Güncel verilerle zeytin halkalý leke hastalýðý | A review on the olive peacock spot disease with recent data
Tunç, C., TARÝÞ R and D Department, Ýzmir (Turkey) | Onoður, E., Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture, Ýzmir (Turkey). Div. of Plant Protection
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Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]anglais. This review deals with olive peacock spot disease, which is a common and important problem of olive cultivation, by considering the recent literature published in Turkey and in the world. The original findings of a Ph.D. study completed in 2012, on the prevalence of the disease in western Anatolia, varietal resistance and effectiveness of the chemicals for disease control were included and interpreted within the view of the existing literature in the present study. The review is introduced under the following titles such as the prevalence of the disease and economic importance in the world olive cultivation, taxonomy and biology of the pathogen [Spilocaea oleaginea (Cast.) Hughes], disease development and chemical and alternative control measures of the disease. Thus, it is aimed to provide up to date information for technical staff working in the field, researchers interested in this subject and olive producers wishing to learn more on this disease. The research topics related with plant protection which is currently lacking in Turkey olive cultivation are also discussed in the review. The recommendations on the renovation of technical instructions for olive integrated pest management issued by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock on the disease control were also pointed out.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Summaries (En, Tr)
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]turc. Bu derlemede, zeytin yetiþtiriciliðinin önemli bir fitopatolojik sorunu olan halkalý leke hastalýðý hakkýnda dünyada ve Türkiye'de yayýmlanmýþ en yeni literatür taranmýþ ve ayrýca, hastalýðýn Batý Anadolu'da yaygýnlýðý, çeþit dayanýklýlýðý ve kimyasal mücadelesi üzerinde elde edilen araþtýrma bulgularý da mevcut literatüre dahil edilerek bir bütün olarak yorumlanmýþtýr. Derleme, hastalýðýn yaygýnlýðý ve ekonomik önemi, etmenin [Spilocaea oleaginea (Cast.) Hughes] taksonomisi ve biyolojisi, hastalýk oluþumu ile hastalýðýn kimyasal ve alternatif kontrol tedbirleri baþlýklarý altýnda sunulmuþtur. Böylelikle, sahada çalýþan teknik elemanlara, konuya ilgi duyan araþtýrýcýlara ve hastalýk hakkýnda daha fazla bilgi edinmek isteyen zeytin üreticilerine toplu ve güncel bilgi sunulmasý amaçlanmýþtýr. Derlemede, Türkiye zeytin yetiþtiriciliðinde þu anda eksikliði duyulan bitki koruma ile ilgili araþtýrma konularýna da deðinilmiþ, T.C. Gýda Tarým ve Hayvancýlýk Bakanlýðý Zeytin Entegre Mücadele Teknik Talimatý'nda hastalýðýn mücadelesine yönelik deðiþtirilmesi gerekli hususlara da iþaret edilmiþtir.
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Cette notice bibliographique a été fournie par Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Department of Training and Publication, National AGRIS Center (Turkey)
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