Efecto de la digestión ruminal sobre la germinación de semillas leguminosas tropicales
González-García, Eliel | Hernandez, David | Carballo, Mirtha | Mendoza, Carlos
Se estudió la repuesta tres leguminosas tropicales a la digestión ruminal bajo condiciones controladas. Seempleó un diseño de bloques al azar con arreglo factorial y tres repeticiones, donde se utilizaron 6 animalesmachos bovinos, con un peso de 130 a 140 kg, a los cuales se les suministró una cantidad determinada desemilla pura germinable, de las especies Leucaena leucocephala, Centrosema pubescens y Dichrostachyscinerea (marabú). El por ciento de germinación de las diferentes especies varió después del pasaje por el tractodigestivo y se produjo un ligero aumento en el marabú y una declinación en centrosema y leucaena. El mayorpor ciento de semillas se recuperó a los 3 días pura todas las especies, sin diferir entre sí; a los 5 y 7 días elmayor por ciento se encontró en el marabú con diferencia significativa del resto (12,6 y 13,5 respectivamente).Se concluye que las especies estudiadas presentaron poco cambio al pasar a través del tracto digestivo.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The response of three tropical legumes to the ruminal digestion was studied under controlled conditions. Sixmale bovine animals with a body weight ranging between 130 and 140 kg were used in a randomized block design with three replications. Experimental bulls were offered a determined and known amount of germmable, pure seed of the following forage species; Leucaena leucocephala, Centrosema pubescens and Dichrostachys cinerea (the so-called marabú). Germination of the different species varied after passage through the digestive tract, showing a little higher increased value in the marabú seeds, whereas lower values were found in centrosema and leucaena seeds with regard to those seeds without being consumed by animals. For all species, the higher percentage of seed was recovered at three days later the day of the intake, without differences among them. At the five and seven days points, the greater recovering percentage was found in the marabú seeds, with significant differences with regard to the rest (12,6 and 13,5. respectively). It is concluded that the species studied in this experiment changed the germination percentage after passing the gastrointestinal tract of adult cattle, and that differed according to the species.
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