the studied municipalities, the area of the agrarian landscape was decreasing during the study period. The largest decreasing trends were in the municipality of Šilutė district, where the area covered by agrarian landscape decreased by more than 3%. At the same time, in the municipalities of Kaunas and Trakai districts, the area of agrarian landscape decreased quite evenly and did not reach 3%. It was also found that the number of agricultural holdings also decreased: by 27% in Kaunas district municipality and by over 33% in Trakai district municipality, but the area of agricultural holdings increased in all of the studied municipalities: in Kaunas district by over 5%, in Trakai district by over 37% and in Šilutė district by over 8%. The average size of a farm in Kaunas district remained rather stable, increasing by only 1%, in Šilutė district municipality the average farm size increased by more than 71% and in Trakai district municipality the tendency was the opposite, i.e. the average farm size decreased by more than 36%. The multicriteria analysis shows that the most common factors influencing changes in the agrarian landscape and its subdivision of plots vary between municipalities, but in general the following factors influence the changes in the agrarian landscape and its subdivision of plots: the land productivity score, the number of inhabitants, the distance to the centre of the city, the average size of the farms, the number of holdings, and the amount of land area occupied by bodies of water. The information collected and the results obtained show that in the municipalities analysed, the causes of change in the agrarian landscape and its subdivision of plots have a positive impact on the sustainable development of agriculture and rural areas.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Modelling residential property values in Bida using geographic information system
Yunusa, Dauda | Jibrin Katun, Mohammed | Hauwa L., Etsu-Ndagi | Nwoye Isreal, Izuchukwu
Many studies have unveiled the importance of variation in residential property values overtime, but failed to cover different types of residential property value and location. The aim of this research is therefore to model residential property rental value in Bida from 2015 to 2020 with the aid of Geographic Information System (GIS). The study focused on the rental values of the residential property and rental value variation across space. Data collected for this paper includes residential rental values and geographic coordinates from 196 residential properties in the study area, comprising 101 one-bedroom, 80 two-bedroom and 15 three-bedroom apartments. Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) interpolation tool of ArcGIS was employed in analysing the data. It was found out that the core areas of the town commands lower rental values while the southern part of the town commands higher rental values. It was also found out that one bedroom apartment is the most dominant residential rental property followed by the two bedroom apartments and three bedroom apartments respectively. Geospatial database was produced for each model in a bid to ascertain the level of changes with time. The benefits associated with the application of GIS technology were established by this research and recommends its application to other property values modelling.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Rational use of agricultural land in Kazakhstan
Yelemessov, Serik | Zhildikbayeva, Aizhan
The purpose of the article is to consider the institutional foundations of the rational use of agricultural land in a multicultural economy. The formation of land use is faced with the acute problem of organizing a sustainable competitive land use, ensuring a high level of marketability of production and a sufficient level of profitability in conditions of the developing land market. This article discusses the rational use of agricultural land in a multicultural economy, taking into account structural and resource indicators. The efficiency of land use in farms with different land ownership depends on increasing labour productivity, strengthening the economic regime, increasing the intensification of production, using internal reserves and agricultural production opportunities, and, especially, rational use of land. The greatest efficiency of production and use of land has been achieved in large agricultural formations, where high-performance equipment is used, crop rotations are observed, and there is greater availability of credit resources, subsidies, and leasing. The monitoring data of the Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Statistics for 1.01.2020 indicate that 93.7% of peasant farms have a land area of up to 500 hectares. To the greatest extent, small-earth peasant farms have become widespread in the southern region, where the share in the total number of up to 50 hectares is 90.1%, while in the northern region only 8.1%, central — 3.9%, and western — 11.3%. In this regard, the tasks of preserving productive agricultural lands, and optimizing arable land and acreage in terms of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of land become a priority. The solution to these tasks is connected with the improvement of technologies for maintaining and increasing the bio-productivity of agricultural lands, the development of technologies for rational land management, land use, and land protection, the creation of effective organizational and legal mechanisms for managing agricultural lands, as well as the development of state monitoring of agricultural lands. Optimization of land use in farms and agricultural enterprises of based on the proposed methodology, taking into account state support measures, will create a basis for a new stage in the development of land reform and will create incentives for the effective use of agricultural land.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Assessment of rural development land use projects for farmstead site selection (Elektrėnai municipality as example)
Valciukiene, J., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania) | Sletkeviciute, G., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania)
The purpose of this article is to analyse the rural development land use projects for farmstead site selection prepared in the municipality of Elektrėnai during the period between the years of 2012 and 2016, and to determine their potential impact on the growth of built-up areas and the rational use of land. According to the survey data, it can be stated that drafting rates of rural development land use projects for farmstead site selection tend to grow especially in those municipalities that are close to Vilnius and which have a good geographical position as well as a special landscape and national cultural heritage values (Vilnius district, Trakai district and Elektrėnai district municipalities). Having carried out the agricultural land change analysis, it is noted that during the analysis period (2012 - 2016) in Elektrėnai municipality, similarly to the whole Vilnius county, land utilities structure is dominated by agricultural land, mostly arable land, but the significant trend of agricultural land reduction at the expense of the growth of built-up areas was noticed. During the analysed period the built-up areas in the municipality of Elektrėnai increased even by 6 times, and the area of agricultural land declined on average, by almost 2 percent every year. A detailed analysis of specific projects and information gathered during qualitative research suggest that the prepared rural development land use projects for farmstead site selection are not prepared for the improvement of the actual farming activity conditions in constructing farm and other buildings.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Development and usage networks of active reference stations in Ukraine
Savchuk, S., Lviv Polytechnic National Univ. (Ukraine) | Kalynych, I., Uzhhorod National Univ. (Ukraine)
The national geodetic infrastructure of Ukraine has developed rapidly into Ukrainian Coordinate Reference System UCS – 2000, a fully GNSS compatible coordinate reference system, which is realised through networks of active GNSS stations. They provide data for post processing and streamed raw data for real-time network (RTN) solutions. The RTN raw data are currently being used by both Trimble (ZAKPOS Network), Leica Geosystems (System Solutions Network) and Topcon (TNT - TPI Network) to provide independent RTN solutions. This study is the first in the public domain to evaluate the performance of RTN services in Ukraine and it is intended to provide guideline information for geo-spatial practitioners. Based on collecting RTN data at five locations and using standard observing and processing methods, an accuracy of 25 mm ±10 mm with respect to 2D coordinates and 34 mm ±14 mm with respect to the heights was achieved. The three systems were shown to be generally comparable although some initialization problems were experienced. The result has revealed expected ~2-5 cm (95%) precision for the horizontal and vertical components; however, large horizontal and vertical biases were observed, which can be as high as 8 cm.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Improvement of geoinformation technologies on the basis of spatial data
Amirzhanova, Z., Kazakh National Agrarian Univ., Almaty (Kazakhstan) | Parsova, V., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Ahmedzhanov, T., Kazakh National Agrarian Univ., Almaty (Kazakhstan) | Esimova, K., Kazakh National Agrarian Univ., Almaty (Kazakhstan)
Land management and improvement of computer technologies in land use are one of the most important tasks of the state; their effective implementation is closely linked to the widespread implementation of modern achievements of information technology. The achievement of the maximum transparency of the processes is vital in the field of geo-information and spatial data resources during increasing the reliability and manageability of the infrastructure.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Study of the natural heritage condition of the Kursiu Nerija National Park using Lidar technology (case study of Agila Dune)
Pankauskyte, D., Vytautas Magnus Univ. Agriculture Academy, Akademija, Kauno raj. (Lithuania) | Valciukiene, J., Vytautas Magnus Univ. Agriculture Academy, Akademija, Kauno raj. (Lithuania) | Kuklys, I., Klaipeda State Univ. of Applied Sciences (Lithuania) | Kukliene, L., Klaipeda State Univ. of Applied Sciences (Lithuania)
Analysis of the condition of the Agila Dune is presented in this Article. The analysis is based on data collected during accurate geodetic measurements using LIDAR technology. The current state of the Agila Dune was compared to the data of the previous year's LIDAR points in order to ensure the reliability and value of the research. In the course of the study, eleven cross sections were compared by height differences with previous year‘s measurements. The condition of the Agila Dune was found to be the worst in three cross sections. First cross section‘s erosion measured at 13,98 meters, erosion in the fifth cross section – 9.90 meters, and erosion in the eighth cross section – 11.34 meters. The main reasons for the deterioration of the natural values of the Kursiu Nerija National Park are climate, wind, high visitor flows and the persistent failure to carry out comprehensive research. Therefore, in order to preserve these unique natural values, it is important to collect large-scale and high-precision data on the status of these values, to systematize, to analyse and take appropriate protective measures.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Evaluation of the local geodetic network in Jurmala City
Celms, A., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia) | Reke, I., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia) | Brinkmanis-Brimanis, M., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia) | Pukite, V., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia)
In order to evaluate the accuracy of the local geodetic network of Jurmala City, in research, comparison of fortyseven selected polygonometry network point coordinates with the obtained data was made by performing measurements by real time cinematic (RTK) method in LatPos base station system. Points were chosen so in order to cover evenly the entire territory of the city. At present, gradual renewal and improvement of the local geodetic network takes place in Jurmala. In Jurmala City, obtaining of data by GNNS data receivers is encumbered by large density of trees. Therefore the local geodetic network in city has very important role in order to ensure performance of geodetic measurements of high quality in the territory of the city. Aim of the research is to evaluate the accuracy of the local geodetic network of Jurmala City. The following tasks have been set for achieving the aim: research of the given problem, visit of the local geodetic network points, performing control measurements, data processing and analysis.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Possibilities use to selected methods of spatial data mining in demographic data analytics
Kurowska, K., University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland). Faculty of Geodesy, Geospatial and Civil Engineering | Kietlinska, E., University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland). Faculty of Geodesy, Geospatial and Civil Engineering | Kryszk, H., University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland). Faculty of Geodesy, Geospatial and Civil Engineering
The main purpose of data mining in private and public sector institutions is to process and analyse data with the aim of generating reliable information for decision-making. Decision-making performance is determined by the availability of the relevant data and the user’s ability to adapt that data for analytical purposes. The popularity of spatial statistical tools is on the rise owing to the complexity of the analysed factors, their variation over time and their correlations with the spatial structure. Popular models should be applied in demographic analyses for the needs of the spatial planning process. The availability of high-resolution data and accurate analytical tools enhances the value of spatial analyses, and the described models can be universally applied to support the decision-making process. The aim of this study was to present the applicability of selected spatial statistical models for analysing demographic data in the planning process and to identify the main advantages of these models.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Spatial pattern of residential densification in housing submarket of a traditional urban area
Mohammed, J.K., Federal Polytechnic, Bida (Nigeria) | Sulyman, A.O., Federal Univ. of Technology, Minna (Nigeria) | Aliyu, A.A., Federal Polytechnic, Bida (Nigeria)
The study aimed at examining the spatial pattern of residential densification in housing submarkets of Bida, an ancient traditional town in Nigeria. The study adopted the 2015 standard residential density of Niger State Urban Development Board to determine the level of residential density and occupancy rates of the various submarkets of the town. The study also adopted primary method of data collection through the use of satellite images, handheld GPS and georeferencing of demarcated areas and the buildings, using point features and vector approach in ArcGIS environment to achieve the area coverage, number of buildings and buildings per hectare (ha) in the housing submarkets. The finding of the study reveals that in 2008 Town housing submarket has the highest area coverage, followed by the Project Quarters and then GRA, but in terms of residential density, four housing submarkets of Town, Rahmatu Dangana, Gbazhi and Wadata have high densities above the other seven submarkets. The study further reveals that in the year 2013, additional eight housing submarkets have high residential densities, GRA medium density while Eyagi and Prject Quarters had low densities respectively. It was therefore recommended that there is the need for rational densification (planned densification) for urban development in order to check the increasing unplanned residential density that reduces the green and open spaces in urban environment.
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