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Revitalization of a spruce tree with typical yellowing symptoms - effects of light exposure and fertilization on biochemical, physiological and structural properties of chloroplasts. Pt.3: Functional and structural changes in the photosynthetic apparatus of yellowing spruce - no effect of Mg fertilization on chlorosis


Siefermann-Harms, D. | Boxler-Baldoma, C. | Diabate, S. | Heumann, H.G. | Hoch, R. | Nagel, E. | Pfuendel, E. | Schneckenburger, H. | Seidel, A. | Strack, S. | Trefz-Malcher, G. | Wilpert, K. von | Zeil, M.

Informations bibliographiques
FZKA-PEF-Berichte (Germany)
Numéro 142 ISSN 0948-535X
D'autres materias
Engrais magnesien; Regime lumineux; Revitalisierung; Chlorophyllfluoreszenz; Chloroplasten; Lichtexposition; Region d'altitude; 181.33; 237.419; 174.7; 424.7; Belastungsexperimente; 416.15; 161.3; Reponse de la plante; Elektronentransport; Aplicacion de abonos; Proyectos de investigacion; Abonos magnesicos; Fotosintesis; Fichte vergilbung; Mg-duengung; Bade wurtemberg; Zona de montana; Co2-stoffwechsel; (430.1-43.5); Fisiologia de la nutricion
Summaries (De, En)
12 graphs, 1 table; 24 ref.
Conference; Summary; Non-Conventional
[12th state colloquium of the PEF (Air Pollution Prevention Measures) at 12th and 13th March 1996 at the research centre in Karlsruhe], Horsch, F.Bittlingmaier, L.Filby, W.G.Fund, N.Gross, S.Kaendler, G. (comps.).- Karlsruhe (Germany), 1996. p. 135-149
12. Statuskolloquium des Projektes Europaeisches Forschungszentrum fuer Massnahmen zur Luftreinhaltung, Karlsruhe (Germany), 12-13 Mar 1996
Auteur institutionnelle
Karlruhe Univ. (Germany). Botanisches Inst.

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