Changes in the bottom macrofauna structure invertebrata in lower course of the River Veternica [Serbia] | Промене у структури макрофауне дна инвертебрата у доњем току реке Ветернице [Србија]
Живић, Н.В., Природно-математички факултет, Косовска Митровица (Serbia) | Јовић, Ј., Природно-математички факултет, Ниш (Serbia) | Миљановић, Б., Природно-математички факултет, Нови Сад (Serbia)
Research macroinvertebrates in the lower reaches of the River Veternica was conducted during 2008 in spring and summer season on nine sites, in period of reduced outflow of water from the Lake Barje, when the water level is often reduced to the biological minimum. The presence of 91 taxa from 13 groups of macrozoobenthos was detected. Groups of Diptera, Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera were presented with 18, while Megaloptera, Plesoptera and Nematomorpha with one taxon each. The spring has been allocated 69 and 70 taxa in summer. The average was separated 17 taxa. Average number of macrozoobenthos was 1440 ind/square m per site. The few types of macroinvertebrates were very abundant at the site before the river confluence into the South Morava River. Insects made up 66.4% of the total number of individuals, especially the numerous groups of Diptera with 45.7%, while the share of the group Aquatic amounted 31%. The largest shares of the total abundance of taxa were as follows: Chironomus thumma with 28.16%, Limnedrilus hoffmeisteri with 11.2% and Tubifex tubifex with 6.89% and Caenis macrura from 5.2%. The structural parameters indicate that diversity of macrozoobenthos reduces in downstream direction, reflecting degradation of ecosystems.
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