AGRIS - Système international des sciences et technologies agricoles

Georgia Coastal Ecosystems site, station Georgia Coastal Ecosystem LTER Study Site 8, Alligator Creek, GA, study of animal density of Crassostrea virginica in units of numberPerMeterSquared on a yearly timescale


Kretzer, Andy | Salgado, Cristiano | University Of Houston | Sheldon, Wade | Scientific Computing Professional | Alber, Merryl | Associate Professor | Berger-Bishop, Laurel | Greene, Becky | University Of Georgia | Hardy, Dean | University Of Georgia | Helm, Ken | Hollibaugh, James | Acting Director | Lindell, Jennifer | University Of Georgia | Ecosystems, Georgia Coastal | Avitan, Josh | University Of Georgia | Ogburn, Matt | University Of Georgia | Shalack, Jacob | University Of Georgia | Bishop, Thomas Dale | Post Doctoral Associate | Palta, Monica.M | University Of Georgia | Albers, Gayle | University Of Georgia | Fenton, Leigh Jenny | University Of Georgia | McFarlin, Caroline | Graduate Student | Watkins, Monica H. | University Of Georgia | EcoTrends Project | EcoTrends Project Coordinator

Informations bibliographiques
Environmental Data Initiative
Dataset; Datapackage

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